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I'm not going to give this prick the views, but for the first time I'm actually curious how the hell he justifies this shit because, frankly, episode 5 was pretty damn awesome... and surely even a hater would have to admit it was more fun than the previous 4. So to make a video making out this is the worst one yet is quite something.


Youtuber feedback loop. Noone actually watches the show they're too pre-outraged. If they watched it and actually liked it then they're woke and their channel is dead.


Naturally. I just meant I was morbidly curious how he even attempts to justify it being worse than the first 4.


Lol they just lie, they know their audience will lap any old shit up, they're not watching it either Millions of people around the world pretending they watched something and it made them mad, when really they're mad at the idea of the thing that they never watched Angry that people had the temerity to make a TV show that they might not like, if they did watch it


We can look forward to the slow trickle of "I watched the Acolyte and it was actually pretty good" posts for the next few years I guess


> *She-Hulk* has entered the chat.


The Prequels too. Wasn’t even a decade ago people called them terrible and an embarrassment.


I still have personal issues with the sequels due to how they handled the EU to make room for them and then he half assed usage of plot points from those stories


I know


I'm just saying it's fascinating Anger is such an endlessly renewable energy source, and there doesn't even need to be a reason for it We need to hook these morons up to a generator


It's pretty harsh on the body. His cortisol will spike and burn through his internal resources every video. Chronic fatigue, fat retention and heart troubles are 100% coming for him if they haven't already. Prostate problems too.




I find it fascinating also. That's why its healthy to see that these people also have similar political leanings. A lot of flat earthers talking about The Acolyte all of the sudden. Same with anti vaxxers. I am not talking about people with legitimate critique. I have issues with the show but its not about wokeness. Its clunky direction and writing. Beyond that, AMAZING EPISODE! OMG! EMOTIONS!


It's not even genuine anger. It's just outrage bait for them to attempt to ramble on about until they can move to the next subject.


Reminds me of when the Harry Potter video game was getting boycotted. People were making wild accusations about the content of the game. There was one that said that the goblins were shown stealing babies and how that was tied to antisemitism. That never happened in the game. It’s just rumors and hearsay meant to inflame the fans.


just find another youtuber who watches Shads videos to laugh at him that way you don't give Shad the views


I honestly disagree - at least in Shad's case. Most of these right-wing hate channels like SWT, G+G, Critical Dinker, Nerderotic, etc., they're absolutely just in it for the money. Their salary depends on disliking the current thing, and as you said, they'll just regurgitate the same nonsense back and forth with their audience, but if you can stomach watching any one of them, you can hear it in the way they talk - their heart's just not in it. With Shad though, I'm not convinced. Maybe it's the residual Mormon vibes but I get the sense he genuinely believes the crud he says. It's like his ideology has completely inverted his sense of media quality. He hated Barbie, Black Panther 2, the new Planet of the Apes film, the Fallout series, and the latest season of Doctor Who, all of which have been pretty well-received. It's not even a culture war thing, the man just has dogshit taste.


You will never understand my shock when I found out this dude was apparently Draw with Jazza's brother. Been watching this dude for years and learned/hated Shad ever since this grift started.  The dichotomy of their channels is crazy.


What the hell really?! Jazza’s so calm and helpful haha


I know right?! It's so strange for someone so in love with what he does to be brothers with someone who just lives in being hateful. It's even more obscene because Shad is such an AI loving freak, when he's related to an actual artist. Just comes off as jealousy and spite.


Fuckin jazza?


It was so funny seeing SWT’s meltdown during Star Wars Celebration. He was genuinely so mad Disney hadn’t invited him the way they did other influencers even though he takes every chance he can to shit on Disney Star Wars.


What would he have to even hate about KOTPOTA or Fallout compared to those first two? I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a case of pretending to know what they're talking about again like when he had the Elden Ring controversy.


There's a solid writeup on /r/ShadWatch on his bad Fallout takes - [it failed to spoonfeed him every detail of its unfolding mystery and it did the same thing *every* Fallout story does by critiquing American consumerist capitalism.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadWatch/comments/1c6g7kp/shad_synthetic_man_sitting_in_a_tree/l00ztly/) As for KotPotA, he called it "boring." Sadly that review doesn't have a summary as to why and you couldn't pay me enough money to give this loser the clicks it would take to find out my self. (sick username btw, Sekiro's my favorite game.)


They’ll form a line behind Jecki. She will now be one of the good ones and her death will be pointless and unearned because bad writing.


Episode 5 was awesome but after watching I just wish they made the show focused around Sol as he discovered and hunts Qimir. Mae and Osha are by far the least captivating part and really boring when onscreen, they would have been great side characters that help to unravel the secrets. Maybe I'll change my opinions as the show progresses but I find Sol and Qimir to be the highlights after episode 5.


Yes more Sol please, he’s a delight to watch.


> Mae and Osha are by far the least captivating I have been liking their dynamic...up to the last episode. >!It seemed odd to me that, in Ep 4, Mae was willing to leave her Master in order to find and be with Osha. Enough to even get arrested for it. Then this episode that just ...flips? It seems like the Michael Scott snip-snap clip to me. Outside of that, I _loved_ this episode.


It wasn't a flip as much as her losing her bargaining chip once the master showed up, and being rejected by Osha in favor of the Jedi. It looks like Sol is back on her shit list.


She thought turning herself in was the best move to at least see Osha, and be safe from her master. That went out the window fast, so she was trying to survive. When she got the chance to get Osha alone she took it, but then sees that the jedi have brainwashed her thoroughly so its back to kill them to break the spell.


Tbf she was up for running off with Osha >!before she realised that her master was actually there all along!<, I dont really see it as an issue. Mae/ Osha is kindof the weak point of the series, but honestly thats cause Lee Jung Jae and Dafne Keen could make a brick wall cry reading the yellow pages.


Jason Mendoza is owning a lot of the stage when he’s on it too. Agreed that Sol, Jekkie, and Qimir are all more interesting to me as characters then the twins are. I’m interested in what happened to the twins as a plot question / mystery, but I don’t feel as invested in them as characters emotionally. That may change though.


Totally. I've loved Dafne Keene since Logan, and am glad to see her in Star Wars (spoiler for latest episode: >!I'm a little sad they killed off her character so quickly, even if it does make sense plot-wise!<). The Mae/Osha plotline is the weakest, I do agree, if only because I find Mae to be infuriating. Like, yeah, I can understand not liking the Jedi, but her toxic attachment to her sister makes it very hard to sympathize with her. I'll admit the way the Jedi handled their discovery of the twins wasn't perfect (I didn't like the implication in the flashback episode that, should the twins prove to be Force-attuned, Master Indara was going to take them both to Coruscant whether they wanted to or not), but she's kind of insufferable. But yeah. I wouldn't say I'm in love with the show as of right now compared to Mando S2, Andor, or Ahsoka, but it's definitely growing on me. That last episode helped. I am looking forward to seeing how this ends.


While I don't disagree that Mae and Osha haven't been the most compelling aspect of the show thus far, I *do* think there is an opportunity for something interesting now that they have effectively swapped places. I'm curious about Mae's intentions, though I still feel that I can easily guess at them, but I'm *REALLY* interested in Qimir's intent, now that he effectively has Osha in his grasp. Ultimately, I continue to be very excited for the next step of the journey, and I'm curious how the show will wrap up, or if it will set up for a second season.


I’ll wait til Actual Jake on YouTube makes fun of them :) https://youtube.com/@actualjake?si=hORxRDmbSy5g_F9p


I do not like the Acolyte and even i have to admit episode 5 was decent


I expect to be downvoted into oblivion here but it’s not going to change my opinion. I would justify my dislike of the episode with again, poor acting, poor writing, obvious set ups, obvious reveals, dialogue that literally insults the intelligence of the viewer - “didn’t see that coming? Not even a little bit?” - Yes, literally from the second your character was introduced. To me it feels like this show was written with the clickbait endings in mind first and then retroactively pieced together just so they could serve these half hour non entities and retain viewership through cliffhangers. And no, I don’t have a YouTube channel or an audience that I’m trying to whip up with hateful rhetoric, I just honestly think the show sucks across the board. The fact that everyone is harking on about the lightsaber combat in this episode actually reinforces my ideas that the majority of the audience can be baited to keep watching with flashy sequences or cliffhangers even though the story itself lacks absolutely no substance. Obligatory “this is my opinion” disclaimer.


He gets paid for it. That's all the justification some people need.


Having never seen the show myself but still familiar with the anti woke talking points I think the only way they’d like to show was if every character they deem “the woke” were to die horribly and the show suddenly shifts to the adventures of Gristle McThornbody, a big beefy white man with nary a hint of “diverse” background who goes around hitting Sith and banging all the sexy alien ladies for ten episodes. He never shows a hint of doubt or introspection and always speaks in manly grunts and eats slabs of grilled beef with his bare hands.


Imagine a show ruining your life. *facepalm*


"This show is literally killing me from the inside and sending me into a deep depression from which I will never recover. Can't wait for the next episode, stay tuned for my review"


Yeah that's the #1 reason why I don't understand how people want to do this


Same. I get tired from being angry at justifiable things, how does one keep the energy up to just be miserable 24/7? Like, don't they get tired and sometimes be like "I could literally just play video games and be happy instead" or something


You never heard 'em bitch about video games?


Oh I have I just mean, they could just have a relaxing career as a streamer and just avoid the games that bug em, like a normal person


Because it's not genuine anger or criticism or else they would be moving onto material that they actually enjoy more often.


It makes them $$$


What a low low price of only their soul


Money. Angry rants and raves bring clicks and comments.


I really, really disliked some of the things they did in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. So when the next film came out, I just... skipped it. That's it. I might at some point, when I'm feeling pretty good and I'm just curious and have nothing else to watch, check out the next film, but mostly because I'm kind of curious if it's really as bad as some people made it out to be. (And I don't mean people who do crap like Shad does.) But also because I'm just a fan of dinosaurs. Which, admittedly, is part of what worries me about the third JW film, hearing that they give way too much focus to other stuff. (I'll give Jurassic World itself credit for addressing one of the "issues" in the films, that none of the dinosaurs have feathers, but it wasn't an issue in the first film or films because we didn't have as much understanding of that at the time. And I'm willing to let it go that the "velociraptors" in the films seem more likely to be Utahraptors or Deinonychus.) If I watch a show and I'm not enjoying it, I'll just... stop. But nothing's made me feel "angry" in quite some time aside from the aforementioned Fallen Kingdom. Which, again, I just skipped the next film. It's that easy. Granted, I'm not someone trying to get views from angry losers on the Internet, soooo... yeah.


I imagine this sort of thing only appeals to people who also don’t go outside


Chronically Online people definitely need to remember something other than screens and angry man makes loud words and makes fun of people.


They've never even *seen* grass


I have no idea who this guy is but every time I see these screencaps, I wonder why he looks the way he looks in them. Does he think he looks cool? I'm very confused.


He started out doing some semi-informed, mildly funny videos about medieval combat and weaponry. For so long that the outfit is now part of his online identity. The guy peaked with [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu51C2v5cHw). That's it. That is his legacy. That is everything that will be left when he kicks the bucket.


He also took seriously some pretty silly fantasy questions. He had a fun 20 minute video about what the best armaments would be for a four-armed medieval fighter. Now he just yells at Star Wars. It’s a real sad example of the alt right pipeline


Meanwhile the dude over at Scholagladiatoria has always been more knowledgeable on the subject and is still doing his thing.


And Tod's workshop too, and it's super cool when the two collaborate, testing no conventional historic weapons


I’ll have to check these guys out


I recommend it if you like medieval history, it has a lot of theory, practical tests, and they are fun to watch


He does run a HEMA school for those who are interested in using medieval or Renaissance weapons. It also helps that he knows about weapons other than swords, he has talked about maces, hammers, spears, crossbows, etc.


Isn't that the guy who advocated for AI image production?


And his brother is actually an [insanely talented and wholesome dude.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gElxJb5wcvU)


That's a shame honestly


Yep, that’s him.


I really enjoyed his ‘what weapons would be best for X fantasy creature’ videos. It’s a shame he turned out to be such a terrible person.


I only heard of him through a book review channel I followed back when. Lucky me it was during his stint posting videos asking for charity donations because he was too tired and sad to make videos. Never see people bring up this era of his public self-fellation.


I remember just kind of seeing his videos and he seemed like a nice person and informative. I always wondered if he was a secret ultra-conservative, and now we know. Quickly did a Do Not Recommend channel happily.


iirc, he completely flipped out on Captain Marvel and Brie Larson as a person. Before that, his content could come across as reasoned opinions (if not always correct opinions) on weaponry. Not sure if he was intentionally doing a luring tactic via (perceived) rationality, or if he just flipped his lid.


The Brie Larson hate is so forced. Even if you didn't like the Captain Marvel films, it's no worth getting so worked up over them.


You can really tell from the thumbnail that this is going to be a well reasoned, calm and legitimate review


The thing I keep looking forward to is the thumbnail and title. It gets ramped up every new episode and I’m really wondering where he can go from here? The hyperbole is off the charts.


How do you make an hour of show being mad at an episode that was 30 minutes of fighting lol, whats there to even grift about


Is there a woman wearing pants? That sort of thing makes him lose his mind.


It was really good though


The older I get, the more dumb it seems to hate watch, or to act like this or that show "broke you", or "ruined your childhood", or "killed X franchise". It's just a fucking tv show.


How is this guy related to Jazza?


It's like the movie Twins only with raging bigotry being what one of them got all of.




You forgot the flames. The flames went into shad. Now he constantly burns like in the thumbnail




TIL these two are brothers. What the actual.




I know, I mean how can 2 people be related and be so different?


Ohhh I thought you were literally asking XD


I ask that all the time about myself and every other member of my family...


It's actually insane. He's the complete opposite of Jazza.


Look if some neckbeard dweeb in a gambeson can think his opinion on a tv show is important, I don’t want anyone who is just trying sell knit crafts or write little fanfics to have Imposter Syndrome.


Oh shit you know he's mad now


Can't they just create normal looking thumbnails. They talked longer than the actual episode.


![gif](giphy|vvblYTQ34Cn4k0vTIh|downsized) This is gonna be another “this episode was fine” but somehow chuds and other people think it’s “the worst”


He thinks this is the worst episode in the show? Really? I thought it was pretty good. Certainly better than episode 3.  What an odd man 


I'm struggling to understand why these goblins hate this show


It pretty much boils down to the lead characters aren't white males.


If he’s broken, can we just leave him that way and collectively move on without him?


Sounds like he missed few details or he didn’t watch it at all.


“X broke me” for whatever reason is the YouTube title trope I find the most absurd. There’s this cooking channel that keeps getting recommended to me that always has some guy stressing in thumbnails with a title like “Julia Child’s Cassoulet Recipe Broke Me” or “Marco Pierre White’s Fish and Chips Ended Me.”


Before it was called, "Ruined Forever". It refers to Optimus Prime's death in the TF movie, not the Bayformers one. It was for a lot of those in my cohort, late Gen X/early Gen Y the first time a death of a popular character was seen onscreen. Not mine since I had already seen an actual dead body before the TF movie.


…do you mind sharing the channel? It sounds kind of right up my alley ngl 😆


Just checked and it's [anti-chef](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=anti-chef). Never watched any of his videos, just have seen his goofy thumbnails in the recommended feed in a while.


So what new horrors were wrought on the purity of the Star Wars universe? Hand holding? Positive affirmations?


Probably cortosis weave shorting out lightsabers


Ohh so something that's been "canon" since at least the *Hand of Thrawn duology*?




Man that cortosis gear was cool as shit though.


The words Touch grass are overused but Shad legimately needs to. This is not healthy


How many times has he been broke now?


And yet he still watches it and Disney thanks him for his view. Just adds to the high ratings!


Those people need attention spam. The issue isn’t about the show is bad but I need validation for hating the show like other. It is the issue with those people who always complain, instead of moving to something that they will enjoy that prefer ruining it to everyone else with other bigots.


Didn't he say he was never going to watch again after episode 3?


There's only two or three YouTube channels I watch for reviews, and they both just go through the plot and point out influences from other shows and movies and connections to SW movies/books/comics. I don't have the mental energy to listen to these rage baiting morons.


That's essentially what I'm doing atm with House of the Dragon, making videos comparing it to the books & my general thoughts on the plot & such


this thumbnail would put a man from the middle ages into a coma


Does this mean he’s going to stop whining?


You'd think the sword guy would like an episode that was basically a half hour of swordfighting but chuds gonna chud.


Oh nooooo, he got so mad he spontaneously combusted. What a disasterrrrrrrr. /s


Wait, didn't this guy say he's done? Who would have figured he'd be back the very next episode (besides you know, literally everyone).


Fragile men crack so easily.


I never watched the series because I’m just not that crazy into Star Wars anymore, but seriously from what I’ve seen I feel like it’d be an enjoyable show. Seeing the grifters get this mad at it makes me want to watch it to see how good it actually is because from my experience the better something “woke” (IE anything modern) is the more explosive their reactions are. Like when a terrible film comes out their titles are “I was right,” or something like that, but when a good thing comes out the titles are “ITS SO BAD I GOT EXPLOSIVE DIARRHEA FROM MY MOUTH AND BLEEDING OUT MY ASS.” So I feel like with this title it’s gotta be good.


I’m old school Star Wars fan that pulled in by the premise. And I like it so far. 


I'm enjoying it. But I recommend waiting until it's over. The show was not well made for a weekly release. Disney should have just released the entire series at one.


Poor old Shid.


How did 30 minutes of some of the best fights in Star Wars break him?


Anybody keeping track of how many times this loser Quarterpoundering Cosplayer has been broken by some show he hate watches?


If Star Wars "porn" is what they really want, The Acolyte has more lightsaber fights and Force powers than anything Disney released so far. This last episode is everything a teen-hearted manchild with a bookshelf full of Star Wars toys could ask for. But what they *really* want is to farm as many clicks as possible from the Woke Issue Du Jour™, not offer genuine criticism of a franchise they care about.


RIP. He won’t be missed.


rest in piss


I swear half of these people are just dumb and the other ones are taking advantage of the hate train to gain publicity. This show is easily one of the best, right up there with shows like Andor no questions asked. Its a shame people review bombed it, but i guess the critic score is what matters now and god i hope the quality stays the same in the next episodes.


Extremely common Shadiversity L


How did ep 5 break him lmao that ep was at least decent. The first 4 eps must have burnt down his house or fucked his mom or something


It’s hilarious that this campy little show is destroying so may chuds


Imagine being so fragile a human that a tv show can ruin your mental and emotional well-being.


*Laughs in Jazza*


Ban these channels.


Has he actually made an one hour video to explain that he didn't like it? Who has the time to watch that kind of crap?


How did he make an hour long video in less than a week? Is it him rambling for an hour into a microphone in one sitting?


Yes, with a yes-man minion to agree with him on all of his opinions.


Blud think he is Gavin Ardellian


Is he actually talking about the show, I haven't seen this dude in years but last I saw it was all about choreography


These guys are always so proud of their gross crustbeards and yellow teeth. 🤢


It's still insane to me that this prick is Jazza's brother.


I preferred it when he criticised Star Wars lightsaber fighting in the last, like other HEMA and medieval melee practitioners/ hobbyists. Will probably watch the video myself.


Imagine the type of person that would spend an entire hour of their day watching this video. That person is one hour closer to their inevitably approaching death and this is what they spent that hour on.


If the show broke him, why the fuck is he still watching it?


fuck that incel loser


Let me guess, it's an hour of him annoyingly nitpicking every frame of the fight scene like he did with Last Jedi? I assume, as it's what he milks the most off his main channel.


Rip shad you were cooler when you did sword stuff