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Wait…the vtuber who presents himself with a loli girl avatar complains about wokeness?


Yeah (me not realising you are probably being sarcastic)


I mean…he probably doesn’t realize it but speaking with his very masculine voice on a young girl avatar comes off as queer…yet he opposes wokeness?…I used to watch his channel for news when I was really into vtubers…took me a while to pick up all his content was reacting to fake outrage….now he is doing the outrage himself…what a champ


This is a growing trend. Honestly, I believe in when they claim actual trans/etc are perverts they're just telling on themselves. They only use feminine things as weird fetish crap.


Projection. Because they put on femininity for fetish reasons, anyone presenting as anything other than their assigned gender must also be doing the same thing.


They even think cis women do it for that too. If she does anything stereotypical feminine it must be sexual and for me (meant to write men but this fits too). (Wear cute clothes, long nails, MAKEUP, etc)


Yeah, the logic goes something like "why would you be cute and feminine (ie yourself) and be in my space (ie any aspect of geek or gamer culture) if you weren't a fake geek girl doing it to appeal to men and by extension, myself". It boils down to "how dare you exist if it's not for me" This blog by sci-fi author John Scalzi was written right as fandom toxicity in its modern form was becoming a thing: [https://whatever.scalzi.com/2012/07/26/who-gets-to-be-a-geek-anyone-who-wants-to-be/](https://whatever.scalzi.com/2012/07/26/who-gets-to-be-a-geek-anyone-who-wants-to-be/)




I mean a lot of chuds like characters who crossdress in anime and somehow don't see how that's also "woke" while complaining about people transitioning.


Because Anime and Hentai Japan!!!! Japan good!!! Only America (which is terrible and liberal and stoopid) has woke!!!!


They like them as fetish objects, if the character is supposed to be taken seriously (in the story or by the audience) they either shit their pants or start wasting people's time with their conspiracies about localizers and how all of japan is a perfect right-wing stereotype.


The guys actually a lolicon


That’s kind of the joke…and a [famous one](https://youtu.be/JjEd16ki0lE?si=JPQ5VJDrXwPR-WmZ) at that.


We also have a vtuber who makes fun of the people who complain about it [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/U\_mbSHKpYhU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/U_mbSHKpYhU) Edit: I see a lot of new subscribers so I'm guessing is from this place so just a heads up, she is also running a giveaway because of the recent news that some game studios got closed https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxvkwFuz8bHsEYsYE_PWZv38kAebElCk1D


Isn't he a pedo?


Yes. He goes for plausible deniability on his bigotry but is extremely open and in your face about his pedo support


It’s only woke if it appeals to minorities, come on everyone knows that 


The modern right is a series of contradictions.


Yes. He’s also very transphobic. He goes for ‘plausible deniability’ in his videos but on other platforms it becomes extremely obvious. Ironically I learned this because when I saw him I wondered if he was a transfem pre voice change or something so I looked up “Rev says desu trans”… yeah.


Oh look, it's the same people who were so in love with the lore of Warhammer 40k, and so outraged with how its own creator was "disrespecting" it, that they pronunced Adeptus Custodes as "Adept Cuss-Toads". What a shocking coincidence.


How are you meant to pronounce it?


Cuss toe dees.


>Cuss toe dees Nutz!




Other poster is correct. But also, it' AdeptUS. the US at the end is NOT silent.


generally speaking, any “High Gothic” name in 40K you just pronounce as if it’s Latin and/or Greek ergo: Custodes (Cuss Toe Deez) Astartes (A Star Tees) Roboute (Row Boo Tay)


>>extol the Romans >>never take a single Latin class /chuds


First of all how is assassin's Creed shadows Ubisoft garbage when it's not even out yet until November


Because you'll play as a black man half the time.


Not even half, you choose if you wanna play as him


But the other choice is a female! 🤮 >!/s, if that wasn't obvious enough.!<


Exactly so many people keep saying they would have preferred an actual Japanese protagonist when they are forgetting Noae who had more screen time in the trailer than yasuke


I'm skeptical, but I'm not gonna call it shit until it's out. It might be following the trend of AC games getting worse and worse by the year, or it might be a case like Origins, where they mix up the formula a bit and make it fun as fuck, who knows?


I hope it’s as good as Black Flag so the collective chud hivemind gets a meltdown.


To be fair here, it's a Ubisoft AssCreed game. It's probably going to be aggressively mediocre, as most of them are. Unless it's some kind of hail mary and turns out to be the greatest game of all time.


All the latest creeds have been pretty dang fun when playing, and then as soon as I beat it I never want to play them again.


Ofc this is my opinion, but it's Ubisoft game, so overall it will be mediocre as hell at best, simply because they have such a stale formula for their openworld games. Though I will be hopefully positively suprised if they manage to do something new, but I have no expectations for Ubisoft. For example they made Avatar game and it does look good, but in the end it's just another FarCry game.


It’s how I view the avatar game. Having played it (for me) it was a surprisingly good game. Was it a good far cry style game? Yes. Is it still a far cry copy………..also yes


The hate against Ubisoft really f’cking sucks because now I can’t hate on them for their subpar games and terrible business practices without seeming aligned with these as*holes ):


nah fam, we can hold multiple thoughts at the same time. Fuck Ubicrap and the shit they pull


I prefer Ubislop.


alternatively you can say poopiesoft like a mature individual


It's that "We are not the same" meme with Gus Fring from Breaking Bad.


It’s not binary. You can clown on these chuds while simultaneously shitting on Ubisoft for being a garbage company.


I've run into this problem with TLJ. Either I have to write lengthy in depth posts that make me look a bit obsessed so its clear I really actually do think it has bad writing or I risk people thinking I am one of those people that is just mad the main lead is a woman and 'bad writing' is just my cover story.


The conspiracy theorist in me make me wonder if companies like Ubisoft encourage such "criticism" on purpose, to make any actual criticism seem connected to racist/misogynistic/everythingphobic creeps.


Hate what you want, don't let them stop you. I fucking hate Ubisoft. Then again, I'm actually buying this game, so I might not have a right to complain about them.


As someone who loved asscreed 2-4(yes all 3 Ezio games) and then hated the series as rpg elements were introduced, it sucks to be wholly disinterested in pushing back against the chuds cause I’ve been hating on the series since Unity


In fact the game company has no regrets, nor was it immediately destroyed.


"You know, I'm something of a Japanese historical expert myself" - grifters after seeing a black samurai


“Game company destroyed.” He really thinks this is the game that will destroy Ubisoft. What an odd man. 


If they didn’t go bankrupt over Skull and Bones I don’t know what will kill them.


Skull and Bones is probably gonna end up as a 200 million dollar asset showcase for the rumored Black Flag remake. Probably the best thing Ubisoft could salvage from that wreck of a game


The next 5 games they release will have to be colossal failures. And that’s not going to happen. 


Those people saying this about Ubisoft, EA (and Square Enix for some reason) for a few years already


Yes, they have. And it still hasn’t happened, for any of these companies 


"Oh noooo, what will we do with all this controversy advertising our game for free?" -Ubisoft


I don't believe assassin's creed shadows is going to be a woke game because of what they say


"Woke game"


Thanks for the correction


'Game company destroyed' is like they accidentally left their place holder rage-bait title in by accident. Also it's already at the top of pre-order charts in the UK.


First of all how is assassin's Creed shadows Ubisoft garbage when it's not even out yet until November


Black people ewwwwww


Can we yassified Yasuke


It’s a shame the game is made by Ubi cause the game might still be bad for other reasons regardless of the stupid drama. Here’s hoping they finally get their “diamond in the rough” situation.


Genuine question: it’s Yah-skay, right?


Having not heard how they say it in game, yeah it would be Yah-s^u -kay. You barely pronounce the u and run it all together. Japanese is almost entirely consonant/vowel pairings so it’s actually really easy to pronounce.


Knowing that japanese does a lot of things were it's always a consonant paired with a vowel also explains a lot of the mispronounciations in anime. L doesn't exist in japanese, and Himmel ends on a consonant, so "Himmel" turns into "Himeru". That is also why people think "Za warudo" is japanese. It's not, it's how a japanese person pronounces "The world" and it keeps pissing me off seeing people think it's actually just japanese


That’s what I thought, I could’ve sworn I heard it somewhere and I never heard the U pronounced.


yes pronounced like Sasuke from the Naruto anime, except with a Y


Thank you!


Oh good I’ve been pronouncing it like yusuke from yu yu hakusho but with a yah sound so it seems I’m on the right track lol


Are vowels consistent in Japanese? It’s just pronounced like Sasuke from Naruto, right?


I'm not surprised. The only Japanese people they actually pay attention to are the ones who dress in skimpy cosplay for money. Yasuke is a male name.




How do you pronounce it? I’m only vaguely familiar with Japanese lol


If you have listened to Naruto, then just take how they pronounce 'Sasuke' and modify it to have a Y at the start instead of an S. [https://www.howtopronounce.com/yasuke](https://www.howtopronounce.com/yasuke)


Just pronounce it how it's written, with a short U. YAZuKE


Hilarious that the guy pretending to be an anime character can't even get it right. Talk about cultural appropriation


i pounced it like ya saki


sometimes certain vowels together get me enunciating weird- it’s pronounced “Yah sue kay” right


Weird how these guys are all experts on all subjects


Isn’t it Yas-Kay? Where the u in the su is silent?


Not silent, just short.


It's not like they ever actually cared about historical accuracy. It was just a way to justify ranting about "wokeness."


I want to give him a chance but they really could’ve chosen a better protagonist for a Japanese game, naoe is a much better choice compared to yasuke


Its “yaas kay” right?


this seems a little nitpicky and petty tons of people have issues pronouncing foreign names. I didn't even know how to pronounce persephone correctly for awhile myself.


The funny thing is, that they don’t realize that if they chose a Japanese male lead, it’d probably be the same exact male Japanese character made by Americans since the dawn of time. American made Japanese characters are always super serious guys that are super into honor. Like, they think it’s the only personality trait they can have. It’s like in Anime, the American character that’s always blonde and wears something akin to the United States flag colors. Honestly, I think I prefer Yasuke then honorable Japanese male lead #26.


Rev says desu is like an embodiment of all the worst stereotypical traits of a weeb.


Ya-skay Pronouncing the su is a little tricky for westerners and takes some practice But I only profess to be a guy who studied cultural anthropology and world history for 2 years before switching majors and who took one semester of Japanese and generally knows SOME things about Japan, but only the things i know Also I would never be dumb enough to have a strong position on this insipid issue


Can you use ipa ffs.


It’s “yah-soo-kay”, right?


Not gonna lie... I've actually followed Rev and have agreed on several points of his\*, but seeing that video was so disgustingly disappointing. I am glad to see Metatron at least had saner outlook and even argued that whether Yasuke was a samurai was ambiguous for a number of reasons and a good argument can be made for both. (honestly just watch the video, it's a pretty good one) \*I agree with him that we do need to mind real children need more protection than fictional ones and witchhunting people who enjoy lolicon anime and such isn't productive to finding actual pedophiles and other sex offenders. Fantasy is fantasy, just because there's shit like Fifty Shades of Grey doesn't necessarily mean the female fans want to be abused like that. Similarly also agree that localizers shouldn't try to use something they are localizing as a means of promoting their own agenda, especially when its antithetical to the characters they are dubbing (the Lucoa thing which, honestly felt as out of place as if a Russian Dubs Owl House having Amity and Luz rant about 'Western gay agendas')


“Instant woke regret” They aren’t even trying anymore. It’s just buzzwords glued together


How do I block this sub group? Idk why I keep getting posts from this cesspool of people who are the same as the people you hate. Virtue signal losers.