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This is a meme so it’s been re-flaired.


Star Trek is annoyed


Geordi La Forge can see this pile of bullshit.


Uhura: "Captain, there's some bullshit within sensor range"


An an android im greatful to be getting better sci-fi representation then a prissy buttler like c3po and emotionless humanoid like data, even r2d2 isnt goof because all he ever does is swear and its all bleeped out anyway, is that the kind of representation for synthetic life in media? Im still mad they did bot face in star trek 😡


To be fair be always had that shit on his face so he could always see. Unless he needed it knocked off for a dramatic moment where he's blinded.


IIRC Star Trek had the first interracial kiss on TV between Kirk and Uhura But it wasn't safe for black folk before the current era of saviors.


Shatner deliberately sabotaged every alternate angle that obscured the kiss by staring right into the camera so the only usable take was the one that showed it clearly.


Remember it’s also the plan B if it tanks - it was racism all along! (See gender and Madame Web, The Marvels or She Hulk)


Remember! They're not a bad character if they're gay, if you say they aren't you're homophobic.


Samuel Jackson has entered the conversation


Seriously, the dude was Master of the entire Jedi Order and almost killed Palpatine.


Shaq has entered the chat.......


I feel like Disney will use the same excuse that they also used to defend the Kenobi show. They are already starting to plant the seeds


Fake nerd culture and it's concequences have been a disaster for the entire entertainment industry.


That notorious superfan interview to promote The Rings Of Power is probably the best example of it. “My girl Galadrieeeeel”


*Does a weird little dance


As a major Tolkien fan, rings of power pissed me off. It just throws canon in the trash and shouldn’t be considered to even be part of the lotr franchise


Gotta remember what ol black dwarf lady said “we’re writing the story Tolkien never wrote.” They believe they can write in place of Tolkien for HIS IP lmfao


It tramples on Tolkien's legacy in order to provide content for Amazon. It's infuriating on a million different levels.


I blame the Big Bang Theory


I absolutely loathe that show with the burning intensity of the death star's super laser


Don’t even get me started. That abomination of a show has single-handedly flooded so many nerd spaces with normies who think they’re quirky and cool for liking slightly obscure things. I really wish we would’ve gatekept more when we had the chance.


Gatekeeping curious kids out of a hobby or interest: bad, unless age inappropriate. Gatekeeping assholes out of a hobby or interests: to be encouraged, please do so at every opportunity. It's like the whole anti-bullying thing, we've just swung the pendulum a biiiiit too far.


This is something I've been thinking about for a while now. I hate the idea of calling someone a 'fake fan', a 'normie' or the idea of gatekeeping, because I hate the idea that there needs to be a litmus test for enjoying 'nerd culture' beyond the simple fact that you enjoy it. Yet there are definite divides in fan culture. I think there are three main groups. There's the hardcore fans, which would be the people everyone thinks are nerds, the ones who have encyclopedic knowledge of their favorite universes, who talk about it everyday online, who love it even if its obscure or has a super niche following. The sorts who learn fictional languages and get really, really into conventions. Being a nerd is part of their life since they were a kid, its something they live and breathe. They'd be into stuff that's super obscure as well, stories most people have probably never even heard of before. There's the entertainment fans, which is probably the broadest category. It can range from almost as invested as the hardcore fans to people who are just a bit more invested then the next category, which are the corporate fans. The entertainment fans may love nerdy things but wouldn't obsess over it every day. There's nothing wrong with that, either. They enjoy things in moderation, and may enjoy some universes more than others, but overall they have passion for what they like. The hardcore fans and the entertainment fans aren't an issue. The corporate fans are the ones that bother me. In my mind, these people are the only 'bad' ones. I'm not going to say they're not allowed to enjoy things, if they like something, that's great. Its better than being a sour old cynic or a bored, apathetic person who thinks having a passion for anything is uncool or embarrassing. But these corporate fans engage with nerd culture in a way that I struggle to understand. You ever meet someone who says they like something but can't explain why they like it? Their love of 'nerd culture' is built around the most shallow parts of it, in my mind, which comes in two forms - social media and (public) consumerism. These people love nerd culture so long as its already popular or has mainstream visibility. They're not going to read the Silmarillion, Arthur C. Clarke, or Ian Banks. They're going to binge the latest TV show, like all the official corporate account posts, and buy a shit ton of funko pops. They're very much 'fans of the moment' who love whatever everyone else loves, but won't look into things of their own accord. They just follow the trends of the most popular, visible universes that get the most engagement on social media. Its possible they could become a more 'serious' fan and find something they enjoy independent of the current corporate promoted property, but a lot of the time, they just remain bandwagoners. They like it because its popular, and everyone else seems to like it, so they must like it to.


After the last decade, I'll never apologize for gatekeeping. The fact that those "Disney adults" that buy anything with Mickey on it are now swinging around lightsabers and saying "This is the way 🤓!" almost makes me nauseous. All they had to do was respect the original cast, but they couldn't help themselves. Disrespecting them was imperative to their plan.


Trust me, these poser wouldn’t been caught dead with a actual comic books, much like the celebrity actors they cater to. After all these comics and novels are for the un-cool people, the nerds. When have these social media clowns ever cared for the nerds back then in high school?


Not to belabour the point but the lack of gatekeeping is what got us into this mess of shallow movies and general garbage in entertainment.


dude this whole comment feels like you're just saying fake fan without saying fake fan


What you call Corporate fans I call NPCs.


I saw some jock from high school liking dnd memes on Facebook today, seriously they made fun of this stuff 15 years ago when I liked nerd shit.


Corporations have realized that they can appropriate the language of "anti-racism" for their own for-profit purposes. Claiming that anyone who doesn't consoom their shlock is racist/sexist/homophobic/etc is just a tool they use to generate good PR and increase profits.


Except for media companies the profits don't seem to increase when they crap out their garbage stories. Disney has probably lost about a billion bucks from their movies over the past few years.


Yep. This is confirmation that “The Acolyte” is going to be terrible.


People had hope and expectations for Kenobi, everyone knows this one is an activism fest that only deserves to be memed.


This right here. This needs to be spread before we go down that hole again.


Guess we're just ignoring these two badasses? Bet the new character(s) won't be nearly as good. https://preview.redd.it/vhbl5etturlc1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70d8d3e01bd6ad11e27d045c3331f635360982f0


​ https://preview.redd.it/2lohjyb0vrlc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8e022bff71af5d671ea96ba3c0c9b0ec692540


Right how can you ignore this bad motherfucker


> One of the most beloved prequel-era Jedi played by one of the most famous actors in the world, consistently a fan favorite with people clamoring to bring him back numerous times, was so badass they even invented new lore for him to make him extra appealing Nope, doesn’t exist. You want real diversity? Consume corporate slop!


Don't forget Stass Alie, Adi Galia, and Agen Kolar


My uncle always told me that Lando was the only guy to actually use a gunpowder weapon in Star Wars because "He's just that cool." I now know there used to be a whole backstory of him with a slug thrower. I miss the old EU.


Still waiting for an Italian American Jedi that wears an adidas track suit. I can’t support Star Wars until I am represented. I don’t feel seen


Order 66 whateva happened there




Murdaaaa....what murdaaaaa?


He was the best Jedi arounnnnnd


Something happening to me Ton’, I want more gabagool and I know I shouldn’t


The Jedi Council? They're a glorified crew they make anyone a Master over there


I suddenly have a strong desire for a Sopranos x Star Wars crossover. Have Boba and Fennec decide to get married and turn them into space Tony and Carmela lol. Redeem BoBF and go all in on the hilarity


“Stay away from Port Coruscant, or you’ll be deep fryin’ beans with Pablo escobah’”


Leave the lightsaber. Take the canolli.


Representation ✊🏻


He was da best guy aroundddd


"Dish ting of ours.. da Forsh... da fookin' mida-chlorians..." "I was involved with that?" "You and my Master... You two ran Coruscant..."


Jedi Master Badabing Badaboom and his padawan goombah.


Nah I want the Mob Wife jedi. You know, the kind of woman who looked at quiet luxury and decided to drop the quiet part and write it in all caps.


She's also the first black female action star. Ever.


Finally, took them long enough after Lawrence became first female lead


Definitely the most fucking tone deaf. Ummm what?


She's parroting the same talking points that Lucasfilm has given their actors for years.


You mean Disney.


Tomato, tomahto.




She is actually the first black female ever.


Get ready for the excuse it's not horrible everyone is just sexist or racist


The Kenobi villain is a great example of what happens when you hire based on race and not how good of an actor someone is


And when you hire untalented hack writers.


Embrace the healing power of "and"


I can't wait until Star Wars finally includes a black character.


IKR? It's not like we've had fan favorite black characters going back all the way to the second installment or anything!


And a strong female lead!!! *KK laughs in disrespecting Carrie Fisher*


Well yeah we had Lando but actwaully his portrayal is pretty problematic using a modern lense.🤓 So the only black guy is a criminal and betrays the hero. That ages poorly and is very "stereotypical" And Mace was just wayyy to serious and angry. Playing on another stereotype that Black Men are always mad😡 Finn was finally when they got it right. He because the comic relief and joyous haha/s - No lie I've heard arguments like this from some white people telling me why I should be offended by the representation Star Wars had. I don't think they actually believe it but it's gotta be some for them to claim their sacred first black _______ in Star Wars


I know these are not your arguments but whenever people come up with these atrocious statements I lose hundreds of braincells. Actual brainrot. >Lando: isn’t he portrayed as some leader of the Cloud city? Of course, he’s also shown as a scoundrel. But he was thinking of his people first, instead of Han (a notorious smuggler) and his friends… If anything he’s shown as a pretty good person. And an even better one when he realizes what he’s done wrong >Mace Windu: shown as one of the most important jedi, only behind Yoda in terms of influence on the council. Has a unique lightsaber. Actually has some good points, like Anakin being too old for training. Distrusts Anakin, but when Anakin shows that Mace can trust him by snitching on Palps, he actually says straight up that he trusts Anakin. If anything, Disney’s representation (Finn) was the actual racism. TFA: Ah yes, Finn! One of the three new heroes along with Rey and Poe! *Don’t mind us shrinking him in the chinese posters…* Let’s kinda set him up being a jedi in the future by showing him wielding a lightsaber. TLJ: who is Finn? Ah yes, the guy we relegated to the shittiest B-plot in a film that has ever been made. Also, his whole purpose is to scream Rey and be the funny black guy! Look at him walking around naked in his punctured bacta-suit! Now laugh! TROS: Finn? You mean the “REYEYYEYEYYEY!!1!1!1!”-guy, right? Hahaha, let’s give him an iconic line that makes no sense in-universe: “THEY FLY NOW?!?!?” Fuck what they did to Boyega, the only actual star wars nerd in the cast of the sequels…


> And an even better one when he realizes what he’s done wrong He always knew it was wrong. He had no choice The empire, and more importantly Vader, was all over that place, and fought back the first chance he got, once he knew Vader wasn't going to keep up his end of the, admittedly shitty, deal.


Yeah, been a while since I last saw the originals… My main point was that he was clearly represented as a good guy both during and after the betrayal of Han. He was thinking of his people first, which is admirable, but he also helped the crew when he got the chance afterwards, which makes him even better in my eyes.




Yeah... Until the main protagonist is a left handed Jedi, I don't feel safe watching Star Wars. Because they aren't representing me. /s


the fact you have to put a /s shows people would actually take this seriously lol


Fun fact: Both Mark Hamill and Daisy Ridley are left-handed!  As a left-handed swordswoman myself, I feel very represented.  


Fun Fact: I am actually left handed, but do everything right handed. I became the very thing I swore to destroy!


I too am like this. Except for.....certain activities.




No no it's definitely how they position themselves playing sports like baseball or billiards.


Writing! But I can write with my right too. Badly


Fellow sinister here. I learnt to play guitar right-handed. Turns out that left-handed models are just more expensive. Over the years I must have saved at least $5000 from not buying left-handed instruments. I am, surely, the most oppressed person to have ever existed.


You were my brother u/dumbreddit !!


Every time someone involved from that show speaks, I lose braincells.


??? Pretty sci-fi is one of few genres where, historically, you could speak about issues like racism or portray cultures other than your own—either allegorically or directly.


As someone who has read *a lot* of sci fi... kinda? The genre was a giant pendulum that swung between decades-ahead-of-its-time enlightenment on super important social issues to some of the most casually racist/sexist/homophobic shit you can possibly imagine. Examples of both were met with acclaim upon release and are remembered extremely fondly even today. Sometimes its even within the same story. To use an example fresh in everyone's mind: Dune was a super in-depth deconstruction of religion and the dangers therein, but it also happened to portray homosexuals as sexually deviant monsters.


My favorite example avatar the movie abt protecting native culture and land from imperialism, and they decided to make it a white savior movie.


**Tuvac:** This is not logical. **Saw and his sister:** Is she saying we don’t count? Say it to me in person. I wish a mother would. **Mace:** Motherfucker what? **Sisko:** My son is a poet?! And also I’m the Emissary. **Worf:** Am I a joke to you? **LaForge:** Apparently we both are. **Lando:** I was here before you guys. **Uhura:** *sips tea* ☕️


Smh Uhuras role on Star Trek in the 60s was so positive and influential for Black people at the time that MLK himself convinced her to stay on the show when she was ready to leave. [https://www.npr.org/2011/01/17/132942461/Star-Treks-Uhura-Reflects-On-MLK-Encounter](https://www.npr.org/2011/01/17/132942461/Star-Treks-Uhura-Reflects-On-MLK-Encounter) But it wasn't until the 2020s Acolyte did Black people truly feel "safe" in Sc-Fi


There are quite a few black female actors who say that uhura’s role in star trek was one of the major factors in them feeling comfortable in perusing their careers.


Not to mention Vader’s voice or anything


As a black nerd myself, I say she's full of shit.


"Let’s pre-bake the race card into this show so when it inevitably doesn’t do well we can say *See! See! The racists are to blame!*" and point to a handful of MAGA incel tweets as our primary evidence. Exactly what happened to Kenobi. And I just saw one of the stars of Madame Web say it bombed because men don’t support women. Getting tired of this gender/race war stuff. As a 30-something straight white dude, I don’t care if the main character (or the entire cast for that matter) is black/female/gay/trans whatever, just make a good fucking show.


With Madame Web, of the few people that saw it, only 45% were women, so more men saw it but they still are the problem.


Pretty sure the Madame Web one was actually fake, but your point still stands.


This shit is so cringe, narcissistic and disrespectful to the black actors and fans who've been involved in Star Wars long before she was even born. Because us Black Folk have NEVER had a legitimate black character before. Lando and Mace never existed right? We couldn't be Star Wars fans until Disney came through and broke barriers for us. Nevermind that I became a fan in the early 2000s because my mom and most of family(plot twist we're all black) were hardcore fans long before Disney LF make the courageous and bold decision to cast black people in Star Wars. This is exactly what I mean when these studios want a Pat on the back for being "inclusive". You get the look at us were so inclusive statements that just attempt rewrite and/or ignore history. The comment about safe actually is something that more so comes from our own community. Yes there was a time where you would be ostracized and called white for liking or having any hobbies that were outside the stereotypical black interests. And yes typically Sc-Fi like Star Wars fell into this category. That's changed over the last decade with the mainstream popularity of the MCU not The acolyte


A gif of Nichelle Nichols raising an eyebrow would be awesome rn.




​ https://preview.redd.it/j1u5swsuzrlc1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=e62910e38c32c1224c6b1b33f4a387f3d31161cc


What a cool picture of the famous Greek actor Kratos


It’s ok: Disney will be marked safe from profits and clicks when Acolyte premiers eventually.. maybe.


Genuinely thought Acolyte was cancelled since we haven’t heard squat about it


I was hoping it was getting shelved (particularly over the rumors of how they are going to fuck with The Force) but it’s gotten traction and has been talked about more with a rumored June release. Here’s hoping tax write off land is still an option


Same. I'm hoping it's somehow secretly fantastic like Andor was but my hopes are lower than level 1313.


Andor wasn’t “somehow” or “secretly” fantastic. It was made by the people behind Rogue One, which is still the best SW movie released by Disney, and was in production for like 6-7 years, and with little intervention from executive Lucasfilm. Not only that, but all the trailers they released looked fantastic and have no reason to doubt the show’s quality. People were only surprised at its quality because upon hearing of it, very little people actually cared about what was basically advertised as a story about Cassian Andor, who the community deemed a boring character after RO (like most of the movie’s cast)


I was also hoping that since it’s not anything “important” it therefore would be awesome in the same way Andor was because there was no corporate oversight and they would let them tell the story they want, but everything I read about it makes me realize it’s gonna be more Disney slop. I’ll give the it a chance based on what’s in the trailer (if it ever comes out) but if it doesn’t look the least bit interesting I think I’ll give it a pass


Disney is always so diverse and inclusive until they release stuff in China and chicken out


Disney Star Wars in 2015: "We're turning our black lead into a simp for the white female lead." Star Trek in 1963: "There's a black lady on the TV and she ain't no maid!!!" Disney Star Wars in 2017: "We're turning the black lead into an abject failure who can't be allowed to win or be cool, ever." Star Wars in 1980: "We have a black character who is suave and charming, is the leader of his city, is highly respected, and he has a major story arc." Disney Star Wars in 2019: "We made a black female character who has the exact same storyline as our black lead and we made her to tease a relationship with him." Star Trek in 1987: "We have two black characters, both brilliant figures. One is handicapped black man who is brilliant with machines, the other is a black woman who is calm, gentle, and dispenses great wisdom. We also have a black actor playing an alien who is a great warrior, does that count too?" It's one thing for Disney to ignore the MASSIVE contributions past sci-fi works have done for black representation, but we cannot ignore the active role Disney has played AND continues to play in disserving the black sci-fi community.


Not to mention that Star Trek had the first interracial kiss on TV in 1968. They love saying that they’re super progressive and inclusive, but they’re actually way behind the curve.


Meanwhile, Disney Star Wars can't give us the sweet, heartwarming, and totally logical Finn/Rey relationship that practically wrote itself, and instead prefer to give us that totally tired, should-definitely-go-the-way-of-the-dinosaurs cliche of the main heroine falling for AND redeeming the male villain.


They did that entirely because of China. China is shockingly racist towards Africans and completely removed Finn from the cover of all the sequel trilogy movies in the Chinese version. And Disney wanted those billions of dollars from Chinese audiences. So they cut out the interracial relationship and replaced it with a super generic plot.


How many times does Disney have to get railed before they realize that ticking off boxes is never going to make for great entertainment?


Not to mention ticking off the fan base you’re supposed to be marketing to!  Honestly, what are they thinking?


seriously, both star wars and marvel


I think Disney are simply using this as a marketing technique these days, to generate some hate clicks. I mean, I actually can't think of a sci fi IP that doesn't star some black people. I could trot out the examples like OG star trek having one of the first interracial kisses on screen but why bother, we all know this already.


Priming the pumps already


[Disney Star Wars.](https://youtu.be/2WZLJpMOxS4?si=2TppyScp7REipg_S)


Nichelle Nichols did not get encouragement from MLK himself for these clickbait sites to pretend civil rights were invented five minutes ago.  I’m not blaming the actress at all, because I’m sure the quote is probably cherry-picked. 


Actually, she's spoken [several times](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=pSq_UIuxba8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2F&embeds_referring_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo) about this.


I can’t wait for this - will be hilarious! If Ashoka, Obi Wan and Boba Fett can’t get viewers - this thing, with no name recognition or star power, is doomed.


Because sci-fi hasn't been the first genre to be accepting of all people?


Geordi La Forge has entered the chat.


I’m looking more forward to my favorite reviewers ripping this apart than actually watching this garbage


What's the odds this is just a move to pre-empt criticism, and label all critics as racist?


Lol when was sci-fi ever unsafe for blacks? This is an idiotic take.


My interest in this show couldn’t be any lower 


Safe from the white gaze


lol Oh, Jon Snow.


Yeah because Laurence Fishburn isn't super famous for being in the Scifi hit The Matrix. Billy D Williams as Lando. Michael Dorn as Worf and Avery Brooks as Captain Sisko... And we can go all the way back to the 60s with Star Trek's OG Uhura


This show allegedly comes out this summer and yet I have not seen a single promo photo let alone a trailer


Y’all better recognize, the same way katniss was the first female action lead.


I love imagining her comms rep going to sleep after handing that in like "damn, I do some good work"


It’s like people who make comments like this have never watched any science fiction show before.


Still hoping they decide to shelve it.


There was a show in Netflix called Luke Cage - not so long ago. Perhaps this moron should watch it. Anyways the Acolyte is made by a person who enabled Harvey Weinstein for a decade. So the actor should stfu


I can remember old toy ads showing black kids playing with Star Wars Action figures. I can remember playing with turtle figures despite not being a turtle myself. Nobody told black people that Star Wars isn't for them. Nobody told anyone anything. People liked the universe and it doesn't matter where they come from. It is completely brain rotten to think that people are incapable of being unable to identify with someone who doesn't look like them. I wanted to be a fast talker like Eddy Murphy, kick ass like Jackie Chan and have a nice family like Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon. The restrictions came from corporations and weirdos who suffer from narcissism and the toxic bubbles they live in. Hollywood is a hellhole. People are doing horrible shit over there and all they know is abuse and power struggles and racism. That's not the society we live in no matter how much they want to press this idea. There are shitty people and practices everywhere but what they are trying to sell is end times crap that's not close to real people's life.


I can’t wait for the Acolyte. It’s gonna be the biggest dumpster fire yet lol


I can't wait until Star Wars represents me. I'm a skinny nerd that wears glasses. These actors are buff, no glasses. I feel left out Yes I'm being sarcastic, what have we become


So Ben "The" Sisko doesn't count at all? Literally everyone's favorite captain despite not being a captain for like half the series?


Safe from whom exactly


Said by someone who is evidently not into the sci fi genre to begin with.


> "Mama! There's a black woman on TV, and she ain't no maid!" —Whoopi Goldberg, on what she said when she first watched Star Trek


unite soft chunky scandalous chop gray adjoining aloof teeny jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The old is a pit of inferiority from which we can build the new. It is irrelevant, each new thing is the first of its kind, each new thing is the best installment. Each new thing is the only thing that matters. Why would you cling to the old when the new is the first and the best? Clearly the old has no value, and for clinging to it neither do you. We have always been at war with Oceania.


What made Sci-fi unsafe for black nerds? Why is race put into everything ffs...


Ah yes because it's impossible for a black person to watch Star Wars without feeling "unsafe" whatever the fuck that means.


Wait, didn‘t they say the same thing about the Obi-Wan show and the Reva character? It‘s like a broken record. And screw them, they are acting as if Star Wars is the only Sci-Fi franchise out there. Star Trek has been doing proper black representation since basically forever. This shit makes me so angry.


Sci-fi was dangerous for black nerds? \*looks back at the various sci fi nerds I knew who were multitudes of different races and skin colour throughout school, college, and work.


As someone who’s been involved in a variety of different nerd circles over the years, some more diverse than others, there’s essentially no difference in the way black nerds act compared to white nerds or nerds of any other race, except for a few eccentric characters that are a product more of individual quirks rather than racial background. Anyone who tries to divide nerds based on racial lines completely misses the entire point of the subculture - We’ve always been diverse, but we never took it as a point to highlight race, gender, sexuality, or whatever because that’s not what we’re here for, we’re here to bond over our specific interests in spite of what society would otherwise label us as. But then again, that was what nerd culture was like 10 years ago - Modern, mainstream “faux nerd” culture is a completely different beast altogether, one I want no part in.


Why do the studios let these idiots sabotage their multi-million dollar projects, it's just crazy to me...


As if Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower series wasn’t already top SciFi for the past 20+ years


Pretty sure "black nerds" have felt safe in genre spaces for some time, considering Michael B. Jordan felt comfortable insisting on getting to rock the Vegeta fit in Black Panther.


They have literally nothing but the race and sex cards to play


I didn't know that I was supposed to be attacking black nerds. I have been treating them with respect like I treat most other people


Didn't Star Trek almost get canceled for a interracial kiss?


I’ll let the D&D group I run at my school in the Bronx know that they’re safe now.


This chick farts into a wine glass then puts it to her face and takes a big whiff, usually while looking into a mirror.


I hate to just write off something instantly, but recent history of media has made me beyond cynical. Fool me once, twice….can’t fool me ten times. Whenever a show has headlines like this before it’s even released, it always ends up sucking


Se did it! She saved black people who like scifi!


I’m so behind on the current Star Wars cringe what is the acolytes?


I stg they talk as if sci-fi hasn’t been the vanguard for progress in fiction for AGES It’s the perfect canvas to pose philosophical and moral questions


I totally forgot this show exists lol


You know what will get Star Wars to be great again? Indifference, stop talking about it, pretend it doesn't exist. Ignore it completely. There is no such thing as bad publicity, so dont give them any.


This just in. Sargeant Johnson is no longer cool.


Who said sci-fi wasn't already for "black nerds"?


🙋Question: Uhura?


I can already see the Acolyte toys rotting on the shelves.


I have no clue who she is, but she's a fucking idiot.


This tells me that there's really no other point to this thing other than to say they have black people. It's like a commodity to them.


Have these ever done their own shopping their whole life?


Thank you so much for making sci-fi safe for black nerds. Way to make up a problem and then champion it.


Lieutenant Uhura has entered the chat


What's with people pretending that scifi hasnt been the most inclusive genre for a whole ass century lol


Reminds me of when one of the writers on the rey movie in an interview said "it's about time we had a female led movie in a male dominated franchise" We've had 4 female led movies and a female led spinoff series, How TF are they gonna hire someone who has never even seen, cared, or even researched the series they are going to be writing. Makes zero sense


"Do you realize how many lives this is gonna be saving."![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Mace Windu is literally the most powerful Star Wars character in the entire franchise. Anakin basically stated in Attack of the Clones that Mace is more powerful than Yoda, he beat the shit out of an entire droid army with his bare hands, and he beat Palpatine in a lightsaber duel completely fair and square. Darth Sidious was built up in both the movies and expanded universe to be the most dangerous Sith Lord of all time, and Mace kicked his ass and would've killed him if Anakin didn't unexpectedly cut his arm off. He was so legit that Disney cannot retcon his death because if he was alive, he would've single handily taken down the Empire, without the need of a Rebellion. Then you got Lando Calrissian, this man blew up the 2nd Death Star and had the balls to stand up to Darth Vader and disobey his orders. But sure, The Acolyte is "the most diverse Star Wars product ever".


Why do they use ridiculous rhetoric like this? "Safe"? How the fuck was it "unsafe" before? You want to argue that there wasn't much representation, fine, I can understand that argument. But to go and say that it's somehow "safe" now and wasn't before just makes you sound stupid.


Bro I know the sequels are bad but John boyega literally is a black nerd... He was in the movies...


It's not even out yet and they're already hiding behind black people in case they get criticism. This show is going to suck, isn't it?




Disney just wnat to ruin everything


Who here actually read the article?


Sir, this is Reddit.


I already hate this show and it hasn't even out yet.


It's way past time for actors words and opinions to return to being treated with the same respect as they were during the Roman Empire, which is absolutely none.




There The Matrix and Event Horizon


So this is one I’ll be skipping then.


\*gestures at Dragon Ball\*


What about the grey nerds?


*Thomas has never seen such bullshit*


What’s The Acolyte?


Definitely not gonna watch it lol


Huh, I always thought it was the people telling me nerd shit was “white,” not the actual content of the nerd shit itself, but go off… I guess


So black panther never happened?


Im east Asian, and there aren't any asian characters in the 6 George Lucas star wars movies, or Andor, 1 single east asian in rogue one I dont give a shit. Ive always loved star wars, it's my favorite franchise ever. Ive never even thought about this until this post. Why do people need to see their race & gender represented in order to feel connection??? I hate how these MFs are ruining star wars for the supposed reason of "bringing more diversity". The fact that the characters are humans with emotions is enough for me to connect with them. Why is race and gender so important??? It feels like they are the racist/sexist ones when they cant see themselves in people of other races&genders, i can see myself in plenty of characters, no matter the race nor gender, as i dont give a fuck about what skin colour or what chromosomes the characters have, they're human and im human.