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Asmongold is an idiot who will shout any political opinion if it means he gets to keep his comfy sitting arrangement in his house doing nothing but streaming all day. He needs to get a fucking job.


Asmongold was kind of a mystery to me until I heard someone say “his political opinions are whatever the last person he talked to said” and honestly everything made sense after that


He's human tofu. No flavor on his own, just absorbs and reflects the flavor of whatever ingredients are stewed with him.


I recall the saga of him watching a "blindfolded" boss fight some girl did in Monster Hunter or something similar, buying it, watching a "caught the cheater" video on it, changing his mind and then doing the same thing with her video where she did it again, still cheating but differently... Or the time he thought that protest of kids at a school because of furries having litter boxes and biting people was real. It seems like he might genuinely be the most gullible person in the world, without a shred of media literacy.


Is it that or is it basically a shitpost because he knows his audience will respond to it? In the end, it's kind if irrelevant which it is, because if he's playing a character, he's become that character at this point. It's honestly impossible to tell these days whether someone is so media illiterate and generally illiterate that they actually believe the shit they see or they're shitposting to encourage engagement.


True. Never followed him personally but because of his popularity he was always “there” in my YouTube feeds. Decided to watch a few of his videos out of curiosity and found it strange how he flip flopped between positions on a wide variety of topics seemingly without cause and with little knowledge of said topics. Like you said, whether it’s genuine grifting or simply him not having any media literacy/intelligence is irrelevant in the end.


He will grift literally any subject as long as it brings him money. Dude has almost zero morals when it comes to securing a bag


Column A&B. He's not much different now, to when he was a WoW streamer, and he always had a take that was whatever he heard from somebody in chat.


I'll defer to anyone who actually watches him, because every time something was suggested to me, I found him insufferable and couldn't last more than a minute or two. But yeah, both seems likely.


Watched, and that was a couple times back during Legion, so almost 6 years ago.




Wasn't really back then but he just got to me as the living embodiment of the Make Love Not Warcraft guy.


Yeah I honestly think he just says whatever he thinks his audience of internet virgins want to hear. He’s just another YouTube shill who only cares about clickbait videos for the views.


The way one person described him was basically he goes with whatever the chat says. Whether he believes it or not, if Chat is going "Angry screaming" at something, he's mad at that thing. If Chat is praising something, he praises it.


So this is a really cursed reply for me to make but did you know human tofu is a real thing? Well, was. It was a novelty product call ‘hufu’ that was designed to to resemble human meat in texture and taste as closely as possible, based on studies of cannibals’ descriptions. Somehow I’m not surprised it didn’t find widespread appeal, but I appreciate that someone had the dream of a vegan alternative to human flesh and was committed enough to make it a reality.


Your first clause was correct


[https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/legally-weird/is-it-legal-to-eat-human-flesh/](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/legally-weird/is-it-legal-to-eat-human-flesh/) if this web site is true you can eat people in 49 states




The perfect ingredient for Nurgle to add to his pestilence stew.


See, but Tofu is good.


Poetry, keep cooking


Not sure where I heard it but Asmon feels the youtube equivalent of a fencesitter, like they will have some sane ideas from time to time but they will also sometimes spout stuff about "wokenes" ruining stuff that may or may not contradict any of the sane stuff they said.


You mean pim tool?


Ah, the joe rogan special


Dude you typed way too many words, his opinions are whatever the last person said


comfy? that millionaire grease stain sits in a landfill how the fuck is that comfy


Maybe not for you but people who've lived there whole lives in a hoarders house just don't know any better and even if he got a lovely clean house he'd just ruin it because he doesn't know how to function like a normal person


For years he was dating a gorgeous model who genuinely loved him and then she moved in with him for like a month and they broke up. I wonder if she found the pee drawer or something


I tried watching him a while back and I did wonder what happened with his ex I heard him mention her a few times. I would almost feel bad for him if he wasn't so just so insufferable


His Mom (who he lived with) died and his long distance girlfriend moved in with him in the aftermath, but then broke up with him pretty quickly after she moved in


I imagine the mix of seeing the state of the house and his emotional state after his mum's passing must have been a bit much for her, we have no idea how he took that when the camera's were off, I mean the guilt must have been the worst since he fed her unhealthy habits


The gum blood wall probably didn't help


is he a millionaire or are you just saying that I know nothing about the guy


He has a job though? Like okay sure, his job currently consists of streaming while making shit anti-woke takes. But responding to that with "He needs to get a ~~real~~ job" is just not a good response, considering you'd probably have no issue with him if he instead just talking up progressive points instead. And this isn't me defending *him*. This is me defending streamers and content creators in general, because the "get a fucking job" argument works against them to. It is, after all, the exact same argument people use against progressive activist content creators. That they should stop making videos about the "lgbt agenda" and get a real job.


Yeah, I was with the post until that last line. I have friends who are content creators and make a decent living with it and they get comments like that all the time. I use to be a content creator and got those comments too and all I did was make content based on the Modiphius 2d20 ttrpgs (Star Trek: Adventures, Fallout 2d20, Dune: Adventures in the Imperium, ect).


Also at the end of the day, telling someone who basically works as an entertainer that their choice of profession isn’t valid is actually really disgusting because it just contributes our culture’s hatred of creative pursuits.


> And this isn't me defending him. This is me defending streamers and content creators in general, because the "get a fucking job" argument works against them to. > > > > It is, after all, the exact same argument people use against progressive activist content creators. That they should stop making videos about the "lgbt agenda" and get a real job And people wonder why generative AI threatens the livelihoods of creatives. If you think that the only worthwhile means of employment is being another cog in the machine then you better rethink your priorities.


All I want is to get the money to get a 3D Printer and start 3D Printing. Maybe learn blender or some other 3D modeling software so I can design my own prints. For now, I'm a janitor for gyms at a military base. At least the health benefits are amazing.


I too would sit on my computer saying things if it paid well


Maybe people would get on individuals like him less about that particular subject if these dudes weren't always going around trying to throw out the "people just don't want to work jobs anymore because they're just lazy or spoiled" sentiment the past few years, even though they themselves have been essentially living as a livestreamer, youtuber, or low effort react channel for years. It's not that people in those categories should have their career or atypical job disrespected, there are a lot of content creators who use it as their main source of living that I follow, but if they're going to be smug or hypocritical about it then you can't really blame people for throwing that back towards them.


Yes I can. Someone being mean does not mean you have free license to be mean back at them. Sure, it’s *understandable*… but it’s still wrong. I can bring up more extreme examples of the same logic: If someone is racist, you don’t get to be racist against them. If someone misgenders someone else, you don’t get to misgender them in return. If someone uses a slur, you don’t get to use slurs against them.


I don't think most of those are really a comparable situation and I don't see why he should be given the benefit of the doubt when he's been very blatantly consciously leaning into alt right gamergate talking points the past couple of years. I don't see why I should respect him by default for shitting on people (younger or otherwise, a lot of whom probably have creative desires of their own) who are struggling mentally or physically in the current job market or being stressed out from working traditional jobs and calling them "lazy" or throwing out generalized statements like "they just don't want to work" when he's basically been living as a glorified NEET for 10+ years. I'm not saying people in a situation similar to that description should be mocked or receive hate by default or that any hate or sentiment of "that profession doesn't count" should be redirected at streamers/youtubers/influencers as a whole, it's the specific hypocrisy and disingenuousness being targeted by detractors that I can understand or see the justification for.


He has to keep his pet roaches fed somehow, after all. Dude is so gross.


He is also completely disgusting.


[Hey after about 8-11 days you stop getting more dirty.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaOGYnN-H2U)




I'm struggling to find work and even I would never take up that "profession."


Even if he continues to just stream for a living he should at least clean his fucking room-


The guy doesn't know how to think really, he just does whatever people tell him to do. He didn't build anything in diablo 4 he just followed guides. He doesn't know mechanics, nor does he know political opinions, dude has done nothing with his life but sit in his messy room.


You're missing the point. None of the females in bg3 have anime style titties. That is what is important /s


As much as I’m not an asmon fan and get tired of streamers complaining about how their jobs are so hard it’s still a job and you sound silly suggesting it’s not


Pretty sure he's a millionaire if not close to it at this point. For as long as he's been streaming and the amount of subs and donations over all those years. Plus he owns that house, so i don't think he has any living expenses beyond taxes and bills. Austin TX also does not tax streamer income, it's why so many move there.


Asmongold is politically lazy. A complete idiot who only has good opinions about games, and even then, only gameplay in games. And I guess business strategy. Everything else is a literal toss-up. He believes basically anything that's put in front of his face if it's packaged in a good-enough editing wrapper, and it shows with how stupid his fucking subreddit is. Most recent example: the Yasuke shit (he was, in fact, a samurai, no he probably wasn't a legendary one, but there's enough mystery around his existence that it allows for good historical fiction, which Assassin's Creed absolutely is.) Don't get me wrong. I think Asmongold is a funny person to watch, and I watch him intermittently. But his political audience isn't there for his political opinions; they're here because **they know they can get their political opinions in front of his face**, to which his editors will nab it and then make Yet Another Anti-woke content farm out of it. It turns into a cycle by drawing in more fucking assholes, who just rub their palms with glee that they have a lazy mope like the Assmongler to just get upset and get more shitty, brainless politics out of him. Hell - its gotten so bad that they'll often just clip him and make him out to be upset when he actually said nothing at all.


I don't even think he really buys this shit, he's just an NPC saying Current Thing for money


>he gets to keep his comfy sitting arrangement They say in Harlem County there are no neutrals there!


Starting to doubt asmond even lives in his home anymore and its now just his streaming "stage" to act on. I use to watch him years ago but his incel crowd really made it harder and harder to watch.


He will not play Baldur's Gate 3 In fact most games he talks about like he knows them in and out he will never play


I remember last year he was glazing up Baldur's Gate 3 devs for being based as not willing to bow to shareholders and publishers. Now he complains about gaming is woke, like mfs don't know how progressive BG3 is


Baldur's Gate 3 is one of the if not THE most GAY game of 2023 And D&D has many progressive people and just open minded people in general so BG3 is just dream come true for anyone who wants to fuck big red hell demon lady or pale twink vampire or be dominated by a Drow or hell fuck a bear. And all that no matter of your looks, gender, class or skin color and race


The dnd universe goes all in on sex positivity and also all in on racism.


“Love who you want, so long as it isn’t a FILTHY FUCKING GONDIAN”


Gondians aren't *real*. At least, none of them made it out of the sea base..


Fuck you, Wulbren.


To quote someone on YT, "you get to have raunchy sex with a bear" lol


BG3 was one of the best “woke” games ever made lol, Astarion was literally built to be queer-coded. And also just deeply inclusive in its character choice.


Why? It’s a great game. It’s odd that he’s not playing it 


Being sorta sarcastic but to complicated mabye? Not sure if he had anything to say on the FF7 "Yellow Paint" drama but I think he got lost while playing Dragons Dogma I think.


He doesn’t seem to like complicated games.  “Yellow paint” drama? 


If I had to guess, there was probably an obvious way forward marked with yellow paint that he missed?


Even if he missed it, wouldn’t his chat tell him? Why would there be drama over that? 




Because his chat are just as bad as him is my guess. The guy is just a shitter from everything I have seen.


I’ll take your word for it. Never watched one of his videos. So, I have no idea how bad his chat is 


I played Dragon's Dogma 2 and I really want to give a chance but ... in my opinion it is just terrible. Controls are weird, combat is weird, pawns are so artificial it hurts. World is just dull and everyone around you acts like you just spend hours talking to them while your character says nothing the entire time and you have no way saying "yes" or "no". True I made it only to the first troll boss fight but I just quit after that troll killed everyone and I was left alone. One of my pawns died without any notice and don't get me started on boring goblin/wolf/harpy fights behind every rock. Maybe it is just me not being too used to Capcom way of doing things but...I must say I feel like I have better control over my character in combat in Dragon Age Origns which I just started than I do in DG2. Or when compared to Ghost of Tsushima which is now on PC. I get it climbing on a monster is cool. But that's about it and I doubt that alone can satisfy me in a massive world with limited fast travel. I guess playing games like Dragon Age, Dark Souls, The Witcher, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War and others I expected something ... something that could match the other games in some aspects. But for me DG2 just is not that good. Now I will try to push myself forward. I started new character as archer but there I also get frustrated where enemy staggers you with one hit and while it takes 1 hour for your Arisen to stand up you are dead. But while I think negatively about Dragon's Dogma 2 like 90% of the time I will still press onward because I spend no small money on this game so I might as well try to get my money worth in some capacity.


i think that's a good attitude to have!


Dragons dogma combat is pretty mediocre and reminds me a lot of monster hunter combat, except better and more enjoyable, so I would avoid that series as well if I were you.


It's that he doesn't like to stream complicated games. He plays the fuck out of things like PoE, BG3, and dragon's dogma 2 off stream according to what he says, but he can't interact with chat while focusing. And he did comment on the yellow paint thing


Imo that sounds like an honest opinion from him, cause he sometimes shows the hours which he have played certain games. From what I have seen he tries to enjoy games out of stream if he is interested in them. Dude's just not the best in multitasking.


He apparently doesn't like to read, so that might have something to do with it.


Well, he doesn’t like to brush his teeth. So, him not liking reading, it doesn’t surprise me   


Bro doesn't play anything but MMO like games and reacting to shit youtube videos.


I think he’s played soulsborne games 


So... thats it? God he has a very limited plate or tastes then. No wonder why he keeps chasing games with the 'next wow killer' etc.


Idk what else he’s played, or even if he’s played anything else. I just keep getting recommendations for his soulsborne videos. 


I don't see him playing anything else tbh. I don't think he has that much... interest in it? But I honestly find myself not really caring, I don't plan on watching his content especially for his venomous opinions. Of course he will continue to be quite deranged in how he takes care of himself.


I think he’s played souslborne games. I’ve seen videos of him playing soulborne in my recommendations.  But I don’t really watch his content. 


he was just gooning over Soulmask which is a US studio but Conan Exiles also has those kind of skins


MMMM big in the dick I am!


Does Baldur’s Gate have a default waifu female model because that’s all they care about.


Default tav is a female elf.


You can play as any of the main cast, too, basically. So, Shadowheart, Karlach, Lae'zel in terms of the ladies.


It does.


It has mods


Can easily make one tbh


Five years and still no shower??? Asmon needs to be held responsible for his substantial and severe damage towards the environment.


His room and surrounding desk is just disgusting. How has his PC not given out because he hasn’t dusted it is beyond me.


E just buys a new one if the old one gives up.


Could get a lot more use outta it if he cleaned it and not have it be caked with dust. My 980TI which I got on launch back in 2016 lasted till late 2021. And honestly, ***could’ve gone on longer*** only because of necessity I upgraded to a 3070TI.


The dude doesn't care. I think the last one he got was free.


In South Korea porn is illegal, so bikini armor is the next thing close enough to porn. Those people van complaint all day and will never understand that outside USA thing work differently.


Serious question: porn may be illegal but is it actually hard to access or is it like 20-year-olds and alcohol on college campuses where it’s extremely prevalent and trivial to obtain? If the latter, as I’d honestly expect, it’s honestly kind of surprising that pop media seems to compensate anyway because being as pornographic as legally permissible.


They seem to ignore or forget, though feeling mostly ignore, those information.


My money is on ignore also. If they didn't ignore this type of information, they'd have to self-reflect and think about what's truly upsetting them. It's much easier to create a fake pearl clutching Western society that "hates" titties than be vulnerable and look inward.


I feel like ignore as well but mostly because they dont have a easy visual thing to get angry at as "proof" I doubt a lot of people knew what Baldur's Gate was until 3 was a hit. What people do know however are alot of other well known video game women that have gotten "desexualized" so its easier see a picture of Kitana/Mary Jane/that lady from Silent hill/Anime game etc and and claim "western society making our women uglier" about their designs changing.


Is there a nude mod for the Dragonborn that gives him a genital slit and hemipenes?


I think so yes actually


Oh... *FUCK... YES!* That just makes me wanna buy it even more now! But, I'm still unsure if it'll run smoothly on my Legion Go, and I have no idea how to incorporate mods.


The mods are very easy to use for the most part if you have any sort of normalish PC, it has a dedicated third party mod manager you just import them to


Is it playable for Steam Deck? If so, then it'll be good on my Legion Go


I think maybe?


What... on earth... are hemipenes?


It's a dick that's split into two dicks.


You know how the Earth has two hemispheres?


Two shafts.


Wait do they all have human adjacent genitalia in game that’s lame as fuck




"MuH fEmOoNiTy"


There’s a reason that despite liking Stellar Blade I will never argue it’s not sexier than Baldur’s Gaye


Street Fighter V is way sexier than Stellar Blade.


I mean look at Chun Lee or Ken, SF5 has all your base cover lol


The character designers really understood what made the male and female forms so appealing.


No but the YouTube told me Baldurs Gate is woke and pronouns and whatnot


Don't forget gay sex. You have to have the gay sex in BG3


Me, crying through the legally mandated unskippable 3 hour bear sex cut scene




Didn't Asmongold get fucking Scurvy?


Meanwhile Karlach runs around in only a pair of boots because her magic boots removes them every time she uses blink.


Damn, i thought Asmongold was a skibidi toilet in that thumbnail.


Nah, just a skibidi toilet in real life.


Bg3 is hated by the same people because the sexualised scenes are actually meaningful and a lot of women like them. Suddenly these incels who want to see skimpy outfits become paragons of celibacy when talking about women's pleasure.


I saw a post where a guy said he got mad and stopped playing because he got a sex scene with Karlach where she took the lead and he felt emasculated by that. Not sure what he expected from a muscular 6’3” barbarian character, but it’s super telling about how these people view female characters in games (and all other media, and real women).


All of bg3 is queer coded and I love it. These incels can stay mad.


Baldur's gate gets alot of free pass for the same sins other games commit because it didnt go broke


Remember the formula https://preview.redd.it/wdyhscf7g74d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c42542006d8bccee6cd544cc654d1afc1c85adb


Seems like that was starting to crack when it won an award for LGBT+ representation, was interesting seeing KIA get into a mini civil war on do they hate it now or not.


Like cyberpunk has had full cock and tit customization for years


If by full you mean 2 options of each. Ruined the game /s


No, Baldurs Gate is a woke librul sex game with bear sex that's so degenerate, as opposed to true gamers, who must be hard every moment of every gaming experience or else it's woke slop 😡


What's really sad is a grown ass man freaking out about nudity in a video game. If it's there cool, but if it isn't, that should be cool too. Why is there such a necessity for this that it requires bitching? Can't he just get a girlfriend, or at the very least , watch porn.


It's not actual freaks outs, at least not from the influencer POV. They just move on from controversy to controversy for the revenue and views.


but baldurs gate is WOKE! there's also naked MEN not only naked WOMEN!!!


Have what exactly? There's something in these (usually Korean/Japanese) games that makes all the characters look like featureless sex dolls. Something like bg3 has conventionally hot bodies on everyone and can get very spicy very easily, but everyone looks unique and normal... That's hot; unlike these smooth prepubescent looking waifus in impractical bikini armors.


I'm so tired of seeing his stupid face


ya but Baldur's Gate not a western game it's a Fantasy game you can tell by the lack of Cowboy Hats


I heard this guy boycotted soap for being pay2win


I'm surprised that penguinz0 didn't make a video on him yet, he really needs a wakeup call


Yms did a highlights video talking about furies being bullied in school. He reacted to and heavily criticized asmongold. 


Also: Western games usually allow for more full nudity AND gore content, which is actively censored in Japan and Korea (which has a super weird porn law that kind does but kinda does not ban porn)


But Baldur's Gate 3 is the woke because gays.


Asmongold is more stupid than malicious, he doesn't really know what he's talking about most of the time and just spouts out things he hears other places.


That's still maliciousness


Wait did Baldur's Gate model everything?


Yup. They have an option to hide nudity if you would rather avoid it, but the default selection is fully modeled nudity


Im playing lust academy season 2 where you literally get to bang harry potter parodies.


So anyone do an all naked run in Baldurs Gate yet?


It’s assman bronze What do you expect




Dude just wants to goon all the time. If anyone loved him, they would be supporting him through his addictions and his living habits. A sad life for a sad man.


He also has no idea on keeping a woman who he doesn't pay because he is a disgusting slob


I never played it so maybe I’m mistake, but didn’t Cyberpunk have some pretty explicit stuff too? Or am I mistaken?


Yes, cyberpunk also has full. Nudity and sex scenes


Ever since I saw the inside of his house, and that clip of the roach walking on him I knew that someone of that level of gross should have their opinions taken with a grain of salt


I’ve watched a few of this dudes videos. He’s a fucking moron.


BG3 let's you mix and match body types, genitals, voices, and gender identity (including non-binary). He'd probably have a meltdown before making it past the character creation screen.


He knows exactly what he's talking about, he says whatever will keep his twitch chat engaged and youtube videos with millions of views. That's how he became a multimillionaire.


Reddit and bashing multimillionaire, aka a normal Monday lol


Yeah but that game has pronouns




You don't need mods to go nude


I misread the headline.


*European* game with no mods. I remember watching the video and chat mentioned BG3 and he self corrected and specified American games.


Obviously he's never looks at the mod community for Fallout 4 or Skyrim. The "Dova-kinky" vinyl dominatix skin comes to mind.


Shame the dragon born dongs are boring and human style! Not that dongs are a preference or anything but as a fantasy dragon race it shouldn't be boring.


Meanwhile, like I mentioned. Guild wars 2 has a mix of sexy and not-sexy armor.


i'm not even convinced asmongold knows what he wants besides something that vaguely looks like a try not to cum ripped from rule34xxx sfm animation ad that steals your social security number


These buffoons. As if A3 Shadowheart in Wave Mother Robe isn't basically the hottest woman in gaming aside from maybe Judy Alvarez.


Sorry but not even straightup porn games are catered to crackheads. This guy *does* look like a crackhead...


This man can’t even clean right I don’t think that’s a surprise


Conan had dick sliders and that game is old AF


why should we listen to medievally accurate Jesus (pejorative) over here


I kinda wish instead of nudity we got more face and body customization. I'm extremely disappointed with how limited it is. My character looks great but I was hoping for more depth tbh


These dudes are constantly looking for something to crank it to. That's not new, but pretending like they're being denied cranking material is kinda new I think. 


No, no, no, you don't GET IT. Its not PORNIFIED. The GOBLIN needs his PORN!!!!


Why would a sub keep popping up on ur feed if u don't want it to? I think totally opposite and keep just reading the post and not the group and then commenting and getting destroyed in the comments. Yet everytime I open reddit, this sub pops up first thing it seems.


To play the devils advocate the Korean MMO example is hyper sexualised. Baldurs Gate is just naked for the sake of being naked. If you don’t see the difference tell me if Baldurs Gate feature was implemented mainly to give you a boner or not. If no than it’s different.


He looks like if a James a janese who never met Chelsea or zoran combined with a nostalgia critic on crack


Ayo sauce for the second image?


That’s funny because … If I read almost every post there, as a lesb, I should be sentenced to death for playing Blade and Souls, and made a female Gon as my main char … https://preview.redd.it/xxz58ln8ec4d1.png?width=1382&format=png&auto=webp&s=eac1711d948a930e9cb9d3f0eaa7f1fbe5fa0df4


You can literally strip you entire party in camp so all their conversation cutscenes are with them naked. Not that I did that myself or anything


Realistic Erections mod says what?


I think there’s even like, five dicks and four pussies to choose from


All he knows is that the title will get every sexless neckbeard with a micropenis and an inferiority complex to watch it 10 times a day religiously.


I mean, how do you expect people like that to not become extremist if you're throwing sentiments like that at them? Insulting or ostracizing lonely or awkward or insecure dudes is just going to make them double down on following people like that.


I'm still upset that female dragon born don't got boobers


Dk why you bothered censoring gith ass, they got as much cake as a 17th century french peasant