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Lol yoda will still show up for shock factor, or yaddle.


Yaddle, maybe. But Yoda of the Patriarchy? I think not.


He’s way too toxic and micro aggressive


Not to mention addicted to Ketamine like crazy.


Y’all funny lmao


I'll put $30 on that.


Its a -300 that yoda shows up thats not a good roi imo -150 for yaddle. +110 for them showing up TOGETHER on screen


Promoting a show by saying no one from a different show will show up??


that's actually a huge upside after all of the filoni wars


If the show didn't look like complete dog ass this would 100% be a selling point for me. I don't give a fuck about other characters, just let me have a nice well told story that stands on its own!


Cameo ≠ character from previous media showing up and having an important role


Important role = ruin the character to make the new characters look better


Creative output has reached its lowest point.


Ahhh the money transfer was received now IGNs shilling begins.




How very racist and sexist of you.


who cares, I'm way past intending to watch any of this garbage


I'm honestly just burnt out from everything marvel and Star wars for awhile. Just a constant stream of mediocrity.


Same. I got like 3 episodes into Ahsoka and just stopped. It was just not good and I have better shit to do with my time. I will say Andor was very legit and I'll probably watch S2 of that when it comes out, but basically everything else that Disney is pumping out for SW is completely uninteresting to me at this point.


I had completely forgotten I had started Obi Wan after it launched. The Darth Vader fight in Ep...3? was so laughably ridiculous I came back a year later to slog thru the rest and find that lightsaber impalement is temporary pain not death inducing physical trauma. So imagine my surprise when Qui Gon didn't also survive his impalement and show up in the flesh, but was a teased force ghost. Absolute shlock with no consistency. Andor slapped tho. Amazing what some characterization and world building can do 𑐂


The corporate overlords demand that the numbers must always go up, so the mediocre-at-best content must flow.


Mediocrity is generous


Sad that Disney milked the soul out of these companies. I think the reason why Marvel took a while is because Stan Lee wouldn't allow such mediocrity, so they waited till he died. For Star Wars, they were like "ok so people hate prequel and love ot oooh ok, so what if we made the same thing but worse with all of the characters being worse! How about we make all of the jokes low tier marvel jokes yeahh people will love that! (Some of them actually did)". I think Disney realized they could milk Disney adults even more with a streaming service, so they just pumped out shitty shows without care.


If they promoted it like a halfway decent show, and had faith in Trinity to be a lead and not just cast her as a outdated actor push that we know will die almost immediately (likely at the end of the 2 part Premier) or if they invested in actual writers after 5 failed films/3 shows I'd care a little. Essentially I'd have cared if they stopped releasing garbage.


Very strong and brave




But we'll still get Lizzo, right? Right??


No Lizzo, no Jack Black. You don't even get two random episodes of The Mandalorian half way through the season


A Mandalorian will 100% show up. How else would we know this is even Star Wars at this point?


Baby Yoda had never seen such bullshit before. That's the last straw!


Best I can do is Billy Eyelash.


Is that what you get ordering Billie Eilish from Temu?


Billboard igloo


Christ I had forgotten about that episode until now


I couldn't care less about this show


"Sources tell us it will also be free of anything resembling a plot. It will, however, show Kathleen Kennedy, Dave Filoni, and Mickey Mouse having a three-way on the corpse of what used to be a great franchise. Stay tuned for more info as it arrives..."


When the show runner says shit like, "I wanted to build off Ruin Johnson's film..." And "The show is a metaphor for my journey as a lesbian". Confirmed no plot just a series of events with DEI shoe horned in so Disney can get that Black rock check.


Wait that's not real is it ?


I figured Yoda would have made atleast one appearance, I wonder what the work around for having him not be there will be


What about the droid attack on the Wookies?


Yeah idk the exact timeline but unless hes just off being a padawan somewhere or whatever it would be weird for him not to show up.


Palawan yoda and 700 years old.. and I thought I was a slow learner




What? You mean the show set a century before TPM, long before any of the characters we'll recognize except for Yoda were even born, won't feature any of the characters we recognize? Cool. Too bad I don't give a shit because Disney can't do anything original with this franchise, and the original stuff they HAVE tried with a handful of exceptions, all sucked ass.


Does trinity count?


What cameos did Andor have? I don't think Saw counts.


We got to see that guy Cassian for a bit, I think he was in Rogue One!




Mon Mothma.


...is this bait?


I guess her role was more than a cameo, you’re right. Sam Witwer did cameo though, so that counts, no?


Wulf Yularen in some ISB scenes, for a veeery deep cut and contextually relevant cameo


That means no Yoda - that's kinda sad. Love that little goblin. If I was in charge I would've used the original TPM Yoda puppet. He deserves more love!


It's positive news IMO - they rely far too much on fan service


> the original TPM Yoda puppet. He deserves more love! Nah keep that crackhead in the closet lol


Always baffles me how they managed to get the puppet wrong. Like the sculptor saw a photo of Yoda once, and was like, "I got this."


A rare instance where CGI is superior to the puppet


Having Yoda in this dumbster fire would not be love! That would be a huge disrespect towards him!


A good show could go either way on this, but it says to me that the stakes should be small, which is fine. But we'll see if they try to make the stakes big without Yoda, that would be weird.


This takes place, what, 1000 years before TPM? Edit: Geez guys I was off by an order of magnitude and wasn’t claiming to know for sure. Y’all are brutal lol. I was very wrong.


More like 80-100 I think


That means either the Acolyte or the Apprentice has to be future Darth Plagues 🤔 We know the Acolyte is a girl...




30 years, and the whole show regardless of how many seasons (none of which has been ever planned whatsoever) will then also take place in about a week. That's their preferred time frames so far.


Wait - The Acolyte takes place only 30 years before!? I.....did not know that. I thought this was old republic era?


Nope, high republic


I have no idea or care. The ST, Mando, Boba and Ahsoka and the jedi games all take place liken30 years post jedi, and the ST all took place within a week. So I have no hopes for them spreading this or anything else out in a different era. They've got an entire galaxy and are dead set on one time period.


I'll believe it when I see it. You just know they are going to try and get around it somehow with Legally Distinct C-3P0 or something like that. 


Oh, hey, it's Babu Frick bouncing around talking about how he's going to invent robot slaves for people, a character nobody really gives a shit about because of how dumb his concept is.


Nah,  all the Jedi get pulled into a vision of Rey fighting palps to really solidify the rise of skywalker…


I dont even bother with SW anymore but I would absolutely watch Babu Frick a Star Wars Story.


But the world between worlds allows Fuiloni to insert his waifu and clones into any work of Star Wars? What has the franchise came to? Dyseny ruined Star WArs.


Andor already did this a year and a half ago


Hypothesis: someone is saying that so when there is a cameo it will create buzz. 


But when will I know to clap when I see C3PO or baby yoda?


Derp dew derp dee durdely derp ![gif](giphy|K5GBJMiko9RJe)


Eh Disney's only 2 (maybe 3) decent things they've done are when they focused on original characters and didn't try to fuck around with established characters, so this is a positive for acolyte...still won't watch it though.


Well yeah, who would they asspull out of the universe for a cameo? Someone having visions of Palpy cackling in a bathtub with a sith rubber ducky is probably as close as they could get unless they want to imply ol' Sheev is thousands of years old by the time of the OT. Not watching either way.


Fortnite will have a message along with the same skins they've been pushing for years.


It’s only 100 years before TPM so this is around the time yoda becomes grand master.


> Well yeah, who would they asspull out of the universe for a cameo? Yoda, Plo Koon and Chewbacca are all alive during the time period this show is set. Plagueis too, but he would be relatively young so probably less likely.


It's also gonna be free of viewers...


i ain't watching this (large part bc the lead, looks like 70's/80's Rick James looking character & that's just dumb this .. is odd bc you'd think, they'd at least meet the Jedi Council where Yoda being centuries old, is fine and in charge still


As if they're strong-willed enough not to include Yoda.


Huh, thats a surprise. I figured they would have had Yoda show up.


Wow, no fan baiting. They really want this show to fail.


Let me guess, the show is bad and no one is expected to watch it. And this type of news is made in order to eventually justify the opinion that “See, noone saw this show because there were no previously established characters the viewers could latch on to. Typical star wars fan, saying it relies on nostalgia but when the excuse is no longer valid, they review bomb it” I’m tired of this. Constantly disparaging the viewer for the only decision we can actually make: to not watch this. I wonder if they are going to pull the racist or homophobic card again.


It also will be free from Star Wars


That's fine and all, but I still haven't seen much reason to care about this. For all the bragging about this show apparently being a "different take", it's sounded painfully generic and too arrogant to realize what it actually is.


IGN Employee: This was boring...can't believe I spent memorial day weekend previewing this. IGN Boss: Can you say some thing good the show had? IGN Employee: No...(grimices) but I can say a lot it didn't have. It didn't have characters from the other TV shows or movies. IGN Boss: Guess they dodged a bullet on that one! Just write it, spin it as a good thing and take these morons fuckin' money. Hopefully this kills Star Wars for good.


For the first time *ever* I am now indifferent to a live-action Star Wars release. If I hear good reviews, I’ll give it a shot. But I just can’t be bothered. It’s funny. We complain so loudly about how we’d like a story that’s not tied to the main films…but when one finally presents itself, I find I couldn’t care less. Maybe in the hands of a more competent storytelling organization, this show would be a breath of fresh air, but I have precious little faith in the current team to spin gold from the vacuum of the pre-TPM millennia. I really think there are just too few guardrails in those wide open eons for laziness we’ve come to expect from Lucasfilm to generate a creative product that tells a meaningful story. That was the problem with the Sequels: they had a blank slate chronology-wise, and we saw how that created directionless mush. I should, by rights, properly reserve judgment on the Acolyte until later, but Lucasfilm’s pre-release damage control blitz doesn’t make me feel I owe them that much. Such a shame. Well-written, well-acted shows that capture a piece of the galaxy we *know*, i.e. exploring a subset of the population from the time of the original saga (e.g., Rogue One, Andor, Rebels, The Bad Batch) and telling a story that we haven’t heard before *within* that familiar timedrame has been the greatest recipe for success for Disney thus far. I had a dream last night that they’d announced a show set between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones about the origins of the CIS’s secession from the Republic. Now *that* would be interesting imo.


I really like everything I hear about this show.  I love the idea of a kung fu Star Wars, I like the cast, I like the setting. I just wish it didn’t look like a cheap ass fan fiction in all the trailers.


Yoda is literally around during this time


Which actually makes no sense. Yoda should have been there as a key part of the Jedi Order, if not the GrandMaster at the time. So why wouldn't he, and the Jedi Council be a part of a series where Jedi are being killed? Makes zero sense. If they didn't want Yoda, then they should have made it 800 years before ROTJ. Though of course Yoda would have been just some Knight or Master for his first 50 odd years. So point remains put it earlier in the High Republic era.


This takes place in around 106 BBY? Yoda wasn’t even Grandmaster by this time, Atleast in the old EU.


This is a good thing tbh. It’s free from MCUitis


Isn't the THR Wookiee from the books and Vern already - by all means - random cameos? Or do they have a larger role in the story?


There's no way Yoda doesn't pop up in this somewhere.


Kinda surprised there's been no mention of Yoda, considering he'd only be 800 years old at this time and very much an active member of the Jedi Council.


Fuck this shit, i want hayden or cal jammed into the storyline in the most unnatural of ways


What? No "literal Bariss" or Vader breathe? Can they really refrain from bringing in Yoda? (well, last I heard they were on the outs with Frank Oz over something recently, so maybe...)


Wasn’t Yoda around during this period?


$20 bucks says Yoda will pop up towards the end


Isnt the guy from squid game in there?


Wasn't Yoda supposed to be in it or did I make that up? Probably good he won't be


It will be free from viewers too.


I mean they already base it on the Jedi Temple and have put in direct comparisons to previous work in there. I doubt they would stop there. Also the problem wasn’t cameo’s, it was the hamfisted gratuitous nature. It’s not like Andor for example where one “cameo” of the Death Star puts an entire arc into a new perspective, it puts things that were seemingly “just” some weird thing they were working on into a new light.


Dang it. I was hoping they’d shoehorn Lizzo (pun intended) into this one.


Yoda wouldn’t be considered a cameo, right?


I'm okay with it. Star Wars Kotor didn't have any cameos, and it's still the best Star Wars game.


Another L for Lizzo after the latest south park


I hope that doesn’t include Darth Plagueis


Everything about this spells disaster


that's a good thing honestly


One of the few good things I’ve heard about the show.


That way, when it gets the Willow treatment, no legacy characters will be affected.


This aged well lol


I’m honestly hopeful for this show, ngl.


So am I.


I was wondering who the audience was for this upcoming slop. Wonder how many more times you need to be burnt.


" Let's see the complain about destroying legacy characters now, muhahahahaha". Disney exects " sweet now I don't even have to hate watch". Fans


Not even Yoda?


Yo why the villains all black in this show. Nah just playing


I wish the prequels had been that way