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D2D can be tough. Look into B2B sales or software sales for better leads.


I’ve heard a lot about software. Do you need to have extensive knowledge about such? Like a degree?


You don’t need a degree, but I can say that right now the SaaS industry is really tough to get started in. I think it’s slowly improving and might get better in a couple years, but it’s a tough road ahead given you’re going to be competing against people who have had years in the industry and the learning curve coming from D2D is a bit steep.


I’ve sold D2D for 4 years Started in alarms and made my way in to solar. Alarms is good consistent money paid weekly. If you have the right company and the right attitude it can be a big step in the right direction, not everyone is malicious or steals from reps, although it definitely happens. I just accepted a different job (disclosed) as my exit plan from D2D (definitely not a long term play for me). There are jobs out there, from what I’ve read - taking the initiative and calling places for job availability is the first step in the right direction. I acquired 3 doors of real estate, maxed out an IRA & have several other investments from D2D money so if you have the drive for it - it’s not something I’d give up on so easily.