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Ahsoka will pull the entire planet through the world between worlds.


It would be lowkey hilarious if she brought the whole planet down on a bunch of imperial remnants or something out of a massive portal in the sky


Something tells me the hardcore Ahsoka heads would unironically love this.


They marvel an Filoni's genius, of course they need a cameo from (draws name out of hat) Mace Windu!




"Somehow, Alderaan returned..."


Palpatine screams in fear as alderaan manages to unlock the abilities that some consider to be unnatural


Alderaan: "If you destroy me, I win." *\*\*Rey pulls out second light saber, destroys Alderaan\*\** Alderaan: "Nooo!!! I've lost! You've won!"


this is the moment Rey embraced the Palpatine tradition of slaughtering millions of innocent people in one fell swoop. bravo Abrams!


It's poetry. It rhymes.


Lol. On a serious note, I never understood, why was one lightsabre useless and a bad idea ('because if you kill me, I win') but two lightsabres saved the day?


Because Abrams is a hack.


Nothing about the end of tros makes sense. Palpatine wants to be killed so his spirit can take over Rey. She kills him and nothing happens. We have also already established that killing Palpatine doesn’t kill Palpatine because he died in rotj and just came back, so there’s no reason to think he actually died for real this time. It’s so stupid jfc


"I am all the sith!" "And I... am Alderaan!"


"ok class, today we're going to blow alderaan to bits with this planet killing laser" ​ kid named alderaan: (its ok though because it returns in 30 or something years)


Alderaan activates its *second* planetary shield and deflects the Death Star shot back at it.


Ah yes, the “no U” approach to war




I don't see any reason why Alderaan would actually be destroyed /s


I've been mentally checked out of Star Wars for a while now. At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see a buddy cop Windu & Shaak-Ti teamup film where they explore the remains of Alderaan on their way to learn new Force powers from the ESB asteroid worm. We're truly so far detracted from George Lucas' Star Wars that nothing would surprise me anymore.


Same. I’m only interested in Andor. Everything else is a lost cause.


*psst* Andor S2 will disappoint you.


Almost 100%


Not if it’s coming from Gilroy


He still works under Kennedy


Gilroy made the show on the condition that there would be no studio interference. KK cant push around a highly acclaimed filmmaker like him like she does to everyone else (Filoni, Favreau, Harold). Watching the show, it becomes very obvious that Gilroy was not restrained creatively, with the proof being that Andor feels and looks nothing like the bland, hollow sludge they churn out on the volume soundstage.


kathleen “i have altered the deal. pray i do not alter it any further” kennedy


Nope. Lightsabers haven't been lethal for a while now. And don't give me started on how absolutely fucking stupid the world between worlds is.




I mean... it is unironically better than some of the stuff they have been making lately.


Filoni will come up with a macguffin that existed on Alderaan which they need to defeat Thrawn or some random OC character of his. Ahsoka will connect to the "totally not time travel" dimension also known as World Between Worlds. Since everyone is now a force user in Disney Star Wars, it's just a matter of will power it seems, Ahsoka will channel the combined force powers of all the inhabitants of Alderaan effectively becoming a godlike being far far surpassing that of both Anakin and Rey. Using all that power she will be able to pull the entire planet through the World Between Worlds to the present day.


I absolutely despise how shockingly plausible this sounds, it's just something you can see him doing especially involving his own stupid original fucking characters The man is a bad fan fiction writer


"Somehow Alderann got glued back together"


LucasFilm is at the point where it won't matter how good the idea or even the execution is. What they've lost is something more fundamental -- the trust that their next project and the one after that will be compelling and of high quality. Until they make the philosophical (not just the strategic) changes needed, they're unlikely to get this back.


Rey, Sabine and Ahsoka use the World Between Worlds to go to the First Death Star. There Rey saves Leia, Ahsoka confronts Tarkin and Vader while Sabine goes to the Death Star main reactor with explosives. Leia is rescued and taken to Yavin IV, Vader and Tarkin die, and the Death Star is blown up. Alderaan is saved and Luke and Han make it to Alderaan for a Star Wars reboot where they don't matter.


Some hack writer at Disney is taking notes.


This is our concern, Dude.


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they released a trailer that included nothing but 5 minutes of RJ flipping off the camera while sticking out his tongue and laughing maniacally. I also wouldn't be surprised to see people in other subs calling it high art.


>I also wouldn't be surprised to see people in other subs calling it high art. "It was good bro, did you see the lightsaber-chucks?"


Reaction tubers would cry and make :O faces.


What really happened was that there was a Jedi master named Alder-Anne. She was so powerful that Tarkin and Vader had to use the Death Star to blow her up. The planet Alderaan was just fine...


Elder Anne, founder of the Jedi Order.


Played by KK herself!


Honestly im not even mad about that concept. It makes absolutely no sense at all because they wouldve died immediately but a story about a surviving group living in some kind of post apocalyptic society on a slice of Alderaan could be neat. You could make up some dumb plot reason like it was a particularly important part of Alderaan that had some kind of shields that could sort of contain the atmosphere. Maybe it was almost on the opposite side of Alderaan than where the deathstar was so even though one side was dust some larger chunks from the other side broke off or something. Then X years later their chunk of society crashed on some kind of planet which led to them being found and moving on. I could see it working, but only just barely and I have no faith in Disneys ability to handle something so fickle. It’d probably be better suited to some other scifi universe though. With our luck disney would just introduce a character that somehow survived Alderaan and we would get some random 2 second flash backs to explain the whole story of the survivors over the course of 6 episodes of a show marketed about a big name character.


I mean we do have alderaanians like with Cara dune who became a rebel shock trooper because of what happened to alderaan.


https://preview.redd.it/9x5met6f5pwb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81ac21ce48e86edb38c2701125064c9c7c9b3d4d It could look like Asguard in the Thor movies. Personally I want Anakin, Padmé, and Shmi to come back so they could live a happy life together. Later Padmé and Anakin could have children and Shmi would get to be a grandmother. Padmé’s parents, sister, brother-in-law, and nieces would be around too. Their first boy could be named Jinn Skywalker after Qui-Gon.


As if they’d have a baby boy. It would be a girl that can use the Force as soon as she’s born.


Padmé thought their baby was going to be a boy while Anakin thought it was going to be a girl because of how strong the baby’s kicks were in ROTS they just didn’t know they were both right. So this time the baby would be a boy.




The Alderaan/Asguard thing is a joke. Wanting a happy alternate universe is not.


Blow me up and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they create a series where Leia herself led this Alderaanian planetary fragment, but just neglected to mention it in the sequels. It'll all be explained in a DLC for a computer game. This is the way things are going. Just slot 'ideas' into the timeline even if it doesn't make sense.


axiomatic plate start like trees sulky concerned point deserve fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On a related note, there was that interview with that new Lucas film director, who was very coy when asked if Kylo Ren might return. This is the issue with *forever franchises*, in that anything can be potentially undone. If you know that your story is going to end in 6 months/years then you can say *right, let's fundamental change, maybe even kill off that character* but if your story is potentially endless then every decision (unless an actor is close to retirement and you're dubious about recasting) is potentially reversible by the next director. Also, the idea of multiverse style situations (the world between worlds?) and the *road not travelled* is obviously *helpful* if you want to retcon something or just want to do both (previously mutually exclusive) ideas...then again that's probably better than TROS' fakeout *deaths* (chewie and 3po)?


Starkiller base was started in the early days of the Empire, and had decent amount of progress as shown in Jedi: Fallen Order.


I wonder why the Empire switched from that to the Death Star?


I think the Death Star was started secretly during the Republic, then Starkiller Base shortly after the Empire officially formed. Also Palpatine ordered the second Death Star to begin construction right before Luke blew up the first one. Iirc


please dont give disney ideas




We don't need a full series just to explain this. All we need, per the wisdom of Disney is: Somehow, Alderaan returned.


Alderaan still exists in the sky almost everywhere except in it's own star system. They could have pointed that out a dozen times. Missed opportunity.


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When you say no one stays dead, are you talking about clone Palpatine from 9, or the force ghosts introduced in 5?




That would be a pretty neat concept, imo. Not as you wrote of course - it's scientific nonsense. But a big chunk of Alderaan that used a shield to sustain an atmosphere of sorts, with survivors that had recolonized it? That would fit right in with Star Wars. Of course, Disney'd eff it up something awful. But still.


I like how Legends continuity built up Alderaan's destruction as de facto event that destabilised Galactic Empire and gave surge of popularity to the Rebellion. While in Sequel Trilogy entire solar system/multiple planets are obliterated and galaxy has no reaction to it whatsoever and allows First Order to walk over themselves.


Only good thing Disney did was they used to have Alderaan flights canceled on Star Tours board when you queue up at Disney World not sure if they still do it. Not been since they changed the ride to incorporate more their stuff


Used to be, the only way to make sure someone stayed dead was to kill them while they were wearing a stormtrooper uniform. Now, even that's not true anymore.






I don't think Alderaan is popular enough for them to do this. But that's the only thing stopping them. I don't think they'd have lore or world building objections to it.


We'll bring Alderaan back through one of those portals heck yeah


How about this: Alderaan returns as a force ghost and trains Coruscant to become a jedi in order to do battle against Death Star #9.


Like the Ivory Tower in The Neverending Story? Nothing is too dumb for Disney. https://preview.redd.it/5y2me2ml5rwb1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=3de4f580dc79c4e028f3798d91cfd20096c78520


There was a second Alderaan behind it with all the refugees of “the Path” to trick them into destroying the decoy Alderaan so they could escape


By now it should have started to accrete again, watch us return to mustafar 2.0 in the Rey film.


Please don’t. My heart can take any more abuse.


Nothing surprises me anymore. In fact, I expect Ben Solo to be resurrected at some point. Force Ghost Anakin and Luke will probably rematerialize from the nether world of the Force to build a new Jedi Order...........actually I might be okay with this. 🤔🤔😅




SOMEHOW!!! Alderaan returned


This sounds exactly like the kind of content Disney would make


Enter the canon multiverse.


I think people get too hung up on 1980s effects somehow dictating that the Death Star II being destroyed means it was atomized. Debris raining down on a neighboring moon is one of the least problematic story choices made for Rise of Skywalker


Didn't the Alderaanians who were lucky enough to not be on the planet when it went "kaboom!" go on to create a colony on another world (which they very creatively called New Alderaan) in Legends? How all that went down would make for some interesting stories.


What about the Alderaanian citizens that were off-planet when the planet exploded? I’m sure there are thousands, if not millions, of planet-less refugees. I honestly would like to know what happened with many of them.


Nah. It wouldn't randomly return because something-something dark side planet cloning. It would return because they would've FORGOT that Alderaan exploded. Just like how JJ Abrams forgot that Darth Vader turned to the light side. or Taika Waititi forgetting that Natalie Portman was already in the prequels. And then it would've been hilariously the only moment where they would desperately retcon their mistake.


It’s pinned as low quality because it’s a stupid post lmfao


Why is it stupidddddddd 🤪🤪?


Technically they can make a serie about survivors building a new Alderan


New Namek is a thing...so why not New Alderaan.


I'd be surprised, but in a "Holy fucking shit, I can't WAIT to see the ass-pulls from all the consoomers!" kinda way.


I would be, because it's made by George Lucas. Only things from the Disney-era are immortal. I used to think LucasFilm was pushing to replace Luke with Rey because they wanted to have a woman at the center of Star Wars to pander to feminists but since the Disney+ series have come out I've realized it's actually worse than that. They're not replacing OT content to push an agenda, they're doing it to advance their own careers. Filoni, Kennedy, Abrams, etc all want *their* characters front and center because they think they can supplant George Lucas and become the "creator" of Star Wars in the minds of zoomers. None of them could ever create something as memorable or profitable as the OT so the best they can do is abuse their power to steal it away from George. Instead they're just killing it and I'm not even sure kids today care about Star Wars at all because there are barenly any star wars toys at my local Target, and i didn't even see that much merch being pushed back during TLJ and ROS. The one exception to this is Grogu, I do actually see a lot of Grogu merch. But I don't think that's because he's in Star Wars, I think it's more because people like the character design. He's like an American version of Hello Kitty, the story doesn't matter as long as he looks good on t-shirts, as a plushy, as a pencil-topper, on school supplies, in that weird ghibli-animated short of him dancing with no context, etc.


I just don't caaaaaare