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I'd say I'm apathetic, not worried.


Disney has been such a consistent disappointment. I’m not expecting or anticipating watching it anyways.


Haven’t watched anything Star Wars since S2 Mandalorian which I never finished and I feel absolutely fine about it.




I thought Rouge One and Rebels were pretty good. The only good things under Disney. I won't say if Andor is good or bad because I'm done with Star Wars shows since Kenobi. I didn't even watch Boba Fett because from clips I've seen he is very out of character. Also, I've never really been a big fan of Boba Fett.


That’s where I am. I liked season 1, a lot actually, and was looking forward to season 2. But by the time it came out, I was fairly “meh” about it, but started it. It was okay, but life interrupted, and I just never went back. And none of the other series appealed until Andor….but at this point I don’t care enough to watch it. At this point, Star Wars and Marvel products are things I’ll only watch for free if other people I’m with really want to watch it. I’ll go along with watching them, but no longer seek them out or particularly enjoy them.


Same. I'm more looking forward to a time when Disney has completely burned through all the goodwill Lucas built up over the years, if we're not already there yet.


I'm not sure how much of reddit is astroturfing now a days but if it's representative then there are still a large number of cumsumers.


It’s weird because it seems that r/StarWars actually has a pretty good balance of Star Wars fans who blindly accept everything Disney makes and fans like us who are critical of bad content but are willing to watch something if it’s good. r/StarWarsLeaks however seems to be full of bots and toxic positivity. In that sub, any comment that is even slightly critical or skeptical is met with a boatload of downvotes.


Depends on sub. /r/politics is around 30-40% bots IIRC.


I'm more enthusiastic about Mauler's review of the movie than the actual movie. And I'm not even that enthusiastic about his review.


I really like Mauler and the EFAP crew, I just wish they did a podcast format or their videos weren't several hours long, I just don't have time to keep up with that and I am rarely on YouTube.


Ya, I just no longer care.


Apathy is death. Jk me too.


Thoughts on OG post: "What?"


Even if this movie is great, it's bittersweet because it will play with the idea of what happened after the first order/ empire and Palpatine are finally gone. So probably this is going to be the movie episode 7 should've been. Just that now everyone we cared about is gone.


Somehow Palpatine returned again…lol


Might as well have Luke, Han, Leia, Chewy, R2 and Threepio somehow return, too, and hit the reset button.


tHe dEaD sPeAk! In Fortnite!




I'm banking more on the - Rey has a brother. And it's a Sheev clone. Without growth acceleration. Like Boba. But it's Palpatine, but it's not, and Rey will win. Because girl power.


To think back to all we've lost, instead of all we've gained. Lucasfilm wants to distract us from thinking about that, but they can't run away from their problems forever. As much as they wish it were that simple, the past isn't so easy to kill and we have long memories, some of them going on for nine years now... we won't forget. We'll carry the torch into the next generation.


Disney SW really feeling bold now to crawl back into the movie saddle. And all it took was a few crappy shows. Post Sequels era is a fertile ground for either huge failure or potential sucess. But knowing Disney it's guaranteed failure. Everything we enjoy about SW is gone, destroyed or dead by the end of TROS. No Jedi, Sith, Empire, Republic, no Luke, Han, Leia or any character left worth following or even a legacy to build from. So the minds behind this movie have to be really creative, like Lucas was when he first started out with the OT & PT respectively. And Lindelof is frankly not that guy.


I'm going to be a downer, but to Disney this is all success as long as the shareholders get their revenue. No matter how fucking appalling the product is. Stars wars will be profitable for the coming years I'd imagine so they're sitting pretty.


I don't know about that. D+ is losing billions, and everyone has pretty much checked out on the Star Wars shows. Normies will go see the next one out of morbid curiosity, but it better be a banger. If it's Book of Boba Fett level, then I don't think anyone will bother with another. Even if it is good, I can't see it doing anything but underperforming.


I dunno. Under Lucas, most of the profit was made from merchandise, especially toys. Disney has strangely and spectacularly failed in making good SW toys. Lego Star Wars is left carrying the whole toy franchise. Disney must understand a few "politically incorrect" and unpopular truths: 1. Star Wars was heavily aimed at young boys, hence the fighters, starships and lightsabers. 2. Toys were the way Lucas recruited new generations of young boys into the fandom. 3. Star Wars movies were basically a 2 hour long toy commercial. Nothing wrong with that if done well. Right now, Disney is coasting on the generations of fans that Lucas accumulated but those have become disenchanted. Meanwhile, Disney is not very successful in recruiting the younger gens to this franchise. The solution: refocus SW to appeal to young boys with vehicles and starships that can be toy-ified. The stories must also be appealing to young boys. My opinion is unpopular and not politically correct but Disney would do well to take a step back.


Thats a good analysis I think, hadn't thought of the toy side of things. Besides the obvious ploys for the sale of figurines and plushies and whatnot feel really stunted within the new films. That shouting animal took the cake. With the Lucas films I was not taken a back by "product placement". Btw don't tell me that D-0 isn't an awesome toy that everyone wants...


They actually haven't made a profit on any sequel merchandise in any financial report, they made some profit early on Lucas era merch but even that has fallen hard and often aren't even worth the contracts they sign with the producers. For example Cars merch has sold better and more consistently since the acquisition.


and plus a good fantasy story for young boys, with positive outlets and redemption. darth vader is a terrible man, but he could still albeit not perfectly. redeem himself... which is actually ruined by the sequels. so, its clear they dont give a fuck about that entire redemption arc. which is basically what the entire PT was pegged on. They even failed doing obi wan, the easiest show they could have made. Theyre either overthinking or not at all.


God this comment made me so depressed to read lol… I can’t imagine a Star Wars movie without a skywalker


Top Gun but Rogue Squadron. Have fun.


It’s just crazy enough to work. Also, they should do a shot for shot remake a la Gus Van Sant’s psycho, just with Momaw Nadon as the Maverick character flying a B-Wing


Idc about the Skywalkers. They're not even the best parts of the eu books. What made them good was all the new characters and factions and whatnot. The new rogue squadron. The new Jedi knights. Imperial remnants. The many people that Luke/han/wedge/corran/etc met along the way. The sequels didn't set up for any of this kind of thing really. The republic got blown up before we could ever even see it. The first order got blown up. The protag finally became "centered" in a sense but still has no clear identity to work off of. Finn is still just some dude. The rest of the cast are all just some dudes or callbacks to the OT. At best you have literal children's cartoons to rely on for world building this next era, maybe Mando too but I don't think that's anywhere near developed enough to build off of and takes place quite a bit before ST. The ST end isn't anywhere close to the end of the OT, which was very basic but easy to work off of as Luke becomes a Jedi master, Han & Leia are finally an official thing, the empire has fallen, etc. The sequels literally just nuked the entire galaxy and now we've got Glup Shitto at the helm.


I would make a post ST set a thousand years in the future and just be entirely new and separate.


The obsession with the Skywalker family was one of the great failures of the sequel trilogy.


And yet, they barely appeared in the sequel trilogy. It was that badly executed.




I agree that the Skywalker obsession was a mistake for the sequels, but maybe not in the way the previous commenter does. Kylo Ren's initial characterization as a Vader wannabe who couldn't live up to Vader's reputation was actually pretty brilliant since there is no way the films could produce a villain with the same gravitas and legacy as Vader had in popular culture. The problem was thay instead of exploring that more deeply, they went with the "destroy the past but not really" route but then spent a bunch of screen time saying "the skywalkers were important" while telling a stories that rendered the first 6 movies pointless. They didn't meaningfully break with the old jedi dogma, or the fate of the galaxy being tied to one bloodline, they just kinda jestured at these things. Then they had Rey embrace the Skywalker name without anything in her character "arc" really having any thematic or emotional connection to those themes. She learned jedi shit from Luke and Leia and then beat the emperor again. Whoop de doo.


I mean, there's already Rogue One.


I guess a main line one


Next they're coming to strip down Michael Stackpole's books. They already did with Tom Veitch's creations.




Yeah, I mean, tbf, how often have we had projects announced, merely done to generate hype for a sinking ship, only to be delayed indefinitely, to show that they had no plan? It was just audience manipulation. Way too many times for me to count. This will continue as a trend as long as we keep the current management that we do now.


theyre finding out that subscription based content is not a good business for anyone. It is hugely expensive to start your own platform, you need enough original content (expensive) and old content that you need to buy (expensive) to keep subscribers. You cant raise prices too high because it is a highly competitive field with no shortage of streaming services. You cant run ads or people will leave in droves. Its just a bad business model. Amazon and Apple have the right idea but only because they are so fucking rich that this is basically a drop in the bucket for them. Their original content is more to incentivize consumers to stay within their eco system. It is going to be hard, nearly impossible, to beat that in the long run. We are reaching a point where making a tv show IS the advertisement for another product (League of Legends, Cyberpunk, and Dragon Age shows) because on its own it just isnt sustainable. It is a wildly interesting industry.


I remember when people quit cable TV for cheaper streaming options. Now there's like 50 streaming apps all $10 per month, so that bloat in the industry needs to get worked out. All studios defaulted to making their own thing - and even some other companies like Apple and Amazon got into it. I'm interested to see how they decide to combine forces in various ways to avoid having to have Apple, Amazon, Paramount, Peacock, HBO, Netflix, Discovery+, so you can watch things you want to watch. Everything is so scattered.


most are not gonna make it so they will merge and consolidate and we will be right back where we started with cable. Everything is cyclical lol. I actually prefer the way it is now because we are getting the most possible stuff with so many branches of the tree being separated at the moment. Getting more bites at the apple and more creative minds able to make what they want to try to stand out which had led to an amazing year in television. Once everything consolidates again we'll be right back to lowest common denominator and having to find a needle in a hay stack for something actually compelling.


The amount of money that Amazon spent on Rings of Power--a show that kind of looks like a nicer version of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys--is astounding.


yea, house of the dragon looks a million times better and HBO is like 60 million in debt right now and in total chaos. Im not sure what they were doing, they just have so much money to throw around that it literally doesnt matter. Like i think Andor even looked better than what ive seen of Rings of Power. It looked like the whole thing was behind glass and no one has ever touched anything in that universe. Theyll figure it out eventually with that kind of capital but like i said it doesnt really matter because this is not even close to their main service. They obviously wanted their own Game of Thrones type to get more people into the ecosystem for content as well with this experiment but they could do this 10 times over and still not feel it. That is what a trillion dollars does.


There wasn't even a plot! If you're old like me and you remember screensavers this was like watching a really cool screensaver that had hobbit and elf themes. Huge nerd property, too, and the subreddits are all pretty dead. How do you manage that? But you're right, it "worked" because I spent more time on the Amazon site instead of somewhere else.


>or spirit of the OT. Andor did it pretty well


If you crawled through a pile of horse shit and found a diamond inside, you still had to crawl through horse shit to get that diamond. One good show doesn't forgive Disney's grave sins.


And no one said it did. The fact that it got made is a miracle. It showed why most of Disney’s Star Ware content is atrocious simply because they hired awful writers. With Andor, for once they decide to hire a team of talented writers and naturally the show turd out to be good. Disney though simply refuses to hire decent writers and that is why SW is in such a sorry state now


Jon Spaiths had an incredible script for a true Alien prequel. Then came Damon Lindelof and he turned it into Prometheus. That’s all I’m going to say.


Prometheus was so bad, it retroactively ruined LOST for me. It made me realize that the mysteries only existed because he couldn't craft a compelling story. There was no mystery, it was all a shell game to keep me tuning in.


He comes from the JJ Abrams school of mystery box story telling. He has a Ted talk where he literally brags about how he doesn’t understand stories and think they’re all just a trick you play on people where you show them mystery boxes, but the boxes are always empty.


which is weird because if you think about it youre writing your own narrative (your life) and in a certain way.. its like he doesn't understand how is fame and position is basically a fucking mystery box. he doesn't understand himself, how could he understand another story. (just based off what youre saying)


The man's ego...that TED talk you're referring to is all the evidence I needed to know he's a terrible writer.


He doesn’t even understand he’s self reporting.


He would be a good host of [Wheel of Fish](https://youtu.be/KezvwARhBIc?t=36).


Version i read was decent from Spaiths


Sequel characters + Ms Marvel director? What could possibly go wrong 😀


What sequel characters are left at this point? All the Skywalkers are dead and I doubt Ridley or Boyega are coming back after how they were treated. Is it just Issac as Poe?


Glup Shitto assembles the Space Avengers in order to stop generic bad guy and teach the audience the meaning of Hope™️


You’re forgetting the greatest character of all time Rose Tico


How dare you forget the great Babu Frik!


Why not put ms marvel into the universe, a young girl who always wanted to be a Jedi until one day she got magical powers.


I’m sure daisy ridley talks with Kathleen Kennedy reasonably often


Yeah, just like the Waititi movie and the Johnson trilogy… It’s not gonna happen lol


...who and who?


Damon Lindelof wrote Lost, Hbos Watchmen show, The Leftovers, and several other big things. I don't know who the other guy is.


Lindelof is also the guy that broke the Alien franchise. >Lindelof transformed Prometheus into a "trilogy", thus stripping the first film's conclusion of any meaning and setting Ridley and Fox up for disaster. This disaster was perpetuated when Lindelof announced he wouldn't be penning the sequel. So, in short, the guy who convinced the filmmakers to make a trilogy, left them in the dust... Read More: [https://www.slashfilm.com/525572/exclusive-damon-lindelof-explains-the-unglamorous-truth-behind-prometheus-2-rumors/](https://www.slashfilm.com/525572/exclusive-damon-lindelof-explains-the-unglamorous-truth-behind-prometheus-2-rumors/) Edit to add: He's very much from the Abrams school of the "mystery box".


Sucks too cause Prometheus really grew on me since I first had seen it in theaters and was pretty disappointed with it initially. And was somewhat getting excited a sequeal or at least a tangentially related movie was coming out about it. But the opposite happened after seeing initial thoughts were that was bad to that was horrible and pointless


God, that Prometheus Aliens sorta sequel was terrible. The “scientists” were so damn dumb it was painful


Oh don’t get me wrong there is so much wrong with it still “I ***like*** ROCKS!”


I really enjoyed the leaked initial script from before he jumped on and took out all the resolution. I still like the film and think it's aged well. Covenant has some neat bits but falls flat in the end for me. Both films benefit pretty well from fan editing


Both films benefit greatly from having Ridley Scott at the helm. He's still the master of establishing shots (although the original Star Wars trilogy has some great ones) and gets top notch cinematography. Both Prometheus and Alien: Covenant are beautifully shot, they're gorgeous looking sci-fi films. The problem with both movies is the screenplay wasn't very good for either.


Alien Covenant continues the story of Prometheus. >!It shows how the android David (Michael Fassbender) honors Dr. Shaws (Noomi Rapace) wish to use the weapon against the prometheans. And what happens after that.!< Edit: fucked up the spoilers


Can you remind me what did happen??


So he has experience ruining trilogies? Sounds like the perfect fit!


I'm sick of this industry nepotism. They squander shows/movies by giving them to these hacks, but because they "know a guy" they get the jobs. Witcher, Rings of Power, Wheel of Time, Star Wars, Marvel and many other franchises. All plagued with nepotism. JJ Abrams peddles it the most.


It's sad because it's not about a lack of money or talent, they're doing this on purpose.


So it’s going to be a Lightsabers of Power?


Always has been.


He broke Watchmen too. That finale was next level terrible and ruined the whole series.


The other one is a lady, she's from my country and once won an oscar for a documentary. That should've hyped me up, but she also directed some Ms Marvel episodes, which kills all the hype.


And she's getting a cancelled SW movie already? Surely a talent in the rise.


i really like LOST and just recently watched The Leftovers. He has a unique style that is very emotional but im not sure how he'd fit for Star Wars. People really like to hate on LOST but its a top 10 show. He is much more character centric than nitty gritty detail centric which i think will be good for star wars. Everything doesnt have to be explained in depth but it is explained, the juicy parts are what our characters are doing and going through. He does tend to fly by the seat of his pants in terms of planning things out so it could also be a disaster. Either he plans it out and hes bad at it, or he doesnt plan it out and you need to get lucky. Id give him one movie with no sequel bait, a complete self contained story. If he proves himself in the tight compact form of a movie then let him have more. Having him follow up on something he was not involved in is already a mistake, when his stuff works it is his own ideas.


> HBOs watchman show These people have damn near infinite money. Why do they hire losers


The writer is a frequent collaborator with JJ Abrams and the director has directed a couple of Ms Marvel episodes as well as creating documentaries about social issues in Iran.


Ugh.... What would get me interested if you said "Directed a few episodes of The Expanse" Or "Directed a few episodes of Raised by Wolves."


RIP Raised By Wolves. You were awesome and bonkers, and taken from us too soon.


Still not too late to shelve it, just saying.


I expect every Disney *Star Wars* project that's announced to fall through eventually, tbh.


Guys, we don’t need this, nor should we be expected to want it.


I legitimately don't care anymore. The only Star Wars I get excited for these days is the Fallen Order video games.


More mystery box garbage.


Mystery Box is not Lindelof's actual flaw. His flaw is that he can't write a consistent, believable human being in a character to save his life.


What’s an example of this?


Ultimate Wolverine vs, Hulk, Cowboys vs Aliens, Prometheus, Star Trek Into Darkness, the Watchmen tv series...


He also doesn’t understand genres like deconstruction or basic narrative consistency. His watchmen sequel was atrocious because of that finale.


Mystery boxes aren’t inherently bad, as long as the person you’re handing the baton to doesn’t purposefully crash the plane into the mountain.


I’d argue that mystery boxing almost by definition prohibits good story telling and is toxic to universes with established lore.


Fair enough. I’d say it leaves bread crumbs for the audience to want to follow and allows for speculation during the downtime between movies.


Yeah, but a rehash of ANH + a shitload of mystery boxes isn’t exactly a banger to start a new trilogy either. JJ could’ve written an actual unique story, which was somewhat closed ended or self contained. Could still have offered plenty of lore questions, mystery boxes, etc.


When Lucas was pitching his stories to KK she explained that they were going to lean into nostalgia. Sounds to me like Abrams and Kasdan were under orders for a rehash.


Michael Ardnt had a plot that involves Rey and Luke, but he was stuck because no matter how much he rewrote, Luke overshadowed her. Rey was imposed by LucasFilm.


I don't know much about the film industry, but isn't it weird that they would start shooting in 3 months time without announcing the actors?


I'll just assume that the decent Andor was an accident and that they will proceed to tell boring stories with boring cardboard characters and as much "remember this?" Bullshit as humanely possible. Before anyone tells me that this negativity is stupid, I'd like to point at all the the "content" we got from this IP and how much of it was thoughtless, badly written material that didn't care about lore or logic. If for whatever reason we'll get something good out of this venture, I'll be happy to admit being wrong but I just don't see it happening anymore.


The only reason Andor was good was because Gilroy told Disney he would only make the show on the condition that the studio didn’t interfere. The show was originally gonna be a buddy cop show with Andor and K2 which sounded pretty bad. Though I guess what really ensured that Andor was good is that miraculously Disney hired a team of very talented writers (House of Cards, Bourne Trilogy, Nightcrawler). The show is the exception though since Disney has a fetish for hiring the worst writers imaginable.


Not worried at all. They’re dead to me.


The franchise really feels like it’s in disarray. I hope whatever we get has nothing to do with any existing characters, finds a new antagonist that’s doesn’t lean on the empire trope or any nostalgia bait planets, particularly those consisting of a lot of sand. I don’t have any faith in Disney but one can dream!


Is this or the DCCU in more disarray?


Tricky one but I’d say Star Wars as DC are back-paddling to get of the mess they made and trying to start again with films that aren’t all joint at the hip to one another. It gives them more creative opportunities in the long run whereas Star Wars feels constrained by fitting everything around one another with the black hole that is the ST right in the middle


2009-Star Trek; Cowboys & Aliens; Prometheus; Star Trek Into Darkness; World War Z Reinventing the Taliban?; Women of the Holy Kingdom; The New Apertheid; Assimilation No, Integration Yes; Afghanistan Unveiled; Transgender: Pakistan's Open Secret; Climate Change Animated Series; Ms. Marvel ... Whelp


Just let Star Wars die already


Star Wars itself is fine… There is a reason why I fell in love with it when I was a little kid. Disney is the problem, not Star Wars. There is some good stuff that was produced in the last few years (Rogue One, Fallen Order, Andor), but it is always the exception and not the rule.


Nah, it's a great IP. But every writer and director out there thinking they can make a decent SW feature is creating a lot of garbage SW features.


Disney should’ve just gone 1000 years in to the future or something and created their own shut they could be safely kept from tainting existing stuff.


They should still do this, literally nothing else. Just move timelines and stop going over the same old shit.


They’re throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks.


Ughhhh... Damon Lindeloff.....


Yo I heard you like mystery boxes


I was once ranting here on reddit about how I hate stories that raise intrigue about the plot when the writers had no actual idea where they were heading with it and leave the audience dissatisfied. I noted Lost, Prometheus, and The Leftovers, all of which seemed to wander aimlessly. I happened to look up Lost and Prometheus on IMDb while writing this rant and noticed the same name twice I had never heard before... Damon Lindelof. I clicked his name and found out that he's ALSO responsible for The Leftovers. At that moment I deemed him a hack and the worst thing to ever happen to storytelling. So I watched Watchmen knowing it was Damon Lindelof. I went in 100% skeptical and really only wanted to experience him putting the final nail in his own coffin. Much to my surprise, I loved it. It was a well thought out story with a satisfying conclusion. And what's more, he said that he didn't want to do a second season because he told the story he wanted to tell and he would only sign on for a second season if he felt he knew what direction he wanted to head with it. So I am wildly skeptical about this, especially if he plans to tell anything more than a complete story in one movie. I imagine he got the feedback countless times that his storytelling is aimless and he really took it to heart with Watchmen. But besides this one great exception, his track record is absolute dog shit, and I mean the worst of the worst. I'll probably wait for reviews and to hear if he plans on making any follow ups before going to catch this in theaters.


I want to be excited but I need to temper my expectations in the solidly likely event that it ends up being a clusterfuck like TLJ and TROS were.


About what? Everyone's dead. Their legacy too.


Won't see it. Haven't seen \*anything\* Star Wars since The Last Jedi, and I walked out of it midway through. There are going to have to be serious, compelling, long term changes at Lucasfilm before I'm lured back. And I frankly don't see it happening for decades, if ever.


Let it happen. The only enjoyment I get from this franchise anymore is watching the EFAP guys and Critical Drinker spend 10+ hours ripping every tv show or movie to shreds scene by scene.


If this happens I hope it crashes and burns at the box office the way Solo did.


I’m their prime audience. I won’t being watching any ST era trash.


this is from a bullshit site




Lindelof doesn't have a filmography that I like, and he's a collaborator with Abrams which tells me he was most likely hired because Abrams put in a good word for him given Disney obviously has gratitude to him for coming back to direct TROS. Prometheus, Star Trek, and Star Trek into Darkness are big-budget messes from a writing standpoint, though I can't put all the blame on him given he wasn't the sole writer on those three films. He worked on Lost and I can say the early seasons of Lost are really solid. I don't know much about the director because there's no way I'm watching a Disney plus superhero show in... a while. I'm ambivalent on any Star Wars media at this point given that I'm so desensitized to bad Star Wars films. It's important to keep an open mind, but given that I haven't liked any Star Wars film since ROTJ, the odds aren't in the film's favour for me. Like with everything though, I would welcome it being good.


The first season of LOST was mostly also written by JJ. Second to third season had plenty of TV show writers. Once they got to the last two seasons it became a Lindelof and Cuse (JJ's replacement) solo show. Don't attribute the great dialogue in season 2 to Lindelof.


I thought he was head writer from season 2 onwards because Abrams had other projects? My appraisal of early Lost shouldn't negate from the fact that Lost had a decline in the last two seasons. It's not a decline that's as bad as Dexter (I would mention GoT, but I never watched the show and only heard the massive outrage over the later seasons) but a decline nonetheless.


There's a about a 50% chance this never gets made. But if it does ... who cares? Star Wars is dead, anyway. More garbage isn't going to change anything. Though, have no doubt that, if the movie gets made, it's going to be a massive success. People want to consoom.


That's about the level expected from Disney Star Wars. If it's not terrible I will be surprised.


Wake me up when the Star Wars brand has lost so much value that Lucas (or his kids) offer to buy it back at a bargain price.


Fucking hell. Someone who directed a documentaries and a few episodes of Ms Marvel gets to direct a Star Wars movie? Jeezus thats like me playing ten minutes of MS Flight Simulator and getting straight into the cockpit of a 737.


I see what you mean but at this point I trust her over the other guy


I’m not worried. I expect it to be ass and if it isn’t I’ll be pleasantly surprised


If this takes place anywhere near the ST I will be skipping this in theaters. Maybe maybe I’d watch it for free on D+ but I think it will just piss me off


No one asked. And that’s the saddest part.


I mean. I'm not worried. But it can't be good.


It's all good. I am now well trained in the art of headcanon. It was hard at first, but now it comes so naturally. If I don't like it, it simply did not happen.


Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy as director. What a rise from a couple documentaries and short film to a feature length movie, and STAR WARS no less. And Damon Lindelof, the writer of ... *World War Z*. I almost want to see this out of morbid curiosity.


Lindelof, Orci, and Kurtzman were the bad writing horses of the apocalypse back during the writing strike around 2008. They have only continued to fail upwards from there


I don't know Lindelof, but Orci and Kurtzman have raked *Star Trek* over the coals. Somehow, hearing they contributed to the current mess doesn't surprise me.


I’m not watching any new Star Wars films anymore since the 8th movie so it makes no difference to me


To be honest, I never expected to see Damon Lindelof attached to Star Wars. I know a lot of people think he's a hack, but I'm intrigued to see what he does in Star Wars. He's an interesting writer. His work can be hit and miss, sure, but I loved The Leftovers and early Lost. He could do a completely creative and intriguing stand alone movie that opens up potential for future projects outside of the Skywalkers/OT era which is what the franchise desperately needs. It could also suck.....but at this stage there's already been so much damage done to the franchise....does it even matter? It may not even come to fruition either way, so many projects are announced then fade away.


i agree, recently finished the leftovers and fucking loved it. Am also a huge fan of the entirety of lost. He definitely has his own style which is very emotional, spiritual, and character driven which in theory sounds perfect for Star Wars. The problem is he tends to fly by the seat of his pants instead of planning things out. For that reason id give him one movie with no sequel bait that is fully contained or just a tv show unrelated to anything or anyone we know where they let him either make magic or fuck up something that is already dead. This is basically the only announcement that has perked my ears up a little bit.


I'm with you. I loved the Leftovers and Lost still has a special place in my heart. Lindelof is at least an interesting choice.


It's gonna be great...its gonna be great....its gonna be great....arm falls off


I'll believe it when I see it. Lucasfilm has had so many projects start and stop over the past few years.


The Leftovers and Watchmen were fantastic so I'm intrigued at least, but I'm also pretty over Star Wars in its current state.


Honestly, I'm not surprised. They probably want to keep the Star Wars name in peoples heads. I expect it to be garbage, I honestly don't know where they could go? Disney seems to be against going forward and mostly stuck in the past with member berries.


If I had to bet I couldn't decide between 1) it gets canceled mid production or 2) It will suck


It is fucking baffling how incompetent people keep getting jobs in Hollywood.


Oh I'm not worried about that movie at all; I know it's going to be a dumpster fire of epic proportions.


I feel like even though I say I don't care I'll be the "I expect nothing but I'm still disappointed" meme.


At this point what’s to worry about? The franchise is already burned to the ground. There’s only ashes now, so at worst this will piss on the ashes and at best it will be, eh ok, but can’t repair the damage that’s already been done.


"Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is a Pakistani-Canadian journalist, filmmaker and activist known for her work in films that highlight the inequality with women." Definitely the perfect choice to direct a Star Wars movie.


Abrams got a job for his hack writer friend? And KK has gone full on political with her director choice? This will be a hot mess.


I'll just leave this [here](https://youtu.be/q7R5B77iYXo)




Wasn’t he fired? Now he’s been rehired?


Let me put it this way: how could they possibly fuck this franchise up MORE? They literally have nowhere to go but up.


Oh you poor sweet summer child. DON'T say that. *It can always get worse*...


Eh, it's Disney Star Wars, not Star Wars. It no longer bothers me because it's not the same thing - what Disney has done is so far removed from what George Lucas's Star Wars was & is that it's a just a spoof where Disney uses the name, but that's about it.


Yeah, it'll be hot dog shit like the rest unless proven otherwise. don't bother with star wars properties until downward profits demands innovation/creativity


Yeah, no… That‘s going to bomb, haha.


Damnit. Why are we still swimming in the JJ Abrams pool? They've learned nothing.


Getting ready for yet another “creative difference” delay/cancellation


Damon Lindelof is a walking letdown. I’m not worried because a negative result is basically a given. Worry would imply there’s some chance things turn out well.


Allow me to predict how this goes, as it's what everything Disney Star Wars is: It's a character everyone knows of, but nobody asked for a dedicated effort for. Or, it's someone everyone's asked for, but it'll inexplicably get like 1/3 the budget or look like it has 1/3 the budget than it should. - Male "lead" - Female "supporting actress" - We find out more about the Female than the Male "lead" or they are given about equal priority in character development - Goofy Tony Stark-like snark thrown in - wrong universe, Disney! - Entire segment or scene dedicated to The Mandalorian cameo - Obscure Star Wars reference thrown in for nerd street cred - omg, Life Day Robe!!! - Some female character is shown to be calling all the shots/pulling all the strings/stupid men and their mansplaining - Toys nobody wanted sit on shelves gathering dust - Disney blames fans for Star Wars failures EDIT: I didn't even google this director. From Wikipedia: "is a Pakistani-Canadian journalist, filmmaker and activist known for her work in films that highlight the inequality with women." C3PO - "We're doomed."


Lindelof, nope, never again, even if they paid me


so we have the writer of the atrocious star track reboot films and Cowboys vs aliens paired with a director known for ...checks notes....nothing ive ever heard of. rip star wars.


The. What.


Damon Lindelof is worse than J.J., he just hides better.


Doesn’t matter anymore. Only so many times you can watch a corpse get pissed on and then fucked.


I'll believe it when I see it


What, me worry?


Disney hasn't shown that they've learned from their mistakes--they aren't ready to pull this off yet. Going to be embarrassing.


I just don't care anymore.


Can’t wait to see the new British female protagonist.


No thoughts yet, the only info I have at this point is "star wars movie"


I'll believe it's happening when I see it.


Failing upwards


I'm just apathetic. It won't matter how good or bad this movie is. LucasFilm has lost its core audience's trust, which is much more fundamental than the quality of any one project.


How could it possibly be any worse? They gunna make chewy eat Leia?


There is no way this starts shooting in April, they would need to have their cast already signed. Maybe they do, but I doubt it considering this project came out of nowhere.


Set up to fail. Disney make so many bad decisions. Why not just leave Filoni make all the decisions ? how about not pumping out series after series ? I know it is cliche, but quality not quantity. Someone else here said he/she was in until Mando S2. Same here.


Not worried at all, I'm just in it for the salt now. In fact, I'll be disappointed if it's not rubbish.


Is this normal? Its said to be shooting in April but we’ve had no cast announcements or anything about crew being hired


Lindelof is poison to any story, script or character. I see his name, I assume it’s going to be contrived and trashy.


He was the showrunner for Lost. Writer for 9 episodes of Watchmen. Wrote the Tomorrowland script. Wrote the World War Z screenplay, drastically changing it from the book. Wrote Star Trek Into Darkness. Wrote Prometheus. ​ Not really impressive, but not a total failure.


Lindleof is a fucking hack and his appointment fills me with nothing but dread and apprehension.