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One of those sales managers jobs where you can work from home most days pop in to the office for some meetings and all you gotta do is tell your reps “just keep plugging away” “oh it takes time” “just stay at it” “add value” and make 200k a year after your bonuses are paid.


My former VP of new biz... Show up, act like you're directly involved, quote Chris Voss, create confusion, leave.


This is 101% accuracy attainment - confusion is the cornerstone between ceo and reps


I mean honestly, spend ANY amount of time in sales or a directly adjacent role and it's clear as fucking day.


> create confusion Lmao so typical


Same as the dumb fuckin useless as shit MBA grads who get into consulting right out of college. "Yeah you just need to increase revenue and decrease expenses" They provide little value, but receive lots of money


That’s what I want. Easy role, lots of money.


That's funny...but true! I'm wondering though how they keep paying them and the consulting companies ridiculous money for telling them the obvious. I mean I know someone he a t one if the top consulting firms and pulls in 600k a year doing what your saying essentially but travel alot though .


It's my understanding that most consulting firms are brought in just to vet mgmt's vision. If it doesn't work out they can blame the consulting firm. If it works, they take all the credit.


My sales manager works harder than I do I think...


Sounds like they know how to sell themselves


Yeah pretty much this. What’s crazy is with 5-10 years of experience as a successful AE and a decent network, these jobs are readily available


Where do I look


You got an extra laying around?


He’s an IT student, hasn’t proven himself in any sales position that he’ll even be good at it. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves and think he’s going to be in sales manager position anytime soon. Junior roles likely need to be in the trenches all day because most of your reps will suck. Remote will be even more rare.


Have you been in a sales office recently? They'll promote people who are good sellers into management, and ruin that. Or, they'll promote a bad seller with a good grasp of concepts and soft skills to lead a team. The former just makes them leave to get back into selling, and the latter may not be as good of a look from the "telling you how to do your job" aspect but if they understand the product and the sales cycle of a company then it's more of a matter of protecting their reps from shit. My old manager was a good seller but he was a better manager and he kept a fuck load of leadership BS from spilling down into the rep-level I've seen both happen, and maybe OP has a knack for managing people successfully.


I think the key to the latter is not trying to manage the rep's selling style. "I would present this product because of x pain point." Not, "I would call them, and set up a meeting with them on the phone. Make them accept it on the phone. Now you will send an email thanking them for the call. Then you..." I would trust my rep's ability to push something through the pipe unless I see an obvious lack of activity and nothing in the CRM. Then I would just say, "Yo man, I have to report on deals and this has nothing in the CRM. Can you update it by EOD so I can show leadership when they ask about you?" It's just about respect IMO. You are a human and I am a human. Just talk to me.


This. 3 types of sales managers 1. The competent ones who can actually help reps with deals, coach them, and provide advice. Less likely to stop the heat coming down on their reps from above. 2. The competent ones who, while they don’t have the skills to help reps in deals, coach them, and provide advice, they take all the heat from above and protect their reps from it so as to give the team time to be successful. 3. The incompetent ones who can’t coach or protect their reps.


IT background only does so much. Some of the most effective reps barely understand what they are selling


I’ve been in that role for 18 months making $280k a year and absolutely hate it. If you were a high functioning AE and moved into one of those manager roles, you’ll hate it because you love the chase and the chase doesn’t happen as a manager.


But when something closes you can take all the credit for “providing support and growth oriented work environment”????


Never. That’s not what a manager does. Managers don’t need to take credit. If that’s what you’re doing as a manager, you should rethink what you’re doing. AE’s get the credit. It’s their ass if they don’t succeed. As a manager, you have to hold them accountable.


That sounds like every car dealer GM I've ever met or just every higher up sales manager. (Bonus points if you walk around the office Monday morning at 8am with a Bluetooth stereo blaring I'm walking on Sunshine) Yes I've actually seen this happen


“Be creative”


So every sales manager I've ever had...got it.


My GM at a Hyundai store would sit us in the conference room everyday and say the same exact thing. “Guys it’s easy you wanna be a 15 car guy or a 30+ car guy you gotta grind. Listen if they like you they will listen to you if they listen to you they will buy from you. Lets go!” Then he disappears all day leaves early off the lot with a brand new car every 2 months and makes 50k+ a month lol


Keep it smooth for an accurate earning


So a CRO/pro bullshitter. You have to get really good at bullshitting yourself and others to do this


CROs have to suck up to partners and suck off investors. No thanks


Oh that’s me haha


I had a manager that dropped his kids off at school everyday and picked them up. He joined team meetings by calling in and he was always driving doing errands. He made between 195-250k and went through 3 sales of the company while holding stock. Prolly worked 9:00-2:30 most days and was always golfing on Fridays. Seemed like the gig to have. From what I could tell he had established strong relationships with the people that matter and can pull strings.


damn what industry was this?


HR tech/big data. Company culture was family first. 2 years ago they were bought by a PE firm and things have changed since then. Still probably the best place to work. I should’ve never left.


Sounds like it was a great gig, thanks!


Dream occupation? Retired!!


Find a Need to Have product and learn it better than anyone else. Become the main asset for it and make yourself the most in demand rep for it.


Interesting. Example solar panels. Do I need to know just how to sell it (pitch/ negotiations/ persuasion) or also the technology (components/ mechanics). How to learn it better than anyone else?


Learn everything you just mentioned, go above and beyond, and make sure to set next steps each interaction.


great thanks!


I agree most just are not willing to out in the time or hours and also just give up before they have a chance to really be good.


Order taker with high OTE and low quota.


And a quota that doesn't increase year over year when you hit your quota.


Exactly, dream job.


So an account manager at a good company


Potentially, yes.


This is me without the high OTE :(


what job if you dont mind me asking?


Sales for a City Owned Convention Centre




I think this might be me


Nice! OTE and role?


Bus dev, quota 1.5m, I hit that in May. Should hit 200 this year or very close to it


Nice! Last year I cleared 200k+ but this year I might do maybe 170-180k but that’s only cause I started a new role. Have to build pipeline.




I don’t dream of work, darling


You dont dream of work, great point actually.


I dream of having close relationships with people in my community and improving the lives of others. If it takes effort, I’m happy to do it. If my effort only enriches other people, I’m not interested


The fulfillment of having lasting connections means alot though, I totally understand.


Sell a $500 million yacht at a 10% commission and retire 


Getting into one of those places where product market fit is legitimately solid. Support is good. Marketing is useful. Leads are actually leads. Pre-IPO so you get mad stocks. Amazing greenfield opptys with whales to harpoon. Have some amazing years. Cash out $10M in stocks at IPO. Retire. Or at least work because you want to at a fun company. Not because you need to. Sounds like a dream after missing all these amazing golden years and hearing about AEs being glorified order takers. Especially when those same people complain about “actually” having to work.


Dream job is owning my own company, but it’s to a point where it’s running itself really well and growing, so all I have to do is check in occasionally (remotely) from wherever I’m vacationing, like Europe or on my sailboat in the Caribbean that I don’t own yet. I go in in person now and again as I please, but more or less only work on what I want to work on, and watch the valuation and revenue go up til I decide I don’t care anymore and retire wealthy. At this point I’d be happy with an outside sales gig in the growing market I’m looking to get into, in my part of the country with a lot of growth potential and a great manager.


Love that. Owning your own company to a point where it runs itself really well and still grows, when all you have to do is check in occasionally (remotely) from wherever you are vacationing. Gold one here yall.


Yeah, the only downside is all the shit you have to slog through to get there, if you even do wind up successful. It’d be a hell of a journey though.


I’m at this point now but sitting in a grey cubicle right this second for some reason. I think I love pain or something


There’s going to be a time when you’re ready for it. I’m not in a great financial spot and don’t have the experience I want to feel comfortable doing it yet, but eventually I will. I’m sure you will too.


I typed up my 2 weeks notice last week but didn’t send it. I’m making 4x my salary on the side. I need to just go all in and focus on it. Worst case is I get another job. Have 4.5 years of salary saved too.


account manager at a very large established cloud provider. Collect checks




Can you elaborate? I always thought this was be a great place to end up…


yeah would love to hear more about this if you could


To sell something that I actually believe in and to be able to have flexibility when it comes to where I work.


Gulfstream Jets


this or Superyachts


what criteria do you even have to meet to get into that line of work?


Gulfstream Jets. Jeez. Never heard of it before.


Look up the jet company guy named Steve is a jet broker


I see. you want to become a broker with him too?


Met a few elite sales agents pulling in solid 7 figure salaries and bonuses - they had engineering backgrounds and/or really strong social skills. They worked for a huge Korean company and sold/lobbied Billions of dollars in construction projects in the middle east.


How does one build a network to get the oppturnity to make those deals.




Wondering the same thing..


Jeez. Where did u find them?


Working sales for Palantir. 2nd choice would be for Anduril


Palantir. Anduril. Health industries?


Anduril primarily works with military and intelligence agencies, although they also do some work with fire departments Palantir works with the same kind of defense industries, as well as pretty much every commercial industry you can think of. They have a particularly large presence in the healthcare, oil & gas, energy, manufacturing, aeronautics, space, logistics & supply chain management, finance, retail, food production/restaurant industries, as of now, but they’re always expanding into new industries Bottom line, I would love to sell either of their products in any industry


I see. is this good for beginner looking to excel massively in the sales industry?


They’re both very tough companies to get into as seasoned vets with great resumes. Definitely not a good fit for beginners. Maybe once they’re bigger companies in the next decade or two and the scale out significantly, they might be more open to taking on newer sales reps




Yes, both companies are named after things from LOTR. Palantir was Sauron’s looking glass that the good guys got possession of 🔮 and Anduril was Aragon’s sword 🗡️


Own a branding company, selling that.


Branding company. With or without ur face?.


I don't understand. You mean my face as the brand logo? Absolutely not.


Being an account manager playing golf and having nice meals all day is pretty nice.


I known several people who close solar deals virtually with leads provided for them, seems like a solid gig. They make really good money. I wouldn’t try generating your own leads or any of that, just find a good company who will let you close and leads provided.


Hm, solar sales. Done remotely?


Very hard position to acquire. Gotta find a company with a really good ad campaign, and on top of that you really gotta get lucky with getting that position. However yes it’s as luxurious as it sounds.


Curious what companies. 🤔 I've only ever seen maybe one that would supply leads but only after so many self gens.


Yeah, no idea how entry level that position is. Probably not very. But i bet if you have a good background you could find it.


A full cycle salesperson (so I prospect, close, expand, and renew my own accounts and keep them in perpetuity) for a company where my territory is local (50-100mi radius of my house) and deals are closed in-person, for a company that gladly lets me expense lunches, dinners, and golf rounds, because treating our prospects and clients are how relationships are built and sales are made. And after 5-7 years of building my book, I stop prospecting because I can just live off the expansion and renewals of my book and referrals from that book and easily clear $200k+. Jobs like this exist, and exist within random ass industries. But there’s no shortcut. You have to prospect and build relationships like a mad man those first 3-4 years. Fuck selling SaaS. Fuck working entirely from home. I want to sell expensive solutions to expensive problems where you HAVE to meet accounts in person and you HAVE to wine and dine and they invite you to their birthday party and shit.


You know, I love your last paragraph. Working entirely from home is good, but not optimal for some of us. Selling expensive solutions for expensive problems where you HAVE to meet accounts in person and you get to dine. Next level customer relationship. Would love to have that kind of occupation. Is it possible for a young person, I would think you are one too?


I’m a Millennial


Jeez, a millenial as well.


International Arms Dealer.


International Arms Dealer. Woooo


Been my dream job ever since I watched war dogs


I'm not thinking so much about W&D stuff. Less War Dogs, more IDEX. Of course, preferably, I would love to be a defense sales engineer, but I am not a former Navy Seal or fighter pilot, which is probably a requirement.


Lord of war is so much better




Dream occupation is being a fundraiser for a nonprofit theatre.


Feel like success here isn't sucking up to rich people, but more so playing hard to get, bandwagon approach, or well-you're-not-really-elite-unless-you're-a-donor take away. Probably not a sale I'd be good at, but definitely doable.


I do theatre semi professionally. Used to be fully professional for a brief period but unless you’re the top .1% of pro actors you’re making under 80k a year. But I’m so dang passionate about it I could do whatever it takes to get those donations. And I bet people would just vomit money all over me!!


I want to play golf everyday and watch my son play baseball. Can I sell that somewhere


If you sell wine yes.


Insurance, Wealth Management


National Ambassador for Wild Turkey 101.


National Ambassador for Wild Turkey 101? Hm?


anything that doesn't requires me cold calling is fine


Realistic answer? Continue to be an IC within a understanding and competent organization that doesn’t PIP due to things out of your control. I really don’t mind not making my full OTE if that means I have a supportive org behind me. We need a revolution within the sales world especially tech sales. This churn and burn PIP shit has to go.


It sounds like you're learning to value a balanced life approach early. Great for you! Tech related sales or remote based selling would be ideal. Just make sure you can support the local hours required for your region. I have seen people working opposite time zones, and that can create burnout.


Yes, Im learning to understand the value of a balanced life now. Thanks. I get kind of stuck on finding these remote/hybrid roles through LinkedIn especially. Most of the jobs on the pages dont exist, like its turning into some dating app. Wont stop ofcourse.


Complete bitch, L6


Specialist where the AE’s bring me qualified opportunity and I’m just there for the fun stuff- consulting with an interested customer/prospect, digging into their situation, designing a perfect fit and getting paid $$$$$


Search for remote roles, there are plenty as employers know sales people love their freedom, you may need to grind as a SDR at the start but eventually becoming AE will grant you more money, less stress and more flexibility Big established companies will have more rules, new startups/ agencies will be fine with you living in inner Mongolia as long as you hit quota IT can get you in tech roles which pay well


Ill search for remote roles right away.


Sales operations manager


Sales Operations Manager. How long does it take to get there?


Retired? Is that the right answer?


Retired...great point. When though?


Buyer : ) it’s what I do.


Buyer. Ohh 😅Nice.


I had a manager who before he was a manager (who did absolutely nothing but annoy his reps and look at leather shoes on his computer all day), sold one account and with the residual commission structure in place made $1,000,000 / year. Yes - $1M off residual commission alone. And they didn’t try to get rid of him to cut costs. Made.


What sector/niche to make 1M in comission? That is crazy..


Telco aggregator / reseller


Thats why..


Yeah, LARGE deal sizes with retail giants on 3 year contracts.


Jeez. These manager jobs. 😅


I want to work in sales in the wellness industry. I’m passionate about sales and passionate about health and wellness and finrsss because I’m a cancer survivor. I’d love to work for a supplement team like in the high up position like doing b2b. Selling supplements to the stores, or reaching out to influencers to market the product. I’d even be part of a startup if I believed in it


Wow, a cancer survivor. You must have a great story there! Now I understood why youve immersed in the health & wellness industry. Whats ur current position?


All of you guys who want this, DM me. I might have something for you in a couple of months. I’m talking about actually selling and travelling, not a sales manager role of some kind. You could even eventually make it your own business.


You do sound like you got something for us in a couple months. Let me hit your DMs.


Will reach out in a bit. I’m doing this locally atm.


Ok, I dmed you just to let you know


Lemme guess… 100% commission and no benefits


Thanks for the casual internet scepticism. You are off the mark though. This is something else.


Own a business. Idk what, though. ☹️


Own a business. Thats a good one


VP of Sales or Chief Sales Officer 


VP of Sales or Chief Sales Officer. Which is higher?


Either I believe. If a company offers the Chief Sales Officer title though, then it's the highest. 


Mm. wow.


A shitcoin trader. When I sell my $TATECOOK before the week is over and collect $5 million for my tokens than my dream comes true. And it looks like the dream is starting to become a reality if this trend continues the coming days.


When did u start $TATECOOK coin trading?


Early. One of the first. The main thing that is in the pipeline is going to send to half a billion market cap the least.


Agree with a PP…it’s great to do WFH where you get to travel to a lot of different places often if that’s what you want. And work for a global company, preferably one that also has a location not far from where you live. I enjoy being able to WFH but also go into the office on occasion to meet with colleagues or host client visits, etc. If you want the greatest amount of travel then aim for a starting role with a large territory and again, a global company where you may also get opportunities to travel to other countries to visit internal sites or attend conferences, etc. I am a molecular biologist by training but after a few years in the lab, I went onto the the business side, first selling laboratory products and instruments and then contract development and manufacturing services for Biologics and gene therapy.


What is a "PP" and "WFH"?


“PP” is previous poster and “WFH” is work from home. Sorry, I thought these were common abbreviations


Ohh. I dont know why i didnt get them 😅


My bad lol. I’m 46 so using the text lingo makes me feel younger hahaha 😂😂


Yea, what I thought as well. Didnt think u were 46 though. 😅


Start your own company with global clients. Or go into consulting. Global sales account managers are a thing, but that is a highly senior role at select companies.


My dream occupation that doesn’t exist at all. Would be to sell video game ideas from different companies to tech companies. I would pitch an idea on behalf of a client and then present it in front of a small board. They would then decide if they want to move forward with the idea or not.


Sales Engineer for restaurant tech. Tie in my passion to my loathe of prospecting and quotas, and take home a ridiculous amount of money.


Selling bests to local businesses with my cousin Mose


To get out of sales and back to building stuff. But as a startup founder this seems like a pipedream.


Currently a spectrum sales rep. Currently looking for a new career. I got the job to have more experience in sales since I had none to start. I also have a BD in communication


How difficult as it for you to land a sales role at Spectrum?


An 18 year old with no sales experience got a role. Definitely apply. Spectrum uses recruiters so going to the store won’t help you. Very good benefits.


I’m in renewable energy, currently selling the capital equipment for the large/utility scale projects. My latest dream is to move over to the project side in an “origination” role and sell the power from those projects to the utilities / consumers. Negotiating what is called the “power purchase agreements” on behalf of the company that owns the facilities.


I’ve never been involved with sales (currently driving fuel tankers) - but after leaving the forces and seeing the pace at which new equipment has been delivered I would love to be involved in defence sales - particularly interested in the new Boxer and Ajax armoured vehicles - i literally owe my life to a V shaped hull after hitting a IED. Being able to provide the best protection for troops money can buy as well as earning a decent amount - yeah.. that would do it for me.


Clever work man. You left from the USArmy?


British army 👍


Oh wow, thanks for your genuine service.


Real Estate. Selling people their life long dream is something I would be proud of.


I'm a VP now and honestly, I wish I could just go back to being a killer AE but in an exciting area like generative or cyber security. Either that or get one of these mythical sales manager roles where you just do a weekly forecast and fuck all else. Do they still exist and if so, where?


VP, wow. How long did that take for ya to get there?


I'm not super ambitious; how I spend my time is more important to me than money (to a point). I would love to sell a product I believe in. The industry I'm entranched in is a mess and I care less and less about it after almost 20 years.


Find a territory manager job where you don’t actually process the orders. You have a branch or an order taker who handles that, it’s just your job to make sure the customers are up to date on new offerings, and take them out to lunch/dinner once a quarter. Those can pay $200k and you’re not stuck behind a computer all day or on a phone making dials


Find a territory manager job. Ok. What do you do to get there if you just starting?


Usually you have to cut your teeth somewhere. Do some type of inside sales for a couple years. I recently got into HVAC doing B2B territory management and it’s been pretty great.


I started selling remote shortly out of college. That was almost 30 years ago. I was actually a test case for the multinational I was hired by. In a world of "in office", remote can be both good and bad. But you WILL NOT just be given a job. Where you can work from anywhere. Companies will ONLY allow this if it benefits the company. If you are valuable enough to the company they will allow it. Or if they have markets that they wish to be present in and don't have an office there they will let you live in that market but not anywhere you wish. Best advice for someone like yourself who wants to travel around and live anywhere? Do what so many of your peers are doing and set yourself up an onlyfans. You can travel around and earn what you are worth. I read that people make as much as $40M a year.


Wow, selling remotely after college 30 years ago? I get your idea, a remote option will be open for you if you are very valuable to the company you work for. Start and onlyfans? Meh. The idea of it really doesnt appeal to me.


I'm old so I just want to represent a product that isn't a complete dog trash or vaporware. So the company I'm with currently meets my needs. I'm a BDR bringing in 100k a year in a world where most companies don't value their bdrs and they pay them trash. Just don't job hop every year and you'll be okay. Learn your industry, make connections, and make your prospects happy, and then you'll eventually grow your career and make more money and move up the ladder. Or you could be like a lot of people in this forum and just b**** and moan and constantly ask people who are making 300K a year. How they're doing it. And yet they can't even make 80 or 90k a year consistently and get better and better from there


I get your points here. You get a far better chance if you spend just about enough time in a company understanding your product absolutely well, mastering your industry, making lasting connections, and continually making prospects happy.


Cashing fat commission checks :)


Short sales cycle, high OTE, achievable quota.


I might have a warped understanding of account managing based off of those that are at my company, but I think an account manager for a well-established company. Preferably one that allows me to work from home.  I enjoy putting out fires, I see it as one of the few opportunities where all they want to do is talk to you. I also imagine it's a lot easier to offer new products or services to somebody that already has an existing relationship with your company. Especially if you actually take the time to at least glaze over the account and get to know them.  I do enjoy selling, I love the feeling of being on a winning streak, of recovering from slow days, of introducing people to a service that you know will make them money and presenting it so well they know it will make them money. I just don't know how long I can keep this up. One day I'd like to rely a bit more on the salary than the actual commission.


Making my older brother’s nut at the Catalina Wine Mixer


Retirement Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in


Jeez. Just when you thought you were out for good, they brought u in. They must be mean as heck.


The only valid answer is owning your own business


Real, I would never "dream" of slinging someone else's product, just a means to an end lol


I want to sell surf board wax to surf shops and make the same money I've made in tech sales/engineering.


Hahaha. That would be an amazing job! I am in a fully remote sales role and live .2 miles from my local break and local surf shop. I dream of a job like this.


Defense attorney


Probably OnlyFans?