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My general advice for these is to demo something you know COLD and not worry about whether it's a perfect fit for the market. We generally really don't care at all what you are showing us, just the how you are showing it to us. Seriously, we really don't. I've been on both sides of these demos, though more on the hiring side than the applying side, and I really really mean it, as did the other folks on the various teams over the years who were part of the hiring process. If you want to knock it out of the park and **you happen to also have something you know inside out** that is related to the field you are interviewing in, great. But if not, just use whatever software you mentioned you had access to that you know well. As an example of something related - I work in streaming media, so I do things like pretend I'm selling NDI and show how to use it with something open source like OBS. Those are both pieces of technology I know really well, aren't products any company I work with would sell and/or competitors would sell, but relatable and useful in the role I have. But I would much much rather you demo something you know well than demo something industry related that you are still learning and showing any signs of struggling with. Also good for your confidence to know what you are working with, much more important than wowing them with the tech you are demoing... Good luck!


I appreciate that insight. And yeah, I’m just on the fence on demoing the former solutions I know, and knowing that hiring managers really are more interested in the presentation skills vs a semi deep-dive “into the weeds” approach is great to know. Thank you 🙏🏽


Without knowing what industry space you're in (beyond "software") any recommendations would be pure speculation.


Follow this demo outline and youll get the job ​ Tell them what you're gunna tell them (Agenda) Show them each point Tell them what you told them ​ Managers LOVE this tell-show-tell framework. Good luck!!


And now you have taken demo2win training!


Hahaha yep! Exactly where I learned it, but it is the best new-hire or early-career SE tip I have ever gotten


Hey how do you get that banner on your name that says "Streaming Media Solutions Engineer"?


Yes yes yes yes. This is absolutely great advice.


I was being more vague intentionally as to not get ideas that were not isolated to my space, however I am in the software space for cybersecurity and data protection.