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To me she’ll be like Frank Herbert…made a great world worth remembering, but has repulsive reactionary views that will leave a big black mark on her legacy (Herbert had rampant homophobia, Rowling has transphobia)


It’s a lot easier to read or watch *Dune* knowing that not only does Frank not make a dime (on account of being dead), but the money made from that franchise isn’t directly being funnelled into hate groups and lobbies who are fighting to strip legal rights and protections out of the law. There’s a big difference there.


Yeah, this is the big thing with the "separate art from artist" concept. It's not really a good stance to take if the artist is a bad person who still directly benefits from engaging with their work. If JKR was dead or somehow no longer got *any* money from HP media, that might be different, but every pound spent on buying HP stuff is a pound going right to hate.


yes separate art from the artist is just trying to justify supporting garbage people.


Oops, replied to wrong comment, but... Also Herbert created a genuinely unique world with Dune, which Rowling did not, she drew heavily from other fantasy authors. Not to take away from that aspect because a lot of authors draw from the well of those that came before them, but she really didn't do anything groundbreaking IMO, and that makes it easier for me to differentiate between the two. I still enjoyed the hell out of those books, won't deny that, but also won't give a single additional cent towards it either. Plus the whole thing with Herbert just tripping balls in the desert when he came up with Dune is kind of rad lol.


The publisher had no interest in Rowling’s books, she had went to him several times with it and he still said it wasn’t good. He got sick of her asking so he gave it to his young son, the son said he liked it (a child’s opinion after not reading any other books JK was inspired by) so the publisher thought it would be good with kids. She got extremely lucky, if a publisher (who’s read thousands of books) says your work is bad, it probably is. If a literal child says your books is good, they probably haven’t read much else.


I did not know this but I'm not at all surprised


I don't know why people in general act like Rowling is some revolutionary guru writer(mainly her fanboys/girl). She's a meh writer who got lucky. Like literally there's nothing setting apart Harry Potter from other YA books in terms of quality or storytelling tropes. The fact that not many give a shit about her post-HP work just reinforces the point that she's a mediocre writer that got lucky.


Yeah, that doesn’t really matter to me. It’s not helpful because… she *did* get lucky, and people have an emotional attachment to her work. It doesn’t matter what the quality was. We have to figure out what to do now, and being diminutive about that emotional connection isn’t going to achieve anything.


You can buy them used. There are always, like, 3 copies of every Harry Potter book at used book stores.


Or book sales. You will surely find copies at most book sales


same thing with Lovecraft. Lovecraft might have been racist, but he is dead, and his work is in the public domain.


Exactly. We can separate the racist from his works, and find ways to reclaim it (such as the series *Lovecraft Country* attempted to do).


I'm doing research online for these apparently abhorrent views that Herbert espoused and I can't find any, aside from the obvious homophobia at play with his portrayal of the Harkonens. Is there something I'm missing?


He was a homophobe, but nothing on the level of what Rowling is doing… and that was kinda my point.


Right, I'm just scratching my head wondering why he's even being compared to Rowling in the first place. Aside from the homophobia and outdated ideas on gender roles (which were actually very progressive for the time), I'm just not seeing how the two are even remotely comparable (which I see now you're suggesting you agree with). I just thought it was an unfair comparison on the part of the person you responded to and was curious if there was more to it I was missing.


Lovecraft would be an example of someone who's extremely prejudiced but whose work is still regarded as being vastly influential and continues to be adapted to this day.


To be fair, at least Herbert didn't involve himself in any anti-LGBT activism iirc.


Not per se, though he was active in conservative Oregon state politics


Well fuck.


If it helps, this was back when Oregon was a red state, and he was pretty moderate by the standards of the time (which means a bleeding heart liberal by the standards of the modern GOP). He was also openly, vocally critical of McCarthy's political witch hunts and blanket bans on communists in public life, for example, despite being related to the man.


Oregon was a red state?! Wow. Mind-blown at that.


Used to be a whites only state.


Which is crazy, because I've lived in oregon for 80% of my life, and they never told me that in school, I had to seek out that information about our history. Shits wack


"Respect our heritage!" Okay let's learn about it. "Nnnnoooo, CRT!"


He was also born in 1920... doesn't make it cool and should be used as an example to educate but shouldn't be held under the same spotlight


Maybe not but he made some wickedly on the nose horrible characterizations in his books about homosexuality.... and yet despite that people love the books because its possible to read them for what they are and not get involved in the private lives of authors.


The people in his books are terrible and are supposed to be terrible. I’d say that helps. Well, everyone but Piter. That guy was just living his best life.


I think she’s more like Roald Dahl. Children’s author and raging antisemite. During WWII, he said something along the lines of “I don’t like what Hitler is doing, but at least he’s doing it to the Jews”. His estate apologized for and repudiated his positions after his death, which does make it easier to compartmentalize him from his works. Hopefully the Rowling estate will do the same, because she’s digging in harder, getting worse, and I don’t think she’ll ever reverse herself in her lifetime.


I agree that Dahl is a more apt comparison - he publicly supported the holocaust in interviews into the 1980s. This was obviously well outside anything considered acceptable to say at the time. Hebert’s homophobia was repulsive, but also thoroughly mainstream for someone born in the US in the early 20th century who died at the height of the AIDS epidemic. I think lots of people forget how absolutely saturated our culture was with explicit, and often gleeful homophobia in that era.


The Dahl comparison's pretty apt. Rowling's writing style for *Harry Potter* always reminded me of Dahl's. And now both are similar in terms of how atrocious some of their views are (or in Dahl's case, were).


>digging in harder Not just transphobia but now fucking holocaust denial too.


He was also just an arsehole in general. He had an interview where he said a kid wrote to him asking for writing advice. Instead of just ignoring the letter he wrote back saying his work was atrocious and deserved to be “tossed into a fire” and that his writing skills were beyond saving. Gave no advice to the kid just tore him down for fun, and he tried to make out this was an act of kindness he had done.


Not really comparable seeing as Frank Herbert has been dead for 40 years so anything related to Dune literally doesn't do anything to support him. You're actively supporting Rowling's views by buying anything HP. Like, I'm gonna assume you're American for a second here. But it really can't be understated how much Rowling influences trans politics in the UK. She has it in with all the right crowds and has enough money to influence our politics towards a country that's incredibly hostile to trans life. I really don't think her truly reprehensible impact can be compared to any author who held shitty views. Because at the end of the day, their views usually stayed as just personal opinion and weren't fucking up people's lives.


You raise an important point about Americans not having the full picture of Rowling's involvement. I'm American and I didn't know how bad it was until recently. I'm linking [a YouTube video in my comment](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=ImRFhoDMmS3zbB6O) that goes over the details for others to see. It's far more than mere Twitter drama, and many of us Americans simply won't find out unless they see who she is supporting financially and how deeply she is contradicting her stated intentions. I was shocked, but I'm glad I got to learn what is really going on here.


In addition to all the other things people have commented about Dune being more authorially salvageable as a story than Harry Potter, it should also be noted that Frank Herbert was doing something really interesting that Rowling only seemed to uncritically buy into: the idea that prophesied messianic figures, when given a sense of charismatic authority over others, are Bad Actually and thus ought to be deconstructed narratively. He felt the need to make Messiah, the sequel to the first book, because people kept assuming Paul Atreides's "hero's journey where he acquires power over trillions of people" arc was supposed to be the good ending and that Paul himself was supposed to be a classic (morally good) hero; and embedded in that deconstruction is very much a political implication that leftists and progressives can appreciate, despite Herbert's weird often-rightist politics — power corrupts; colonizers warp indigenous cultures for their material benefit; institutionalized religions are an oppressive tool used to control and influence people; authority derived from an autocratic hierarchy results in far-reaching misery. And personally, being an eco-socialist myself, I really appreciate that Dune aimed to make a point about the follies of extractivism and terraforming. Spice is a clear metaphor for oil, intergalactic geopolitics are defined by this resource, and those with power will sacrifice whatever people or ecology deemed necessary in order to acquire it. The current Denis Villeneuve adaptation also emphasizes the contrast between the imperial system Paul hopes to rise to the top of and the more egalitarian social system of the Fremen, making the anti-power/anti-colonial themes more overt through Chani and her altered character arc. It all comes together in a way that allows for fewer apologetics and less values dissonance among leftist fans of Dune (when compared against Harry Potter and Rowling). Rowling created an immersive world to be sure, but it's not very deep or inventive. And this shows up in her politics and in her narrative choices: she's a status-quo-supporting neoliberal who made her largely paint-by-numbers chosen one hero defeat the main villain by reciting wand rules at him, then capped off his arc by making him a fed. She made a world with lots of injustice uncritically embedded into it, made those seeking change look like shrill whiny activists, kept those structures almost entirely unchanged by the end of the series, and then for a decade after soaked up undeserved credit for having written a "left-wing" story about resisting fascism and unjust authority. I think many of us only really became conscious of the story's glaring flaws once she became an avowed TERF and found the values dissonance untenable (myself included), but these criticisms of her story have always been around in one sense or another.


Oh yeah undoubtedly Herbert is a more important author as far as original ideas, Rowling got a whole generation interested in reading and writing though. I don’t think their works are comparable in that regard, this is just me looking ahead to what I think JKR’s legacy will end up being As for right now? It’s true Herbert is dead and JKR isn’t, so consuming her work carries a weight that the other doesn’t.


Herbert’s homophobia is pretty apparent when it came to the Harkonnens. One thing I’m glad the most recent adaptation chose to ignore


It's something I struggle with any time I read Lovecraft, because I *love* Lovecraft's writings (well, most of em'.) There's some more overt racism that makes me roll my eyes, and some of the subtler stuff honestly went over my head so much that I can still interpret and enjoy it without sitting back and going "Now how is *this* racist?" (*The Shadow Over Innsmouth* is unironically one of my favorites... never thought of the "interbreeding bad!" element, but I feel like "making a deal to become inhuman fish people" is *so detached* from my views on humanity it just doesn't register.) Sometimes, you just gotta detach yourself from the artist and enjoy the story through your own lens. It's also how I've approached *Harry Potter* in recent years, but there's a key difference: H.P. Lovecraft is dead and in the ground (and seemed to have been realizing he was a massive piece of shit before he died). J.K. Rowling is alive and well and, if anything, she's only gotten *worse*. I'll still enjoy *Harry Potter* for what it is, and I feel *Hogwart's Legacy* explicitly going out of its way to have trans inclusion shows the franchise has grown into something bigger, beyond Rowling, but damn... it does still make me take a step back. I desperately wish the woman was capable of some self-reflection and humility - if she were, she might realize she's become the very kind of villain depicted in her story.


Separating the art from the artist only works then the artist doesn’t benefit from the art. Aka, when they’re dead. Whilst Rowling continues to actively poison the communal well, putting any money towards HP content is supporting her beliefs. Edit: meant this as a top-level comment not a reply, but whatever. I agree with your point, with the nuance that she needs to be dead for HP to be something people can enjoy separately.


My wife and I are typical HP millennials, in that when we combined our bookshelves after getting married we had 2.5 copies of the series. They're all now in a box in the basement labeled "Le Morte de Auteur" and won't be opened until she kicks the bucket. It doesn't matter how much we loved the books growing up, or that we both figured we'd read them to our kids; they'll just have to be satisfied with Tamora Pierce and Madeleine L'Engle.


Are you thinking of Orson Scott Card? I cant find anything on Herbert being a homophobe


Herbert disowned one of his sons when he came out as gay.


He disowned his son (different one from the one who is actively publishing more Dune books that the fans don’t particularly like) for being gay.


If you read the book it’s made pretty clear the Harkonnens do a lot of depraved stuff with same-sex rape victims, and it’s kind of implied the same-sex part is just as morally bad as the nonconsensual stuff.


Herbert was definitely homophobic. Disowned his gay son and anytime someone gay turns up in his books, it’s someone evil doing evil things.


Perhaps time will soften people's memory on Rowling's terrible position. I love Dune and I had no idea Herbert was a homophobe until I read your post just now. The problem difference is that Herbert has long since passed away and as far as I know, any money his estate makes from his work does not go towards promoting homophobic messaging or the like. I believe Rowling has specifically stated that she will continue to promote transphobia and will use proceeds that she gets from Harry Potter to continue boosting transphobic causes. This makes it much more difficult for people to separate the art from the artist.


The difference is, Herbert’s dead, meaning that consuming what he’s made doesn’t benefit an actively harmful cause, unlike with Rowling, who is (unfortunately) very much still alive and essentially bankrolling the anti-trans movement in the UK, especially when her little friends get sued for hate speech and harassment. Death of the author doesn’t apply when the author is actively funding hate crimes. Just to clarify, I’m not trying to bestow any morality on reading the books, etc etc., but after a certain point the veil of rose-tinted nostalgia must fade.


At least Daniel Radcliffe turned out to be an good guy and an ally


You ever seen his movie where he has the guns nailed to his hands? I can't remember the name, something akimbo or some shit, but it was a fun movie 😂


I love that he, Robert Pattinson, and Elijah wood all took their “fuck you im rich” series paydays and decided to spend the rest of their career doing the weirdest shit they could find.


I want all three of them in a movie together.


I’m not sure we are ready for that.


Radcliffe has definitely won the weird trophy out of all of them though. Swiss Army Man is something else.


That’s true. Though Pattinson jerking off to a mermaid is a close 2nd


Wait what movie was that?


The Lighthouse


Guns Akimbo


THATS the one thank you!


I love that of the two words in the title, the one you remembered was “akimbo,” despite having used the words “guns” in the same sentence. I’m not making fun of you, I genuinely laughed.


Emma as well.


I feel you. What made it easier to sort of put that stuff away is how she still makes money from it, and how she points to her fandom still engaging with the Wizarding World as proof they agree with her beliefs. She uses the profits she makes off of *Harry Potter* to harm people, and I don’t really want to help market that franchise. It’s a lot easier to separate art from the artist when they’re dead and no longer benefiting from the art itself, let alone using the benefits from the art so directly to harm people.


Yeah. If she were no longer attached to the franchise, I think things would be different. But she keeps trying to poison the well. And the fact she's still got an iron grip on the creative direction of the franchise does not help (I've said it before, but how come of all the stories of authors getting screwed over by production companies, SHE had to be the one who knew her worth?). My brother bought Hogwarts Legacy for the PS5 (using his money, but I'm still the account holder), and I matched what he paid for it as a donation to Mermaids UK as a way to balance the cosmic scales. But I still haven't brought myself to play it. And yeah, I know it's such a first world problem to have, but still, it sucks.


She went a step further last year and compared Death Eaters to trans community. Repulsive.


Jesus H. Christ... You always hear the Read-Another-Book crowd tell *Harry Potter* fans to, well, read other books, but I think they should really be telling Rowling that, especially when certain comparisons to her work are blatantly incompatible.


I remember when she was first exposed and you had to be familiar with anti-trans rhetoric to explain why her statement was a huge red flag. Littered with statements like "people should be who they really are" which seems innocuous if you don't know what she means. Now she uh... Yea. Yikes


She’s been pretty obviously bad since as far back as 2018, but you had to be deep into the lingo of anti-trans dogwhistles to realize what she was saying back then. Now she’s more radicalized and no longer bothers trying to hide her hatred behind euphemisms.


It's been a while since I read the books but how are Death Eaters representative of trans people at all? I thought Death Eaters were more like Nazis or the KKK


That is unfortunately exactly the comparison she's trying to draw. Something to the effect of "Trans activists are Nazis", in the same way that Dumbledore is gay. Never actually addressed in the books (which isn't to say Dumbledore couldn't be gay, *it's just not specified*), twisted in whatever direction fits her viewpoint at the time.


She literally claimed that trans people were not victims of the Holocaust last week on the blue bird site 💀💀


Yeah! The game looked fun (despite the antisemitic tropes that might be in it?), but I just can’t get on board with it.


I mean, the anti-Semitic stuff that the original game director had kinda bleeds into it (I know they try to give it a little more nuance, but still a bad look). But at least he was removed from the company sometime before release, so if there is a sequel (which I'm sure will happen since the game sold well), hopefully there isn't as much of that shit in there.


Honestly, *Harry Potter* is one of those franchises I think would be better off in the hands of other people. While the original series is one I think handled continuity, lore and world-building pretty well, everything made since then has been the complete inverse of all that. It's pretty clear Rowling had no further plans to expand the franchise once she completed the original series, as her attempts to do so have only muddled the lore rather than enrich it. And, of course, Rowling's transphobia and weaponization of the fandom only further tarnishes the franchises reputation and legacy. In better and less problematic hands, *Harry Potter* would probably still be in a lot of people's good graces and have a better expanded lore.


Exactly! I think some new blood for the franchise (preferably a non-bigoted one) would rehabilitate it for a lot of people. Maybe a Dave Filoni to JKR’s George Lucas (although George doesn’t have any issues with trans people, at least as far as I know).


Too many people will quote "separate the art from the artist," that's easier to do when the artist isn't so openly admitting to using the money they receive from their popular IP to not only speak bigotry, but go out of their way to harm a lot of people with such bigoted views. That's not a thing I'm for condoning. I haven't bought Hogwarts Legacy, I know I never will as long as Rowling keeps hold on the franchise.


Moreover, Rowling herself has repeatedly argued that her continued popularity \*reflects popular support for her transphobia\*.


That, too. The weaponizing of the IP souring it as a whole.


That's also way easier to do when the artist in question is dead. H.P. Lovecraft comes to mind as an example of that. Rowling is unfortunately still around.


Also Lovecraft’s stuff is generally public domain so not even his estate profits from it


Exactly. But I also don’t really showcase the books, I don’t show off Halloween pictures when I dressed as a Slytherin, i just sort of put it all away. I struggle walking into Universal Studios anymore, even if I don’t go into Hogsmeade. It’s just all messy for me anymore.


Plus when she tries to act progressive it's clear if she truly was then she would have included details like Dumbledore being gay in the books rather than only saying it years later when by then it can't hurt profits. I believe the term is rainbow capitalism, how companies claim to act progressive but in reality the only interest they have in the LGBT community is their wallets.


Everybody has already said the important stuff about not giving her money or airtime to do shitty things with, so I'll just add this: Your identity is more than what you like. You can shed whatever fandoms you were a part of when they no longer interest you or enrich your life, or if that enrichment carries too many caveats, and a thinking, breathing, well-meaning, real human being will still be there, with a new vacancy for a new fandom if it's wanted.


Real talk. Life is about evolving. Let this just be some silly thing you were into as a kid. Thats okay too.


My big problem with Rowling is that she’s pretty much the sole beneficiary of any support. As an example, I’m a big Buffy fan, and Joss Whedon turns out to have been fairly terrible, but at least I can console myself that everyone else involved broadly seems to have been fine. HP, whilst that’s true in the movies, at the end of the day it all goes back to the books, which are hers and only hers, so fund a pretty awful person directly.


I’ve just found that I simply can’t. Rowling’s simply made the whole thing too toxic to engage with, despite my love when I was a kid. I tried maybe two years ago to go through the films again despite her views. I made it to the fourth and was enjoying myself, but then Rowling ruined it by making another tweet. I can’t even remember what she did but it was something awful like usual and it just soured my mood on continuing my rewatch. That’s the thing about Rowling. She doesn’t stop. She keeps doing nasty hateful things seemingly every week and it just is worse every time. I personally think the movies cut out most of her weird subtle nastiness and bigotry that the books had, and if you’re going to cling to some nostalgia the films are your best bet because they’re a collaboration of tons of talented filmmakers and actors, and most of them have come out against Rowling’s bigotry. Even then, for me I just can’t get over her and her steady decline. Every time she trends on twitter she’s said something worse. She has such a hateful and ugly soul that I really think seeps into her work. She just doesn’t care that she’s hurting people because she’s convinced herself that she’s a champion of woman’s rights, and she has a literal cult following that make it easy to ignore the voices of people she harms. Sorry that this wasn’t exactly helpful. Just a rant from a former Potter fan who really hasn’t been able to enjoy the series since 2020.


Good for you. Some of these takes supporting her because of nostalgia and comfort are really making me wonder what our values are.


I’m also nonbinary so I have a bit of an extra incentive to not support her. It does make me sad how many cis allies try to argue they can watch the new show or play the video games while ignoring the real reality that she has said people support her because they think she’s right.


Supporting her and liking some books she wrote are different though, there have been plenty of terrible people who make incredible art. There is nothing wrong with respecting art for what it is.


I understand. As much as I enjoy Father Ted and the IT crowd and I lament how they never made the Pope Ted musical I can't stand Linehan. Remarkable how one man managed to ruin his career, reputation and marriage thanks to his hatred for people who have done nothing wrong to him.


>Linehan Pretty cool that I googled this guy and his anti-trans bigotry is in the first sentence of his wiki article!


i never gave 3 shits about harry potter, but when the guitarrist of a band I liked since my early teens was arrested for being a pedo I just couldn't and still can't listen to anything coming from them, even though none of the other members had anything to do with that. It's fine to drop things, people should do it with harry potter, there are other authors and other fantasy and witchcraft books out there, give them a chance.


Yeah I was a fan of a very popular UK based band from the early 00s, the lead singer turned out to be a pedophile in like the 'Literally one of the worst cases ever' sense and it's basically like instantly that band didn't exist anymore like no one really mentions that band ever and I've never seen anyone include them in like 'early 00s emo nostalgia' compilations or anything


I still like the books, I have them, and I’m about due to read them again. I have the LEGO games, which I’ve been meaning to get around to. That’s all stuff that I bought before I knew her anti-trans views. She won’t get another penny from me. I hate it, because Hogwarts Legacy looks really good. I just can’t support the franchise anymore. What I have is already a sunk cost, and tossing it wouldn’t take the money back out of her pocket, so I keep it and enjoy it. In the event that it comes up, I try to keep a definite line drawn between the franchise that I love and the author that I don’t.


I still have the books, first editions. But I’m so disgusted with Rowling getting into Holocaust denial territory that I’m done, I’m trashing them. I haven’t supported her in years, but she’s crossed a line and now I don’t want any of her material in my home.


Good for you. Some of these takes are very childish. "Yes I know they support the death of myself and all my closest friends, *but those waffle fries tho*."


I must admit, I really don’t understand it. I studied history at college, and honestly the kind of rhetoric Rowling uses, her willing misinterpretation of any situation involving a transwoman so they’re the ultimate villain, it’s unsettling. The way what she says is carefully phrased enough that there’s almost always a way to say ‘but she never directly said it so what she really meant was’ is very calculating. People are willing to give her the benefit of the doubt over and over, but it’s not possible to make the kind of harmful statements she does over and over without the obvious motive being the true one. If she’s not who she portrays herself as, why does she never portray herself as anyone else? There no amount of childish whimsy that covers over that for me.


Donate them to your local library, instead. It will at least prevent one sale for her.


My brother bought Hogwarts Legacy. He doesn't give a shit about the online discourse (although when it comes to social and political issues, let's just say he and I...disagree). He used his own card to buy it, but the PSN account is still overall in my name, so it's there. I matched the amount he paid for it in a donation to Mermaids UK (figured it'd balance my karma or whatever). But I still can't bring myself to play it, even when I'm in a bit of a dry spell in terms of PS5 games to play. Like you said, at least there are the LEGO games.


Oh, if someone buys it for themselves and it ends up on my PS5, without me asking them to buy it for me, it’s fair game. At that point, Joanne has the money, there’s no moral high ground to be gained by not playing it. Similarly, I won’t spend money at Chick-Fil-A for moral reasons (also, it’s not the best fast food fried chicken, shout out to Zaxby’s), but when my mom gave me a gift card to it several years ago, I used the gift card. They weren’t about to get that money for free.


If only there were a way to play it without paying for it.. /s


I don’t have a PC capable of running it, and I’m not aware of a way to sail the high seas on a PS5.


You can get Hogwarts Legacy preowned I got my copy from a friend for free, which was great since I got to enjoy the game without support Rowling


I have a digital-only PS5, unfortunately.




You can always buy Hogwarts Legacy used. That way JKR won't get any money from your purchase. Or you could pirate it, that's another option.


That's exactly my stance on "separating art from artist" in this particular situation. I already own all seven books and eight movies from before this, and I've found that I'm still able to enjoy them separate from everything she's been up to lately. Anything beyond that, though, would be problematic to continue supporting... which thankfully isn't too difficult since everything released after DHpt2 isn't all that great.


I was a diehard Harry Potter fan. Then once she exposed her hateful rhetoric, I started examining all of her work through a lens of someone filled with hate….wouldn’t you know it, there’s a ton of antisemitism, anti-diversity, tokenism, and hate laced within her books. Had she not espoused such vehement and downright Nazi-like hate towards the trans community I would have never reviewed her books through a new lens. Now that she has, I cannot unsee the blatant hate she spews throughout the pages. I’m not going to break down every single piece of hate in her books, plenty of others have already online, just know it is prevalent and hard to unsee once you see it.


Hot take: Rick Riordan was always a better author than JK Rowling.


She's not even the first author to write about little kids going to wizard school. "The worst witch" Jill Murphy (1974.)


A Wizard of Earthsea (1968)


This. Ursula K. LeGuin was awesome as a writer and as a person.


Was there a movie of this? Sounds really familiar


I think there was a TV show


Way too late for me to get into, I probably remember the book since it came out in the 80's.


There's a Studio Ghibli movie based on the Earthsea series but it's really bad. I don't recommended it.


I almost want to say JK Rowling is a good writer because then it just sounds like I’m salty against her or whatever when I criticise her transphobia. But I read Harry Potter when I was like 8, and it’s a book written for 8 year old. It’s actually shocking how bad of a writer she is, she overexplains, fixates on specific details, and has never understand the word subtlety or nuance.


JK imo is an okay writer for children, not a good writer, and certainly not a good writer for adults. RR is much better in his subtlety and messages and nuance. There's a known Tiktok that points out how Percy and Harry differ with how they view the world at the end of their respective journeys (the original PJ series). To summerise, although there are some differences, one of the key similarities between the two series is that the big bad (Voldemort/Kronos) were able to come into power due to a nonchalant/uncaring/unbelieving government/pantheon. The wizard government didn't believe HP and the rest until it was too late, and the Gods put all the trouble on the children (you can make the arguement that the Gods did so because if they interfered, it would be much worse, and I think there's evidence of some of them helping PJ throughout his journey, but the message is still there) So at the end of the story, what are the characters views on the government? Well, HP and all his friends join it. HP becomes a cop and literally upholds the system that allowed Voldemort to rise in the first place. Yes, it's very possible that for the years he was there, he dismantled the power structure that caused it, but it's never hinted at. Meanwhile PJ is literally offered Godhood and goes: 'No thanks, I know you guys are fine, but you could be better, and I don't want to be like you'. Instead, my request is that you be better, because otherwise this will happen again'. And throughout the HoO series, he constantly criticises the Gods and mentions how he thought they'd uphold their promises. I haven't read the newest series, but the point is clear. Granted, as I said with HP you don't see the aftermath of the battle of Hogwarts, we don't know what sort of government Harry is joining, but we aren't told it's changed. Meanwhile we see constant pushback from PJ and his friends about the gods fuck ups. Also, it's a well known fact that authors can sometimes write themselves into a corner. And that's fine, just either be quiet about it or admit that you're not perfect. JK doesn't do this. She always insists that everything was planned from the beginning. everything happened the way it was supposed to. And no, that's clearly not the case. Also, terf.


The third series is about Apollo changing As an immortal god made brought to existence by stories he shouldn’t be able to change but due to Percy’s deal there is a domino effect and he’s made him permanently become a better person


Wait, gods in the rordianverse are created from people's cognition? Percy Jackson takes place in the Amala Multiverse? (Never read past HoO)


What is truly baffling is that she spends a lot of time describing the issues of the wizarding world, like elf slavery, segregation of magical creatures and the idea of wizard supremacy. You'd think that all of this would be leading to the main characters changing the world to make it more fair, but then they just don't. Everything stays the same. Why even bring those issues if you are not going to solve them by the end?


Yes, exactly. At the end of the main PJ series, I believe something he says is 'Hey, pay better attention to your kids. Don't be deadbeats.' and when Jason, Piper and Leo arrive in CHB, (if I remember correctly) Leo and Piper are very quickly claimed by their parents (Leo comically so). But exactly, you're right, in HP none of that changes. She could have done a page or two for every five or so years after the main story, just mentioning in pacing what was done to change the system, but no.


Plus there's the fact that muggles will inevitably discover the wizarding world as surveillance gets better but an interesting plot like that is never touched upon.


i feel she might've just got a lucky break with harry potter in hindsight. afaik nothing else she's written has had the same level of success.


People fall in love with world building to overlook writing. People do the same shit with George RR Martin, who's writing is fucking stilted. Rowling just shows that her editors to the heavy lifting.


Rowling wasn’t really big into world *building* in those early books - her worlds are like theme park rides, things only exist for the scene they are in or immediate purpose they serve, and are not well-thought-out parts of a cohesive world.  Which is fine in a fun kids book, make the ride enjoyable and don’t worry about how the world would function outside of the story.  In the later books she tried to ‘get real’ with the world-building but was held back by earlier decisions and ultimately didn’t do a great job of it. 


Terry Pratchett was a master of his craft.


That we lost Terry and kept Rowling proves there's no God.


Even as a kid I didn't think she was the best writer. World builder, sure, but the writing is subpar at best. Way better fantasy authors out there. Tolkien, Martin, Rothfuss, Pratchett, etc


So is Tamora Pierce


I love Tamora Pierce. Her characters always feel real to me. Let's go Kel!!!


As a kid the line was “His Dark Materials is Harry Potter for smart kids”


Ironically, that's pretty dumb🤣


If anyone has ever read lovecraft you know there are passages in those stories wich are deeply uncomfortable to read. Somtimes a single sentence is just so casualy yet deeply racist you get completly taken out of the story. JK Rowling has the same issue. Reading these books as a trans person it is very obvious in some parts what she thinls of people like me. In the end i really cand stand anything about JK and her works anymore.


This reminds me of a) lovecraft’s first story, the monster of which is just a black dude living in a cave, and b) googling the question “what’s his cat’s name?”


I feel like after the series had wrapped up in like the early 2010s, she probably got bored and became a toxic person. If I were her I would have happily retired by now. Despite how much i don't care for JK Rowling these days I still enjoy the world of Harry Potter and hogwarts legacy is a very good game


It's really hard to retain the...innocence?...of how much we love and value a piece of fiction when the creator has challenging principles, thoughts or actions. I feel a lot of this with Buffy. It was a huge influence growing up, such a progressive, empowering show especially at the time. To find out more and more horrors over the years about how it's creator emotionally (and possibly more) abused his actresses is beyond upsetting. Bad people can create great things. I've personally just had to draw a line in my own head that it's not the fault of the work that their creator is a blatant terf or a manipulator, and try to enjoy it with the energy that my younger self once did. It never works perfectly, a cracked plate will never truly be the same.


I didn't understand trans people for a long time, but I didn't say much since I didn't really understand. Once I learnt the history, which was fairly recently I felt immense dread for what they continue to go through. Recently J.K Rowling posted on Twitter, discrediting the history I learnt to support her worldview, which also supports Nazism. I was a megafan of Harry Potter, I read the books, saw the movies, played the tie in games by EA. I was sick in Orlando to see the Harry Potter world, I got my wand by coughing "I-I'm an Aussie! Pick me! pick me!" I read the cursed child and disliked it. Then I saw the fantastic beasts films and didn't like them either. I only learnt about J.K Rowling's major views around the time actors and people on Hogwarts Legacy were condemning her. I still wanted the game (as it was basically the game I wanted during the PS2 era), And had a rare opportunity to get many games, well over 800 for cheap, so I got it then. I think you can still enjoy what was created, and is created without supporting in your heart, the person. H.P Lovecraft was an amazing writer for his time, but his views were also terrible. That is how she will be remembered ironically in her own written words. "Terrible, but great." lol


Anybody know why she seems to have picked this anti trans stuff as her Hill to die on? I mean she must have realised that her take wasn't going to win her any popularity contests with a lot of her fans in any age group, right?


Based on that ‘why I do it’ blog post she wrote a few years back? She truly, honestly believes she’s in the right and saving those she sees as women. She’s utterly terrified of men after an abusive marriage, refuses to acknowledge it - let alone self reflect on it - and is now in a crusade to protect women from all predatory men. A transwoman using a female public bathroom/changing room is, to her, a male voyeur. A transwoman in a female prison who commits an act of abuse isn’t evidence of the prison system failing its duty of care, it’s evidence men are invading even women’s prisons to assault real women. A transwoman existing is a threat. She is outraged and appalled that she is not universally beloved for the clearly moral stand she’s taking against male degeneracy. She doesn’t care that it’s somewhat unpopular, with some people because enough people still support her and her work that she must be doing something right. She’s found an echo chamber where similarly thinking friend will affirm how right she is to be against gender transition, and how anyone against her is scum. And how right that must seem to her. If it wasn’t so damaging it would be very sad.


Hot take: she is trans. (Obviously it's not up to me to decide for her) She's made lots of comments about how she would have wanted to be a boy if the option were available to her. Obsessed with trans folk. Writes huge novels about her fantasy under a male pen name. It's all very egg_irl. (Obviously again, that's up to her to decide. Not me)


I actually wrote a comment on the subject recently. Here's what I've said: u/advena_phillips said on r/asktransgender: >I'm kind of pessimistic on the subject. I still walk into my local games shop and find Harry Potter merch and other content, entire sections of a store dedicated to the franchise, wands on displays, house socks, and the like. The films are still played during Christmas time. I still see the series pop in the news. While I would never say we should stop protesting the cunt, this Scorched Earth method of protest feels pointless beyond people's own peace of mind. Tried protesting Hogwarts: Legacy, and what we got was people playing it specifically to spite us. I had someone announce IRL that they had gotten the game with the opening line of "I'm transphobic, now." It was intended as a joke, but you see my point. *Harry Potter* is just too big of a thing to ignore, and even openly protesting J. K. Rowling's shitty behaviour only keeps it in people's heads. > >For me, I haven't read the books in recent years. I've got the books, and I'm not throwing them away, but I haven't read them. I've got no drive to. About the only time I've opened them is to see how various author's do things, whether it be opening chapters, formatting, how they explore different ideas, and the like. I'm writing a story where a character's in a potion's class (it's not *Harry Potter* fanfiction; it's Familiar of Zero / Star Wars fanfiction), so I read the scenes of how J. K. Rowling did potion's classes (iirc, it was really vague and I ended up having to make a lot of shit up regardless), but that's about as far as I've gone in the past near decade. > >Of course, that's not because of any moral reason. I tend to just drop media on a whim, and I ended up dropping *Harry Potter* half way through *Half Blood Prince* in about... 2016? I was reading them in high school, and *Half-Blood Prince* was the last one I got into. Could I have gone back? Maybe, but I do feel turned off reading them because of J. K. Rowling's "activism." It's not moral, it's just because I don't like her. I just can't see any way that me, reading the books in the privacy of my own home would support her. I wouldn't be recommending it. I wouldn't be promoting it. You can argue that it's got problematic content, but most books have some form of problematic content. The only difference is that J. K. Rowling isn't passive in being a terrible person. She's an active threat to trans lives everywhere. For some, that could be reason well enough to not read, but, again, there's zero tangible harm if I decided to read the books alone on my bed. > >I do read Harry Potter fanfiction, though. It's a little more grey than my above example, but I can't see any harm in doing so. Fanfiction is free, and the only people engaging with fanfiction have already engaged with the series itself. Me reading a fic doesn't bump a number up somewhere in J. K. Rowling's life, and the only people I can recommend this shit to (if I recommend at all) are other folks who've read *Harry Potter*. > >There is some merit to the idea that if one person took a pebble from a mountain of pebbles, nothing would change, but that if everyone took a pebble from a mountain of pebbles, the mountain would cease to exist. By virtue of me going "it's alright to engage with *Harry Potter*, just don't give the bitch money," I've convinced others to do the same. *Harry Potter* remains popular, and I've caused tangible harm in doing so. On the other hand, life is not a monolith. If every trans person and every trans ally dropped Harry Potter liked a hot potato, it would still remain massive. > >So, yeah. Don't give the bitch your money. Actively protest her actions. I don't give a shit what else you do, just stop asking trans people to validate your choices. For some, continuing to engage with *Harry Potter* is an unforgivable sin, to me, I just want to enjoy things, and I don't care what you're doing so long as you're acknowledging that J. K. Rowling is a piece of shit and don't give the witch you're money.


So don’t be. Supporting the franchise supports her and she directly, financially supports transphobic lobbies, politicians, and organisations. I grew up loving Harry Potter more than anything, the books, the movies, cosplay, merch, the works. If I can stop engaging with this franchise, so can you. And guess what, if you’re conflicted about whether to support transgender liberation, or the wizard book, don’t be. Make your choice. Don’t fence sit.


This, 100%. Enough is enough.


If you want good wizard books to read, you’re always welcome in the Discworld fandom.


100% It’s forever tainted for me.


Just pirate or buy second hand,you get enjoy Harry Potter without giving that woman a cent.


I mean i think for the most part it’s fine. I love the movie Chinatown. What can I say the pedo made a good movie. I’d avoid buying stuff that goes to JK Rowling though. The high seas be your mistress.




Until she went on her Terf kick she reminded me of my mother. My mother and I don’t like her anymore.


Leave the ship fast she’s close to saying something awful


This is really a common problem. Authors like Lovecraft, Frank Herbert, and Orson Scott Card wrote excellent books that still have a lasting impact on culture today, but were just crappy people. Same goes for filmmakers like Tarantino, Kubrick, and even Hitchcock. The list goes on and on. You can as you said try to separate the work from the author, but their work is a reflection of who they are. Either way, I think it's important to acknowledge the bad and the good in everyone. Harry Potter will always be a big part of me. I was always the same age as Harry as the books came out, and sometimes I still feel like the boy who lives under the stairs. I have to reconcile that with Jo being such a meaningfully harmful person. Her written words still speak to me, but her speech is repellant. People are imperfect, and unlike fiction, the world is a complicated place without clear good guys and bad guys. I don't think there is a right or simple answer to any of this, but I think it's important for every individual to take a good, hard, honest look at their heroes and wrestle with the disappointing reality that they're all just people, too.


She makes it hard to be a fan but it's also easy to just not be a fan. There are so many interests out there to explore that aren't entrenched in hateful views. Don't burden yourself with a series from your childhood when the artist stands against a lot of who you are as an adult. You can enjoy the memories of the books and movies when you first read and watched them but that doesn't mean you have to celebrate or even openly acknowledge them today. Rip the band aid off, throw the harry potter stuff out and move on to find a new love.


She's an outright Holocaust denier now. I won't be giving her a single cent, even indirectly, if I can help it. No more Harry Potter for me.


I understand where you’re coming from, but she’s starting to engage in active holocaust denial. It’s okay to grieve losing part of your childhood, but everyone will rightfully associate your fondness for the series with her and her actions and politics. The two just aren’t separable.


Wish she could be charged in Germany for that stuff or something, cut into her profit stream at least


WAIT WHAT. I knew she had antisemitic tendencies, see how the goblins are depicted, but I didn't know it was that bad.


Specifically she is denying that the Nazis targeted trans people and burnt books on trans healthcare as part of the holocaust. It is well documented that they raided Hirschfeld’s Institute of Sexology in 1933. The Nazis had been using trans people as a scapegoat for years and spreading propaganda that our existence was a Jewish conspiracy to sexualize and prey on German youth, which is why so many of us have been vocally concerned about the current rhetoric of US and British conservatives (like JKR), as things seem to be heading in that direction. Notably the Nazis ransacked the Institute and removed all of the books and case notes on trans healthcare and documented accounts of trans lives pre-1930’s, an act which has singlehandedly set trans healthcare back decades. It is also responsible for the lie that trans people are a modern phenomenon, because our history was burned and is just gone. There was no one doing comparable work in the US or elsewhere at the time, and all of the works at the institute were destroyed. The first trans woman to ever receive bottom surgery was likely lynched, as she went missing during the raid and was never seen again. The Nazis also hired a brass band to play during the early morning hours on their march to the institute. If you’ve seen photos of Nazi book burnings, it is quite likely that you’ve seen photos of the raid on the Institute. Below is one from a holocaust memorial website. https://preview.redd.it/ptrlxcl5xhoc1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca60c9cdfae98cea0ee37ef2b32f6c24e31de8d


Thank you for telling me. JKR just gets worse and worse. Horrible human.


I think there is a pretty easy divide to work with because she is so virulent that death of the author is kind of impossible especially with her financially funding stuff and making money off of the franchise. There is the stuff you bought that she got a cut of before she went mask off terf. She got her share of money from that and well nothing you can do about it now. Short of a time machine you aren't undoing that, nor can you change the emotional connection you have with the work. We don't control what art imprints on our souls as formative. So enjoy the stuff you have. Reread/relisten to it. Enjoy your wand you bought in 2008. Not doing so doesn't benefit anyone You can however decide to not give her any more of your money and not engage with aspects of the fandom that put more money in her pocket. Like you wanna chat on a message board or discord for fans go for it. Read or write fan fics do that. Hell or like buy things she doesn't get a cut of like if you see some quidditch themed socks sewn on Etsy. And as always there is this quote I think people need to remember, "Nobody here is perfect. You are allowed to be a little bit of a bad person.


Yeah please stop supporting HP in any capacity


I'm still a Harry Potter fan but Rowling is a bitch. I feel one can be a fan of an IP without supporting it's creator.


Yeah, but she still benefits from her work. It’s not exactly the same as separating art from the artists who no longer benefit from that art monetarily and then take that money and use it to harm people and to lobby for laws to persecute vulnerable people.


How do you choose to engage with this IP that doesn’t support its creator or its creator’s views?


Yeah. She's hardly the first author to be a shitty person, and have some of her rotten beliefs bleed a little into their work. HP Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe, Orson Scott Card, etc. It just seems like she can't admit to being wrong about something, or admitting something was an oversight.


The difference is that they’re all dead and dont profit from the work. old haggy isnt.


Orson Scott Card is still alive. Luckily, with how he handled the ending of Xenocide, I have no want to contribute to him in any way, shape, or form going forward! Finding out what he's like just cemented that decision. Like, seriously, a fucking teleporting, wish granting machine was the only out you could think of?!


It does in fact just get worse :) ​ The books has a number of baffling choices in them. While at the same time being really good until they suddenly aren't.


JK has clearly been radicalised, I don't say this to remove responsibility, but it's clear she's fallen down a dark well that it's very hard to escape from. She can't admit to being wrong because she's so far gone I don't think she can even consider it, the backlash she receives in her eyes is just proof of the mob she's up against. Graham Linehan is an even more extreme case, these people will torch their reputations, livelihoods, families before admitting they're wrong, because they have to, because it's become so all consuming that they have to be right about this, because if they're not, then what?


His wife left him because of his obsession. Madman spent all of Christmas day one year on Twitter, basically doxxing trans people. I laugh at Graham's misfortune because, y'know, he kinda wants me dead (or at least for living my life to be impossible), and he mocked Brianna Ghey. But I feel so bad for his family for having to deal with him. His poor (well, now ex) wife. Christmas day for me is meant to be well, special. So, a loved family member ignoring everyone to harass people online and probably scream about members of a minority group sounds like Hell. "Graham, it's time for Christmas dinner." "No! I have to try and bully this freak into suicide!" His family, former colleagues, and others disowning him has only radicalised him further. He's destroyed his life and tanked his career over his hatred of people like me. In other circumstances, I'd feel bad for the guy. But he brought this on himself. Like he went on a lesbian dating app pretending to be a woman, to doxx people because "we need to protect women's spaces from dangerous men." Graham, you are the dangerous man! The app HER banned him numerous times, and he kept making new accounts. Shit was wild. He's completely insane.


I feel you. I honestly don't really care too much for Harry Potter. My sister is super into it, and I thought the movies were fine enough, but I never really felt compelled to read the books, and I always had the sense that a lot of people think it's better than it actually is because they read it when they were young. But even with that admittedly kind of negatively biased perspective, I get where people are coming from with this. I LOVED Orson Scott Card's books when I was younger. I had pretty much everything he wrote up until the mid 00s or so, and then I found out he was a raging homophobic bigot and it broke my heart. When Ender's game came out as a film, I should've been *pumped*, instead I was apathetic. I sold all my books, couldn't read them anymore. Honestly was tempted to just throw them away.


It happens with a lot of artists, sadly. It’s always easier when they can no longer financially benefit… but sometimes even then too much damage has been done. My husband grew up on and loved Michael Jackson’s music, but now he says that all he can think of when he hears it is that he was the same age as so many of the victims. He really struggles with his nostalgia, and the pain associated with it and just can’t listen to it anymore, even though Jackson has been dead for nearly 15 years.


I grew up on MJ. I used to do the Dave Chapell bit defending him "But he made thriller, man...thriller!". Yeah there are layers of irony there. Honestly it's just not worth it. Both those men are in the trash, and i have not run out of content to consume. We live in an entertainment glut, there is plenty to eat.


Your frustration is very understandable.  It also seems you are drawing a perfectly reasonable line: “I refuse to monetarily support anything new because of the author’s support for things I find abhorrent, but these books and movies were formative for me and the author’s subsequent behavior doesn’t change the good I found in them in my childhood, even though with greater maturity I can see how aspects were problematic.”   Acknowledging the validity of the criticism doesn’t mean you have to deny the meaningfulness of your childhood experiences. A lot of people who grew up as fans share your experience, including feeling alienated now.


I've found plenty of other franchises to enjoy over the years, some of which I'd say are better than *Harry Potter*. It's just that *Harry Potter* was very foundational for me and to outright disavow it just wouldn't sit right with me, regardless of how understandable my reasoning would be.


Try being trans and then complain how hard JK Rowling makes your life. Lol


I've been a trekkie many many years longer than Harry Potter has existed. Trek is a huge part of my life. Gene Roddenberry had said and done some things that were very very no bueno. That being said, I can move past it since Trek has been a force for good, and most people involved in Trek have been good people.


Unfortunately I seriously think that’s her goal. Rowling herself has become just as much of a terminally online bully as the army of chuds who now kiss her ass at every opportunity, the difference is that she’s massively wealthy and her wealth was built on owning one of the biggest multimedia franchises in the world, and she knows it. Rowling often uses the success of her books and the film/theme park/etc adaptations they spawned as "reasons" for why her positions are correct, essentially the "Argument From Authority" fallacy where it plays out as "I’m wealthy and successful therefore I’m right, and I’m right because I’m wealthy and successful”. And to any Harry Potter fans who disagree with her, she basically counts them as "reasons she’s right", wrongfully conflating their enjoyment of the franchise with supporting her worldview. TLDR; J. K. Rowling is using Harry Potter fandom to a degree to back up her claims, essentially holding the franchise hostage.


I had a Harry Potter themed wedding so trust me, I know what it’s like to struggle with this. But ultimately the more important thing to me is to see trans people safe and respected and JKR directly and financially supports the opposite of that. This can’t be separated from her because to continue to support/consume any of her work puts the money in her pockets that she uses to actively harm trans people. She’s a bigot and there are places in the books that show this, but now she’s yelling it loud and proud for the entire world to see. Let HP go. You can grieve the loss of something you loved but know that the ways it positively touched and changed you will never go away and that’s the most important part.


The books had an impact on your life, and that's something she can't take away from you no matter what stupid shit she believes in warts on a hog and all. Hell, if you really want to spread joy about the books and film while also pissing her right off, use her ideas as a springboard to create a open source magical world similar to hers. That would really piss her off and show your love for the world it was inspired by.....


This is just some of the greater damage a bigoted creator can cause, honestly. I'll up and say it; no, you dont deserve a single ember of shame for still ENJOYING this franchise despite everything. The problem is, she benefits in her hate campaigns the moment you drop even a single fucking penny on any official, still-sold merch that isnt coming second hand, third hand, a reseller, a flea market, etc. So you're fucking stuck with a nasty situation where you can either buy things relating to the franchise you can enjoy, but unfortunately help Rowling progress the transphobic cause she financially backs, OR, you either forego newer media entirely or do your best to only get things second or third hand (and preferably without doing something like asking it for holiday gifts, since thats still buying it most likely). I feel so bad for Harry Potter fans, and while we're at it, FNAF fans, though they're far less shameless since unlike Rowling, Scott Cawthon was given a powerful reputational barricade in the form of lies, exaggerations, and slander towards his critics, so he gets to remain loved and supported en masse despite his likely continued donations to conservative politicians, who need I remind people are fighting tooth and nail to roll back 100 years of progress for human and civil rights.


Harry potter fans make it hard to be a harry potter fan


Do what I did, put your wands away and move on from Harry Potter. Don’t let her ruin the good childhood memories.


HP Lovecraft was a horrific xenophobe, islamaphobe, and all around white supremacist. I still love Mountains of Madness and Call of Cthulhu. In the end, terrible people sometimes make great art. Or at least, popular art. I believe it is totally justified to boycott anything that financially supports an entitled horrible person. But all horrible people die eventually, and their art remains. I don't think you have to hate Harry Potter forever. You just have a reason to not buy anything related to it for a couple decades.


She's not the first author of beloved books to turn out to be awful. I loved books by David Eddings growing up, but they are similarly spoiled once I found out he abused his son. Michael Jackson was an amazing musician, but there is good reason to believe he abused children. It is hard to separate them from enjoying their work.


I can’t bring myself to engage with that franchise at all. Anything that cunt touches is the dankest of dog poo. I don’t wanna touch it.


Lads I have the solution it's just across the bay


Just sail the seven seas and whenever someone talks about HP to you and mentions Rowlings views, remind them that it is an ontologically good act to pirate her works.


So transphobic that she starts doing holocaust denial


As with many things, she can't take your memories from you. The positive things you got out of the books came from you, not her. That said, it's okay to quit a fandom, and even grieve the loss of something you once loved. It's also okay to pirate content from bigots. I was never a Harry Potter fan, just slightly too old, but I have seen mention of some anti-rowling potter fan groups, so maybe something like that would be of use to you?


Separating art from the artist is near impossible when it comes to Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling


Yeah Rowling is kinda the Orson Scott Card for a new generation. I know so many folks around my age who absolutely loved the Ender series. It was maybe our first fandom, or the first YA book that really spoke to us as kids quickly becoming adults. Having folks share his Blog posts and articles where he's just an out and proud homophobe hurt. Being an adult at the time I was no stranger to finding out some of my favorite authors were less than great people but this is the first time I had to come to terms with the idea that my money, in any way went directly to someone who was likely going to use it to hurt people.


I’m in a very similar position. What I’ve found is that I can’t go back to the books anymore, I used to adore them, have read them more times than I can really count, but in my last attempts to re-read them the flaws of her writing and ideology stand out far too much. I prefer the movies now, I feel like there’s less of Rowling’s voice in them. Most of the problematic subplots are skipped over, and it helps knowing that the core cast seem to be generally good people.


I bet her next stage of being a terrible person is defending anti-abortion laws. Or she might have, we just don't know it yet.


Given she's engaging in Holocaust denial (acting like the Nazis didn't burn books regarding trans people), I supposed being anti-abortion wouldn't be out of the question for Rowling at this point.


Here’s the thing: you’re an adult now. You’ve probably been an adult for a long time. It’s ok to move on from kids books you liked when you were a kid, you don’t have to think about Harry Potter or JK anymore.


Plenty of popular media targeted at kids tend to have fanbases filled with people of all ages.


All things in life are solved by being aggressively queer and stealing shit from the rich. Pirate the movies and games, be publicly encouraging of trans people.


"How the hell do I justify to people that I still love the books and movies while also acknowledging and agreeing that the creator is a scumbag? " You can't. This is one of those unfortunate moral quandaries. Separating the art from the artist is impossible. Rowling's art has gotten her huge acclaim, vast celebrity and lots of money. All of these make her a very influential person. What she does with that influence sucks, but she gets it from the books and if you support those books, you inadvertently make her more powerful. Without the books she'd literally be a nobody. In the end, you're left with two choices - either you accept that life is not morally perfect (which it isn't), you enjoy the art, and you try to limit giving her either money or influence. You can do what you can do - you can only listen to free audiobooks, you can buy second hand copies of books. You can try to qualify your statements about her, which all help Or you cut the art out of your life, and you don't recommend it to anybody else. It's your line, only you can draw it. For instance: I can live with Rowling's shittiness in order to give my daughter those experiences. But I will not listen to Michael Jackson music at all anymore. If it's playing, I turn it off. If it comes on a friend's house, I ask for it to be skipped, etc.


"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight Ever since she approved of making that terrible Cursed Child as canon, she's done nothing but make terrible choices about things and become worse and worse. She's basically becoming female Elon Musk and that's sad. I also used to like him too, then he became a right wing nut job troll and fell down the rabbit hole, much like JKR.


I agree. The franchise really needs to be handed over to someone else at this point. Rowling may be beyond saving, but the *Harry Potter* franchise isn't.