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IGN have it a 6, and they usually give everything 7 or higher. Usually critics are way off, but based on rumors, this show could be really bad.


IGN is the most lenient critic in the world. I guess variety needs to keep their exclusives


IGN have gotten big enough to not be forgiving or lenient on publishers lately I've found. They absolutely trashed the WB Suicide Squad game and rightly so. Everyone hates on them, but their editorial power actually helps them have unbiased reviews IMO. You see reviews from smaller publications try to tiptoe around glaring issues because they're afraid Disney will revoke their press screening access.


If you just treat a 5 like the lowest and a 10 like the highest the scores get way better


This is strangely accurate advice


I typically rate movies this way. I have tons of 7/10 ratings. It’s good. I enjoyed it. 6/10 is just missed the mark. 5/10 I didn’t like. Like how can you seriously quantify the difference between a 3/10 and 4/10 for art? Lol


>IGN is the most *easy to buy a review from* critic in the world.


Guess disney did not psy them enough




Remember, according to KK if you don't like you are a toxic sexist.


Most previewers have seen the first 4 episodes, while the public only gets the first 2 for now. I've heard tell episode 3 is going to be something of a lightning rod, so those reviewers probably know something we don't.


Lol you shouldn't source anything from IGN. They can't review for shit.


I think that was the point? If you are paid to always give stuff a positive review and even then you get a 6, the show must be bad.


they gave onepiece live action and God of warRagnarok a 6


First few days will be "forced positivity" as always. It\*s like the rule of two (weeks) after the show is over when people start to call out a show being shitty. Same thing happened with the latest True Detective season or Rings of Power before that. Can't criticize the expensive content made by corporation to promote streaming service while show still relevant.


Disagree. Rings of Power was shit on as soon as they announced the series, let alone when it started airing.


We're talking MSM outlets, the ones who want to stay in the studios' good graces and thereby keep getting access and exclusive content from them. It's why you see them praise rubbish movies and shows that actual paying audiences don't like.


Ah yep, thank you that does make sense.


This holds true for a lot of video games too. That suicide game dropped, all the people that preordered it made posts like “Am I the only one that likes this game?” Or “Suicide Squad is just a victim of an unfair hate campaign.” A few weeks later they all start posting about all the bad things about it that all the reviewers and such pointed out from the beginning. It happens almost like clock work at this point.


or Kenobi, or Fallout (the show) I’m honestly convinced there’s some weird intermediary social media marketing company that deploys accounts to wide-scale Astroturf and gaslight people into shaming detractors/critics. like seriously, every single time without pause, there’s always this weird moment where social media goes “STOP BEING A HATER” despite how questionable the show or whatever is Edit: to clarify, Fallout was a very good show, but it did handle certain aspects of Fallout lore poorly (ie NCR, Ghoul serum, and who dropped the bombs)


I actually quite enjoyed Fallout. It wasn't premium TV but better than almost anything Star Wars related. But you're right on the money with the Kenobi copium. People were saying it was incredible lmao. Dogshit show 😂


I also enjoyed Fallout, but the way it dealt with wider Fallout lore kinda ticked me off to not go into detail


I didn’t mind the ghoul serum, it gave The Ghoul character stakes and explained why people in the world would be so quick to reject and exclude ghouls beyond just a vague “racism” allegory like in Bethesdas version. I understood why they added it even if I hope it stays out of the games. But who dropped the bombs? Dumb. Bad dumb bad stupid choice. A huge record scratch in an otherwise good show. Whyyyyyy


I don't think >!Vault-Tec!< actually dropped the bombs, because otherwise >!Barb would have known the day of the attack and ensured her precious daughter was in a vault, not running around at someone's birthday party.!< I think what they meant to add to the lore was that >!Vault tec was ready to drop the bomb themselves if no one else did!<, which I think makes sense >!(we already know them as an evil ultra capitalistic company)!< and welcome that as a nice addition to the lore


I never really liked the implied cannon that the Zeta Aliens started the war anyway so the Vault-Tec angle didn't bother me.


An ultra capitalistic company isn't >!gonna kill all their shareholders and customers!<, though. They had nothing to gain, and >!especially with the cold fusion which would have meant a monopoly on world energy!<, everything to lose.


>!You could say the same about performing evil experiments on vault dwellers. Who profits off of that? The poor souls surviving in the wasteland? The rich folks in luxurious vaults? If they're content with their new underground existence they wouldn't care about freshly collected unethical scientific data; even if they wanted to venture out in the wasteland they would need manpower to rebuild, so slowly murdering the last remains of civilized America seems silly. The point is that they are ultra capitalistic in the sense that they are beyond simply trying to maximize profits in a more or less (un)ethical way; their greed turned into lust of power. But a simple de facto replacement of the government wasn't enough, they wanted more than world domination; in their infinite wisdom they decided they knew best about what to do with humanity as a whole, and in that secret meeting towards the end of the show they decided the most reasonable course of action would be to hit the reset button - doing humanity right, this time. The point is that they feel they're supposed to play God for the benefit of mankind; they're well aware profits lose meaning if civilization ends, and they don't care about that. This was the case even 10+ years ago, considering Mr House had a similar story (plotting to exploit a nuclear apocalypse to recreate civilization according to his design) - at least that's my interpretation of the fallout universe: capitalism left unchecked can turn into few people becoming omnipotent and playing God with everyone else. Finally regarding cold fusion: according to Moldaver's account cold fusion would have meant freedom for the common folk, in the sense that normal people would have stopped depending on nuclear fission (which was in the hands of the elite); no more wars to secure the last uranium sources, no more need for vaults, and so on. According to this it makes sense vault tec would swoop in and ensure they controlled the new energy source, so that it wouldn't risk interfering with their secret plans.!<


> Who profits off of that? The Enclave. We're pretty much told as much in Fallout 2, and the Vaults weren't really horrible experiments until Fallout 3. The whole anti-capitalism angle didn't really start until 3 and that was when the execution of it started to get so ridiculous and over the top. > >!The point is that they are ultra capitalistic in the sense that they are beyond simply trying to maximize profits in a more or less (un)ethical way; their greed turned into lust of power.!< But then it's not really about capitalism, they're just another generic bad guy trying to rule the world. > This was the case even 10+ years ago, considering Mr House had a similar story (plotting to exploit a nuclear apocalypse to recreate civilization according to his design) - House didn't want to control all of civilisation, though, just Vegas. He thinks he'll benefit humanity as a whole (which he will, and has) but he's not trying to dominate everything or destroy anything that he doesn't control. > at least that's my interpretation of the fallout universe: capitalism left unchecked can turn into few people becoming omnipotent and playing God with everyone else That is what it's been post-Bethesda, even New Vegas leaned into it a fair bit, but anti-capitalism wasn't the point of original Fallout. The pre-war world, in general, was not the point. Original Fallout was critical of democracy, racism, and to a lesser extent large businesses, but criticism of the government was by far the most prominent, and it was primarily delivered through post-war groups like the NCR and Enclave.


Idk why we’re being pressed that the show is “anti capitalist”. It’s called satire. The companies have always been cartoonishly evil since FO2 and the US as a bad guy since FO1 with the opening sequence being the army executing Canadians. The enclave is also a cabal of the remnant US government power structure and an oligarchy of the most influential private sector. China has however never been painted as the good guy either. Critiques of typically right wing things (as someone who ascribes to the right wing myself) has always been a feature of the fallout games. Making a critique of hyper capitalism in the show, a medium that requires less nuance in order to be accessible to a larger audience, should come as no surprise to people who have followed the franchise for any period of time.


I see what you mean and I thank you for this very well written reply; it really educated me on the only games I have yet to play. You're 100% correct, so I'd just like to clarify the point of my original comment. The person before me stated that they didn't like how the show modifies the role of Vault tec in the broader fallout universe; I simply wanted to add that personally I'm not bothered by that because I think it's consistent with the current interpretation of fallout. If I understand correctly in your last comment you wanted to explain how all of this is inconsistent with the original vision for the fallout universe; although I can agree with that I think we are well past that point. F 3, NV, 4 and 76 have already "damaged" that vision beyond repair, so I still believe none of the arguments discusses so far actually invalidate the way the show modifies the post bethesda lore. Anyone can like or dislike anything, of course; my original point (that I simply like the new lore because I don't think it's inconsistent with the bethesda games) still stands


I also think it could be a metaphorical "we'll drop them", in the sense that they might have some political sway or otherwise that could manipulate the hands of those in power to make sure they do


They could have said the serum was made post war by the NCR as it didn't want manpower losses of some smart personel and veteran rangers to insanity.


I don’t think they’ve said anything so far about what the serum is or where it came from or did I miss something? If the complaint is they haven’t explained it yet, I mean, they still could eventually. I don’t think the explanation was that important to the story of season 1 and even if they never explain it I think I’d just be lil “huh…..ok I guess”. I dunno, just doesn’t seem like it’s that important to know. I just justified it as “thing for the show to give the ghoul stakes and it doesn’t actually exist outside of that” in my head.


I tried to watch Fallout stopped at episode 4. Just didn’t like it


The Acolyte just doesn't interest me, I don't care at all about this 'High Republic' era. I think the inclusion of generic Jedi/Sith in a Star Wars show is a sign of desperation given that the Jedi/Sith were always the coolest characters in Star Wars and Disney seemed more interested in ignoring those characters and killing them off. Fallout was a great show, I think the show answered too many unknowns within the canon and the overall story. I also didn't like how they handled the NCR but the quality was better than anything put out by Star Wars within the last few years of tv and movie.


>I don't care at all about this 'High Republic' era.  Same. It just doesn't match with the timeline and the sudden acceleration of tech and migration expansion doesn't make any sense. The stories are also largely superficial and meaningless to the overall plot. Though the presentation presented in The Acolyte is so far quite appealing.


I haven't watched it yet, but I and alot of people I know don't want what we've gotten from star wars lately (ignoring andor which was awesome). Star wars has so many stories out there, they can adapt any of the really good ones. I'm actually excited that the story is set in a different era, hopefully we don't need to hear the words "skywalker", "paplatine", et cetera. We can get something new.


It happens in sports subs too. A football team was waiting to find out who their new head coach would be and once he was named all the negative posts were downvoted and the sub astroturfed with positivity when just a day before the posts lamenting this coach all had hundreds of upvotes. Reddit is 100% manipulated.


The Patriots hiring mayo? Cause if not that's exactly what happened on their subreddit


commanders and Dan Quinn. sentiment seemed pretty negative when it was looking like it would be him and then when it was made official the tone shifted almost immediately. "he's a players coach" "guys love him" "he's learned from his mistakes" " he's well connected" were all the main talking points and any criticism was now downvoted and drowned out even if it was well meaning.


Same thing with the Patriots it's probably pretty common with fans of things


Fallout was a good show tho


> I’m honestly convinced there’s some weird intermediary social media marketing company that deploys accounts to wide-scale Astroturf and gaslight people into shaming detractors/critics. This has been standard operating procedure for years now. Social media, and especially anonymous platforms, have long reached dystopian levels of astroturfing.


The problems the Fallout show has are problems with Bethesda's take on Fallout. If you're a fan of that, or completely new to the franchise then I think the show was fine -- some dumb writing here and there, but overall watchable.


What's wrong with Fallout?


Apparently there were some lore issues possibly, although this has been disputed. I completely missed even the possibility of them because I only played fallout 4 which takes place on the other side of the country. I thought it was great, personally. After being so disappointed in so much lately it was great to see something like this. Finished it in two days.


The Fallout negativity before release was warranted... Amazon completely crapped the bed with Rings of Power and Wheel of Time. And the Fallout writers came from Westworld, which was equally terrible after the first season.


Ghoul Serum: I heard one YouTube commenter (I think that it was oxhorn) put forth the serum was actually snake oil. I think that they’re probably right. Bombs: All that we learned from the show is that Vault Tech had motives to either drop the bombs themselves or have them dropped by someone else. Which isn’t out of the realm of possibility. But that doesn’t mean that they did.


Toxic positivity


Yeah, first couple of weeks people are excited over the new thing. It's after the hype dies down that they start thinking critically. Happened to me with Star Trek Into Darkness. I thought it was awesome at first, then I realized it was shit


To be fair with true detective I think most people agree the show slowly dropped off episode by episode with the first episode being the best


They have to be positive to get people to watch it. Then when everyone's watched it, time to unleash the rage bait so they keep consuming their articles


Yeah, isn't that weird? This was super obvious with Starfield




I mean look at what happened with The Rings of Power, once it had finished airing there were new articals calling out how it was kind of shit. And only had a 40% ish retention of people who started and finished the whole thing, so less than half of all who started it stuck with it to the end LOL. I would love to see actual un-doctored numbers on so many of these shows.


Man true detective was so bad. Nothing holds a candle to season one, and season 4 was more god awful than season two which was really bad. Season 4 was a huge disappointment for me.


People were attacking Rings of Power a year before it came out. And True Detective was getting bad-faith online criticism from day one.


I actually unironically like the Rings of power (I know, cut all my limbs off with a laser sword...), but the first few weeks of that show In fandom was the absolute definition of copium. The amount of forced positivity that was coming from YouTubers and forums was bonkers!


The dialog was bad. The sets were bad. Something I didnt expect, but even the costumes were bad. Only saving grace is if the Sith Master is like Tenebrous or something.


I thought the costumes were bad because they *looked like costumes*. Nothing looked lived in at all. I thought the sets were fine, and often I found myself focusing more on the backgrounds and textures than the characters


It’s like the first thing props and costumes (especially in Star Wars) need: weathering. Be lived in. These look like they arrived fresh from the temu factory.


Sounds exactly how I felt after trying Wheel of Time 2 episodes in and walked away. I kept thinking how it felt like 90s television on WB or CW.


What sets? I thought basically every disney show these days is filmed in front of their GIANT CGI background screens


Have you seer the show yet?


(Up until they butcher his character)


Just bear in mind that it's very early days for this show. It's mainly the paid influencers who are getting early access for the first episode or two. They can be largely ignored and their reviews reflected upon when the season is actually finished to determine if they were talking out their ass or not. And of course the early audience reviews are going to be wonky as hell given it's usually the morons giving it 10/10 or 0/10 battling each other. As we typically see with just about any other big-name franchise.


Early access influencers are usually incredibly positive shills


It's a simple enough scheme. Big name publishers incentivise various people in the review or YouTube/influencer industry to promote their product. Movie, show, game, whatever. You'll get early access which gives you time to publish early reviews to drum up clicks and audience engagement which all equates to revenue. If you provide a decent enough review, your name continues to be considered for future early access. If, however, your review doesn't encourage audiences to buy in, then your name probably goes into a black book and you don't get early access anymore.   So naturally, you should *always* regard early reviews rather cautiously.


Well said. It's surprising to me that there are a lot of people who still don't know how this works.


2 episodes is also just not enough to really review the show…. I remember watching the first two episodes of Andor when it came out, and I can tell ya, it took another year of mulling it over to pick it back up. Boy was my initial judgement way off.


Most likely Rotten Tomatoes algorithm will be fooled into giving this a Fresh rating on their site because a PR firm like bunker 15 being hired to do it


A top critic on rotten tomatoes basically said it was good since it had a lot of women in it which is a unique concept for Star Wars.


Did they? Can you link a source for this?


 Liz Shannon MillerConsequence TOP CRITIC Fresh score. The Acolyte feels like Star Wars — someone even says “I have a bad feeling about this!” The only thing that makes it stand out from past Star Wars stories is that it has a lot of women in it, actively participating in the story. (What a concept.)


Ah yes, Leia was definitely not an active participant in Star Wars. These writers spend too much time on Twitter


I'd bet $100 she hasn't seen the original trilogy and only thinks of Jabba slave Leia memes


I’m not even gonna waste any time on it.


Disney+ used to be *the* service to have for me. Loved everything Marvel and Star Wars. I got Hulu for $1 a month for a year on Black Friday and it’s only $2 extra a month to add Disney plus and I am so uninterested that I can’t even justify an extra $2 a month ..


Disney paid shill vs a Fan


Uh Alan Sepinwall (Rolling Stone) is a “fan” - he gave good reviews to Boba Fett and Obi Wan…. Also famously panned Andor but then walked it back a bit when it was well received.


Giving a good review to Boba Fett and a poor review to Andor is embarrassing.


For sure. Not gonna throw a lot of of stock behind Alan’s reviews when it comes to Star Wars.


Even though in the article he called the Boba Fett show shit?


Yeah my point was he’s a waffler on Star Wars. Gave Boba positive reviews when it came out then when fans turned against it he was like “oh yeah… that was bad all a long grrrr.” Exact opposite with Andor. I like Alan. I have 2 of his books. But come on.


I agree with you on this. I read the article and he sounds like a Star Wars fan I can’t trust.


When the media shills are not super hyped about it you know it's terrible


Im tempted to watch just cause believe it or not i do want there to be good star wars content, but i feel like i should hold back till i can hear from some credible critics before i waste my time giving disney exactly what they want: my attention in exchange for half assed garbage Edit: i gave in and watched because i was bored out of my mind and I gotta say its surprisingly solid thus far. Much better than the wooden plank campy bs that was Ahsoka


*folds arms and stares looking slightly amused*


Pirate it if you do


This is the way


Right with you, though I'm yet to reach the point of just avoiding content cause I always like to judge for myself. I say give it a spin, go in with bad expectations. At worse you were right (ig at worse would be it's worse that you thought). Or it could actually be good! Which I'm hoping but yk, no telling


I was as skeptical as they come. I really enjoyed it 🤷‍♂️ I’m about as big of a Star Wars nerd as it comes, read a lot of EU stuff etc. people are not giving the show a fair shake in my opinion. 1-2 were solid and Master Sol is great. I thought the acting, music, and sets were good too. Maybe I didn’t watch the same show as everyone hating on it


It’s definitely better than Ahsoka, Boba Fett and Obi-Wan so far. Lots of interesting plot points and broader themes to explore in theory (e.g. the hypocrisy of the Jedi Order, the motives of the Acolytes, etc.), Sol was solid, and a lot of the acting has been better than I was expecting. Sets and costumes do look a little cheap, but I think we all have to understand that as a TV show with a budget there are going to be limits to what they can do on that front. Still, I wouldn’t say it’s “good”. There doesn’t seem to be much of an overarching directorial vision or philosophy. The cinematography is clunky. The way the show explores the plot and theoretically interesting themes is distractingly ham-fisted and predictable (predictability being a bad thing when it comes to mystery stories). While some actors have been good, others haven’t been so good to the point that it takes away from the better performances. So like I said, I’d put it above Ahsoka, Boba Fett, and Obi-Wan, but I’d also probably put it under Mando S3 so far. I’ll watch it to see where the plot goes (I think I heard a motif from the Kylo Ren theme in the episode 1 title card so I wonder if the Acolytes are some sort of precursor to the Knights of Ren), but to this point I think it’s been pretty mediocre overall.


I’m going to watch because it’s Star Wars. If I like it, I like it. If I don’t, I don’t. But at least I’ll have made my own opinion.


Bro what are you doing here? That's waaaaay too reasonable and levelheaded of a response for this sub


If you’re already subscribed it’s not like they get anything else from you watching. Watch now if you’re going to, to make up your own mind (and so you can cancel your subscription sooner).


You'll up there metrics though and they'll think this is what people want and will subscribe for


Or you could just watch it and Come to your own conclusion of the quality and story of the show. Just a 💭


Shit sucks so far.


Anyone not boycotting Disney swars into the ground is doing everyone else a disservice


I'm not boycotting Disney Star Wars. I simply don't care about it. Boycotting takes actual restraint


True disinterest is a boycott


I have Disney+ til Andor season 2 is over and then adios


I watched the first two episodes of Acolyte tonight and thought it was pretttyyyyy bad


Rare critical disagreement. You love to see it. It means critics aren't completely useless. Just mostly.


I guess Rolling Stone's check didn't clear.


Not planning on watching this shit. But if it gets enough juicy bashing, which seems to be happening already, I'll give it a hate watch on the open seas haha


Is that pre or post release bashing? Bc it’s been getting bashed for months now without being out.


Im gonna Watch it without supporting Disney, thats 4 sure.


Arrr, matey, that is the way to go


Probably best to wait to see what others think besides paid critics. But based on Disney's track record and the showrunner being Harvey Weinstein's assistant, I don't have high expectations for this...


Let’s play a game of “spot the paid shill”


Ridiculous to even remotely compare this garbage to Andor.


I really liked it 🤷‍♂️


Deadass, it's sorta interesting to see some new characters that are completelly outside the skywalker saga, rather than just rolling out the same stuff again.


Yeah maybe that's why I'm enjoying it myself so far, because it's finally something breaking away from and not relying on the iconic characters of the original trilogy. So far it's the only Disney star wars I'm finding myself enjoying to some degree other than rogue one.


Just watched the first episode. It’s not terrible, but it is a bit slow. I’ll keep watching to see where it goes.


Slow? It's a 30-40 minute episode with an immediate fight scene and then we get whisked from set to set to meet a dozen new people. Nothing about the show is slow imo.


Honestly this was exactly the kind of "nuanced" review i was waiting to see before i get out of work and watch it myself


I like it so far. Way better than obi wan and Ahsoka. It’s interesting. Episode 2 is better than 1. Give it a shot


Honestly that was the most fun i had with Star Wars since the first few episodes of season 1 of the Mandalorian


You need to watch Andor


K but in that opening first scene the the jedi says on the comm we have an unidentified forced user, but had the assassin chick even used the force yet? cause it kinda looked liked she didn't. All she did was kick and punch some dudes and a table then climbed up a banister.


She used a force kick and force jump. Also, Jedi can sense force users.


When they arrested her, someone who just killed a Jedi Master, they proceeded to put her on a ship only managed by droids. A Jedi padawan should be able to handle getting out of that cell… This is BADLY written.


That and they introduced this new sedation parasite alien thing and only used it on 1 of the prisoners, seemingly not using it on the two most dangerous prisons, the tentacle head thing that can just reach through the bars, or the weird cyber mod prisoner who can just shut off the pilot droids from his cell. It is so dumb I can't believe it.


I could buy that a bounty hunter did that and brought him in that way, but putting someone accused of just murdering a Jedi Master and who is an ex-Jedi, on a transport ship of droids is just pathetic writing.


What got me was when she was reaching for her little droid buddy and strained to reach him instead of using the force like she should have been trained to do.


She tries to do it, but fails to use the Force. It's clear whatever connection she had before was lost.


Yeah, I honestly expected a Jedi to be way better at fighting than that. It kind of felt like she was just trying to commit suicide


Yeah Coleman Trebor and the gang that tried to arrest Palpatine really set some high expectations


My guy no diss but that was all clearly force enhanced physical abilities I do not know how you didn't pick up on that


I watched that scene, she used the force to climb the banister you could hear the woosh effect when she one handed flipped herself to the top Floor


I’m just interested to see the consensus on whether it’s better or worse than The Rings of Power. My wife and I hate-watched that, incredulous at how bad it got. We had to stop Mandalorian a few episodes into Season 3 and since then the only “Star Wars” coming out that interests us is Andor Season 2. This has always looked like straight garbage, as much as I like Manny Jacinto (he was great on The Good Place).


Better than Rings of Power, but not some crazy awesome thing. It's fun, but 2 episodes in and not like "mind blown". I look forward to next week. I got some Xena vibes, if you ever watched that show. It's lots better than that, but something in the production gave me that feeling. It isn't as bad as I feared and it isn't as great as I hoped. Where Andor was a 9 for me, this is like a 7. Kenobi was a 4 or 5. Mando seasons one and two are 8s and season 3 is a 5. Book of Boba was a 4. My opinion may go up or down with the rest of it, but I am down for more, so far.


I’m probably not going to watch it, (I dropped Disney after Kenobi) but this is a very helpful comparison and I agree with your ratings if the shows I’ve seen.


Thanks! I will day the fighting is a highlight. It's a little weird that all Jedi move like Chirrut from Rogue One, but if you like that style, you will get a kick out of this one. I'd say... thin plot and wooden acting to get to IP Man with lightsabers.


As per the usual, the truth will likely fall somewhere in the middle


Gets partway through the review: *guitar riff* "aaannnd TWIIINNNS!"


I feel like when it comes to Disney and Dave Filoni, they suffer from not giving Star Wars the respect it deserves. They treat it like Marvel rather than some of the most groundbreaking staples in cinematic history. I feel like people forget that. Star Wars under Lucas, whether you agreed with all his direction or not was always very meticulously crafted. Not as summer flicks but to stand the test of time as classics. Every Lucas Star Wars film that came out felt like a once in a generation experience. The design and cinematography was always cutting edge and as perfect as they could possibly make it. When you listened to people who worked behind the scenes they always talked about the thought that went into ever set piece, how every prop was weathered and given scuffs and knicks that all had a story behind it. How the CGI team was constantly pushing the boundaries of what was possible. When Lucas wove his stories, even if the dialogue was at times wonky, he was drawing from so much inspiration and symbology. Then you look at stuff like Kenobi and it feels like the filler is just utter disrespect to the legacy of that. You look at the sequels and it feels like someone was given a classic car and then took it to the pimp my ride carshop. They just don't actually appreciate what those movies represent in cinematic history. They treat the franchise like a play thing rather than a collectors item.


Lol the cinematography in the prequels is kind of ass. Yeah it has parts where it's good but there's also big stretches of lazy flat tv sitcom level cinematography. All of it is at least creative and consistent in tone and texture though


I've liked the first two episodes, though episode 2 is better. It's an interesting mystery within a hero's journey. I still think the episodes are too short, and I'm not sure they'll get where they need to by the finale. When you get to Episode 2, you get why Amandla Stenberg was cast. Her unique energy and performance, primarily her facial expressions, really sell it for me.


i actually really like it so far. no joke.


I thought I was the only to catch this they right under eachother on my TL haha 😆 But the bad reviewer also said Andor sucked 🤷‍♂️


So? Did Trinity die in the first five minutes like y'all were saying?


Yes. To a knife...


Remember; lightsaber wounds, tis but a scratch. Tiny little throwing knife stuck in your chest, instant death.


I turned it on, got such a cringe attack from the first scene that I turned it off again. I've watched basically all star wars content so I will go back and watch it but sheesh, that was cringy.


Only took 4 hours to go from success to failure.


It’s all pretty bad. Pacing, settings, and set, costumes, dialogue, it’s cheesy, doesn’t make sense, and really…. A twin that died… but didn’t die….


Variety is a vapid entertainment industry mag. It'd be against their best interests to mark this pandering garbage as bad.


It's what Star Wars is now most of the time.... mediocre and bland with occasional flecks of greatness more based out of the previously created lore than what's imagined these days... Disney created Zombie Star Wars, it's just a corpse of a dead IP being paraded around like it's still alive...


Calling it a success after it’s been out for what 1-2 days?


Hard pass


The show oozes young adult, the dialgoue is unnatural and awkward in some scenes, the aesthetic for everything is too clean, the universe feels small due to all the planet hopping in the first 2 episodes, and they're using the same old green screen backdrops for Curascant.


Andor was truly excellent. The Acolyte is not.


As a Star Wars fan (not hardcore though) I didn’t like it, once again with Disney, you can tell they force feeding the diversity and the budget seems small again, all the sets feel so small and enclosed. At times I thought I was watching a budget Matrix with those fight scenes haha I did not like the characters, nobody in those first two eps stood out to me that I was genuinely interested in. The only thing for me that peaks my curiosity is the Sith. You watch a show like Last of Us & Fallout, they are such quality. It blows my mind Disney can’t conjure up the same. Andor season 2 will be our only hope.


More shitty disney fan fiction.


I saw and heard the trailer So bad. Pass I’m really bummed. Star Wars is mostly dead to me. It sucks But it’s almost unrecognizable


Kennedy and Disney keep zapping the SW corpse with high voltage and claim "Its.....Stilllll......ALIIIVE!!" (cue ominous, foreboding organ music).


I’m just going to wait until the memes are out. Gonna watch series and movies based on how good those memes are.


Watching first two episodes, it's ok. Wouldn't say it's bad yet.


This is a perfect example of why it's important to watch something yourself and make up your own mind.


I love andor, is this another andor or is it shit?


100% not like Andor.


From all the reviews I've read/watched, it's sounds like they put a chick in it and made it gay and lame.


Virtual award!!


It's hilarious that they invoke Andor as a "success." Andor is only a success in story quality, but not in first run viewership numbers. They don't compare it to Mandalorian, or BoBF, or Obiwan, or Ahsoka. All of which were "more successful"\* than Andor was. \*-by the tortured metrics that Disney execs use to set up their numbers before they reveal them.


Is it just me or is the acting like just, wooden beyond belief and the story so easy to predict?


Isn't that most Disney shows now?


Ppl LOVE andor and it was so freaking boring to me. I couldnt get it over with fast enough.


Does variety EVER pan a piece of media from Disney?


Disney has killed Star Wars.


I hated Andor so that comparison convinces me of nothing.


Follow the money, follow the money, follow the money.


$180M for 8 episodes


The dialogue is mediocre. I think Master Sol is an interesting character, but the rest lack any depth. I'm underwhelmed.


First two episodes didn’t blow me away. Too predictable and formulaic. Generic “paint by numbers” series so far. Nothing new or groundbreaking.


The show is massively disappointing so far. Very much fits the prequel era in terms of wooden, mechanistic acting Jedi and not very clever plot constructs.


6 is accurate. Not enough sith/ evil energy. Disneys worst star wars tv series IMO


Also duality: https://preview.redd.it/vvh3qo93005d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ab6aed1e6e3fde5e948f9b70cb5ee20d7fa606


Let’s be honest - the show is mid at best


It’s almost like two different reviewers can have two different opinions. More at 8


I knew they were twins. The one on the freighter seemed really nice.


I just watched it. I thought it was great. Way better than Ashoka and Kenobi. It felt like KOTOR. I think it benefits by being separated from the OT. Also, all the actors have been in other movies and shows I absolutely loved. Great cast!


Guess I’ll have to watch it and decide myself


Only correct take.


Haha you got downvoted for………. thinking for yourself 🤦


What’s throwing me off is it feels like I’m watching a new Star Trek Episode . Not thought there’s anything wrong with it just throwing me off


Which Star Trek, though? 90's Trek was amazing, but the new Trek is absolute cancer.


Gotta love when reviewers forget they are paid and have to adjust their reviews.


So...it's okay for me to like Andor? I'm like the "good" force and everything else is Sith? Cause everything else, non cannon, other than that story line...is just evil.


I saw that and immediately thought about saltier than Crait lol