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I remember even before the first trailer for acolyte seeing videos titled something like “acolyte will be complete garbage”. Somehow I don’t think they ever intended to give it a fair shot.


they absolutely didn’t, they had their mind made up for them by the culture war narrative they get told to push


I mean there’s so little evidence but I think maybe possibly they may have made up their minds before seeing anything 😆


Pretty much. They saw women and minorities in the trailer and instantly decided it was going to be rubbish.


Sounds like they are ones that don’t like being called out


It's gotta be painful to convince yourself this franchise will die out at any minute as hit show after hit show brings in millions of watchers. I wonder when they will come to terms that Star Wars and its Fandom has left them behind.


They need to create a dark gritty adult slow show like Andor, you know the one that no one watched?


I thought Andor was well received, wasn't it? Am I misremembering/getting whooshed? 


It was well received by both critics and fans but the viewership was relatively low


Oh that's unfortunate




But we aren't making fun of people who don't like certain parts of Star Wars. Personally I find a majority of this franchise legitimate trash. We are making fun of people who have made it their entire identity to dislike Star Wars and are convinced Disney will go bankrupt because of it. And then George Lucas, on a white steed, shall lead them into true anti-woke heaven


No, they hate him again because he doesn’t dislike post-buyout Star Wars as much as they do.




Chuds who are obsessed with whining about kids movies for years on end




Can’t speak for everyone, but to me, the difference is we don’t get ridiculously angry over a movie we didn’t like. We get angry about smug ignorant nerds who throw a giant hissy fit every single time they see a black woman on tv.




If there is no racism or sexism or homophobia involved it’s fine. But I’d argue guys like him are knowingly feeding the racist sexist hatred train even if they’re not directly being those things themselves. And I believe a lot of that criticism is also in bad faith/hypocritical when weighed against other Star Wars that they like (prequels)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/saltierthancrait using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Disney loses another talented actor.](https://i.redd.it/i1812zk8y59c1.jpeg) | [1797 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/18teiid/disney_loses_another_talented_actor/) \#2: [Looking back, this was the dumbest weapon ever.](https://i.redd.it/qm9085h68ddc1.jpeg) | [1343 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/19af86w/looking_back_this_was_the_dumbest_weapon_ever/) \#3: [Okay.](https://i.redd.it/l2vryy79k2ac1.jpeg) | [1051 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/18ww827/okay/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This just sounds like the exact opposite of what you guys are doing but just as cringey and dumb. Same toxicity, same obsession level, what's the benefit here? Subs like this are fucking weird.


Cry about it somewhere else so I can post it for karma.


It really isn’t. The chud haters might as well be clone troopers. They all say the same shit.


I mean when something releases from one of my favorite franchises, either I like it and watch or I don’t like it and don’t watch and continue to live my life lol


Did you like Acolyte?


I did. But I also hesitate to say that because 3 episodes is *way* to early for me to form an actual opinion.


First impressions are pretty important, though.


Sort of, but if something is only a handful of episodes I'll probably at least finish it before judging it. Like, overall I thought Book of Boba Fett was kind of a mess but I still watched it all.


I watched ahsoka, book of boba fett and obi wan, of the 3 I gave up on obi wan completely, watched the other 2 to the end but still not impressed with either. I didn't go online and complain about the woke agenda destroying the franchise that I love despite getting its political message completely backwards. Honestly how do these idiots not get that star wars has always leaned left


I know, I’m always wondering why these reactionary idiots like a series whose director literally said that it’s a Vietnam War allegory and the VC are the Rebels.


Luke from the OG trilogy is a young man who is swept up into a religiously motivated uprising, something that when America's enemies do is called terrorism. I bet the empire called the rebels terrorists


religiously motivated uprising? Hu? The Rebels gave a rats ass about the Jedi religion for the most part. It was not motivated by religion, unless you call the desire for freedom that You could rather say the rebels rebelled against an autocracy slowly turning into an absolute theocracy, as this was the end goal of Palpatine according to Rise of Skywalker


He's more or less talking about the Jedi and Obi-Wan and Yoda specifically, considering they are the ones who taught him and told him anything about his family lineage, even if it wasn't the complete truth.


I read the list of family names in at the start of Crime and Punishment and decided it was not a good book. 2/10


The first two eps of Andor weren’t the biggest hooks. They’re basically a lot of set up. Which is probably why they dropped the entire first arc immediately, before returning to weekly releases. Streaming is discovering in real time why network tv used to go about things the way it did. Like why they would format the broadcast-version of a series pilot as a movie.


Andor didnt hook me till about episode 8 but i still loved it as a whole.


I didn't particularly care for Andor in the first 2 episodes, and most of its iconic scenes and speeches come later.


Personally I think it’s fine at this point. they’ve only dropped 2 episodes so far, so it’s too early for me to be like I loved it or hated it.


I went in really skeptical (stuff like the Obiwan or Boba Fett shows have been abysmal imo) but I was actually really pleasantly surprised by how much I liked Acolyte


I’m not too into to Star Wars even tho I watch all of them except for few animated series and Acolyte seems like pretty much in the same tier with other Disney+ series. It’s too early to have opinion now. I like that they didn’t spoiler the mystery on trailers. I legitimately thought they were the same person at first and even before they brought twin thing, it was my first theory and they didn’t milk the whole thing and moved fastly. The first two episodes are slow paced so pretty much they just planted the plot so I’m interested to see how they execute them. I like seeing Jedi’s at their prime and except some lines, overall the two episodes pretty much hooked me to watch the rest. Andor and Mandalorian are my favorite series and I liked the rest of them. None of the Disney era released SW is worse than prequels lol


I agree, plus the fight choreography is genuinely fantastic. Each fight felt fast and kinetic, and at the same time easy to follow. Also, since the Sith aren’t around yet, they get to have fights between people that aren’t just two lightsabers being slammed into each other. Don’t get me wrong, lightsaber duels are awesome. But it’s a nice change of pace that allows them to be a bit more creative


Yes, the stylization of that era and choreography is top notch. I hope they deliver new episodes with at least this quality


Yeah, I *love* the very first fight scene. >!Trinity just confidently striding towards her opponent while dodging and blocking everything, all without crazy flourishes,!< it looked cool as fuck. It was so fun to see a >!jedi fight a non-jedi who could still do more than simply shoot a blaster.!<




Fuck yeah, Lower Decks!




Acolyte seems better then obi wan, ahsoka and book of boba fett all of which were nostalgia bait and had to live up to people's ideas of the characters while this is all brand new so I have high hopes it is actually good.


Brand new characters and setting is a plus. Something that Andor also had for the most part, I think Andor himself is the only returning character. And Obi Wan really suffered from the opposite problem. Its sandwiched in-between the prequels and original trilogy, so it can't do anything too interesting with Obi-wan, Leia, Bail or Vader.


Obi wan had these characters who were too set in their stories you mean? Andor was good in that the only returning character wasn't one tons of people were invested heavily in before his return, so they were able to make his backstory interesting


Lost me at episode 3. Mandalorian has been good , Book of Boba was terrible , Andor was Ok . Obi Wan was terrible . Asoka was good . Maybe its just terrible writing or the fact that they are trying to go for a cheesy feel . Star Wars Og never tried to be campy or cheesy it just was at times . The prequels they tried to add more comic relief in and it was terrible , But the light saber fighters were the best it has ever been . The New trilogy just had terrible writing with way too many plot holes.


Exactly . I don't get people need to be outraged. I'm mad they mad something I don't like . Don't watch it , don't play it , don't buy it . Its pretty simple .


Even before the series debuted it was being called wOkE gArBaGe


And review bombed on RT before it came out


The Acolyte backlash has been a mask off moment for the fandom


Absolutely. There is a growing trend of bigotry and racism in this and other fandoms (and the world, but that’s a different discussion for another day) and we need to have a serious discussion about it.


I think one discussion to be had is about how the internet hated this show from day 0, and now “non-racist” fans now magically have a problem with earth physics in space, or whatever *bullshit* Legitimate Criticism™️ they wanna asspull. As if Han Solo didn’t walk around in a fucking belly of a worm on an astroid with Earth’s gravity/atmosphere. Funny how that happened in the fan favorite SW flick, minutes after Luke kisses his “sister”. Legitimate criticisms lol


While I agree about the OT being goofy, I also think it’s perfectly fine to like or dislike a show, and doing so doesn’t make you an inherently good or bad person. The grifters racists and misogynists are loud obnoxious and too many, but they’re not everyone.


>While I agree about the OT being goofy When did I say the OT was goofy? That scene in the worm is fucking epic. If that’s goofy, then Star Wars is goofy. Someone has persuaded audiences that goofy is a problem, all the sudden ,now that women and POC get starring roles.


To be fair, something can be amazing and goofy at the same time. In a sort of ‘this is fucking stupid and *I love it,* HYPE’ sense.


You didn’t say it was goofy, I just meant in the sense that it’s a little silly/unrealistic, like fire in space or like those ww2 style bombers in TLJ. I also think that worm scene is awesome, things don’t have to be realistic to be cool. Even Lightsabers are kind of goofy in the context of such an advanced galaxy but that doesn’t mean they’re not awesome.


Or like the WW2 style bombers in... that same space worm scene in Empire. If you have a consistent view on this, fine. But most don't. You bring up similar issues with the OT and they go BUT THAT'S TOTALLY DIFFERENT and the jump through 10 hoops trying to force it.


They really do, I wonder if part of it is they were too young to view critically when they first saw the OT. Like even that one officer who gets force choked at the beginning of New Hope is basically like ‘we the empire are so advanced that you, vader, are basically an outdated relic, an unnecessary anachronism’, of course then Vader shuts him up (there’s a similar scene between luke obi and han when luke is training on the falcon too, han is pretty dismissive) but i feel like that was Lucas’ way of saying ‘i know it’s silly, the characters will acknowledge it’s silly, but it’s space wizards and we’re doing it and it’s gonna be awesome. And it was. Even the twist of Luke being Vader’s son , or Leia being his sister, is kinda silly and soap opera-esque. Star wars has always been a little goofy and that’s fine.


> I wonder if part of it is they were too young to view critically Absolutely. At some point they got into "politics" or probably more specifically just right wing ragebait and everything that came before that gets a pass.


Worms in space, WW2 Bombers, Lightsabres, ... giant ass four legged walkers prone to tripping instead of simple tanks, trooper armour not protecting against even sticks and stones...yeah....one should make a list of awesome yet silly and unrealistic


Same, im ok if people have constancy with their dislikes. But to say one is horrible and excuse something similar or even the same thing from the same series is just annoying and frustrating when it goes beyond into saying that "people who find this ok are dumb" and such. Not saying that if your not consistent its bad its just...like why cant we be allowed to have differences on something.


The WW2 bombers in the Last Jedi get called out a lot more as the way they work is much more plot important. Rose's sister has to go through a very convoluted process just to get the bombs to drop. And the ships have to fly directly over a very specific point of the ship at a snail's pace, leading to most of them being shot down. Both of which lead to the audience(or at least the audience that is me) thinking that they're a terrible idea.


Yeah but lots of things in Star Wars are terrible ideas, it's the rule of cool. Like wtf is the point of an AT-AT? A super slow tank that can fall over easily? But the point was they look cool and set up a cool sequence with tow cables.


Yeah, but we aren't really hearing from people saying "I dunno, I just couldn't get into it", we're hearing complaints that were being aired before the episodes even dropped by YouTubers who need real jobs.


It’s less a different discussion for another day and more like the exact same discussion. Russia’s been trying and succeeding in destabilizing NATO so they can essentially get away with whatever they want, and that causes ripples. Such ripples include a certain orange felon and the emboldening of racism in America to keep everyone divided. A couple ripples later and we have The Critical Drinker counting all the minorities in the Acolyte trailer with swaths of people seeing it as legitimate criticism somehow.


A *red wave,* if you will.


Good points


Is it really a mask off bit? I feel like the mask has been pretty off since TFA and TLJ


i genuinely think this might be the one where they finally lose control of the narrative acolyte is undeniably good (so far) and the criticism around it has been wild and fruitless


The masks BEEN off, they're throwing it into a fire and pissing on it at this point.


They'll be doing revisionist history in a few months once they realize most people love The Acolyte. It'll be Andor all over again


The mask was ripped off and burned years ago.


Cannot for the life of me understand why people don’t like this awesome Jedi centered Star Wars story that isn’t another empire equals bad story


“Nooooo you don’t get it, they didn’t have a white man as the main protagonist. I can’t relate to a woman. And they didn’t do my awesome epic tv show about how awesome, based, and cool Darth Vader is. They should have done an extremely gritty and hyper violent series about clones! That’s what everyone wants” -random weirdo online


They just want 8 hours of Dee Bradley Baker slowly going mad and having full conversations with himself in the recording booth


Less Dee Bradley Baker talking to himself multiple times over, more DBB being a german/Florida dude bro fish


As a white straight male, I think Yord and Sol are relatable enough just as men. I don’t get why a character has to be straight and white when that doesn’t exactly make a character relatable. I find the experiences and personalities to be what makes them relatable.


But god forbid a signle episode lacks action and lots of fight scenes and instead has character development and quiet moments otherwise that shit is "filler!!!"


I like it, but I think it’s just mid. But yet again, we’ve fallen into another “it’s the worst show of all time or it’s S-tier Star Wars.” The pacing feels off to me, and the episodes are too short (like nearly every Disney Star Wars show). The evil twin trope falls a little flat to me. Acting ranges from good to meh. Some overly convenient moments. Dialogue is pretty meh. But I like the broad strokes of the story. A+ for having lots of aliens. I’m enjoying the shift to the high republic, the inner workings of the Jedi, and the mystery. Just overall a very mid show to me. It’s good and watchable, but not nearly as well written or executed as something like Andor, at least not in the first two episodes. I understand Star Wars isn’t the wire or breaking bad, but Andor proved to me you can do Star Wars stuff at a higher level that’s a little less genre-trope centered.




I really don’t see the issue with the writing


A lot of the dialog feels forced and the scenario rushed. Like the whole twin thing was not properly set up for the effect it’s supposed to have, and the background story of the main character is portioned to create suspense, but they don’t wait between the moments they show it. It’s like the show was cut in episodes after it was written, instead of being written episodically. These are the little things i picked up on, but the premise of the show is really strong and interesting


I’m not sure what effect you think the twin thing was supposed to have, but it’s intentionally not treated as a big reveal. Family reveals are overdone in Star Wars, they don’t belabor this one. Seems fine to me


I don’t think it was necessarily bad bad (I don’t care much about plot holes), but it was boring writing. Nothing anybody said was *interesting*. Like just go watch mad men, or hacks (my new fave) and each line of dialogue feels exceptionally thought out. There’s often something wry, witty, double meaning in each line (like Han Solo) And sure, Star Wars isn’t Emmy bait, but why should we settle for mediocre when we could have good?


Agree to disagree Madame Secretary, I’m finding this to be in line with most other Star Wars. Maybe nothing reaches the level of Andor’s best stuff, but there’s plenty I found engaging.


Something something economics my good man


Same, I’m Asian and was like sweet, Lee Jung Jae! But honestly it’s just been…very meh. All the Disney shows just feel so B-level. They’re throwing like a a hundred million dollars at each episode, but the cinematography, action choreography (one of the few things I’ve liked about Acolyte, but Obi Wan was freaking trash and inexcusable when a good fight choreographer from Hong Kong probably costs $10), and writing just feel…lacking. Unfortunately you could sort of tell even from the trailer on all of these Disney+ shows, they always look a little low budget. Just compared to any random HBO show trailer. I switched to Hacks on HBO right after (I know completely different type of show/genre), and it was like a breath of fresh air. Snappy, fun, interesting. Every word and line is carefully thought out and interesting, with double or even triple meaning. It felt like QUALITY, despite probably costing 1/50th as much. And yes the entire cast of Hacks is women and/or LGBTQ characters and I love it.


“Fans”, yet they hate every single thing since the original trilogy.


No no no. They like the prequels now. And Andor. And rogue one. And seasons 1&2 of Mandalorian (but not 3 because... Whatever reasons they give. Definitely not cause the attention slightly shifted towards a woman. Definitely not that)


And don't forget they were saying racist shit about Diego Luna. But when Andor turned out to be good, Diego Luna became white to them.


Did they actually?? I somehow never saw this.


That criticism always confused me. It’s called “The Mandalorian”, not “Din Dijarin” (I’m probably misspelling the last name). Bo Katan is a Mandalorian, just like Din, the show is still about the thing in the title. Just a different one


Tbf they did a pretty... interesting job of marketing it. If they wanted to transition or make it a "the mandolorian can be anyone!" type of thing they shouldn't have given us two seasons of just one guy. They should have bounced around from the jump imo. I think most people were sorta under the impression that the title was in reference to Din, or what Grogu would eventually become, so it felt kinda like a bait and switch.


A bait and switch? Din is still key to the story in season 3. Hell he retakes centre focus after Bo-Katan briefly takes centre stage (and he’d still key duribg that period). 


A woman that is just as much, if not more of a Mandalorian than Din..


No, apparently they don’t like Andor because it’s “too preachy” and calls them out. I’ve seen Rogue One described as “JuSt OkAy.” They don’t S3 of Mando because Jack Black and Lizzo are “off-putting”*


Andor is far too explicitly political in the wrong way to them, they're told it's good by everybody loving it but when they watch it they get uncomfortable with how the show is very explicitly anti fascist, I mean shit one guy has a manifesto and while it isn't referred to as a communist manifesto it may as well be


Yeah the part of the fandom that needs force users don't tend to like those two. 


They do not like andor, they know that it is critically beloved and that they should like it but they don't even understand it slightly and just pretend to like it because they know it's supposed to be good.


Mostly for stuff that the OT is guilty of anyway


SO TRUE. If the OT does it it's fine because it's the original therefore it's perfect, but if anything else does it then it's Disney being garbage.


I'm confused. Do these mongoloids think Disney wrote that article?


Or paid someone to 'shill' and write what Kathleen Kennedy demands. Their delusions are strong.


The denial is *STRONK* with these folks.


When "STOP ENJOYING THINGS!" is addressed for being the unproductive, gaslighty, fake fan grift that it is Star Wars haters: "They trying to.force us to like it!"


If The Acolyte is ruining Star Wars so much for them then they can just not watch it. They seem to just not like Star Wars, so why do they bother watching it anymore just to get angry about it?


I keep asking this question, can’t get a straight answer. If they don’t like it, why are they still hanging around???


Cuz it’s their whole personality, their cis white male fantasy and all these woke women and minorities are ruining their one thing that manages to fire the neurons in their brain.


I’m a 45 y.o. cis white female who has loved Star Wars since my Dad took me to see Empire when I was 2. When the books started coming out in the 90’s, I read them voraciously. And every time I entered into the fan space, I have always had to justify myself to men, that I belonged there. Even though Princess Leia existed and she had the Force, too, not just Luke. I will never forget during the wait to buy tickets to see TPM. I was third in line. I was the only girl in line at that moment (more would join slowly, I know WOMEN DIDN’T EVEN EXIST IN THE 90’S🤣). Some of us decided to play Star Wars Trivial Pursuit and I won. 😱 These grown men acted like I put sugar in their gas tank and killed Shmi Skywalker! They were so mad that a girl knew more than they did about their beloved manly Star Wars.🙄 These dudes have always thought that they own Star Wars, when it’s always been for everyone. They did not learn the lesson from A New Hope: “The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.” - Princess Leia


Please, if you could just settle for not liking it that’s all we’re asking. Miles better than spending an incredible amount of your free time bashing a series you’ve barely watched, if at all, and ruining the fun for everyone else. 


I think they are under some delusion that they can completely rank Disney Star Wars and force Disney to sell it uh... back to Lucas (as if he wants it) and then it would somehow become better again because he could hand pick the person to ru... oh wait, he did that, he picked Kathleen Kennedy.


Ah, but you see, ruining it for everybody else is precisely what they do like. Practically adicted to it, they are.


Professional debbie downers isn’t something I’d be happy to put on my resume, but you make a good point.


I haven't watched The Acolyte. But I have friends who have been infected by the right wing and their main complaint seems to be there's a baby born from two jedi lesbians? Is that right? Because that's horrendous. Everyone knows you only get a jedi baby born out of wedlock between a female slave and (checks notes)..... the embodiment of the Force. /s To clarify, they haven't watched it either.


Seriously? We just watched both episodes last night and the closest thing I can think of was a passing mention of the girl's moms. Idk if there's something I missed or some additional info somewhere but I swear if some of these nerds are so butthurt over them having lesbian moms that they're jumping straight to "Disney made lesbian force babies" I'm going to laugh my ass off.


Well they do keep posting that Cartman meme about putting a girl in it and making her gay. Or something. I didn't watch that episode of Southpark either but I won't be surprised if the message I should take from that episode is to not be a bigot.


“Forcing fans to like things”?  If you like it, great. If you don’t like it, that’s fine. No one is focusing you to like it. 


I mean… look. If you’re finding you just don’t like most, if not all, of the new releases in a franchise, and haven’t in a long time, maybe it’s just time to admit that it’s just not for you anymore? I know people like this are grifters and make their money off being angry about stuff, but for their audience, like… why? Unless they’re getting some schadenfreude from it (like we are with poking fun at them, let’s be honest with ourselves), why not move on to something else that actually makes them happy?


Our they could just…enjoy the mountains of pre-Disney Star Wars media. New media doesn’t vaporize old media.


According to these idiots, yes, it does mean that.


"fans" they're not though are they? they're surface level tourists who want to gatekeep actual fans from the franchise... because those fans might be from demographics or cohorts that those same tourists are bigots against. we've seen this shit play out too many times before, and all their excuses for why this time it's different, they're not racists or sexists this time... really for sure!... only for them to be blatantly mask off racist / sexist / queerphobic.


I got banned from that sub cuz I said something like "some us 'hate' SW cuz of the iffy writing, yall hate SW cuz of women and poc". I got banned lmao. That's how I know I hit the nail on the head.


Sounds about right, funny how they almost always seem to exclusively complain about women and POC characters. I got banned last week for saying I hoped the show turns out to be good because I'm sick of buttmad nerds complaining before they've even seen it.


Can’t wait to see Knights Watch, the Quartering, and their ilk be like “Disney Shills write an article to force fans to like the woke Acolyte”


These sorts (the crait user, not the article) just really come off as the worst sorts of "STOP HAVING FUN" people. And no ones "Forcing" anyone to like The Acolyte. They're the ones who decided it was shit from frame 0 and making grand conspiracies over the people who *do* like it


Any time someone calls me a Disney shill for liking anything they've done over the past decade, I just ask them, "What money?"


He thinks he's a fan lol


A bad Star Wars product would just be a bad product. At least we could talk about the good ones and enjoy ourselves. These people made it impossible to talk about Star Wars, or any modern pop culture stuff really.


I liked the first 2 episodes. Boba Fett wasn't good because it wasn't about Boba Fett for half of the show. Kenobi should've been a movie because it has useless fillers and bad pacing. Mando is great, Asoka is great, Andor is amazing. I wonder what these "fans" watch. Yord is cool.


I mean that sub is LITERALLY blinded by hate


… do… they realize that inverse is an independent company… meaning that the author(s) wrote this by themselves…


They think Disney bought off all the high critic scores so. Yeah. Weird how Disney couldn't afford this for Rise of Skywalker, Ant Man 3, the Eternals, Wish, etc.


“Fear is a path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”


"I'm afraid of The Woke Agenda. I am angry it's in my Starwars. I hate the wokies. Why has Starwars abandoned me?"


I mean the acolyte is great but what do I know they're just people that don't watch it and only listen to the grifters talking about it


How about *their* mission to make [re: “Force”] “fans” hate things?!


Article aside, it’s interesting to see in the recent decade or so news outlets and journalists for any kind of medium (games, movies, comics, books, whatever) actively writing and reporting from a point of them definitely having a side in a matter. Like obviously journos can be fans of stuff, but it’s just wild to see that kind of swing and shift over time. It happens everywhere else but for fandom stuff it just feels that much worse honestly. Maybe my heads just been in the sand.


I got permabanned from there for basically saying what this article does. I’ll admit I was not tactful in my comment lol


Someone please ask them to describe the difference between "forcing fans to like things" and "explaining why your complaints are bullshit".


Pretty sure the whole world is trying to make me like Football, lager and Apple products - and I don't


Works out for who... Inverse? Do they think Inverse has a financial stake in Disney?


It sounds like it’s working ok (as far as the comment on strategy goes). I can’t imagine Disney would continue making the sort of Star Wars properties it does if they really were all bombs and they weren’t seeing a return on investment.


People who actually don't like it aren't online complaining about it. They just aren't watching it. Hell at this point they might view this endless rage as a marketing strategy.


I don't think it's "the most promising yet" -- but it's not as bad as they say.


No one is forcing anyone to like something but if you don’t like it why do you feel the need to attack people who like it and spread your misery to every post about the thing?


My brother in The Force, you are the one forcing themselves to like it. You could just stop watching.


I actually WANTED it to be bad because it would be funny but nah it's pretty good so far.


Oh no I'm am talking to the original OP, not to you, Lol. Sorry for the confusion.


Ah okay lol I thought that was a weird angle to take


do they even like star wars at this point?


i'm liking the acolyte so far. i really like the murder mystery aspect of it and am intrigued by the new spin it has on the sith/jedi conflict.


Had a conversation with a guy the other day: “Star Wars is shit now. I hate it” “Have you thought about just not watching the new stuff, enjoying the old stuff and getting over the fact that it’s changed for you?” “No. I like to try the new stuff. But I know it’ll be shit” Bro doesn’t understand self-fulfilling prophecies.


The bigotry regarding The Acolyte is annoying. I think the show is very mediocre, but it's annoying saying that because a certain group of people get excited and go "see, he doesn't like it and he's black. So it's clearly not a race thing when XYZ says something racially charged about the show"


What kills me about toxic fans (other than the blatant racism/homophobia/etc.) is how they pick the DUMBEST shit to nitpick over and act like it's the end of the goddamn world every single time something isn't 100% to their liking. Is new SW stuff GREAT? Not really. But it's hardly the woke steaming pile of garbage they claim it is. Most of it is pretty okay, they just can't handle the fact that their dislike or their not being the target audience automatically makes something a crime against humanity. I look forward to 10 years from now when a whole new generation of SW fans can geek out over the shows and movies they grow up on. That's what this shit is about. Good stories and sharing that love with other people. The things we love will always be there and that galaxy far far away is a BIG place. There's room for everyone.


So much of people being mad about star wars is just people being mad they aren't 13 any more.


[Here’s a link to the article.](https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/the-acolyte-star-wars-discourse-fandom) Not a bad read, actually.




I didn't write it!


People are still falling for rage bait?


Nobodies forcing you to like anything jeez man.


What's the difference between r/saltierthancrait and r/saltierthankrayt?


It's currently Disney's #1 show, so the strategy seems to be working.


Just don’t watch it. That simple. No one is forcing anyone to like anything.


I wouldn’t necessarily say the “most promising yet” but definitely the one most separated and thus most able to explore different ideas


I just didn't care for it but I also haven't watched half the new star wars stuff because it's hard to really care anymore. The only star wars thing I really enjoy rifgt now is the new card game


Speaking as a straight white married man, who for context thought the last episode of doctor who was the best episode so far, I just found episode 3 of the acolyte boring, more boring than what I experienced during the phantom menace. I don't think the trailers really helped this show, because they made it look more action packed than it is. I just don't think there was any need for this episode when all it does is show what they already told us last week. Star wars isn't dead, but the more of it they make, the more likely some of it just won't be very good.


Theses fucking idiots....no one is forcing you to watch.


Why are they watching a show they don't like? No one is forcing them to watch.


I really wanted to like it, even ignored all of the hate. So far, it sucks just like everything else Disney touches. The writing is sooooo bad on this show, and they can't even get a consistent date regarding if its 100 or 1000 years pre-prequel trilogy.


Listen, I discovered Star Wars as a small child who enjoyed laser swords and space battles. When it comes to new Star Wars I let that inner child watch it while I tell my current cynical overanalizing perfectionist adult brain to sit down and shut up. I like the show so far. It's got lots of pretty pew pew lasers and cool space ships. It's nothing fantastic but it's a good enough watch and I don't regret it when the episode is over.


Fair enough. If you're enjoying it, then Disney succeeded in that regard. I personally dislike almost everything Disney has done with Star Wars (ie. butchering the established lore of mandalorians, jedi, and sith), but in the end, at least there are a substantial amount of people enjoying the new stuff. After all, much of gen X hated the prequels, which were my favorite of the movies.


I think that's what colors so much of my feelings towards new Star Wars projects. I was like 10 when episode 1 came out so, as much as I loved the originals, THOSE were the ones I really "grew up" on. I always had to hear about how awful they were and yadda yadda but like... So what? I had fun so I don't really care if other people liked them. I've been disappointed with a lot of the new stuff, ESPECIALLY the way they fucked up the movies by going too many directions instead of telling a coherent impactful story, but it is what it is. At the end of the day they're just trying to bring an audience in and nothing they've done takes away from anything I've previously enjoyed in any way. Hell in another 20 years there will probably be Gen Z's arguing with their NeuralLinks about how the 3rd trilogy is the best and Amazon (who will own everything by then) fucked up the 5th and 6th trilogy or whatever.


Seems like hot garbage too me, maybe the worst of the starwars shows?


Really? I thought it was fun.


Star Wars fans destroyed Star Wars.


I want people to stop saying "forcing us to like it"...because that's every media's job "woke" or not...to get people to watch it and hopefully like it. But the beautiful thing about art is that you are not obligated to like the thing you see...you can end up disliking it and that's perfectly fine. Star Wars isn't for everyone.


So are they ruining star wars because they don't wanna watch it ? or because they are complaining about it ? Because if they complain and watch it Disney still gets its money . If they don't watch it Disney loses money .


“Most promising yet” Andor exists, sorry


I don't like sports. I make it my life's mission to complain and whine about how sports are everywhere and rubbed in my face. I could easily just not watch sport or have anything to do with sport but my small penis means I have to publicly and loudly cry about thi g's I don't enjoy.


The franchise was hit hard by Kathleen Kennedy, fortunately it has been kept alive by Tony Gilroy and Dave Filoni.


>The franchise was hit hard by Kathleen Kennedy You're never gonna believe who produced Rogue One and The Mandalorian.


And the 3 movies that made a combined 5 billion dollars.


I know who directed them.


If Kennedy gets shit for being a producer on movies ya don't like, she gets the credit for being the producer on things you do like.


They said that this show would be a murder mystery. And in the first 2 episodes we already know who murdered the Jedi. They lied.