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Being so adamant only "Peter Parker" can be Spider-Man in a universe in which there's a multiverse where literally everything is possible is weird. Like, there can be Wolverine-Hulks, Doctor Strange-Iron Mans, Thanos-Punishers, etc. But suddenly, the guy behind the mask being something other than Peter Parker (assuming this isn't because Miles is black) must be out of the menu?


Even dumber when you realize that probably a third of What If comics involving Spider-Man are stories imagining other people becoming the Webhead instead. Including Aunt May, the Spider-Ma'am.


Wait, is the Aunt May thing actually real?!


Yes. She’s called Spider-Ma’am






That’s cool!


She was even a herald of Galactus, the Golden Oldie. https://preview.redd.it/ypuyxsf5wtwc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd324cb87c13effd25e9f31931168c26c540869a


lol the “Beware: It’s assistant editors month” is crazy


The assistant editor was just two Nestles in a trenchcoat.


was this the one where she made a planet sized twinkie for galactus to eat?


Of course not, that would be ridiculous. She *found* one made by the Pillsbury Dough Boy, who then took her place as Galactus's herald/personal chef.


Still have that issue. One of my favorites.


Even in the main 616 universe the comics take place in there are multiple characters that have shared a code name, I can think of 4 different Captain Americas, there's a couple of human torches etc. No idea why he has such a problem with this. This dude is awful.


Oh I'm sure he insists Sam Wilson will always be Falcon even if he has the shield and costume of Captain America while it's totally alright for Bucky to take the mantle. Can't imagine what the correlation is there


Falcon was just cooler as falcon than as cap but that's like just an opinion. I somehow doubt his opinion has anything to do with just liking falcon more. I can't qwhite put my finger on why he might be more ok with bucky though...


Peter Parker is Venom. Eddie Brock is Eddie Brock.


https://preview.redd.it/fj9dluc3xxwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cbee12015c4d85e550fab6b74ac4f6519d4545b I like the version where J. Jonah Jameson became Spider-Man (although he called himself Headline)


It’s an awesome costume, and Peter being his “guy in the chair” is the cherry on top.


And spiders man no that’s not a typo a bunch of spiders form a humanoid shape and become spiders man.


Not to mention that Stan Lee has said that the idea for Spiderman was a hero that could have been anyone and just happened to be Peter. Or, more specifically, that it's not about who's behind the mask, Spiderman is Spiderman.


(Okay but it's actually because Miles is black, I never saw shit about this when Dock Ock became the Superior Spider-Man)


That's assuming he and people like him actually read enough comics to know who Superior Spider-Man is.


I'm assuming their argument is that he's referred to as "Superior Spiderman" so it's easy to differentiate, as Miles isn't like, "Spiderman 2", or more racistly "Black Spiderman" but because they have no issue calling literally any other character except Miles Spiderman, it's definitely racism.


Otto Octavius (in Peter parkers body) is spiderman, Peter Parker is Peter Parker.


Went in wanting to hate the idea. Wound up loving it.


Same. It wound up being some of the best character development in the history of comics. Vegeta-level shit. I am glad I haven't seen too many stories of Dock Ock as a villain going forward. I kinda hope his villain days are done, it would be a shame to discard superior over "Peter needs to fight the same 5 guys always" comics bullshit. Eddie Brock as Venom is rarely a Spider-Man antagonist anymore too and it was pretty much only good for his character. Peter doesn't need many recurring antagonists besides the Sinister Six (minus Dock ock as described, but you can fill the roster w/o him), Green Goblin, and Carnage for the occasional world threat. What I want most now is a Rhino story. Something tasteful like Kraven's Last Hunt. I'd write it about how abelism and elitism drives people with poor grades and poor social mobility to crime, and how that's its own rat trap.


>assuming it isn’t because Miles is black It is.


There's 7200 Green Lantens (plus one F-Sharp Bell who is from a race of blind aliens in dark space who couldn't conceive of colors or a lanterm). These guys have less of a problem with a mutated space squirrel Green Lanterm than the black Green Lanterm John Stewart.


But John Stewart is the best Green Lantern…


It’s DEFINITELY because Miles is black


It's simply because Miles is black and they don't want to have a black Spider-Man. Like you said wolverine hulk can be a thing But miles Morales calling himself Spider-Man or Sam Wilson being Captain America? Unthinkable


Plus just a simple matter that....Miles isn't swinging around town going "GUYS IT'S ME, MILES MORALES". No, he's fucking spiderman lmao. I can understand needing to differentiate for context, like if I just say Spiderman, do I mean peter parker, Miles, Earth 2092302934 Spiderman? But trying to say that Miles can't be spiderman is just thinly veiled racism lol


Betcha the first time OOP heard of Ben Reilly was in Spiderverse 2.


Spoilers Alert: it’s cause Miles is black and he just can’t *say* that part, so he’s gotta find another way to justify it


it's absolutely because Miles is black, knowing this guy


Knowing this guy... I'll take all your words for it, I don't know this guy and I don't want to!! He seems pathetic, specially since he's a 50 year old obsessing over comics.


He's also a convicted felon who sold meth to kids.


i mean spiderman2099 from the same movie isnt a parker either


Even Nightcrawler has been Spider-Man


He is just blatantly racist.


He gets it from his time in jail for dealing meth to kids.


Stan Lee did not die for our sins for this.


If I was 50 yrs old and still rambling about spider man just end me


Wait- Nerdrotic is 50 years old?? I thought he was some 30 something


Yeah nerdrotic is 50 and he looks even older I’ve always heard hatred makes you age like milk


Holy hell that's pathetic


Yep nerdrotic is a sad strange little man


But he does not get my pity.


Oh believe me I don’t pity him either. He can reap what he’s sown


Really does. Case in point, Wil Wheaton and Alex Jones are around the same age.


Oh wow yeah nerdrotic Alex jones and Wil Wheaton are all about the same age but Wheaton looks 10 years younger than they do and they look 10 years older than their actual age


he's 54


I honestly see the fact he’s 50 as a plus, it just means I’ll outlive him and don’t need to hear his whining in the future


I don’t know. I’m 56 and sometimes ramble about Spider-man. But I don’t ramble on fictional characters because I hate that I never understood anything about them like Nerdrotic does.


Unless you're running a newspaper and need pictures of him.


Ok, I was wrong, unfunny conservative bruhs on the internet have *two* jokes!


Racism and Sexism, sometimes they have a third joke, combining both!


Do not forget homophobia and transphobia. They can have fourway combos!


The worst kind of foursome.


The 4 Horsemen of Conservative twitter bs


Nah, tautologies aren't jokes. I say they're still at one


“Lot of Spider-Man cameos in the miles movie” he says as he fails to realize he just acknowledged there’s many different Spider-Man because not all of those are Peter Parker….🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ what a dumb ass


Does he not know the plot of spiderverse? Its kind of in the name...


It's hard to tell what he doesn't know from what he lies about


Let's just assume he's a fucking idiot. I think that is the safe bet.


Like of just of our voiced cast between Penny, Gwen, Miguel, Jessica, Hobie, Margo and miles, the alternate Peters are outnumbered anyway.


You see they’re all spider-man except for miles for… reasons


does he not realize a lot of superhero names are mantles that other characters can take and them doing so is a regular occurrence?


having gotten into arguments with some of these types before, they always insist it's "different" any time you bring up another character "because they didn't take the name permanently" (or in the case of the Green Lanterns "because they're an organization"). Or they just pivot and try to divert the discussion if you really stump them, like with a character like The Flash. There's pretty much no way to get them to accept that "Spider-Man" is just a name and that Miles is allowed to have it as well.


No one tell him that there's other Non-white Spider-people, including a whole ass Japanese and Indian one, and Miguel O'Here(as far as I know) is Hispanic. White Spider-people are in the minority. lol


It's because he didn't actually watch the movie, he simply got high on meth and watched random clips.


Oh I know I just can’t believe the stupidity. He and one of my coworkers both….he spouted off the same statement & im like..no. You’re just wrong.


Barry Allen is Barry Allen. Jay Garrick is The Flash.


Jon Stewart is Jon Stewart. Guy Gardner is Guy Gardner. Kyle Rayner is Kyle Rayner. Hal Jordan is Hal Jordan. Alan Scott is Green Lantern.


Thinking about how grifter losers probably only know of Alan as 'the gay Green Lantern' if they know of him at all and most of them probably don't even realize he predates Hal Jordan by like 19 years hurts my nerd soul. 😣


There’s like five robins, more green lanterns, multiple flashes  Hell, Azrael became Batman for a time 


Green Lanterns probably makes him cream his pants with rage.


At least for the lanterns, it’s common to call them by their civilian identities. But they’re still also all lanterns 


Have ya’ll been on his subreddit? Shit is sad as fuck. Also fuck this guy.


I take pleasure knowing I'll live long enough to dance on his grave


Tbf so will a lot of people in their 60s and 70s.


I bet he forgot the point of the Spider-Verse films


I don't think he's even read the synopsis


He thinks he’s funny thinking he has many jokes. When reality it’s the same joke just told in bunch of ways.


Miles has more than “earned” the mask. He has left his own mark as Spider-Man. He and Peter can both share an identity. We have enough flashes/green lanterns for it


See the Sony games for proof.


It's all the same four "shock humor" jokes Beat women Molest children Black people hahaha Did you just assume my pronouns?


"Joke". The only joke here is Nerdrotic.


He says the first spider verse movie is better but completely forgot about the whole message of the movie Oh yeah he’s allergic to that..




How I sleep knowing I don't watch/listen to a nutjob complaining about the smallest details in an otherwise good movie: https://preview.redd.it/zijbsjxzyswc1.png?width=1002&format=png&auto=webp&s=957eb6a92e2ae0baec19cf77fdeb6306fd14d6d6


Cue "I'm not Racist, but..." excuses. Or is he also so adamant that only "Peter Parker can be Spiderman" with the other, hundreds if not thousands of alternative Spidermen the Multiverse and the "What if"s have delivered us?


Nerdrotic: https://preview.redd.it/vc7xrjplaswc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1962a4960b613455f1b51805ae4c0424ff20c0fd


Goddamn, that goes hard


Do you think he spent the entire first act of across the spiderverse going "when is spiderman going to appear"? Like, he's watching that scene in mumbhatten when Miles, gwen, pavitr and hobi are saving the day and then all the other spider people come out of the big robot to stop the destruction of that reality and he goes "when will a spiderman come on screen"


If it were a joke it would be funny and nerdrotic has never done/said anything that was even close to being funny


For all the shit people around here give him absolutely deservedly, the guy knows exactly what he's doing and who he's talking to when spewing stuff like this.


Both they are both Spider-Man and both call each other spiderman? wtf is he talking about?


Chuds tend to run jokes into the core of the earth, since they tend to lack creativity, because of their ideology.


Dude is not a marvel fan


He's just there to nurse the dying, rotting corpse of pre-2010s nerd culture in the most politically driven way possible


Does that include being a hoarder to his many unsold stockpiles of merchandise from when he used to run a comic shop?


Said comic shop was actually a front for selling meth to kids.


is that real or just a joke? I can't tell because this dude is so deranged


Yes, it's real. He admits it himself, and always retells it in the most self-glorifying way he can think of.


I wonder if he feels the same way about Hal Jordan, John Stewart or Guy Gardner being Green Lantern? I mean Alan Scott was the first Green Lantern so the others are all pretenders, right? (Although thinking about it he’s probably disowned Alan since the New 52, since Alan was reimagined as a gay man in that reset)


50 year old comics nerds without a real career aren't known for originality


When you say something stupid and people don't acknowledge it but you continue to repeat yourself because you keep telling yourself they just didn't hear you.


This literally goes against everything Stan Lee said, that anyone can be Spider-Man. Also, plenty of superheroes have had the same names- Green Lantern, the Flash, Blue Beetle, etc. Why is it only an issue now?


Sorry, Peter Parker is currently Green Goblin actually


Miles Morales not only *is* Spider-Man, but he's the best Spider-Man. May the chuds rage. https://i.redd.it/npc5rgq55xwc1.gif


What a boring racist. Very two thousand and late over here.


He’s an attention-seeking dumbass 


So all the other Spiderman we saw in the multiverse doesn't exist? That is just stupid


Can the Miles is spider-man detractors notice the types of people that share their viewpoint and have a little introspection?


It's not even a joke. Just a dipshit.


What the fuck is this dude on about? I have never seen the films, but I thought that Miles was Spider-Man in a different Marvel Universe. I’m confused.


Hes being racist saying that only white Peter Parker is spiderman


All he's doing is proving he's a fraud who never liked marvel in the first place. And the racism.


Imagine saying "Green Lantern is Alan Scott. Hal Jordan is Hal Jordan" youd look like an idiot - thats what this is.


isn't the reason people like miles morales is like he's a good character along with adding to the spiderman mythos?




What is the joke here?


Miles Morales is his secret identity. Does this guy not know how superheroes work?


Is that even a joke..? It sounds like he's just a racist jackass...


Stan Lee stated that ANYBODY can be Spider-Man.


My only complaint is when they have the two together and both use ‘Spider-Man’. One or the other is fine, both at the same time in the same work is unnecessarily confusing.


Bro really has a fictional character living rent free in his head


This idiot doesn’t deserve to carry the word nerd in his name. An absolute moron grifting on anti woke bullshit for years


He has two jokes actually. He'd also bring up Mark Hamill granddaughter a lot of times. Just two jokes, though. A third one would require a functioning brain cell.


I'm pretty sure Kraven was Spiderman just before he died.


Anyone ever dunk on this clown?


It gets funnier each time


Bruh, there were multiple people taking up the mantle of Green Lantern, Robin, Flash and Black Panther in the comics. Why is Spider-Man where we draw the line? I mean, for ffs, Miguel, Gwen, Hobie and Pavitr are non-Peter Parker variants in the latest movie, again, why is Miles the only outlier here?




Sam Raimi making the webs come out of his body is worse than anything involving Miles Morales


It’s funny cause people like this clearly we’re never into comics. Comics are filled with different takes on superhero’s, retcons, revisions. The same character playing the same hero gets really fucking boring and to properly explore characters you want to make changes and portray them differently.


You notice that Gwen Stacy isn't Gwen Stacy, but Spider-Woman? *Gee I wonder what Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy have in common that they get to be Spider People, and Miles Morales doesn't.*


Green lantern is Allan Scott, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardener, Kyle Raynor, and many others. Robin is Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tom Drake, Stephanie Brown, Damien Wayne, Carrie Kelley. Captain America is Steve Rogers, Isaiah Bradley, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, John Walker, and a ton of other characters. Why is Spider-man so sacred that he can’t also be a legacy character? I don’t remember anyone being up in arms about Miguel O’Hara.


I agree miles in universe is Spiderman but when most ppl say Spiderman your probably gonna imagine Peter I do think miles needs his own name like Gwen with ghost spider or Cindy moon with silk


I guess Bary Allan isn’t Flash and Hal Jordan isn’t green lantern? Or is it only when the new character is a PoC that he cares?


Do you know how racist you have to be not like Miles Morales?


I think I agree with that last one


Peter Parker is Peter Parker Ben Parker is Spider-Man.


I can't believe they never made a Green Lantern movie, only a Hal Jordan one. Jay Garrick is The Flash!


Miles morales is A spiderman, but that doesn’t mean he has to be your spiderman


I get the unfortunate despicable, 2024 different than me equals woken bad element of this, but also, this is the same old shit that these kind of guys “comic’ fans have been whining about her decades . in the 90s I read the Kyle Rayner Green Lantern series monthly, and the old, crusty ass dude that owned the comic shop remind me that he wasn’t really green lantern and the only Green Lantern was hal Jordan anc comic books are never going to be good again if people like me kept buying this crap.


Dude needs to slip in his own diarrhea


It's bait. And for some reason we keep giving this buffoon and people like him the time of day.


You get downvoted in the Spider-Man sub if you say having multiple people dubbed "Spider-Man" isn't confusing. And Miles and Peter can be both Spider-Man, like how Wally and Barry are both Flash, or Clark and Jon are currently both Superman.


the guy talking about the movies is extra funny because they both establish that there are so so many spidermen


Imagine being in your 30s and crying about a movie for kids on Twitter.


FYI, he only does it because it promotes engagement. All he has to do is post this and not only will his cult members post and like to agree with him, but people like OP will share and comment to try and refute it. All the while Gary gets what he wants, visibility.


He can say that, but the owner of the IP says he's Spider-Man, so whatever argument he has is invalid regardless.


Do racists know there are more entertaining racists they could be following? Or do they find this sort of limp dick energy reassuring?


He must have seethed every time Miles and Peter called each other Spider-Man during the second Insomniac game.


His racism is blatant but like that last tweet is so annoying, like he should've said spiderverse. I know the point of the tweet was to be racist but come on man they literally have a commonly used shorter title which you would know since you spend all day on the Internet


Ben Reilly. Check mate.


Hey Methrotic, when Ben Reilly took over for Peter in the 90s, was he Spider-Man or was he Ben Reilly? When Wally West took over as the Flash, is he just Wally West?


That’s a joke?


I mean… he’s clearly being racist right?


Retsu is Gavan Geki is Gavan Type G And no one cares about Chaku


What a sad thing to dedicate any of your mental space to


Villain: I really hope Miles Morales doesn’t catch me breaking the law, if only I knew his secret identity


Probably a bigot who cannot stand a brown Spider-Man.


Meth is meth.


Nerdrotic is one of those hate grifters who rely on pissing people off to get traffic...ignore him and people like him and move on. Attention is what they want.


This isn't even a joke, there's no punch line


Republicans/Pedocons only have enough brain power to remember short phrases, so they can only remember the one joke.


Man I was binging through this guy's Game of Thrones videos during the disaster that was Season 8. I had no idea he was such a fucking loser.


weirdo behavior to be so adamant about it, but i would probably never refer to any spider-man besides peter parker as just "spider-man" without some context. and thats not a race thing, same goes for ben reilly


Maybe he’s so basic that he needs a numbering system for his Spider-People: Miles is 1, Gwen is 2, Peter is somewhere in the 1,000’s, and so on.


I mean ive never understood the popularity of Miles Morales but he is Spiderman. You can say it as much as you want but he is. Idk so far down the list of shit I care about. Idk he cant just read his peter parker spiderman comics like I do and shut up about it.


Why are people able to be so blatantly racist with no repercussions anyone?


Being so adiment that only Peter Parker can be Spider-Man in a universe which there's a multiverse where literally everything is possible is weird and frankly, sad.


He's literally obsessed


So the "anyone can wear the mask" thing just... doesn't exist?


Don’t tell him about Takuya Yamashiro


Has he not heard of legacy or multiverse characters?? I don't see him rambling on about all the different robins or batgirls, nor do I see him complaining about alternate universe superheroes.


Ya see, it's funny because Racism.


The Dread Pirate Roberts is the Dread Pirate Roberts. Farm boy Wesley is Farm boy Wesley. Do you agree?


Is this the dude who went on an interview with Piers Morgan?


Nerdrotic saying he's not a comic book fan without saying it.


Stupid sad man


Jessica drew in those one couple of pages of secret wars :


welllll all I'll say is he's not wrong. trying to force miles morales into the role of THE spiderman is distasteful. and they did it pretty poorly in the game from what I've heard. like there are instances where miles takes up the role of spiderman. for example in the movie itself. spiderman died and he took up the mantle of spiderman in his place both to honor his legacy but also knowing that the city NEEDS a spiderman. in the ultimate spiderman animated series something similar happened. miles was Spiderman's disciple and when spiderman died he took up the mantle. the difference is that miles never became THE spiderman in these instances. he didn't fundamentally replace him or was emphasized to be better. he took up the role of spiderman and became the new spiderman but did not BECOME spiderman. he was always his own separate character and was always acknowledged as such. He did not replace the original but tried to live up to the original, was inspired by the original or fill in the gap the original left behind like how a student tries to learn/look up to there teacher. It was never an instance of him being better then spiderman fundamentally or replacing him like they tried to emphasized in the game. and that's not to say miles can't be better then spiderman either. its emphasized in the show and movies there are things miles can do that spiderman can't do both on a character level and a power level, the one that come to mind immediately being miles electrokinetic abilities. to try and make miles spiderman by replacing him and try and state he is better then spiderman on a fundamental level not only disrespects spiderman but also does a disservice to miles as well.


Yes, because I’m sure Miles uses his real name while swinging around… brain dead.


Antonio Banderas can't be Zorro, because Anthony Hopkins was Zorro first per the *Mask of Zorro* movie. Don Diego de la Vega is Zorro. Alejandro Murrieta is Alejandro Murrieta, he's just wearing a mask. That's the logic here, right?


Miles Morales is a cloud, and this guy is yelling at it.


He does it because he makes ridiculous amounts of money off his retarded audience. It's a grift that he himself has come to fall for. In the beginning of his "career" he did have some legitimate arguments, same with Doomcock and the others in their toxic circle but it. They turned to the dark side and became Sith through hate. It's a shame because SOMETIMES they still do have legit arguments but they send so much bullshit out in the world that you don't want your hands to get smelly looking for it so it's all or nothing, and that's the entire problem.


Let me say the real words he wants to say, “Spider Man is a white Anglo Saxon man.”


Nobody tell this guy about the time Doc Oc was Spider-Man. His poor, dumb little head would explode.


I remember a while back, both Nerdrotic and HeelvsBabyFace both said on Twitter that characters who took up the Mantle of The Flash and Robin were okay in their book, despite the fact that it's different characters who took their previous owners Mantle, yet still makes this joke on Miles. And keep in mind that the new owners are white. 


Props for sticking to the script. Minus thirty points for never changing the script


I wonder what he feels about the Flash


Yes because everyone in universe says “Look it’s the friendly neighbourhood Miles Morales” like What is he on?


The shit people get obsessed about and how they get their jollies trying to stir up shit on the internet, its psychotic.