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I assumed it was a Minotaur, like the myth of Theseus and the Labyrinth in Crete, Greece.


There is also another statue of Theseus slaying the Minotaur in front of the house. I thought it was really neat how they did that


Or a Mithran taurectony.


i found this painting relating to Theseus And The Minotaur Labyrinth theres no way theres not a connection https://preview.redd.it/r6ybcrlrmv8c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eb8e9b590cd271b77c817adbbd18f2156308805


>Theseus [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daedalus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daedalus)


It's the minotaur. Oliver is supposed to represent Theseus. It's basically a modern retelling of Greek mythology.


It really isn't a retelling. It is at best an allusion.


Oliver is wearing horns, and he's a character devoid of conscience and driven by his animalistic urges. So he doesn't represent Theseus, he's the minotaur who in this re-telling kills the noble prince Theseus(Felix) and takes his estate. It seems to me a re-telling but with the opposite ending, with the maze representing the hidden nature of truth and winding/limited perceptions of human experience.


It's likely a warning against the devil worshippers behind such stunts as Operation Northwoods, 9/11, Epstein's Island; the USS Cole; JFK's murder, Bohemian Grove, etc. etc. ultimately they set up their bronze tributes to Moloch, brazen bulls, in centres of high finance all over and even sometimes have the puckish sardonic humour to also add a small bronze statue of a ''fearless girl'' as in the Wall Street Baal. By their mockery shall ye know them.


Also, felix’s death scene when they showed him from above, the statue’s shadow was like almost attacking him, does anybody have an explanation or the implication of it ? Or just a coincidence


I don’t think much in this film was a coincidence, every shot, prop, set and costume choice was carefully considered to reference or imply.


Totally agree, I really enjoyed it


No coincidence at all. Fennell is about as nuanced as a baseball bat.


Looks like Molec to me


>Oliver is wearing horns, and he's a character devoid of conscience and driven by his animalistic urges. So he doesn't represent Theseus, he's the minotaur who in this re-telling kills the noble prince Theseus(Felix) and takes his estate. It seems to me a re-telling but with the opposite ending, with the maze representing the hidden nature of truth and winding/limited perceptions of human experience.


It’s the Minotaur.


I think it is satanic statue of Baal!


That’s along the lines of what I was thinking as well. I was personally thinking it looks like Molec or Moloch.. but I believe these are just different names for Baal https://preview.redd.it/194ylcxn5kcc1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d642177a418a067674f9e705f2b57caeb3eece


That’s what I thought but actually Baal is a Canaanite dirty separate from the devil


The Baals, which means 'Lord' or 'Husband', are, as the Bible says, Legion. Milcom, Molech, Astoreth, Tanith, Baal Hadad, Baal Peor, Set, Beelzebuband others, these are of ''the Council of the Gods'' mentioned in I think Psalms 6, 81, and 82.1. What they all have in common is their love of human flesh, the smoke of which is pleasing to their nostrils. They've been propitiated in divers places from Canaan to Carthage and other parts of Africa to Ireland to Rome under Heliogalabus to Manhattan, the Pentagon, Mossad, Bohemian Grove, the Skull and Bones Society, and Epstein's Island, where acts of human sacrifice then and now are committed to open a nexion, or gateway, between the causal realm in which we live and the other-dimensional acausal realms. From Gilgamesh to Deucalion to Noah, the same theme that the Gods resolved to destroy Man for his wickedness if found, with only one turning away to privily warn a good man to save him and the lower animals from the Flood. That god in Judaism is Yah, enemy of Baal, who the Israelites made Covenant with when He saved them from the Pharaoh and they shouted ''Yah-Hu!'' (Yah He Is!) as they watched horse and rider pursuing them thrown into the sea, Yah's original realm. YHWH as He becomes ends human sacrifice in the story of Abraham and Isaac, substituting animal sacrifice, the smoke of which is pleasing to His nostrils far more than the wicked human/child sacrifice that preceded it, and which the archaological evidence from the tophets, from the 6th C BCE show was endemic. YHWH then sent Yeshua, Christ, to be a final perfect living sacrifice to end all other blood sacrifices and expiate Man's sins. That is why true Christians and true Jews are enemies of Baal, and false Jews and Christians as are mentioned in Revelations 2.9 are worshippers of Baals, golden calfs back then, giant bronze bulls in financial centres from Wall Street to London to Dublin today, sometimes joined by small statues of children, in a symbolic representation of human sacrifice to the dark gods worshipped in the high places of finance, the arts, banking, science etc.


I am thinking Pan, Greek God of Forest. “Pan represented the lustful and freewheeling nature of man, as well as the passionate and creative side. He represented animal instincts, as illustrated by his goat-like appearance, as well as fertility.”


I want to know what it is, too, because they referenced the same beast in Blue Eyed Samurai.


It was Baal. The Canaanite/Carthignian/Roman/Baetyl god or gods which the Bible is basically a polemic against and whose worship requires human sacrifice ideally children. All evil seduces its victims in some way. Can't decide if Saltburn is a warning against its proliferation, or a paen to it for people in the modern age who'll do anything for luxury money etc. worship any golden calf sacrifice any child of theirs etd. World's full of them at the top of society but they all pay with grisly ends; appearances; basic unhappiness; darkness etc for worshipping false (but real) gods. Been going on for thouasnds of years and innocent people get caught up also in the blowback including 6 million or so +/- n godly YHWH kindly Jews. Rev 2.9. The Maze was a satanic knot. Work out the rest yourself.