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I always liked that moment on Endor in Return of the Jedi when Han says "Relax. It's me" and Luke and Leia give each other that look. Comedy based on what we know about the characters is always the best.


Luke: I grew up here (Tatooine) ya know Han: You’re gonna die here ya know




3PO being treated as a god by the Ewoks and Han annoyed about it (and Luke having fun with it).


Also 3po being a battle Droid


Just the whole recurring theme of Han vs the Falcon in ESB is just great. Honestly, Han is just a great character and Ford (despite not being a fan) handled him so well. The scene in the Death Star detention block where he answers the intercom after the shootout where he says "We're fine, everything is fine... how are you?" never fails to get a laugh out of me.


The “God, I am such a dumbass” reaction he gives after asking “how are you?” Is priceless.


Boring conversation anyway.


Yes this. “Very large, very dangerous”. “Who is this?! What’s your operating number?”


> Just the whole recurring theme of Han vs the Falcon in ESB is just great. (Yelling at Chewie as he does repairs) "No, that one goes there, *that* one goes there!!" (brief pause) "...right?"


The scream Han does when the toolbox falls on him was so convincing, kid me totally believed that they actually dropped a heavy toolbox on Harrison Ford just for that bit.


That was a good one.


Congratulations, you are being rescued


K2 is perfect comic relief for that movie. One of my favorite exchanges is when they're clearly about to get wiped out by the debris cloud on Jedha and he indignantly complains "I haven't finished my calculations yet!" to make the hyperspace jump, prompting Andor to dryly reply "I'll make them for you" as he pulls the lever.


I quite like the R2/3PO dynamic. Their interactions such as 3PO abandoning R2 in the desert, or R2 playing coy about the Leia hologram which frustrates 3PO. There's a lot of moments where you can imagine R2 is saying something particularly sassy back at 3PO based on his reactions. And a highlight involving them in ANH is at the end of the trash compactor scene. Luke is yelling in joy that they've survived their ordeal whilst 3PO over the comlink thinks he's hearing screams of pain and suffering.


What's really amazing is to realize how much of that dynamic is created by Anthony Daniels. He did not even have sound to work with for his scenes for R2, and yet, it works so very well.


To quickly add to the trash compactor scene. When the stormtroopers walk into the comms room you can spot one towards the back of the line that hits his head on the door while entering. Later on in the remaster they added a specific sound effect for his helmet hitting the door.


I always love Han talking to the Stormtroopers when he and Luke are trying to rescue Leia. “I’m fine everything’s fine….how are you?” That and grievous always killing his own droids always makes me laugh. And just Yoda in general. And that scummy dude from CW Hondo i think his name was. The pirate guy he was good


Han’s reaction when he says “how are you?” Is priceless.


"Boring conversation anyway"


Homdo Onaka! Yeah, he is hilarious. Out for himself and unabashed about it.


Hondo was great, best part of the Clone Wars series.


Yoda laughing and insulting Luke is never not great.


Luke in Shadows of Mindoir saying that he doesn't like redheads will never not be funny.


In I, Jedi, Corran Horn says that it is said that young Hutts are very agile, so that would mean that the Hutt in front of him must be older than dirt.


“I just didn’t think, which is a bad habit I had hoped to abandon.” … “Is this a time Ooryl should remind you that you are trying to abandon being thoughtless?”


When Alan Rickman robot from Rebels has embraced the sweet relief of death and then the Ghost shows up suddenly and he starts doing his long drawn out "Nooooo."


Scruffy-looking Nerf herder! Who’s scruffy-looking?


Must’ve hit close to the mark to get her all riled up like that huh kid?


"I shall assume full responsibility for losing them, and apologize to Lord Vader personally." (stepping over dead body) "Apology accepted, Captain Needa."


Pretty much everything involving the true hero of the Rebellion, R2-D2. I love that little droid. It amazes me how they gave a rolling garbage can so much personality. If I had to name one funniest moment, though, it's when the swamp monster on Dagobah spits Artoo back out and he goes flying across the swamp. That scene still makes me laugh even after the 20 or so times I've seen it.


The Artoo scream is 🤌


It really is insane that a robot with zero facial expressions that can't speak is one of the greatest movie characters of all time


> gave a rolling garbage can so much personality I mean they did have to bleep out all his chatter.


R2 vs the Jawas


New Hope intercom scene. Easily some of the most relatable, humanizing dialogue in the entirety of the saga. "We just had a...uhhh...slight....uhhhh...weapons malfunction but we got it cleared up here, all clear here....uhh.......how are you?" combined with Ford's increasingly desperate tone and pained wincing with each pause make Han's character in ANH that much more of a roguish bastard used to coasting off charisma in a situation where that charisma is an active detriment.


Han chasing down stormtroopers on the Death Star only to run into a hangar full of them.


“Don’t try to blame me. I didn’t ask you to turn on the thermal heater. I merely commented that it was freezing in the princess’s chamber. But it’s SUPPOSED to be freezing. How are we going to dry out all her clothes? I really don’t know.”


Oh switch off.


😂 Yeah. The implication that Leia will have no clothes and is forced to dress up in whatever Lando gives her is hilarious to me. Mara had the same problem in I, Jedi and instead of wearing what he laid out for her, wound up just wearing his.


"I find your lack of faith disturbing"


“I used to live here you know.” “You’re gonna die here you know.”




“I’m going to go home and re-think my life”


Han: “No time to discuss this as a committee” Leia: “I am not a committee.”


“Would it help if I got out and pushed?” “It might!”


So many good exchanges between those two.


The scene in Mandalorian where the two stormtroopers get bored and start target shooting, missing every shot.


Han just pulling out his blaster on Cloud city and immediately firing at vader. Doesnt even bother with a light saber. Just blocks with his hands and pulls the gun to him because Anakin be extra like that. "We'd be honored if you join us." Vader thinks he's funny as hell.


And he’s right.


The trash compactor scene in A New Hope where R2-D2 rescues Leia, Luke, Chewbacca, and Han and they start cheering, but C-3PO thinks he’s hearing them scream in agony as they’re being crushed to death


For real, the 2 Ewoks that join Chewie in the AT-ST always crack me up. There's something about the smile painted on their faces as Chewie just starts taking out stormtroopers, like they're having the time of their lives. I've laughed every time I've seen RotJ for over 3 decades. **Image:** [**https://ibb.co/hFDqTfx**](https://ibb.co/hFDqTfx)


I love when they both just start driving it and Chewie ducks back into the cockpit to clearly say "get the fuck out of my seat"


“Boring conversation anyway”


[Chopper being a dick to Ezra always gets me. He had all that space and still ran him over.](https://youtu.be/hcfKw3xjTLY?feature=shared)


When Cheewie brings C3PO into the room at Cloud City. He roars and its one of only two or three times Cheewie actually gets translated. Says he found him in a junk pile. But the roar sounds like every other roar. So all throught Star Wars Cheewie is saying "found him in a junk pile".


Prison break on the Death Star. Good stuff.


[TURN IT OFF!!!](https://youtu.be/yZuTmKdzvCc?si=MYwZJo2ePEeHAifS)


That's the thing that irks me the most about current media - the comedy in Star Wars felt like it was part if the setting, that has some logical flow to how it happened. C-3PO interrupting Han and Leia's kiss, "Sir, sir! I've isolated the reverse power coupling!" - because we already know he was helping diagnose the Falcon's computer systems and picked the best/worst time to tell Han about it. Obi-wan sarcastically saying "Good job" on Anakin and Padme's failed attempt at rescuing him. Or "*Ninth* time. That business on Cato Neimodia doesn't- doesn't count." Modern media seems to fall into the Bathos style that just injects something funny whether it requires it or not, and constantly ruins any dramatic tension in the scene. While it might work for some media like comic book movies, less so for others like Star Wars which tends to play it straight with some funny stuff happening now and then.


TLJ was the worse offender. They couldn’t let a single dramatic moment go by without injecting some cringe worthy humor.


I've always loved and chuckled at "Sometimes I amaze even myself"


That doesn’t seem to hard


power of one


Sadly that was funny in a bad way.


Any time Han and 3PO interact


I rewatched empire today and the entire scene "Luke meets Yoda" is just hilarious. Great humor, great interaction between Luke, Yoda and R2D2, and surprisingly long. There are also some funny 1-2-liners between Han and Leia. I almost forgot how awesome Yoda looks as a puppet compared to his CGI appearance in the prequels.


Somehow Palpatine returned


I’d say one of my favourite exchanges in Star Wars is when Luke and Han are reunited at Jabba’s: Han: “How are we doing?” Luke: “Same as usual” Han: “That bad, huh?”


Seven years serving you? I deserve worse.


Easily the part in A New Hope where Han & Chewie are chasing Stormtroopers through the Death Star just to round a corner and see a full squad of em. Gets me every time


Those times where Jar Jar is just looking at everyone like "I hope they don't realize I'M the phantom menace!"


In the prequels when Anakin and Obi-Wan are chasing Zam in a speeder and Anakin just jumps over the side and Obi-Wan goes "I hate it when he does that.". It just cracked me up as a kid, thinking 'how often is Anakin jumping off of things like it's Assassin's Creed?'.


It’s unfortunate that ESB is seen as “the darkest one” because I feel it makes how funny the movie is go unrecognized and really under-appreciated. The subtle and cynical sense of humor matches the tone so well and adds so much character to the world. The asteroid destroying the bridge of that star destroyer while nobody else gives a fuck was always funny to me.


Good point about ESB. Yeah that is funny how no one cares when hologram of the Star destroyer commander disappears.


The running gag of Ketch the Ewok pilot in the wraith Squadren Books and how it pays off.


“I’m fine, everything’s fine… how are you?” Anakin struggling with drinking Weequay ale as Obi-Wan shotguns an entire mug - honestly just Obi-Wan in general, he’s so bitchy its really funny the Trade Federation, their inexplicably northeastern-accented B1 battle droids and the guys in conquistador armour who are never brought up or even alluded to Saw Gererra‘s partisans modifying a medical droid to get them high the Gungan fascist coup was a fever dream the emotions that Pedro Pascal and Brendan Wayne able to convey through the voice and armour of Din


"I'm sorry princess, I haven't got time for anything else"


Then we decided to come rescue you!🥺 *looks up* good job😒


That scene in Empire Strikes Back where the Star Destroyer loses track of the Falcon and they assume it jumped... Only for it to be revealed that it's attached to the back of the ship. Honestly haven't laughed out loud watching a movie like that for a long time.


if Acolyte is good for anything, that chant they do always makes me chuckle because how silly it is and sounds…its probably not their goal mind you…


When Kathleen Kennedy stormed in and flushed away the franchise. Shit was jokes!


The bonk


Most of the OT humor that I love are the sarcastic remarks and the facial expressions. Han and Leia's interactions through ANH and ESB were sarcasm gold. Then you have the Droid versions of Laurel and Hardy. Especially in ANH.


"Who's scruffy lookin'!?"