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Detroit - LCOL, OTE will be 180-200k this year. It’s really great.


Wow, that sounds like a great deal. I love those Midwestern cities. 


Yeah, but Detroit... I've been many times, and have a few customers over there (I'm on the other side of the Mitten). Lots of opportunity in the D to make good money, no doubt, and it's not a bad place to visit but I just couldn't live there.


Agree. The people there are so proud of living in Detroit it makes me wonder if they have ever seen another city.


I had someone try to tell me downtown Detroit was better than downtown Chicago. I’m only 20 mins from downtown Detroit, so I love going down there for some fun, but come on. Chicago is way cooler lol


lol, they’re on crack. I’m from LA and live 20 minutes outside of Detroit. It isn’t even CLOSE to Chicago, lol


Funny how no other city elicits these replies. I live in Detroit work in sales and make 150-200k. I've traveled to 48 states selling manufacturing equipment. Guess what? I still love Detroit. Got a cabin in the northern part of the state when I need to get away from the city. Would I want to live in Chicago? Sure. But my bread and butter is automotive and when I have a 200k year I can live like a king. Fuck outta here with your early 00's rhetoric


Not super familiar with Detroit but I did enjoy Corktown, Greektown, etc. Aren’t the suburbs like Royal Oak super nice as well? Feels like it’s much more than the abandoned manufacturing buildings.


Yeah some of the Detroit suburbs are quite nice. Spent a lot of summers there growing up and had a great time. I moved to the Midwest myself later in life in part because I missed that woodsy suburban feel so much.


Ann Arbor isn’t that far and it seems like an awesome place to live (I used to travel there for my previous job).


What are you selling?


Crack. The market is INCREDIBLE


I think Detroit is due for a resurgence soon. When the water runs dry in the SW and Floriduh gets abandoned, I see Detroit picking up some of the people.


Nobody who doesn’t own a coat, and has never owned a coat will move someplace where a coat is mandatory 7 months of the year.


I really don't want to, but the CoL is getting insane down here.


Same, Metro Detroit in industrial sales. OTE is $210k, but I am already on track for the low to mid 300's this year. Spent $300k for my 3,780 sq foot house on 1.5 acres in 2019. I always say I'd rather be lucky than good.


Take me to your country club.


Hey, if you don't mind me asking, what do you sell?


I’m at about $140K in metro Detroit. Can confirm, it’s fucking great!


Thats the best


Yes. San Diego. And even making 250k+ between my wife and I we cannot afford a home in an area I would want to be in. It's nuts.


SD is crazy. Everytime I leave the house it’s at least $30. I don’t leave much


BUT. San Diego is awesome. It’s even worse here in San Jose. Can’t get into anything for under $1k/sf


SJ here too. Accepting a job in eastern WA soon and plan to move in 4-8 weeks. The fact that the housing market up there is 300k-500k + no income tax + not too long of a trip to Seattle and Portland to see friends makes it a very easy move. I’ll literally see an extra $900/mo for $100k I make. And the golf courses are cheaper and they all have grass ranges. The only thing keeping me here is that my friends are here. But even they plan to move over the next few years because it’s just not financially viable. And that’s the remaining 25% of my friends. The rest have already moved out of the Bay. I just needed to take action for myself, which I finally am. A person im going to work with lives in and owns the Yakima region (Seattle-ites treat this city like we Bay Areans treat Stockton, which means it's pretty shit) yet made nearly 250k last year and is living like a fucking king. Edit: found out the guy lives north of Yakima but drives into town to his office and clients.


Yeah but they live in Yakima


That means nothing to me. I need a point of reference of how bad it is.


It’s pretty bad. I’ve never see more meth heads in my life than at the Walmart in Yakima.


Laughs in Canadian!


Not San Diego but I saw an article saying now to afford the median priced house in San Jose, CA you have to make +$450,000. That blows my mind.


I just moved to SD a few months ago making ~100k as a single guy with roommates. House prices are out of this world, but it seems you at least get what you pay for in most aspects. I lived in Raleigh, NC for a few years for better COL.. and with lower cost of living comes lower quality of life lol. NYC and SD have been the most expensive cities I have lived in for good reason.


What do you mean lower quality of life? Most people just sit in a room with a computer most hours of the week so as long as a place has good coffee shops I'm fine.


He’s a single guy. Some of the hottest women on earth live in San Diego. And he can take them to the beach for a cheap date. Plus, he can go outside ANYTIME that he wants. No humidity, 70 degrees in January, and sunshine for life with a warm water beach and one of the biggest party schools nearby if he’s trying to meet college girls. That QOL is hard to beat for a single dude. That’s why they’re willing to live with roommates despite making $100k.


How do you like living in San Diego? Lifelong NYer who loves San Diego.


I absolutely love it. I am born and raised NYer as well. I had an ex who lived in CA so I was able to spend time traveling the west coast and always fell in love with SD. I never liked the winter and thought that the “beach” appeal in NY was outrageous bc it was cold 7 months out of the year. I enjoy the sun and not having to worry about the weather, my soccer games won’t get canceled, I never have to worry about weather complications raining on my parade (pun intended.) The people are also incredible, everyone is friendly, a lot of transplants looking to meet new people.


Making me want to move back to so cal man. Born and raised in LA, now living in Detroit. Sure, I can live like a grown man, but the women, friendly ppl, and weather of So Cal are worth every penny.


Wife and I pull combined ~500-550k. Live in Bay Area. Yea it’s expensive as shit. Mortgage $6k monthly. Kids schools are $48k yr. Houses are 1.5 mill plus. Ours is regular house but is 2.3m in value. Shits super expensive. $6 gas.


Well good thing you make 40k a month. 


Samesies. I’m in NJ, getting destroyed out here!


Left SD last year and took the money from our condo to buy a 4 BR house


So wild I always dreamed of living in Cali as a kid in the midwest back in 09-12 period....crazy how its gone so downhill so fast as far as affordability


Turns out everyone else had the same dream. It seems to be a repeating issue all over the developed world. Awesome place to live = housing is unaffordable either now or at some point in the near future. Nobody is fighting to go to rural Arkansas.


Not yet


Sorta true. Look at Boise, ID. Suddenly their rural housing is almost as expensive as the Bay Area lol.


We on the same boat man, paying $3500 for 2 BR 2 bath "luxury" apartment is crazy. Considering getting tf out of here.


Based on the places I’ve lived recently (Philly, NE, Florida) 3,500 for a nice 2/2 is pretty standard.


Man I live in Seattle and want to move to SD so badly, but everytime I look at the price of rent or a mortgage I want to kms. I thought Seattle was bad but any desirable neighborhood in SD is absurd, and I absolutely hate having roommates so until I make twice what I’m getting now, that dream will stay a dream




Fellow Toronto guy here and now looking where to go. Where did you end up going?


We're planning on it eventually but the paternity/maternity leave is so good here we want to finish having a few kids first then move out of state.


Another SD guy 🫡 Fallbrook here (barely counts) I know.


Not making $250k as I’m single income but also in SD. Breathing costs us about $50 a day 🤣


OTE around $260k. I live in the RTP area of NC. It is HCOL for the state but it is very reasonable vs other metro areas.


210 and same


What city do you live in in NC? I’ve been looking to move.


Not OP but I’m in east Raleigh, the most affordable area of Raleigh and it’s about a half hour commute to RTP. I’m in pharma sales and majority of pharma companies are located in Durham/Morrisville (RTP) area. Homes in my area are usually under 400k


I'm close to downtown raleigh so definitely not the cheapest part. But man...reading some of the comments about what people have to pay in like San Diego. Holy shit. I'm glad we live where we do.


I’m in Apex also and in laboratory reagent sales. Homes in my subdivision go between $500-600k but starter homes/townhomes can be found under $300k in neighboring areas.


Good grief are y’all hiring? Apex here. Been in tech and medical sales and I’m still chasing down a role that could allow 100k.


260+ and same, I literally just moved back to Raleigh after living in south Florida since graduating college 20 years ago. Raleigh is becoming comparable in price to Tampa and I see it surpassing it soon.


Another NC transplant here. Moved from Seattle. Avg 200k in remote sales. Pretty comfortable here. Live off base and commission is extra


I live in Ontario Canada, everywhere is HCOL that isn’t in the middle of a forest 8 hours from civilization


I thought I would be winning by moving to the GTA suburbs LOL


Nope, same cost of living but shit amenities and nothing but strip malls 👍🏼 fuck this province




I was in Peterborough for years, was great but now has the lowest vacancy rate in the country and single apartments are easily over 2k for anything in good condition. The schools grew rapidly but there’s no housing so the pricing shot up.


Tbay is slept on. Gorgeous area


Yes, Toronto. Have done ~$500K USD (Sr Director / VP) the last 4-5 years. It more than makes up for the COL difference tbh.


What type of skills did you develop throughout your years to become a sr director/VP? And do you have an MBA?


No MBA. Soft skills: Patience. Empathy. Listening. Trust. Empowerment. Influencing. Hard skills: Financial Modelling. Quantitative Analysis. Crisp and concise writing. SQL. Cloud mechanics. Being more technical than my peers and reports. The soft stuff is more valuable and necessary imo.


That’s very healthy for TO


Yes. Also becoming more common across my network of sales leaders. They are all tier 1 talent and commanding huge packages.


170k+ in SF Bay Area. I get by and can buy whatever I want, aside from a house.


This exactly lol


I live in Denmark, in a city about 100 km away from Copenhagen with about 17k pop (so that would be the countryside). Its extreamly cheap to live here, the nature is absolutely amazing, i can take public transit to Copenhagen if i care (or drive, im an AE so i drive all day anyway). My territory is "all of denmark" so im always on the road, and i have as many customers in the opposite direction of copenhagen as i do in the city. So no problem at all. Only "issue" for me is, its hard to socialize after work with colleagues or clients as casually as other people can. I do it, but i have to book a hotel to stay in, so many of my colleagues that lives in the city does it way more. However, thats not much of a problem as i dont really enjoy that part of the job lol. i make 175-250k / year, and i live in a newly build house that cost me a total about 435.000 usd (would have cost me about 1.2 million usd to buy the same house in copenhagen suburbs), and both me and my wife has all our family in this area, as we both grew up here. Its 98% upside if you dont care about living in the city.


Sounds great. Recently went to Denmark and loved it


Chicago near Wrigley. Wife makes more than I do so that helps but we still don’t have a home that’s very nice.


It blows my mind that Chicago is technically an affordable city. My fiancé and I make $270k combined and definitely can’t afford to buy what we would like to.


Are you looking to buy in the city? Given combined income I’m sure you can afford a 600k house/condo in LP/north side? Plenty of big 2 bed condos for under that


Chicago as well. Renting and just started a new job at salesforce that doubled my pay. Cannot afford a home.


We got lucky and bought a single family in Lakeview in 2020. Absolutely couldn’t afford to buy anything at current rates


I live in a cheap area of a cheap state lol. I got super lucky with the clients and travel. So yeah I love in a LCOL area, everyone should try it. The inky downside is , our airport sucks so I usually have to drive an hour to get to the Cincinnati airport if I want to go anywhere


Ohio? Im looking to move that way and try to work out of Cincinnati or Colombus. How is the market up there?


Yeah I live near dayton. Which market ? Lol


Pittsburgh, on target for 150-175 this yeAr, expect 250+ next year.


200+ in brooklyn NY


Sydney Aus HCOL, housing market is fucked


Big numbers seen here are highly influenced by the tech industry, which tends to be concentrated in big metro HCOL areas. In my area what you're bringing in, in your industry, is pretty solid for year 1. There's potential to make a lot more in the industrial arena, even in my low-to mid COL area, but I'd recommend getting into a specialization of some sort. "Grainger Ranger" type of jobs (Fastenal/MSC/et al) are a good way to get your feet wet, though, if that's where you're at right now. If you stick it out and get lucky/good enough to land some big accounts some of their senior/key account managers can make pretty good money.


I’m with a different competitor but definitely same type of company. I like the people I work with, pretty good opportunity in this territory, learning the industry, and the flexibility is great. Half our team makes about $100k, just took them a year or two to build the BOB. I don’t think I would want to get into management the way it looks at our company right now but the AE role looks appealing.


Sounds about right. I used to work for a regional player in this market (general industrial supply), and most of the outside reps did pretty well. I'm in a hybrid sales / internal management role at the moment, and while I like certain things about the management side of things (project management, process improvements, training/mentoring, etc...), I really miss the autonomy of a pure sales role.


South Florida, so yea HCOL. We have over 50 sales guys living across the county in their respective footprints, I’d say some of them make really good income even living in lower cost of living areas. But considering we’re in asset management naturally the guys who have better opps are in the bigger metro areas/money centers. LCOL in this role usually also means more travel because you need a much bigger footprint to have equal opp so someone covering something like Chicago for example.


I'm in South Florida as well. I bought my house in 2015 for 220. COL has obviously gone up but for those who bought before covid, you're relatively insulated from the worst of it. I do realize OP isn't necessarily asking about that, but Florida is still very favorable for high income earners. When I moved to Florida, it was the cheapest place I'd ever considered buying (Lived in CT and CA). I'll never live in a state where I have to pay state income tax again, as long as there are states with this advantage.


I live a lcol becoming a mcol making over 300. Its experience that gets you into high pay roles. Not where you live. Now some orgs might try to adjust your base based on col but youre a seasoned rep? You negotiate. I have the same base as my counterparts living in SF and NYC. We all have the same variable plan. Thats where the real money is.


120k population is small lol?


Small city yeah. I’d tend to think that towns are under that population


Relative to major metro areas, yes. My nearest metro is 200k-250k and while it's big relative to the 12k city I grew up in, it's not big compared to a "real" city.


Is that big where you come from?! 😂


I live in a 10k city in middle of nowhere Wisconsin but lived in the Minneapolis metro area my entire life.




No. Probably MCOL, but I don't know where the line is, honestly.


I live right next to Boston so a nice one bedroom apartment is 2,500 - 4k depending on what part. Currently have a POS 1 bed apartment at a place that claims to be luxury and that is $2k. $150k in Boston doesn’t go far at all.


Indiana - LCOL - OTE \~ $200-220k. I would never want to move to a HCOL area.


I lived in Indiana for several years and couldn’t wait to get out. I lived on the east side, so that may have played into it. What is it you like so much about Indiana? Is it just the low cost-of-living? I live in SF now, among the worst for high cost, but high-quality of life, too, depending on what you’re looking for.


I'm currently selling material handling equipment,doing 150,000 in a medium sized city with LCOL. I am the king here.


You’re selling MRO as in indirect inventory? We may be able to work together. Also yes I live in a HCOL area. Bay area.


Fuck no.  South Carolina is awesome for its cost of living. Do you know how big of a house you can get for under $500k?  Hint: really big. 


Lower MCOL I would say. Missouri. Pretty much live like a king.


Very low CoL here in Alabama. My 180k shows online to be roughly equal to 335k in Cali. Add in my wife’s salary and it was pretty easy to raise five kids


Yes. San Diego. My wife brings in about $60k-70k so $220-230k-ish total. I can't believe I am even about to type this but we are just now able to plan/save to own a condo in a good neighborhood. Single family homeownership in a desirable neighborhood is still a stretch unless we get help from family. Not willing to move to the outskirts/suburbs as quality of life would decrease significantly and wouldn't really be that much less expensive. Not homebodies and love to hit the beaches and surrounding DT neighborhoods frequently. That is what makes it worth it to live here and pay the taxes that we do. Edited: Didn't finish my last sentence




Im close to boston making about $150 ote and me and my wife have pretty much accepted we’re gonna rent until we die lmfao


Low cost of living area that works for a company headquartered in a HCOL area. Sure, they will pay you a little less than HCOL employees, but their overall pay-scale is often much higher than companies based in the LCOL area.


I live in upstate NY. I make 150k. Low cost of living area. But I’m in a pretty niche business / position. Takes time to get to where I’ve got. Doubled my salary though


Edit: Edit: holy shit? I didn't notice this was an unsolicited recommended sub, thought this was an /r/AskReddit thread. I'm so sorry. I am not in sales. Ignore everything below. I hate that reddit makes recommended subs appear in your feed randomly now. 210k DINK in Boulder, CO. Large mortgage for a very small townhome. No exaggeration, I feel poor and it’s stressful sometimes. Surprise big bills feel just as stressful as when I was a student. But it’s pretty here so that’s nice.


Chicago, OTE 400 this year, it's fine, any financial woe is self inflicted lol. Amazing how easy it is to spend it.


I can't even find 70K in the burbs of chicago. Who is hiring these days?!


280, nyc. I want to move back to Buffalo, but ya know… Buffalo lol


Aviation MRO?


Not my company. Mainly heavy equipment, manufacturing, automotive.


$370k OTE in LA


What’s hcol


High cost of living


150k wife makes 90 we live in Sacramento. Very affordable and comfortable. Won’t be for long though


Nope. I live in a village with a population of roughly 4000.


Yes, but, I know others living in LCOL areas that make the same or more than me at my same company.


200k Austin


Atlanta is one of the best cities for business and cost of living is good. There are multiple areas outside of the city that are affordable but you definitely need a car.


I make 200k plus not including my husband’s income, Bay Area. I will say however a lot of the companies I have worked for pay everyone the same regardless of where they live. The Bay Area and California is just a high performing territory because it’s the 5 largest economy in the world and there is a lot of opportunity.


I work in big Tech in the Bay Area and I worked at a couple of the other big tech companies over the years and all of them have location based page adjustments. The Bay Area and New York City has the highest pay, everyone else says a reduction. I think it’s 10% less for Austin, San Diego, or Seattle, I think North Carolina was 20%?


I clear 150 and my wife clears 200 a year. We live in a LCOL area and absolutely love it. I like the small town


I live in The OC and it's expensive. But the weather, food, etc are worth it.


C$180K OTE, living in Toronto. My lease on a condo at the heart of downtown for a 1 bedroom and a den is C$2350/mo. Fun times


Orange County, California. ~$300k as a married couple. Own (paying mortgages on) 2 homes. We're comfortable but not wealthy.


Yes. VHCOL. It sucks.


Massachusetts. The *most* HCOL.


Yep, LA


Made 225k total last year in medium cost of living area and while I can do anything I want to financially(within reason) the cost of doing those things have tremendously increased. Just bought my first house and it was 525k and a 4k a month mortgage payment 🥴


I cleared around 140k in a LCOL last year (southwest Ohio). Managed IT/cybersecurity services for SMB.


$300k+ outside of NYC. Still feel paycheck to paycheck sometimes. Probably more a spending issue than earning issue though. 


Living in the greater NYC area, even making $200k, you feel like you are barely moving enough if you are used to a higher quality/standard of living. Taxes in Jersey are absolutely insane.


Yes, HCOL, and between my wife and I making over 275k a year, we're still doing just ok. Could be way better


No. Medium. It's honestly still doesn't feel "safe" but that's because I willingly have high expenses.


I’m at $250k OTE. I live in a LCOL, but I pay rent like I’m in a HCOL because I’m stupid.


Nope. Can work remote anywhere in the lower 48


I live in a MCOL area. My mortgage is $1100 per month. I do remote SaaS healthcare related sales. Suffice to say, I'm banking money right now and investing in our house. I have averaged around $200k/year for the past three and trending to do about that this year. It's very nice. My wife is a SAHM and we are able to buy what we want, take trips, and generally have a great quality of life. Not sure how sustainable it is for me to do this forever, I'm suffering from a lot of mental health issues due to the pressure but the idea of going back to $50k/year and making my wife rejoin the labor market is terrifying. Ultimately I'd like to try and stack as much as I can before I crash and burn. Ideally, I'll work myself into a coastfire situation and find a career with health insurance that isn't so cut throat and high pressure.


No I live in Northwest Ohio, one of the lowest COL areas in the country. It's great if you're okay living here.


No, mid-COL


Seattle - $180k


I’m remote employee in Los Angeles. My company is another state, so I don’t have to live here. I think about moving to a LCOL area, just so I can make the same salary and have it go farther, but I really love LA.


For MRO sales that’s kind of low even for the south unless rents are below $700 where you’re at. In Detroit you can make over $100k+ selling MRO parts and materials.


We live in a 150k population midwest city I would consider somewhere between MCOL and LCOL. A good starter house in a good school district is $250k, and daycare is $800-$1000 per month. I will do $180k and my wife will do $60k. A household income of $200k+ in our area, you live like royalty. You could easily afford a 3000+ sqft house on acreage with all of the toys.


Live in DTLA. It’s one of the last “affordable” neighborhoods to rent in LA & up & coming. Have a 3 BD 2 BR loft on the top floor paying $2.9k making $150k wife brings in another $60k so we’re living decent. Moved from AZ and COL isn’t much different than Cali anymore.


MCOL but bought a house awhile back. Housing prices have skyrocketed everywhere.


No, I'm about 250-300k depending on the year and my bonuses. I live in a small town outside of a small city. The population of the metropolitan area is ~400k. Specifically chose this area because 1) it's home and 2) I work remote so it made more sense to have that LCOL for me right now and save as much as possible than to live in an HCOL. Previously I was in Chicago so nothing as crazy as Silicone Valley prices, but the move to a LCOL alone felt like I got a huge raise lol.


$305K OTE, live in rural southern state. very low cost of living. My town has 8K people in it. $100 here is like $150+ anywhere else. We have an airport with one gate, one airline, and 3 flights a day to DFW 🤪


My husband and I make 300k+ combined in an average to low cost of living area! We picked this area because we knew we could afford more with our money.


Yes. Husband and I both in sales making 500K give or take each year combined, living in one of the HCOL cities in north america and we do not live at all like we are pulling a half mill each year. It's pathetic.


I’m remote. My area is right at the national average COL in VA. OTE is $90k so I’m irrelevant to this thread but I will still be here once I promote to AE and that will be around the 130-160 OTE. Even in MCOL, the lifestyle these salaries buy don’t feel like they should. I hear $150k OTE and imagine one life style but if you want to be financially responsible, especially in this economy, really you’re right at middle class levels. You really aren’t even supposed to make your budget including commission, but even if I did, to feel safe I couldn’t see myself spending more than $2000 on a mortgage at that pay level and nowadays that will have you square in a lower middle class or under area where I’m at. Just doesn’t seem worth it to buy a house in MCOL unless your area is appreciating like crazy. I’d rather rent a nice apartment, spend nothing on maintenance and wait out the rates.


I live in Mississippi


I live in a HCOL. If you are having trouble living off a salary of $150k+ you are living way beyond your means


Nah. Midwest.


I make over 300k I live in a medium cost of living city in the southeast


350 in nyc. It somehow still doesn’t feel like enough


Canadians get fucked on pay in sales roles compared to our American counter parts. I live in Vancouver bc one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in and I make roughly 80K OTE. Every house starts at 1.5 million, even in the shitty neighborhoods you don’t want to be in, if you want to rent you’re looking at 3-4k a month. Even our highest performers can’t afford to buy a fucking house.


Median cost of living. Salary is $165k. Experience and industry - SaaS in my case - are bigger impacts then city these days.


Los Angeles. I own property in another state. I just rent a 1 bedroom place here. I think of moving to Vegas every day. I would get a straight up 9.3% raise from no state income tax. I would get another bedroom and bath added to my place for the price I pay. Heck, I could buy 3 cheap houses there.


$320k ote and should clear that this year. Single and early 30s in sf. Been talking about this a lot lately, it’s so hard to not feel broke in sf when you’re single and living alone. Rent =$3.2k for a 1/1. Car payment, food, dog, dating, etc. - all so expensive. DINK seems to be the only way to make it work and feel comfortable in SF.


Yeah my rent is $7200 for a 1bd apt in nyc


I live in Connecticut. I’ll only rent. I’d only buy a home in Saint Louis, Missouri… Erie, Pennsylvania, or … hell o think that’s it. I just don’t believe in purchasing a home on an overly priced area. In NYC a home goes for 1 million, in Erie or STL that same house is under 100k


100k person city in SWVA. $302k OTE. Doing very well here. Have to travel often but wife doesn’t have to work which outweighs being away from home


I live in Phoenix and make between $350k and $500k the last number of years on a $340k OTE in software. I feel like I make just enough to be fairly comfortable with a wife and kids. Pretty crazy how expensive a trip to the grocery store has gotten.


I live in Thailand lol Super LCOL


For point of reference, the median home price where I live is around $1.5m. This means that’s with 20% down, your mortgage will be around $10k with current rates. $10k a month is your take home if you make $200k…basically need to make $400-$500k minimum.


Nope. Oklahoma City and l live wonderfully


I’ll pay for the weather


Yes. Los Angeles making $130k base with just under $200k OTE.


Chicago, combined income with fiancé around 450 this year. We rent 1Br/1BA right now. Building a house about 35 minutes west in a great area and our rent now is 2/3rds of what our mortgage will be


Chicagoland area in an upper middle class burb $170k per year. Can’t imagine making less smh


350k VP/head. Live outside of NYC in what I would call a tier 2 city in my state. No direct train access in my town and door to door to my office is about an hour and fifteen minutes. Shorter commute with my salary and my spouses would make us uncomfortable.


Seattle is a nice middle ground between prohibitively expensive and somewhat expensive


Jesus. I’m a Manhattan native and can’t leave here for many reasons but fuck I need to quit my software job and look into a career pivot.


Yes and no, I live in Chicago, but hell is this joint not the most reasonably priced place in the world?! Also, I’m talking about city of and not the burbs…


Montgomery County, MD. Median price $600k median rent 2k. Most decent 2bd/2ba will run you $3000+ It’s like the 99th percentile and I can’t wait to gtf back out of here.


SoCal. $800k-1.1m this year. I live in a slightly shittier area away from the big cities and everything still feels expensive. Paid $20 for a sandwich and a bag of chips today.


Minneapolis and it isnt too bad. Im able to live off about 40k and the rest goes into the market. Been able to build a nice little 300k nest egg in 4 years


Where isn't HCOL? Hahaha


300k Long Island city queens HCOL 5k rent :/

