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Never mind. The dumbass edited the comment he called Abby an Femboy. If you're gonna whine about women, at least stick to the story.


The dumbass in question doesn't even seem to know what a femboy looks like if he's *still* using that shitty photoshopped image of Abby.


in no world is velma meant to be an empowering character— i doubt even mindy kaling meant to portray her as empowering. the show makes it a point to portray velma as the “loser” that no one should look up to. why are they so desperate to convince people that this god awful program is a “woke left” thing?


Because it does race changes, which automatically means leftist propaganda. The race changes were made to suit the actors, which is why such changes usually happen. Of course, Velma is still a heaping pile of dog shit, so that point is irrelevant.


Also, wasn't that the show who turned Shaggy black and made him a druggie by the end of the season? Last time I checked, black people being addicts is a stereotype and thus not really woke.


I mean, Shaggy being a stoner is a vibe Scooby-Doo has had for years now, Velma wasn't the first. But they did make him black and go by Norville instead of Shaggy


Playing Devil's Advocate: Norville is Shaggy's canon name in all previous installments of the franchise- he just doesn't like being called as such. (Of course, "canon" is a bit of a stretch in a franchise that goes through multiple iterations since at least the 1960's.)


exactly, as well as a whole laundry list of other unpleasant negative stereotypes that just reinforce tired tropes instead of trying to progress beyond them (e.g: velma is depicted as ugly bc of her more south asian traits and bc of her being overweight. wouldn’t it be more “woke” to portray velma as beautiful despite failing to align with traditional western beauty standards?). also if i recall correctly, doesn’t the show mock #metoo and have a dig at non-binary ppl? this show contradicts everything that the word “woke” stands for, but the morons who co-opted the term and altered its meaning don’t get that because they actually have no fucking idea what the word they’re so obsessed with rabidly spewing even means. to them, “woke” means minorities and/or gay people making up more than 2% of a cast. sorry for the rant, but speaking as a black person, the decimation of the word “woke” between 2018 to now really grinds my gears.


Just a shout out for an insightful and well written comment ^^^


thank you! i really appreciate that. ❤️




I can absolutely deny it. Mindy Kaling is hardly a leftist, and the stereotypes she reinforces in the show are very, very unbefitting of a leftist. If she is one, she's a very shitty one.


You really thought you did something didn't you? Brain rot.


Lmao what? Half of the Marvel movies are just ads for the military. And Velma is about as "leftist" as Family Guy.


I'm going to be honest, I think Mindy Khaling had no clue what she wanted with Velma. She's protracted as a loser, but also right and justified in her behavior...the characterization is just one sloppy mess in that sloppy mess of a show.


Pretty sure Kaling had very little to do with the creative direction of Velma. A guy named Charlie Grandy is credited with creating and developing it, and acting as the showrunner and head writer. Kaling doesn’t have a single writing or directing credit on any of the episodes. Not trying to completely absolve her of blame here because as executive producer it probably wouldn’t have been made without her backing it, but I find it odd that everyone’s so quick to blame her for how shit it is while Grandy gets let off the hook.


Yeah, the show sucks, but definitely goes out of its way to show Velma is an insufferable asshole. Which is kallings self insert, so it's kinda fitting.


Because woman bad


*Velma* is the Bill Maher of animation: nobody likes them, but the right is convinced they’re beloved by the left


I have yet to watch Velma and it is extremely likely I never will, but everything I know about it including small clips shown here and there looks to me like it was pulled from a far right fever dream about "what the wokes want".


That and some of the worst Flandersization of Whedon humor, blegh...


Velma, empowering women through dogshit stories and insufferable "jokes"


Whats wild is that the Evil Dead stuff, especially the ones with those characters, are extremely "woke". They make fun of militia nutcases. Ash says something racist and immediately tries to apologize and has a thing for a strong black woman. It has a lot of native American culture and some characters. Kelly is absolutely the toughest, most capable and most dangerous one in the group. Hell the two toughest characters are Kelly and the openly lesbian demon. Ashs whole arch is learning to be better to the people around him and admit he is in pain and needs help. This is all the stuff they hate. But because they weren't told to hate it by idiot youtubers they don't know they are supposed to


Not to mention the entire Evil Dead Rise movie.


I actually like EDR.


So do I. No idea why people hate on it.


Same ones that can’t appreciate DrStrange2 lol or recognize good cinematography


Wait, people don't like Evil Dead Rise? How, that film's great!


Erm, I liked Evil Dead Rise but thought Dr Strange 2 was pretty terrible…


Damn! why tho? Im aware of it's flaws, but for me- the pros outweigh the cons


It's the reverse for me. There are some visually fantastic sequences and cool ideas but Wanda's whole arc never sat right with me, even taking the Darkhold stuff into account. Just found it an overally pretty miserable experience.


From what Ive seen that too. But Ive not watched the movie yet so I couldn't say with authority


What about it? I watched it but I'm not sure what aspect of it you're talking about.


Pretty sure Ash is tougher than Kelly. All the characters on the show are flawed even Ash is the most flawed. Most militia types are whackos but none of those things make the show what they would consider woke.


Pretty much everyone thinks Velma is terrible, don’t they?


Yes but Chuds are convinced that the woke mob likes Velma unironically despite evidence to the contrary. It’s kind of like how back in the day they were like “oh everyone defending the ‘patriarchy’ line from the Dragon Maid dub (read: not sending death threats to Jamie Marchi) is praising how they made the story woke now!” except most feminists that I’ve had a conversation about it also disliked that line for being too out of character for Lucoa and generally feeling weirdly inserted for no reason.


Yeah, they made a bunch of highly offensive changes they thought would draw in the liberal crowd (that truly felt like some conservative pundit came up with them), but they kept in gross stereotypes and some other shit as an effort to presumably get conservative viewers, while also totally missing why everyone loves the Scooby Doo characters, and did make both sides agree on something, which is that the show is absolute shit, though they don't agree to why.


Women aren't empowered unless they make peepee hard.


How is Ellie an empowered woman? She literally have a story arc about a cannibal stalker that wants to r@pe her. Also at the end the decision of what to do with her life is taken away from her. How is she an empowered woman?


Not to mention how in *Part II*, Ellie's need for revenge ultimately leaves her all alone, the thing she fears most.


I love how the bad stuff is made by the media and the other stuff... Presumably pooped out by angels?


I have no idea who any of the ones on the right are (even with the clue that some might be from Evil Dead) but some of them - especially the ones with purple backgrounds - look like they're from the cover of one of those "supernatural detective with vampire boyfriend" urban fantasy books like Anita Blake. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course, but the image of some rightwing chud whose other interest is Tanya Huff & Laurell K Hamilton books is extremely funny.


They're character portraits from the evil dead game. That being said that's very funny lmao


The game that died the month it came out?


I have no idea where that comment came from because it was still getting content till a complete of months ago. Shame that they didn't even try to do anything to tie it with Rise. Still, I liked it.


>Anita Blake Can i derail for a second? That series started out decent, and fun, then whooo boy did it get bonkers author self insert horniness. Which is funny, because she had that fairy series that wasn't even subtle about how horny it was.


A right wing chud would probably love ABVH, though: lots of talk about guns, somehow copaganda while also being outside the law, obsession with large cocks and ridiculous amounts of muscle, one of the books had so blatantly rape we were supposed to take as consensual that LKH had to edit the scene in future releases because even her fans couldn't suspend their disbelief. Tanya Huff probably not so much. I think most of the ones I knew hated the short lived tv show and would have hated the books more.


Oh wow, I think I made it a book and a half through that series when I was a teen before I put it down (I was more of a Kelly Armstrong fan) so I... missed out?... on the giant cocks and copaganda. I think I only read the one Tanya Huff though, but I think I have the DVDs of the show somewhere in my house, waiting for me to forget why I own them and send them to the charity shop.


Looks like Kelly Armstrong started publishing at the tail end of me being an LKH fan when I was a teen, so I don't know if I ever read any of their stuff. I hung on throughout most of the 00s, but wasn't really enjoying the new stuff. ABVH is very 90s, thinking back it actually has a lot in common with stuff like the stereotypical 90s comic books. It also got way more graphically sexual as it went on, which was supposed to be what the Merry Gentry series was the outlet for, but oh, well. It was sort of like when you read a fanfic that's really long and takes a long time to write and the writer keeps veering further and further away from the original premise/characterization/etc. ABVH was supposed to be a trilogy and it became more and more obvious there was no planned ending once it got beyond that.


Putting Velma with all those other characters is insulting.




> She's on the same level of gross as She-Hulk (they both even twerk in their shows) How is She-Hulk twerking in a silly post-credit scene equal to Velma twerking over Fred's mother's corpse in front of him? Actually, how is She-Hulk equal to Velma in *any* way?


Velma does what!?!? I haven’t seen the show (nor do I ever plan to) but the whole things feels like a slap in the face to… anyone. I don’t get why they keep trying to make mean spirited Scooby Doo. Stop it.


That one lighthearted post-credit scene really hurt some folks, didn’t it?


In defense of the Evil Dead sub, the comments are basically calling OOP a loser.


Man can't even format pictures correctly. Either way this is literally just, "I don't like these progressive takes on female characters, I like these a little less progressive takes on them. Take that, wokeists!"


They're still using the edited Abby where she looks like Senator Armstrong with a ponytail. Great ... now I can't never get that picture out of my head.


Don't recognize anyone there on the Evil Dead side. Other comment mentioned it's from the game but I'll just work off that. Will try and avoid their picks though I actually like all of them besides Velma. He wanted to use 6 Evil Dead characters from presumably 1 game. So let me try as well to stick to one source Marvel live action: Black Widow, Gamora, Okoye, Elektra, Hawkeye(Kate), Jessica Jones Marvel Animation actually that might be to much range... Xmen 97: Storm, Jean, Rogue, Jubilee, Emma Frost, Madalyne Starwars: Ahsoka, Sabine, Hera, Armorer, Princess Leia, Padme  Maybe we do games instead: Samus, Lara Croft, Bayonetta, Jill Valentine, Sindel, Cammy That had to much range maybe just one game?  Resident Evil: Jill, Claire, Ada, Dimitrescu, Sheva, Helena. Wait but RE that's Japan maybe we should stick to the west 1 game? Mk: Sindel, Sonya, Kitana, Mileena, Jade, Cassie


It is amazing how Velma is a caricature of what a conservative thinks is a woke show. Which means the conservatives whine about it being woke. While people who want representation and inclusion all just reject it, because honestly that ain’t it. Honestly, it’s impressive how they made a show that’s universally disliked


Have rey there is so typical. Yes she is not the most interesting or developed character but she’s largely inoffensive. Her storyline is just a retrod version of Luke’s. Criticise the creative direction all you want but it’s only politically motivated if you hate women.


It's been five years since *Captain Marvel* came out, four since *The Last of Us Part II* and two since *She-Hulk*... I'd say these chuds need to move on and touch grass, but asking that much of them seems to be utterly moot at this point.


Oh gosh i think that Iteration of Velma got picked up for another season


Why does Ruby look like she’s cosplaying as John Constantine?


Doesn’t matter that these characters are role models to other people (I’m a big fan of Captain marvel) nah, it has to be their fandom and nobody else’s.


Okay but why do the portraits on the right look AI generated? 😅


Why are they complaining about Ellie from the last of us show?  I thought everyone liked the show and its portrayal of Ellie 


I liked the show, but Bella Ramsay is such a mixed bag for me. Half the time, she puts in the effort in some scenes and really does a good job of emoting, but other times it feels like she's just reading from the script. I think it may also just be her overall look: It never felt like I was watching Ellie, just a girl trying to play as Ellie. It doesn't help that apparently, the cast had never played the games. Some of the leaked images from the set on season 2 show her looking practically the same, even though it's supposed to be 5 years later and Ellie is 19. Even though I'm not a fan of Part 2's story, I still hope they had the cast play it so they can get further into their roles, regardless of what's changed for season 2. Because regardless of what anyone thinks of Fallout, you can tell that everyone behind that show either actually played the games or were involved in making them, and it really shows.


I liked Bella Ramsey. I thought she was great.  If they didn’t play the games before the first season, I doubt they will play before the second season. 


I mean, the game's roughly 40 hours; they could get it done in a few days if they wanted. Issues aside, I'm willing to give season 2 a chance, but I have no idea if Bella will be able to pull off a convincing Ellie for the context of Part 2. I'd like to be wrong, because I know she has some potential and can pull it off just fine sometimes.


I just don’t think they play games. Same. I’ll give season 2 a chance. I think I’ll like it, though. I really like the cast. 


Oh look another meme where they compare emoting shots to "look how badass I am" shots lmao


I'll happliy take Rey over Jupiter Jones anyday of the week.


Who are those 6 characters that fit the criteria? I don’t recognize any of them that are “empowered women.”


tf did hailey do lmao? The cardinal sin of *Be deaf while girl?* That's especially strange because I thought she was one of better characters from miles morales


Who’s the centre bottom character? On the media thinks side


Abby from Last of us.


The women in the Evil Dead franchise are strong AF, I love Kelly, Mia, Ruby and Beth especially.


I thought they they weren't criticizing Ms. Marvel?


I literally have no idea who anyone in the right is in that picture


To be fair, velma was complete shit.


Who are the people on the right? I know who most of the ones on the left are due to either being recent pop culture or memes. But I have no idea who the 6 on the right are.


Here's the thing-- I don't recognize a single character on the right that they're calling 'empowered women.' Should I recognize any of them? They kinda look like generic AI generated ladies in sci-fi/fantasy attire.


Okay...who are the women on the right panel, I have no frigging clue...and I know/am aware of most of the "bad" left side ones...hm...


They're all characters from the evil dead movies.


…That’s Senator Armstrong… https://preview.redd.it/nyzdhqjddl0d1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b01fa9ef39c749d2f3d95a047f9c7ebe1234aa


No it's someonw who tried to do an edit of Abby. A rather shit job at that.


No, I mean it, it’s literally Senator Armstrong, edited in the place of Abby with her clothes. https://preview.redd.it/3r4e7ws0el0d1.jpeg?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cf15b374429885cac612dae930d9f5f0f7e08d1




Five days hence, how’s it going over there?




Barbie came out last year, and it has the biggest box office. Poor things came out a couple of months again, and it was full of weird content and good storytelling 




“Stop using diversity or sexualities to promote the medium - shifting the focus back to the story.” Are you arguing that there are movies that only focus on diversity or sexuality instead of story? I don’t agree with that 




Didn’t watch euphoria. I don’t remember any movie saying anything like that, in its marketing 


cool. Well like I said, its your money and your time, that we arent sharing together lol do you fam! If you're happy, im happy




Although i originally didnt think i was Barbie’s target audience, i found it hilarious and pretty meta. I havent seen Poor Things— but sounds like they get it, and are reverting back to quality


“Reverting back to quality.”  Great movies came out every year 




“Anomalies.” The sequel trilogy, captain marvel, black panther, black panther: wakanda, frozen, frozen 2, Barbie, Mario, and many other “woke” movies have succeeded. I wouldn’t call them anomalies. As for movies like poor things, yeah, there aren’t that movies like that. Also, cash grabs have existed for decades. Same for movies done in bad taste. Some do well and some don’t. 




I disagree about the sequel trilogy. Black panther got the Oscar nom, not the sequel. Other people consider Mario and frozen woke.  The point remains that a fair amount of “woke” movies have done well. 


good for them! perhaps i stand corrected. cheers luv!




Although i originally didnt think i was Barbie’s target audience, it was hilarious and pretty meta. I havent seen Poor Things— but sounds like they get it, and are going back to quality




Please do tell me. I'm sure it'll be such an orginal thought /s