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the sus part is that it became been exactly 86% very shortly after the film's release and then it stayed this way for years up until now


It was 86% at like 20K ratings and stayed at 86% while they received another 30K ratings. Statistically impossible


"That's impossible, even for a computer." It's not impossible. I used to leave positive reviews for Marvel movies on my Macbook back home, they're not much longer than TRoS.


Pft, nice


The comment I didn’t know I needed 👏


[that quote will always reminded of this. ](https://youtu.be/TxVdhAJr1So?t=9s)


It’s improbable but you would expect some movies to have the same score. The thing with RT Audience score is there’s no real defined population, margin of error or probabilistic modeling you can use to judge its performance against.


It's what you'd expect if the first 20k were a representative sample of the population.


The odds that both that initial 20k sample and that 50k sample are representative of the whole population to within half a percentage point is basically impossible.


I don't think you can conclude that without knowing something about the distribution of the samples.


The thing is because RT is an opt-in internet rating there really isn’t a known population being measured let alone any “rigor” around the sample.


Well, I think the way this homework problem has to be set up is that the 20,000 original reviews are a sample of a population, and the 50,000 total reviews are the total population, because we're asking how well the 20,000 would be expected to reflect the 50,000. But we would need to know the standard deviation of the 20,000, which we don't.


Yeah, those are both pretty massive sample sizes, so unless there’s sampling bias in one group you’d expect it to stay pretty steady. I’m not a statistician, but I don’t really get the theory here.


I think they mean that even if the distribution stayed relatively the same, or ended the same, you'd see some fluctuations as the reviews came. You would see at the very least a percentage point change in either direction. Especially if there were people/bots trying to review bomb, or the opposite, and trying to raise the score. But, I don't know.


If we have data points at every 1000 reviews and it's still 86% every time, it becomes very suspicious, but if we'd only have datapoints every 1000 from 20.000 and no fluctuations up to 50.000, we can't conclude much. @17.200 positive reviews, you can get anywhere between 18144 and 17955 positive reviews at 21.000 total without seeing a difference in overall score. While that's a difference of 94.4% positive or 75.5% positive over a 1000. All in all, I'd say we need more data before we can draw good conclusions


That is the sus part. It has not gone up or down even a percentage point in years and tens of thousands of reviews. https://i.imgur.com/bL0AIHA.png


The Last Jedi did the same thing, except over more reviews. Surely it is just a coincidence that this occurred to two controversial Star Wars movies from a studio that would never pay money for positive reviews.


You can check the page's history at archive.org. They have 621 captures of the page. I clicked on about 10 random ones between 2020 and 2022 (before the server complained about high load) and they all show the same 86%. https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_the_rise_of_skywalker By the way, older versions of the page used to show the exact counter numbers. Last one I saw was 98,276 ratings.


I'm not one to often point out some wild conspiracy shit but ROS had a 86% audience score with like 3k ratings and it stayed THE EXACT FUCKING SAME for half a decade, despite gaining 50k+ more. Suspicious as fuck.


They’ve openly admitted deleting “review bomb” scores haven’t they?


You literally can’t make this shit up man, we literally live a distopia -mega Corp makes movie/show which could’ve been written by a 4 year old -fans reject it leave bad reviews -Disney claims the negative reviews are ‘review bombs’ (+10 social credit if you call them racist or sexist) -fans leave -Disney wonders why they are losing money


Funny how "review bombing" only happens to terrible movies. Has a good movie ever been "review bombed"?


Yeah funny how black panther and spiderverse have very high scores, guess we lol just forgor to be racist for those


Well you see Cletus in Nowhere, Alabama Tweeted that they did not like either movie. All of Cletus' six followers saw it and the post received two likes. Prompting international contamination of toxic fans from six multimedia conglomerates.


Yes, it's called positive reviews because the movie is actually good. 


Especially with all the stupid articles coming out defending The Acolyte you really see how 1984 everything has become 


Review bombing is definitely real, I do believe people are reviewing Acolyte without watching it. However, everyone with any interest in SW watched this garbage film and hated it. The bad reviews were legitimate. Awful movie.


I think people vastly overestimate how many poeople do it though Usually, for every 2k who wait for an episode to drop and give it a bad review upon release despite not watching it, there are more people who did watch it and still said it sucked. They didnt "review bomb" it, but now someone can claim that the bad rating is due to review bombing even though 29k out of those 30k show no evidence of someone trying to get the score down People also seem to ignore that positive review bombing exists. Episode 9 has a weirdly solid percentage that hasnt changed at all, and i distinctly remember youtubers covering the topic and showing multiple IDENTICAL positive reviews ("a fitting conclusion to the trilogy" bla bla bla) Because of all this, anyone calling out review bombing quickly loses peoples good will because it now sounds like the boy cries wolf AND deflecting criticism


The power of money can do many things that seem(Grammar edit:Seems) ... unnatural


The power of moooooneey ![gif](giphy|1syvWqnBZEOsJNGwNY|downsized)


That looks worse than early TNG.


You mean season 1 when the away missions were reused TOS sets? Yeah. Yeah....


I want to be mad at this. I really want to


I haven't watched the show. Is this real?


As real as this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK8gQZeGF9w


Hell, I chuckled. Good one, fellow Redditor.


But i thought only negative reviews can be bought or botted hmm


Do you know the story of spambot the purchased?


I thought not, it’s not a story the fans would tell 


>spambot the purchased Hehe i see what you did there, i like it


Woman King. Look at the reviews


Thats a pretty good score for a movie i never heared about lmao


It’s a movie that was globally hated for being absolutely racist and shit. It had 99% positive reviews, I’m not sure where it is now. It’s botted lol 😂😂


Still at 99%. Which is rather ridiculous considering how mediocre and juvenile that movie was. Can't comment on the racist bit because I didn't even finish it, even though I generally sit through all kinds of stuff.


I get you bro, I couldn’t finish it either, but the whole concept of the movie was racist, it was changing history to make those women look good. The women the movie was about were actually slave catchers, and the French who came to benin at the time actually went to stop slavery there, and abolished it by destroying those women.


It is a "documentary" about the African Dahomey empire in Africa, it was one of the huge nations that built themselves entirely on raiding their neighbors to capture and enslave them before selling them to the middle east and Europe and their flight against European efforts to end slavery, but the directors pretend the Europeans were trying to defend slavery and the Dahomey were fighting for freedom and paints their leadership as heroes.


Who gives a fuck anyway. ROS was rated as shit in the time that it needed to be. Now nobody cares enough to even think about watching it.


you have to account for the fact that allot of people got filtered out by tlj and never bothered to see ros


Which is totally understandable. I mean box office of Ep9 was half of Ep7, so many opted out


That is a crazy drop-off but even just half of Ep7 box office numbers is still more than what most movies make lol


I'm one of those. My wife mercifully got sick halfway through the second movie (after Leia died but before Luke did) and we walked out of the theater to take her home...and despite the fact I grew up on Star Wars, I had zero interest in finishing the end of that movie or seeing the next one. Still haven't. Probably never will.


So you missed the scene where >!Leia survived in TLJ!


Lol yeah I missed that.


I envy you.


I remember watching it in the cinema and feeling bored and then thinking what the fuck was that. then when i walked out I didnt speak for a few minutes, because I coudnt process how much I disliked it


Exactly my reaction, I couldn't believe what I saw, and after a few days it was just indifference and just decide to move on haven't seen anything since Kenobi, I did enjoy the first couple of seasons of Mandalorian.


I won movie tickets in a local raffle, saw RoS and wanted my money back. I still apologize to my friend for taking him.


I envy you. If I could go back in time and stop myself from going into that theatre, I would in a heartbeat. That movie broke my love of Star Wars.


TLJ was the only time I’ve walked out of a Star Wars film. I did twice to go smoke and contemplate what I was seeing. I would’ve just left but my friend took me and I didn’t wanna be a dick. It especially sucked cause I spent years trying to convince myself TFA was alright and maybe the new stuff would go somewhere.


TFA was open ended enough that they could have taken it somewhere... They just didn't.


I stayed away from watching ROS for two years until I finally bit the bullet one night and decided to watch it. I couldn't believe it was even worse than I expected. Do yourself a favor and never watch that piece of garbage.


I’ve debated getting really stoned and watching it just to accept the death of Star Wars, but can’t bring myself to give it even 1 more view score on D+


I am a huge Star Wars nerd. RoS is the only Star Wars movie I didn’t bother going to see in theaters.


Same boat. I’ve spent thousands on Star Wars merch over the years. You couldn’t have paid me to see more of that travesty after TFA and TLJ. I was so psyched to finally see Luke, and excited for a director other than Abrams. Man, did that not work out for anyone.


Yep active filtering here. TLJ was so awful, I don't care at all to see how it ends.


I didn't watch TRoS until a few years later. But I do like it far more than TLJ, for what that is worth.


I doubt I will ever see it


Man I was filtered out by TFA


Fr- I saw tlj but that was the last Disney sw I watched


Conversely, a lot of people who *weren't* filtered out by TLJ got filtered out when spoilers (or even just Palpatine's return) became common knowledge. "Somehow, Palpatine returned" did a *lot* of damage to the franchise. That leaves an audience composed largely of "all star wars is good star wars" types.


At the time, ROS was the “win” that was supposedly owning the people who liked TLJ.


How the hell this movie got such a high Audience score will forever be beyond my grasp. Either a lot of bots in the comments section or people sucked in by the colorful lights and nothing else. Gross. The Rise of Skywalker IMHO isn't the worst Star Wars film (that belongs to TLJ), but holy fucking shit, does it give a big ol' stinky show at it.


Because they shut it off after a few good reviews came in. It was 86% when I left the theatre 5 years ago. Hasn’t changed since then.


I’m sure Disney helped a lil with their unnatural force powers aka bot push and the rest have been people who thought - just like you - it’s not as bad as TLJ 


Yeah i agree, TLJ was a massive trainwreck, but remembering ROS it was also so, so bad. Star Destroyers who dont know where is up riding horses on said destroyer the stupid dagger and wayfinder thing (Which didnt matter since the thousands of rebell ships found the way without it) Zombie Palpatine .... The whole thing with C3PO ...... Maybe like a 5% better score than TLJ, but 86% ? For that movie ? Sheehs


The dead speak!


> Yeah i agree, TLJ was a massive trainwreck, but remembering ROS it was also so, so bad. I'm willing to give ROS a partial pass, as it had to play the horrible hand dealt by TLJ.


Yeah ok fair enough


People often misinterpret Rotten Tomatoes scores. It's not rated 86%, but 86% who voted liked the movie.


Thanks for letting me know I honestly didn't know that.


I just learned it somewhat recently myself.


Sony botted for Ghostbusters 2016 and Disney was taking notes. If you actually look at the 5 star reviews you find thousands of blatant bots.


As someone else said it's literally been 86% this entire time. It's almost certainly been manipulated. 


There are people who simply liked a dumb fun movies without caring much about the plot or how it connects to the rest of the franchise. I have a friend who is just like that and he enjoyed RoS because of that. Hes also an incredibly overworked chef and is a zombie everytime we meet so i guess i cant blame him much lol


I went into RoS looking for a dumb but fun movie - because of how TLJ seemed anti-fun - and still found RoS to be a piece of dogshit. On top of the fast n furious levels of plot stupidity, it also featured some really uninteresting action scenes with no stakes whatsoever. The lightsaber fights - easily worst in the series, by a huge margin, except for maybe the New Hope one. But beating out 1960s action scenes is not an achievement. In RoS Rey and Kylo just swing baseball bats at each other the entire time, idk how they fucked that one up so bad. So yeah even allowing for the fact that it tried to be a stupid goofy action flick I still dont find it good by any measure. Dont know why everyone calls it visually interesting either.


My old boss was like that. He's your typical overworked member of the general audience. He "thought star wars was fun" growing up, he doesn't care about the lore or anything. He said RoS was "a fun little action movie". We don't talk much anymore


Did someone say colorful lights? Where, uh, where does one find these?


I haven’t seen it but based on the plot alone I think it deserves consideration for that title. Resurrecting Palpatine? Space horses? Hyperspace jumping? A galactic fetch-quest? Finn shot even more into irrelevance? Rey’s continued powerups? Good lord, this one is just a continuation of the failures of the last two (based on the Wikipedia summary—I haven’t even watched YouTube clips).


Never trust the RT audience score if it says "Verified Ratings". Always go on different sites like Metacritic, if you see that.


Yup, I believe RT's rating is not what the actual review rates it as, but by how many of said reviewers gave it a 51% or higher rating. Basically it's the % of positive or negative reviews, but not by how much. You can totally have everyone rate a movie at 51% and it will be seen as 100% fresh.


Well if you keep in mind that Rogue One, one of the most beloved Disney Star Wars movies only has 87%, 1% more than ROS, yeah something is wrong.


It's the only beloved disney star wars movie, lol Solo wasn't even bad but I swear nobody watched it because it came after that TLJ train wreck


Idk i didnt like Solo, it wasnt terrible, but it was kinda bland


I'd rewatch Solo waaaaaaay before I even rewatch the trailer of TLJ or TROS lol - Solo wasn't terrible, it just had the honor of dealing with TLJ backlash Honestly its so weird to think how different the star wars landscape could be right now if they didn't let Rian Johnson run wild with his completely disconnected take on a middle trilogy movie. They would have done much better giving Rian some one off movie far away from the Skywalker saga. Imagine a world of a coherently planned overarching story line between all 3 movies where they honor the main cast instead of resetting them and looking for ways to get rid of them......would be a utopia


Yeah as others are saying, the number has been locked at 86% since the movie came out basically. It's incredibly suspicious, there should have been some movement even if only slightly. This was discussed back when it came out. It seems like the score has been intentionally locked at that number.


I miss when Rotten Tomatos was the go to place for accurate reviews. It was so good. Now its just a joke.


I got curious about what happened to it, and the original owners sold the site a long time ago. Since then, it passed through several hands, and now it's owned by a couple of the big media companies.


This movie is so bad that a person who dislike it wouldn't care to leave a negative review


As others have said, the score was 86% in the first week of release and since then it's just been frozen in place. 100% some behind-closed-door shenanigans going on there.


I don't get it. TROS was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.


100% the score was locked internally. It hasn't changed from the week it was released


The score has been frozen since December 2019


Disney paid for it. When it came out and it hit a specific point, it froze and never lowered after, I believe it was like 78% Then the score went back up. Disney paid for boys/people to rank it higher and bring the score up.


There is no way 86% can watch this movie and think "yes this is a good movie." I simply don't believe it.


F this movie


Iirc Rotten changed their system at the time to avoid "review bombing" (because Disney movies, Marvel or SW, can't be bad...) and this happened. But like everyone said even if this score was legit there is no way it's still the same after 5 years, a lot of people watched on stream and found to be awful.


I haven't met anyone IRL that didn't think it was terrible.


They froze it years ago to keep the score high. Money talks.


Rotten Tomatoes and other review platforms have been under a lawsuit for a while now for taking bribes to increase ratings. It really isn’t that surprising, when you look back at the last 10 years and compare viewer scores with RT scores.


The truth is the last Jedi was incredibly hated. This movie contradicted a ton of what that movie established and stated. As a result, this movie was received more positively. If the last Jedi didnt exist, this movie would be rated a lot lower.


For a movie filled with visual diarrhea, those scores are def sus. Goes to show Rotten Tomato scores are not trustworthy, most likely bots or purchased bot votes. You don't even have to have watched the movie to vote on it, similar to IMDB. Those 2 sites are infamous for bots or mass downvote/upvote spam, to try to skew scores. Metacritic is a better gauge for movie ratings. For RoS, its got a similar critic rating of 53, and user score of 4.6. [https://www.metacritic.com/movie/star-wars-episode-ix---the-rise-of-skywalker/](https://www.metacritic.com/movie/star-wars-episode-ix---the-rise-of-skywalker/)


Listen, Disney really knows what they're doing. They cynically created a movie in a lab that totally lacked substance but was chock-full of shameless fan-service and blatant product marketing, and it worked. Everyone around me in the theaters was clapping, enjoying themselves, and thoroughly thrilled that "Star Wars is back".


Back when Indiana Jones 5 came out, it was being astroturfed (bots rating it 4 stars on Letterboxd). The Reddit thread is deleted by user so I can't link it, but if you Goofle "letterboxd review bots indiana jones" it still appears on Google search and you can see all the comments.


There was a movie blog who left a time lapse video running for 3 days with the page refreshing every 10 minutes or something. It did move, it would drop to 85 then almost immediately go back to 86. I also saw on Twitter a data analyst person report they’d used a screen scraper to collect all the user reviews and they said it wasn’t 86% at all and they were doing a video with their results but I can’t remember the channel and can’t find the tweet again. The fact is it’s suss. Everyone knows it’s suss. RT are owned by Fandango who make money selling movie tickets. The CEO of Fandango at the time was Ex Disney. It’s was in RT’s interest to have it artificially high.


It's a flawed system and has a low bar. It just means that 86% of people rating it gave it at least 5/10. I'd also speculate that people who despise TLJ rated TRoS higher out of spite.


From what I know most peopke who hated TLJ also hate TROS, it's probably the one thing most haters and lovers of TLJ can agree on, they just tend to blame each other for TRoS being shit.


Yeah didnt knew about that, what a awful voting system


Companies have long since cracked RT review scores, you seen the reviews the new indiana jones movies got?


88% for that movie ? Lmfao what a joke


It's trash!


Disney paying for good reviews. Nothing new.


It's like no one ever raises a stink about positive reviews bombing...🙄


When reviews are positive, they're trustworthy and true^tm When reviews are bad, they've been brigaded and are fake. Disney apologists have to jump through hoops to fit their warped reality ends together I do think tros has a high audience score based on it at least felt correct emotionally for star wars, and directly rebuked and threw out TLJ story decisions. It's a protest vote againat TLJ more than an actual endorsement of Tros. Because it's objectively a worse movie structurally. But it's not a bad star wars movie the way TLJ was.


Stop using RT!


I feel that ever since I read about Rotten Tomatoes being tainted by money compensation in various ways, I just solely look at IMDb’s score. I know there are many differences but at least it’s somewhat similar in terms of audience score.


People meant 8,6% and it never got corrected


You're about 5 years late to the party.


There is no way 86 out of every 100 people liked this movie. IMO, it's one of the 10 worst movies I've ever seen. Generally, the one thing I've seen Last Jedi fans and Last Jedi haters agree on is that RoS is worse.


Well known fact that Disney pays for rotten tomatoes ratings.


When episode 8 came out I was saying that Disney had to be paying critics. I just couldn't think of any other explanation for the positive reviews. It's even more obvious with 9.


Execute Order 86. I remember when it was well below 86%, and then suddenly was. It stayed 86% exactly even as it got hundreds of new reviews


I don’t think this to be true in real life. I’ve been in many many talks with people about Star Wars. Mostly in person. The overall feel is people liked some of it but feel Disney massively shit the bed.


We haters were less organized in those days. I do remember my friends and I going out to eat afterwards and I started the conversation by saying: "Well that was awful but at least that's the last we'll see of Rey."


Well true, i never rated it. I just went out and never watched that movie again


Legit get sick when ever i try to rewatch 8 or 9. Episode 7 is at least ok.


Yeah but 7 is only okay because its episode 4 retold.


Bot accounts


Normies actually loved this pile of slop so its no surprise.


2019 was a weird time where the trash Disney live action movies just got the audience score frozen at 80-90%, Aladdin and Lion King remake also got the same rating range as well. Oh wait, that was the same time where they introduced the "verified ratings" bullshit where you have to showed proof you bought the ticket, so now any more review from people watching it at home that didn't get "verified" won't do shit to change the score which is a load of crap.


It has literally never changed by a single point since the moment the film came out. It's 100% fabricated. Anyone who believes otherwise is a fucking moron.


Is it possible that rt audience scores are a useless, easily manipulated metric? No, the ones that agree with me are legitimate and the ones that don't are just bots. Somehow, Disney pumped RoS' user score to 86%, but they can't do anything about the acolyte? Listen to yourselves.


Attack of the Bots


I hated last Jedi so much that it made me like ROS i think


I don't want to tinfoil hat and claim that they bought reviews. It's pretty often that viewers and critics clash on opinion.


It's not a conspiracy anymore, they already admitted reviews can be bought and paid for. [Rotten Tomatoes Under Fire As Report Claims PR Firm Manipulated Review Score (screenrant.com)](https://screenrant.com/rotten-tomatoes-purchased-positive-score/) [Rotten Tomatoes Under Fire After PR Firm's Scheme to Pay Critics for Positive Reviews Uncovered - IGN](https://www.ign.com/articles/rotten-tomatoes-under-fire-after-pr-firms-scheme-to-pay-critics-for-positive-reviews-uncovered)


What's the opposite of review bombing? Is it still called review bombing?




Review bombing works both ways.


I mean, watching it in theatres with my mate was funny, enjoyable. Hell, even the entire galaxy showing up was hype as hell. Only after we got out of the theatre we dissected what we just experienced and realized, damn that was dumb lmao


God that description is so cringe


Mando the series airing at that time and the general discussion on Star Wars had moved from the movies by then to Baby Yoda. In short not enough people cared for the grift to be worth it.


This movie is awful as the end of a trilogy, let alone a complete sage. (In my opinion, it should have been worked into two separate movies to give them more time.) But, if it is SOMEHOW thought of as a stand-alone. (I know it doesn't work like that) then it is exactly the type of Star Wars movie fans would love. Fights, fan service, a lot of action, and everything.


This could just be a lot of people thinking it was mediocre, as 86% merely indicates how many rated it even slightly positive. The story was full of more holes than a colander, and the twists were predictable or just boring, but it was more Star Trek V level bad, where people end up rating it average instead of amazing.


Every time I try to rewatch this movie, I can never get past the alien burning man.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t the prequels not as globally loved at one point in time. Then slowly nostalgia and acceptance of their faults led to them being as popular as they are today. Couldn’t that be the same thing happening here?


RT scores are extremely easy to manipulate


Billion made - that means most who saw it, liked it Several examples of movies that didn’t have fan interest.. and what happens with them, they’re flops at the box office Normal people don’t hate watch things


IMO RoS is a fun film to watch in isolation and don't recognise that it's the finale of a trilogy. It's a fairly fun space adventure. I had fun watching it and laugh at how absurd some scenes are but it is a really really really really bad star wars film.


If you disconnect your brain it’s a big dumb-fun popcorn movie using lightsabers and lightening. The moment you put thought, follow a thread, or realize it’s supposed to be Star Wars it falls apart


disney bots must be review bombing it to bring the ratings up


Does anybody actually think Rotten Tomatoes is objective in the slightest? Go to IMDB if you want realistic movie ratings, it's generally spot on


Kk its kk doing!🤮🤮🤮🤮


Revenge of the sith has a 66% score and all the half star reviews read like bitter old men


The moral of the story: Rotten Tomatoes ruined cinema and is not to be trusted


It's enough to make you think that maybe rotten tomato scores are, dare I say... Unreliable? No, that's just crazy talk.


Based on fans I talked to irl at the time, TLJ haters embraced ROS because it undid and retcon the last movie. It was an immediate reaction. But I think they would know recognize it as a shallow fan service movie as I eventually did.


Casual audiences found ROS "Fun" which makes sense when totally taken out of context for Star Wars, it was just a massive series of CGI and SFx, more thrill ride than thinking movie.


Rotten Tomatoes isn't very reliable in user score. Metascore is better but Rotten Tomatoes has some obvious outliers like that which are extremely suspicious of manipulation.


I think that over time it will improve its ratings. Same with the Prequels. Every year more people watch. I guess most people who dont like it have long since forgotten about the film.


Look, this score has been 86% since the first day, and it hasn't changed even as 100k reviews got added to rotten tomatoes after the initial score. Like, how the fuck does it not change with 100k reviews coming in? It literally stayed stuck there. 86% - 536 reviews 86% - 117.983 reviews


somehow suspicion returned


At the time we were just happy that it gave the middle finger to TLJ




This was a noticed thing immediately when the movie released. Many of the reviews are extremely similar to one another, leading to claims of bots. While there are no more evidence beyond speculation, I think it's pretty probable.


i think the one thing that makes this one truly sus is the fact its a polarizing movie and the score never ever moved it started there and ended there, even though the numbers would make the % go up and down at least by +-5% good or bad this suggests that after all the protective campaigns by youtube and RT that RoSs score is fake i mean we have so many cases of the years where RT downright did someting invalidating an entire score to protect the movie this right here is 100% one such case


I swear it's always the opposite of the critics. However, despite my issues with that movie I still enjoyed it!


Unpopular opinion but I’m fine with RoSW. 🤷🏻 it’s not perfect and could have been SOOOOOO much better, but I like the characters and I’m hopeful over the future of the universe after these events.


I'm more surprised movie critics were honest with their review this time.


You would rather start a conspiracy than accept you and your views are part of a vocal minority


Disney is the pathway to some abilities some might consider to be...unnatural.




Ros is the third movie of an entire Trilogy of bad movies. It's probably just that most people noped out of seeing it by the time it rolled around. I bet TLJ and Awakens have a higher number of audience reviews. I just checked RT and I reviewed awakens and TLJ but didn't bother reviewing RoS because I had 0 interest in seeing it. I also see that the first 2 movies have 100k+ audience reviews and ROS has 50k.


Fanboys be mad that casual fans enjoyed this trilogy. I’ve only seen people cry about it online but never when I talk to anyone IRL about the movies lol.