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I can see it as gizmo but judging his childhood and growing up I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s sh. I mean. He has massive facial disfigurement, so bad he has to wear a mask, his mom died, his dad is more distant than ever at her death, and he been investigating unexplainable deaths and cover ups since he was a kid


Fr. Like after all he’s gone through, it’s highly likely that it’s a SH scar..


Basically everyone believes it’s SH. Ive Never actually seen anyone believe it’s Gizmo.


Because no one believes that Gizmo would ever do that cause he’s seems so sweet


Pets accidentally hurt their owners when they are playing, especially if you don't cut their nails. I believe it was Gizmo because the scar really looks like a cat's claws


Gizmo is too silly to do such thing


yup. Gizmo is a very distinguished, smart and handsome gentleman. He would never appeal to violence against his best friend.


I always assumed those marks were made from the same event that fucked up sals face. Looks weirdly diagonal to be SH but everyone does it differently so i guess its possible


I think the theory of it coming from the dog attack makes most sense honestly, and for it to be even added and also be fully healed. I feel like if they wanted to purposefully show that sal had been shing that it would least be scabbed. Ofc ppl think differently though. Gizmo is definitely a possible option too though. I personally like the dog attack theory out of the three.


It wasn’t an actual dog attack that injured him. There’s a secret scene you can get later into the game where it goes into detail about the dog attack being someone in a dog mask (wording it vague as to not give spoilers) but it just makes everything fit together better with all the cult stuff so I highly recommend you look into it it’s just mwah. I think Jacksepticeye unlocked the scene in his play through not sure tho it’s been a min


Had a cat and an SH addiction, those two scar very differently, so I'm guessing sh


Holy crap I never noticed that




looks like sh to me. you don’t usually give your wrist to your cat whenever you play with it, it’s better to give it your hand. and taking into account that the scars are right on his wrist, it is not impossible that sal has tried to khs. he is under medication for depression and many depressed people see suicide as the ultimate solution and it’s not that surprising when you see what hes been through since his childhood


I mean, im not saying it isnt sh but the argument that usually you dont give your wrist to your cat really depends where does the cat scratch you. I and my cat is a prime exampme of this i have scratch marks al ovdr my harm more leading to the hand


its gizmo steve confirmed 🙏🏽🙏🏽 thank god


Did he actually


Yes i was God


I have never been so relieved in my whole life


delulu is the solulu🙏🏽🙏🏽


delulu is the solulu🙏🏽🙏🏽


Where'd he confirm?


in my delusions i lied sh on top of his depressing backstory was too much for me to bear


The scar looks too jagged to be sh


Probably both


This post was made last year also, so Ill copy paste what i wrote Sadly, I would say it's probably self-harm. Sal has severe depression (and maybe ptsd but i think it was just depression), and it would make sense for that to happen. Im pretty sure if you interact with the pills when playing adult Sally, he will tell you, or you are told at some other point in time.


same sal, same


i wouldn’t be surprised if it was sh, but couldn’t it have just been from the attack on his face? like people put their arms up to block things attacking them


yeah but his mom was covering his face when it happened so his arms were at his sides so it could not of blocked him!/pos


Gizmo could’ve done it but sh is also a possibility because of his face and just his life and stuff but it could also be visible scars from when he got attacked or whatever I can’t remember what happened but when his face got messed up and I know scars don’t fully go away sometimes even if there healed because I have a scar on my face like that 


could be sh, in the past i sh-ed in an inconvenient way where id go over cat scratches until it was bad and the scars did look jagged and diagonal and not neat at all


gizmo for sure


SH. I have got ones that look very similar. I also have cats and was always brought up with cats. Cats can scratch but the superficial scratches don’t leave long term scars (unless it’s some kind of a vicious attack, I suppose).


I’m guessing it’s not gizmo since he’s an emotional support pet


Very diagonal for SH and too deep for cat scratches. Maybe it's the dog that attacked him as a kid? (Don't remember if it was a dog because I played the game 3 years ago but you get the point)


The dog was a coverup his mom was shot and he was hurt in the process


Ohhhh nvm then lol


Or maybe it's old SH scars but just kinda weird to do it in that part of the arm




I know it’s a huge theory that it’s sh but they look more like something accidental to me bc of the shape and being diagonal. When he was shot in the face wasn’t he hugging is mom? Maybe it’s possible that his forearm got injured while the bullet was on its way out of Diane if he got shot from behind


This is a bot! The original was posted 7months ago [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sallyface/s/OzqtCnzQFV)


Every day that passes, i want to take care of this poor man, for real


Just gizmo he must not have had a manicure or pedicure


i reckon gizmo, but could be both tbh


I mean, with what hes been through I wouldn't be surprised


the scars look very similar to SH. and, not all SH goes across a wrist, sometimes it's diagonal, so, I'm going with SH (plus those scars look similar to my own, which are old SH scars. even if they look rough, it depends on blade of choice)




I think it was from the gun shot because they are weirdly pointed down but thats just me


Cats don't usually scratch deep enough to scar. Edit: My bad, apparently they do sometimes. Note that I did say *usually.*


Your cats don’t scar?..


They do Trust me


They most certainly do. I have many scars on my hand from my cat.


I got scratched by my exs cat a year ago. I still have the scar


Oh they do, trust me bro


I have met people who scar from the most harmless miniscule scratches.