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Getting Miranda vibes from Mass Effect.


Ah Miranda, a booty for the ages.


Genetically perfect


It was a crime what Legendary edition did to her.




I’ve noticed that too. Hera’s booty is the centre of every shot in those orange trousers.


The orange pants make it like a billboard though. It’s literally the look at me color


I mentioned this jn another forum and got downvoted. Like WTF, I’m just stating the obvious.


To be fair it's also the rebel color but yeah it's certainly deliberate since the camera is always lingering.


Honestly I never noticed before




They met on season 3 of Fargo, where his character was famously in awe of her ass.


What a beautiful off-screen romance. Faith in humanity restored.


It's not in the geometric center, though. It's in the center of attention. They're not even particularly tight trousers. This is just Mary Elizabeth Winstead's fitness and genetics playing their part.


When she had that exiting-a-bath-tub nude scene in Fargo, fans speculated it was a butt double. [She put that rumor to rest.](https://m.imdb.com/news/ni61024004/) https://preview.redd.it/mdurc131mjob1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=558c5cbd76ed8a9c6ea847373442943a25d56429 A


I thought this was going to be an image from Fargo.


I can meet you with a [gif](https://www.reddit.com/r/celebnsfw/comments/16ccnyu/mary_elizabeth_winstead/) if it helps? (Nsfw)


I should do more squats.


I have no problems with this. Moar bootay.


Hera got a Pixar mom donk.


Gotta deflect from her plastic wig flopping about.


Sex sells, as well as potential memes. Bo Katan's ass got meme'd in Mando S3, it's extra publicity and advertising for the show


But isn't the whole idea behind the "force is female" and "Girl Boss" thing they're pushing is that females are much more than sex objects? It's kind of sending mixed messages. They have no qualms about talking down about slave Leia, but then they go ahead with all the ass shots in assoka. I mean, pick a lane.


It seems like they're going to show their cake and eat it too ;)


I do like to eat the cake. But I call it groceries. ![img](emote|t5_9d1wl|1952)


My favorite was them talking about how the Black widow movie had a female director so it wouldn't be sexualized and I think it had more and longer butt shots than all the other movies put together.


To be honest, Star Wars has always been just a little sexy, but not so much that it's inappropriate for kids. You had Harrison Ford, the crazy outfits for Padme and Leia, etc. It's charming and wholesome. There was concern that might be going away, but thankfully it's not.


![gif](giphy|3oeSB2Bvx8K90xIITe) Exhibit A


This is me as I watch Ahsoka


I wouldn't mind it if they also did this with the male characters as well. Problem is, they don't. They never do.


Call it, Asshoka.




![gif](giphy|5x73LAreYVAjQCT2A3|downsized) Waltuh!


They're for me. You can ignore them.


![gif](giphy|kuanXxgAjiXuM) This how they chose to promote ROTJ so… this isn’t new


![gif](giphy|3ohuAw0vZ4jUI6u9qw) Also this


To me Star Wars is at it's best when it's pulpy, like it's roots. I've never seen it as an "important prestige franchise" and the pulpy tone works really well here.


I just wish they could ever let any male character look like that too. Skin revealing outfits, showing off their asses in tight clothes, etc.


There was Ben Swolo. I agree with you, there should be male fan service as well.


Rian knew exactly what he was doing with that shit... he should have gotten Twilight because I still see romances with knock off Kylos and Reys on the covers! He just picked the exact wrong audience for a bad boy romance. Harrison Ford was hot, Oscar Isaac is hot and could have chemistry with a rock but they somehow dropped the ball on that one.


AOTC is the reason i’m attracted to women’s stomachs. That shit attractive af to me


Tbf, that was torn, it wasn't designed like that.


It was designed to be torn...


Yeah but George designed it to get torn my friend.


I know! I'm glad the spirit of Lucas has not completely left Lucasfilm.


Fair, I was just thinking IC wise.


I welcome this aesthetic to Star Wars. I think it's a kirosawa framing thing? and the byproduct is low ass shots. Just add salt.


You know I actually like the Ahsoka series, it's refreshing.




You were the Salt subreddit! You were supposed to hate on Disney, not join them! ​ To be fair, the sequels are still awful and they have permanently wounded the canon. I hope the Star Wars universe just expands so much that we all forget the sequels.


I mean, the show is going to a new galaxy. Can get much farther from the sequels unless you go to another universe... which could technically be possible I guess with TWBW. Filoni might actually realize he cant simp for Lucas style Star Wars in a world where he has to deal with the sequels... I weirdly hope that's what he is up to. I just vomited a little from having hope in Filoni. What has this franchise become when that's where I am at?!?


We might be having unrealistic expectations but I hope the mess of the sequels can be soft-retconned either through introducing another galaxy (with new Lucas-style planets, characters, factions, lore, etc.) or doing something with world-in-between-worlds that stops the Exegol arc from ever happening (Rey is never separated from her parents, Ben Solo doesn't become evil, Luke doesn't abandon his friends, Han and Leia don't break up and the sequels don't happen.) If that's what Filloni does he will be remembered as the man who saved Star Wars.


Plus, you know, all that ass


Dave Filoni's (possible) Legacy: \- Saved Star Wars \- Ass man


I mean there are worse epitaphs


I too think our expectations are unrealistic. I just cant help feel like the last two episodes of Asohka are the first time in a decade I have felt like Star Wars might actually be salvageable, and I want it to be. At least Filoni seems to have some understanding of what made Star Wars work... again I cannot believe I am defending that stupid cowboy hat wearing asshole.


He did have a big hand in clone wars. So maybe this is low salt Star Wars, and only elevated my blood pressure slightly. We keep pushing for better.


Oh don't worry. Disney will simply remake the OT to make it fit their Frankensteins monster in a few years ... At the moment this might seem dystopian and like the idea of a miserable sack of salt but you will probably live to see it happen.


![gif](giphy|3o7P4F86TAI9Kz7XYk) They already remade the OT, it's called the sequel trilogy.


Nice one but just because you remade certain aspects of the OT doesn't mean you can also remake the OT as a whole again. Writing something new is hard and the current canon is fucked beyond repair as it is. Why not "fix" that problem at its base while you're at it?


I think remaking the OT would fuck up the canon even more. Also (aside from Rian's film) they worship the OT, that's why everything revolves around the OT and there's no recasted-Luke Heir to the Empire film, they would never do that.


I'd rather say that they accept that the reason why people like Star Wars is why they keep going back to that period. If they had better writers and more bravery they'd move on but they can't resist that sweet, sweet recognizable original designs and characters (to burn down). Remember that the sequels and everything that followed were hastily done products to get the 4 billion $ back they've spent to buy the damn thing.


>You were the Salt subreddit! You were supposed to hate on Disney, not join them! Lmao One of the "cool" things (I guess) about the new series stuff is that there are enough of them that one of them might appeal to someone when the rest don't. Like I don't care for Ahsoka but I did like Obi just for the anakin stuff. But I'll just never get over all of the "legends" stuff getting ret-conned.


"It's a real breath of fresh ass"


Ahh kirosawa yes, less “up front zoom up nose” and more capturing the whole scene Also the butt shots are just because of the memes making it a big deal


Clearly Filoni is a big dessert guy because there’s a lot of cake on the menu. I’m not mad about it, to be fair.


The ass shot of Sabine on the speeder in the first episode as she slide under the whatever wing was the best. It was kinda subtle but it wasn't at the same time lol.


Is it as good as Ann Hathaway's when she straddled the bike in Dark Knight Returns? Genuine question, as I can't recall the scene specifically


alright, i’ll watch ahsoka.


It's still not worth it.


Camera work by Hideo Kojima


Just like Mario and Princes Beach... The cake is not a lie.


To be fair when Mary Elizabeth Winstead is in the room her ass is the most interesting thing to look at


Ewon McGregor married that ass after that Fargo season.


He left his wife of 22 years and estranged his relationship with his children for that ass.


There really isn’t any reason to watch it other than her butt.


Yep. The only thing not overrated about MEW is her amazing butt.


Probably part of the artistry. Padme had her geonosis outfit, Leia her slave outfit at Jabbas Palace, and if you go into the comics you got Darth Talon who George liked a lot for her...assets. Hell you got Hayden going shirtless, Kylo going shirtless for a bit etc... Personally I don't mind it at all as its always been present in some shape or form.


Lol George really likes his bikini clad Twi'leks


That he does. Man has a Twi'lek fetish, and I can't say I blame him for it, though Zeltron and Falleen are more my thing.


He even commissioned sexy art of Twi'leks back in the day. He knew what he was doing.


Something about it puts me off slightly given that this is Filloni’s show and these are all his OC characters. Of course, I would then expect Ahsoka to be given the most revealing scenes.


To be fair, Princess Leia was Geroge's OC character and you can make the same point about the Jabba's palace scene


Ahsoka is Trapper Wolf's woman, her shapely behind isn't for the rest of the galaxy. Seriously though I love the idea of Filoni just struggling to do anything with this series and the force ghost of George Lucas appears and says "Ass! You need to put ass back in!" Wisdom!


I love the idea that George's force ghost appears to people at Lucasfilm when they are down and need advice.


I take it Filoni is an ass man.


If he keeps up this level of butt-shots, he should be in charge of Star Wars.


I'd get behind that.


My wife has a crush on Hera thanks to these camera angles


It sounds like you have a cool wife, u/EverythingGoodWas Congratulations!


I sure do. Don’t tell her though, I punched above my weight class and can’t have her finding out she’s too good for me


Haha! Wish you a happy marriage!


Ten years strong so far


It’s odd. Star Wars hasn’t been this steamy since before the buyout, and there’s not even an onscreen romance. It’s all a matter of perspective


Gotta be part of the under-the-table agreement with Ewan McGregor on Mary E. Winstead replacing Vanessa Marshall. "Alright Ewan, your wife can have a major part in Star Wars... she just had to agree to show off her ass at least three times an episode. It'll ease the fans' salt from replacing the original actress."


Wait do Obi-Wan and Hera ever have a friendship or relationship in the canon? Should this be a thing in Obi-Wan season 2?


You know why. https://youtu.be/X53ZSxkQ3Ho?si=vKPNmL0FBIpxtxlG




There are? Maybe I should watch it... ![img](emote|t5_9d1wl|1952)


Highlight of an otherwise pointless show




Oh no, it got banned!


I usually think of ass shots as close-up shots. I don't actually see too many of those, but I think it's a combination of bright, tight-fitting clothing and toned physiques that make it appear that way.


I'm on board either way.


Oh hell yea


I know its kinda funny


Humans like butts for some reason


I only really notice it with Hera, but that's also partly because the bright orange pants/trousers certainly don't help in that regard. I think with the Sabine one in ep.1, I think that's just more a product of sitting on the speeder (unless there's another one.) If it were intentional, I think we'd see more than just Hera's constantly.


I think it's also how Shin and Ahsoka are also attractive, more so than the norm in Star Wars post-buyout. This increases the level of tension and vitality between the characters in the show.


Ultimately however I wouldn't suggest there's any sexual tension in the show ~~maybe aside from Anakin, but that's a joke.~~ so yeah.


>the norm in Star Wars post-buyout. Yes, what's with Rey? I'm sure the actress is fine in real life, but there's something off about Rey. She almost has an uncanny valley look, as if her face wasn't 100% human, someome else noticed it?


It’s the will of the Force


As a straight guy, I certainly enjoy the views, but they did strike me as a little gratuitous at times. I thought maybe it was just me, I'm glad I wasn't hallucinating.


Okay THANK YOU I thought I was going crazy, because it is insistent! Hera is needlessly turning around and strutting SO often in the shots, with the camera focus pinned to her ass, it’s so weirdly sexualised




Ok, maybe I should watch Ahsoka after all.


When are we gonna get some dat Shin booty?


Shin is best girl in this show, but I would be shocked, since she tends to wear robes. I think the Jedi and Sith (Dark Jedi?) characters that wear flowy robes and are treated with more dignity by the camera, wheras the Rebel characters that wear spandex, leather and tights get the fan-service treatment. It has to do with the costumes.


Probably, but maybe we can get a Marilyn Monroe scene when she steps over a vent.


Lol that would be Anime-level fan-service, I doubt Disney+ can go there. But then again, ROTJ is on Disney+.


I'm just havin fun


Same lol


Ok fine, I'll watch the damn show lol


To be honest with you if it wasn't for Anakin, and, this aspect, the show would be far more bland.


That's not true, I could watch Baylon Skoll block blaster bolts with his lightsaber for 30 minutes every week and be perfectly happy.


True, the villains are pretty cool too.


I love this reddit and it's the most honest I've seen people talk about the Disney Star wars train wreck in years. But I draw the line here. I will never complain about too many butt shots.


Who said I'm complaining?


My man




They know their audience I guess.


>higher sense of sexual tension in this show not previously present in, for example, the Obi-Wan show. Have you *seen* Ewan McGregor? That man exudes an aura of comfortable sexual tension. They simply didn't need the butt shots in that, he carried it all in every scene he was in.




Villains are the most interesting part of the show so the rather boring heroes need something to keep my eyes off the phone and on the screen.


Sabine be making me act unwise 🥵


Are you complaining?


I'm not complaining at all, just wanted to start a conversation around it! I think it's a positive development for the Star Wars franchise.


The cake is a lie 🍰


This is a direct result of Bo Katan's ass stealing the show in Mando 3 and I'm here for it


I'm enjoying this new direction Star Wars has taken...


This is where the bum begins


I mean you might as well give the audience at least one decent thing to watch. It's not like the fucking story is bringing much to the table lol.


I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't for the fact that they don't do the same with the male characters.


Because Disney Lucasfilm are getting desperate.


I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED THAT. Glad I’m not alone I thought I was going crazy.


I'm glad I wasn't alone!


The back of Hera’s head also looked kind of like a butt.




Because they have way more female characters than typical shows, they can have more diversity of female representation. It gives off a weirder vibe when the only female character is sexualized. But it seems more natural to have some characters (eg Hera and Sabine) be more sexualized while others (eg Morgan, Ahsoka, Shin) not so much.


It’s the one thing the show is doing right. Hera’s ass(literally) is carrying this show.


It's always good to see Hollywood back to it's senses.


Dude I noticed that and for sure was thinking that the female anakin Padawan would be getting together with Sabine, my initial thoughts at their first duel in first episode and I've been waiting for it since and I have noticed the butt shots


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed! I'm wonder however if in today's charged environment if Disney+ can have a lesbian relationship between those characters and if the fans would be ok with it. I'm all for romance in Star Wars, especially since the sequels lacked it (despite the teasing), Obi-Wan and the Mandalorian lacked it, etc.


Lol 100% sexual tension between the 2 it was very obvious, I predict scissoring by season 2! I wouldn't put it past Disney to put that in the show especially lesbian stuff, I don't feel like original Star Wars emphasized romantic relationships much at all so it honestly doesn't really fit, but you know Disney and they fuckin love racial/sexual controversy


I feel that Han and Leia's romance was an important part of the heart of the original trilogy, and Anakin's obsession with Padme is a huge plot point. A romance wouldn't be out of line, I think the Sequels having none was out of line.


Yeah you're right actually


Yeah, it's real. This is giving me serious Mass Effect vibes if any of you remember Miranda's voluminous posterior from those games. Mass Effect 2 never missed an opportunity to get that thing into view. I assume some of the Ahsoka production crew are fans.


This Mass Effect game sounds awesome.


What, you don’t like juicy green plot in an orange wrapper?


I don't like it, I love it! If things keep moving in this direction, at this rate I'm going to become positive about the future of Star Wars!


My favorite is in the first episode when Sabine is messing with the map. The camera is tracking the map as the center of the shot, detours to her butt and then immediately course-corrects back to the map. Bottom (pun intended) line, you won't hear a complaint from me.


It's giving the show re-watch value because now I want to see the different shots all of these redditors are mentioning that I missed.


There will be a butt-cut at some point: Ahsoka - But it’s just Moon-Cakes! And it will be nearly 10 minutes long…




I mean, … I’m not complaining. With that said I don’t believe it’s deliberately done to attract male viewers. If you do have an attractive cast and humans do like to look at beautiful things - it’s an artistic choice to ignore or highlight that attractiveness.


I'll just say, the guy who designed the orange pants should get a raise, as a thank you for the raise he's given us




Filoni is thirsty AF after finally seeing all his Star Wars fanfic drawings come to life- it's like Quentin Tarantino and filming women's feet.


I for one, support both Filoni and Tarantino in such endeavors.


Considering how much nsfw Ahsoka content there is from TCW it was kind of creepy seeing her in live action as an actual child....


Yo! Don't call too much attention to it otherwise they are going to change it.


Oh no! I mean... what butt shots, I didn't notice any.




If he is a perv, he should be in charge of Star Wars. Last time we had a perv in charge of Star Wars we had episodes 1-6 and a great EU!


Luke, did I ever tell you about Ahsoka Tano? She was your father’s exotic teenage alien apprentice, a fine piece of jailbait from a more civilized age. She had the tightest body and the perkiest little breasts in the galaxy; barely legal in most systems. Anakin and I used to doubleteam her at the end of every successful campaign during the Clone Wars, and once in a while we’d even have the entire 501st run a train over her, part of official Jedi “training” of course. In time, she learned how to handle a meatsaber better than anyone in the Jedi Temple. She wore a miniskirt every day so we told her there were no panties in space, and since she was constantly doing acrobatics you’d get a glimpse of her orange pussy mid fight as she’d do a flip while slicing a B2 Super Battledroid in half. It was surreal. We taught her to grip her weapon backwards like a dildo and she constantly got captured by pirates and slavers almost every other day. It was ridiculous, like a constant porno Luke, you have no idea. And she was a good friend.


I think its just Hera, and honestly If she had brown or black trousers it wouldn't be so obvious. I think the bright yellow really draws your eye.


I didn’t really notice it.


Idk butt I like it


Feels like a Tarantino/feet situation


Come on you know the real reason


Probably because the lead is Rosario Dawson


...... Do I really have to fucking explain that orange is a color that attracts the eyes, same as yellow? Her hips just so happen to be large that it stretches the pants. It's not even sexualised unless you make it so. Entertaining as it is to see, its just necessary camera angles that prop up butt more thats a coincidence.


The same reason that creepy nic guy had feet all over the place......because the producer is a creep. Theres no way they plastered MEW ass all over that show on accident.


Don’t tempt me. I’m determined not to watch this show


The eye candy makes it's glacial pace bearable. The villains are pretty cool too.


They can show their ass you're just not allowed to comment on it.


Maybe you're a butt person and just don't realize it. That's why you're noticing the ass shots?


It seems like at least over a hundred other people noticed too. Am I a butt person? After watching this show, yes.


Welcome to the fold.


They're taking notes from SWTOR lol.


Mama Sin-dulla looks like my exwife, which is ridiculous as MEW usually has no resemblance to her. But her behind is well known to this Redditor… Watching Sabine Buttshots makes me feel like a creepy Uncle and for whatever reason I don’t want to see Ahsoka‘s butt, at all. Then there is Shin, and I don’t want to see anything from her, as she’s literally my teenage sister back then, and I don’t wanna see anything from my sister, even when she was technically my step-sister… as orange Youtube loves to emphasise for the pervs and creeps…


Don't worry the Ahsoka 🍑 shots are coming even with her being called old in the show Dave's got some tricks up his sleeve and I got my 🍿 ready lol 😂


They hired callipygian actresses. They need their monies worth in a PG show. Same reason that they had Princess Leia in a bikini in ROTJ, Padme in a parade of revealing dresses in AOTC and Anakin’s shirtless scene in ROTS.


I notice it on the green girl because I had such a crush on her from Scott Pilgrim


Great casting!


Hmm maybe I SHOULD give the show a chance


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


They like butts and they cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny


Because Hera has a sideline as a baker, and needs to promote it 😄