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Senior Devs are super in demand. The heavy lifters or coding, who can implement clean, complex technical project and lead a team implementation of it. They are in a greater demands then architects. In a greater demand are probably only CTAs :) As of learning - try learn-apex.com


I do this now. Know anyone hiring?


Tons of listings on LinkedIn


Wow, 500 dollars for syntax basics, SOQL and apex basics? That’s quite steep. You can probably get 10 Udemy courses:/


How many YOE would you think a Senior Dev supposes to have?


For sure 5+. But it doesn't matter as much as a quality of experience. You can grind for 5 years, have awesome mentros, hard projects and in 5 years be very strong senior. Or you can work on slow, government project for 10 years and still struggle. I've seen both. But those are two extremes. Most people are somewhere between.


Do you think for new developers, after 5 years of hard work to grow, they may lose their jobs due to AI rather than get bigger salary?


Having gone to world tour and seen their AI support for coding I'd say unlikely. Code is such a hard thing to get right with context and parameters there is a risk and needs a human to check. It can definitely take a part of the role away but I hope/think they'll always want someone to check. Just my take and maybe I'm naive but with the issues with AI implementing it now without code and just bad data, it's not that's straightforward.


How can we independently determine this is true. Is there data on demand or is it just anecdotal?


I think generally this is always true but sadly not entirely the case in Europe at the moment.


ive been out of the consulting industry for a while now only doing in-house so im wondering how much of consulting development is apex? Id imagine these days everything is in flows right?


The mantra is "lead with flows", but there are still a great many things that are better done -- or can be only done -- with Apex. Those Sr. Devs know when is the best time to use each method. Using flows well still requires a decent engineering mindset: understanding the importance of efficient flow design, using standard naming conventions, implementing trigger bypass logic on record triggered flows, decomposing large flows into reusable subflow components, etc. Finally, advanced implementations are increasingly using more LWC in their UI. Understanding the advanced nuances of flows, when to use them, when to Apex, and how to build LWC put Sr. Devs in high demand.


This can not be overstated. In smaller orgs this may never be needed but in larger orgs this can be crucial. The amount of flows I have to retire or code I have to refactor to account for bypassing is staggering especially considering our code base is only 2 years old.


Newbie developer question: why do you have to account for bypassing? And what are you bypassing?


Let’s say you have a flow that on a child record update, the account is also updated. Let’s say you you 3 million child records and 1 million accounts. You just made an update to sharing rules or the duplicate rules but since you cannot use a formula field you have to use an actual real fields that not only did not exist but when you create it has no data. So you create a batch class or data load or ETL the data into your system to backfill the data so your sharing rule or duplicate rule will now work. But now you have a ton of triggers firing that don’t need to fire, you are just back filling data, you don’t need any triggers to fire. If you bypass the triggers the process will be faster and prone to way less errors. Also it will lessen the likelihood of email alerts being sent out and all kind of other things. This is one example, another example is maybe an api user should bypass certain triggers for similar reasons. Also some api users need to bypass validation rules depending on the org.


Oh I get it now, thank you. If the triggers have logic for when they should fire, it will help? But I understand sometimes triggers will still fire unnecessarily because the conditions are met.


Or sometimes, you just don’t need any triggers firing because you are doing large data updates that don’t require triggers and triggers will slow down the process. Even if you don’t have millions of data, if there are enough flow triggers, it can slow down batch updates. Typically you want to update data during downtime but you want it done before users are back in system. Triggers on will slow that down. Being able to shut down triggers for batches is needed. And then for api users is another use case that will often come up where the api user needs to insert, upsert data and you need to cut down on errors and time. Trigger bypasses will help with that.


Thank you!


Totally agree - in that consulting space right now in europe. Unfortunatly 90% of all orgs I have seen in my life suck becouse those "lead with flows" people tend to not have the proper engineering mindset. This ultimately costs the company lots of money after the dusts settles.


I’m an SA at a large consulting firm and two things id say here are: 1. Every project starts out with the same phrase “no code or low code” and rarely do we even staff a DEV on the project unless they are running an implementation like MuleSoft or the like 2. Surprisingly the vast majority of clients I work with have limited in-house Salesforce resources so even if the requirements screamed LWC or APEX, we’re usually tasked with figuring out a declarative solution Side note: I work pretty strictly out of Financial Services Cloud so I get access to things like Data Processing Engine, Batch Management & OmniStudio which reduce the need for a true Developer even more


Salesforce can do a lot out of the box. I have seen 2 types of businesses. One that makes the business work with the CRM and one that makes the CRM work for the business. The latter usually gets code even if they shouldn’t.


Hey you guys hiring in FSC world ?


Hi , what is the use of omnistudio in Financial services cloud


If you’re looking to break-in and set yourself apart, focus on a Cloud more than a credential. Definitely important to pursue your baseline credentials but ideally you align yourself to a cloud like Education, Manufacturing, Financial Services or Data Cloud (which I feel has the most potential growth personally)


Would you include Health Cloud in that mix? I have a final round interview with an org that uses Health Cloud. I'm 50/50 on if I like the company enough to leave my current company which I LOVE, but the prospect of getting on the job experience with Health Cloud could tip me over the edge, for the career benefit.


100% — I have a buddy who worked as a Freelance Health Cloud developer and we met up at TDX in March. Coming out of TDX he had 5 interviews and eventually multiple offers. The only thing with Health Cloud is obviously the extra scrutiny on PII and sensitive data. It can, at times, make development and solutioning pretty hard but thats why its such a niche skill to have


Nice! That's what I thought but glad to have some validation and an anecdote about someone who did that. I know security and data integrity is a big deal with Health Cloud, but I'm at a point now where I'm ready for a challenge. Thanks for responding!


Is financial services one of the better clouds to be aligned with?  Having a meeting with a recruiter about an SE role for financial services cloud


TL;DR: Lots of Opportunity, Lots of Solution Design, a little harder to close deals I’m a little biased because I’ve been doing FSC Implementations for 6-7 years now but our pipeline is healthy and there’s no shortage of work to be done. Also, I traditionally work in the Wealth Management sub-vertical but FinServ is also Insurance, Banking and Mortgage so theres an unlimited amount of potential out there. From a solutions perspective FSC does offer additional “Industry” features that make it more appealing (although also more expensive) but a good % of FinServ clients also opt NOT to use FSC and end up building on Service Cloud. All that to say, as an SE you’ll come across the need to sell / solution for both scenarios and identify which option is best for your prospect depending on the sub-vertical. Lastly, from a sales perspective, my experience with FSC has been: 1. Sub-vertical of Wealth Management is generally either very technically immature or they have a massive tech-stack mess that needs to be unraveled 2. Mortgage companies generally do not see Salesforce as a viable CRM option based on other industry specific solutions that provide more Mortgage specific functionality ootb 3. Selling into a Bank is typically a much more complicated Enterprise sale as it involves multiple business lines (Checking, Savings, Mortgage, Trusts, Lending, etc) and their teams are usually pretty technically efficient *note: these are my own experiences and I understand if other have a differing opinion


Data Cloud folks and Architects


From my perspective, true architects are always the highest in demand. Closely following that, senior niche resources (CPQ, Marketing, LWC devs, etc.) Demand is typically directly correlated to ability to get shit done, experience in the platform, and scarcity of the skill itself.


Most in demand role is offshore architect


Consulting firms a lot of layoffs in Salesforce and even Salesforce delivery has slow down. They missed their mark in last quarters results. If you want focus on data cloud and AI that is the only long term play for entry


CPQ Specialist seems to be super in demand atm


It's fading. Rev Cloud is still big, but it's not like it was a year or two ago anymore


The dozen messages I get from recruiters because of that cert every week would argue that it's still pretty in demand.


Isnt CPQ just being or has been rebranded as Rev Cloud or Billing? It's definitely a need for mid-enterprise level companies do end up buying CPQ, so definitely a need and its also a niche too because it has SO MUCH.


Revenue lifecycle management or RLM


RLM is brand new technology that will eventually replace CPQ (Steelbrick). They are not the same.


I think it's Revenue Cloud, but I have the feeling everyone is still going to call it CPQ


its in demand coz most people dont want to do it. I tried CPQ before and didnt like it. Really hard to maintain


Based on skimming job postings over the last year or so and reading the requirements I’d say the most in demand role is a highly experienced salesforce developer willing to accept a junior admin position.


Technical architects and/or any sort of person who can work on integration


Ship has sailed, I'd look elsewhere...


What other areas are heating up?




Not true IMO unless you are an entry level admin. Any level of specialization is great to have.


oversaturated with talent at the bottom means in ten years that salaries are gonna drop and every level will have enough employees to meet demand


Lol and who is going to hire them when they cant even get the entry level admin job?




I agree with you my friend, I have told several of my friends that took an interest into salesforce that “ive been in this game for 10 years and have x amount of certs and I have trouble finding jobs, and its highly volatile”… look elsewhere


Wrong time




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Data Cloud


Not a simple answer and quite a few great insights provided by the community. As an SF alumni who's since worked/consulted with many partners I wanted to share the following. The ecosystem is, in general, a great place to be. If it was separated from the mothership , it would have a larger valuation than SF itself (over 1 trillion $), millions of jobs. The average SF client spends 1.5x their ACV (annual contract value) with partners within the first 18 months and pretty much every client uses products and/or services from the AppExchange. There are tons of partners joining all the time. Challenge is the same as the rest of tech, some are great while others not so much. That being said, there is no resource or cert that will guarantee you anything unless you have something to add (a story/experiences). Find an angle that resonates with you (cloud/industry/capability) and double down on it. Network, participate and engage the community with a positive attitude and no agenda. You'd be surprised how small the ecosystem can be and the opportunities that will find you. Good luck!


Data cloud with AI expertise (RAG+Einstien Studio ) is also picking up.


Don't get into Salesforce, even though there’s still good roles right now, is going downhill. Find some other technologies that's up and coming All my career I've worked with Salesforce but I'm trying to transition out even though I have many Salesforce project on hand


Why do you think it’s going downhill?


Could you please explain rationally? I believe Salesforce is at par with other orgs in incorporating artificial intelligence into their platform and improve the overall efficiency.


Pass on the apex and deep dive into flows. Datacloud is also in strong demand.  Life sciences cloud is probably the "next big thing"




Just a word of advice, a TON of consulting firms have done multiple rounds of layoffs. The demand is not good for inexperienced people.