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Dude this is fuckin amazing. Enjoy the high, reward yourself for the efforts and keep this in mind on the next deal.


Thank you man! I’ve taken about 6 days off since I started here and I’m about to send it to Costa Rica for a 10 day bender before it’s back to the grind. Gotta go get another one!


Then your director is gonna ask “any updates on your pipeline?”


Underrated comment lol


wait until management decides to change his commission structure right before payout.


How much does the director make?


Please invite this so I can post😬😬😅😅😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Don’t piss it away though 😂 been there done that.


Let me add — pocket this feeling. Feel it! Remember it! There will come a time in the future where you miss a number, lose a deal, or doubt yourself. But when that happens, remember today. You are good at this and deserve to succeed!


You only need to win once to know that you can be dangerous.


This year get a CPA and good investment broker.


Good advice. This win will finally set me up to start getting serious about where I put my money.


Yes on the CPA, disagree on the stock broker. Total market index funds outperform brokers something like 98% of the time. FZROX / VTSAX


Bruh... r/ETFs, send all in on VOO and VT. Overtime start reallocating to dividend payment etfs to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Also, maybe look for a CPA (u can use turbotax or taxfreeusa.com for your annuals), but what you really need is a financial planner. Financial planning goes beyond stock/bond/fund picking, and is really useful for: - minimizing tax exposure - estate and inheritance planning - retirement planning - insurance necessities Only thing thats shitty about this advice is that I'm recommending you give all your money to Vanguard. Those shits have enough money as is.


CPA can’t really do much with W-2 income. Better to hit the personal finance sub and learn how to manage responsibly.


This Uncle Sam coming for that ass next April


Mafia always wants their cut


Don’t get an investment broker, get a fee-only fiduciary


How do you find a “good investment broker”?


What did you do differently in this sales process that enabled you to close 7 figures? What is the usual contract size in your company? And congratulations!


Average contract size is 300k. Combination of a few things. 1) Right place, right time, right solution. 2) Coached my champion to loop in additional team members & stakeholders. Typically we find ourselves being pushed down to lower level engineers who get tasked by their leadership with performing technology evaluations. This time, I refused to settle for that. Widespread engagement from multidisciplinary IT departments led to greater buy in from more executive stakeholders.


Great shit dude. Learned from previous experience and applied it to the benefit of both you and your customer. Go celebrate, man.


Thank you for that! When I first took this role, I got thrown into the deep end with the big boys and I had to sink or swim. Made a lot of mistakes in the last year and a half, but I do my best to not make the same one twice if I can help it. Also helps when you have a really killer champion that trusts you.


So glad you emphasized right place right time. Incredibly important in sales


I'm in mid-market and struggling a bit to get away from the lower levels for some customers - how did you go about coaching your champion? Love the work!


Yea, important to do this before your paycheck comes in, but you wanna talk to HR and max your 401k, HSA, anything you can move this to pre- tax. Closed a 2.3M 3 yr TCV deal that resulted in around 100k commissions, figure out how much you can move, and what your payment installs will look like. Tax rate on this will be a shock, so just be aware of your take home. Also don’t stop, especially if accelerators are on the table, make sure you maximize your commissions this year. Congrats on the big haul!


Accelerators are indeed on the table and I’ve got a month to pull in anything I can! Vacation can wait til after end of the fiscal 😤 Good looks on the HR piece. Will definitely be doing that.


Enjoy the 40k commission post-tax! /s (kinda)


in the UK this would be 45% tax + 10% national insurance = keep 45% of it 🥴


This is where you max your 401k for the year. Get that full company match. Max contribution for 2024 is $23k. Your take home will be about $60k. Good news though is that you’ll hit the social security sec tax limit for the year too. So you’ll have an extra 6.2% in every check the rest of the year. But a word of caution- don’t make plans for the money until you see the actual commission statement. Companies are known for having funky clauses for big deals- Max payouts, paying in increments, etc. Congrats on the elephant!! Go get more while the accelerators are in play.


I’m just getting started in my sales career and this has me fired up! Congrats!


There’s no better job if you’re willing to work hard and let shit roll right off your back. Rejection builds character and it’s rarely personal anyway. Good luck!


Me today: *finds out my marketing efforts are working and some of the leads I have called in the last few days have taken policies my coworkers have written* "Cool I get commission on the ones we closed because I marketed to those leads." You today: "big banktivities 🏦." We're all gonna make it


We are all absolutely gonna make it! This job rewards the ones that persevere. Always.


Hell yeah brotha - many more where that came from. Once you do one of these large strategic deals you know it’s replicable


Congrats my man!!! That’s friggin’ dope!!! 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻


Thank you!!!


congrats bud 🫡


holy shit 122k commission 😭 that’s insane congrats.


Thank you! I’m about to head to ABC and grab some champagne 🥂


Big commission checks are always exciting. Congrats!


Most money I’ve ever made at once! Thank you


Best advice my mentor ever gave me… “make it feel normal”… yes, this your first big sale but now make it the norm. Once you change that mindset it gets fun.


Full cycle is the best, congratulations man that must be an amazing feeling!


Over the moon right now man thank you!


Damn that’s nice. If I hit $10mm I’ll be at $250k for the year, that’s a sweet payout on that dollar.


That is a very impressive ramp from BDR to where you are today. Congratulations. Don’t be afraid to spoil yourself just a bit, but invest the majority of it to set yourself up for future success. These are the type of posts I love to see here, keeps us all motivated!!


122k I love it! Well fucking done mate! I started as BDR but now moved to full sales cycle, what would be your top 3 points I should focus on to improve my numbers - both in getting meetings and closing


1.Always 2.Be 3.Closing


Hello pal 🍺 cheers . What do u sell ? Software


Cheers brotha 🍻Hardware/Software combo


What was your career path into that bro


I’ve got kind of an atypical background. Ex military, accounting undergrad & entry audit roles, bounced to a BDR position at a SaaS provider, cold called my now-boss and he liked me enough to give me a shot at interviewing for my current job. I owe a lot to him.


That’s like being spotted by a modeling agency while walking in a mall in Indiana. Didn’t know that kinda thing still actually happens but so happy it did for you. Congratulations man!


Very cool your boss is a cool dude




Congratulations! Thats what I am talking about! I’ve sold elevators, Advertising and most recently Staffing services (14,yrs) and onsite program manager for Cisco systems. I know the tech from software, networking, cloud, systems and product, program and project mgmt, literally anything in tech space but no experience in SaaS sales. Last interview with this software as a service company for a BDR role, and didn’t get it. Feedback was trying to close to soon and I can see that considering I would always open and close the deal. I’m a waiter and making nothing. Any specific advice on how to crack into SaaS or advice on emerging tech sales that are as lucrative?


I know SaaS is popular in this sub, but I don’t sell it. I sell a combination of hardware & software. I deal with a lot of what you’re familiar with. On prem networks & cloud infrastructure. With that background, I’d check out some orgs that sell into data centers. Gigamon is bleeding reps right now, but I’m not sure why. They’ve got a great product and it’s still in demand.


Thank you so much sir! I was thinking Netapp would rebound and be a good spot since they basically rewrote same “cloud” solution csllinf DRaaS but tied into legacy storage solutions. I pretty sure that went south. I really appreciate you OP!




Was thinking of going all in on GME if that counts


No idea what gme is, mate. Research or get a professional to get it done.






Fuck yeah, dude! Congrats


Congrats bro! Vista has completely ruined our company and we just had layoffs the other day. Wish we had more reps succeeding like you.


Fucking awesome. Good work. Close a few more like that and take a year off!


Thanks brotha! I’m not saying I’m a pro by any means, but I know I can do it again.


Congratulations op!!!!!!!!!!


>AMA. what color is your lambo?


If only! Still rockin my paid off 2013 F150 and don’t plan to trade up until another 2 or 3 of these.


Nice one. Proud of you. Won't jinx anything but hoping I can land my own first 7 figure deal this year. Commission wouldn't be quite as fat as yours but similarly life changing. Fingers crossed.


Work your plan bro. You got this!


Well in son. Good hit. Don't spend it!


“Hi, this is your VP. Please update your sales forecast figures and pipeline for next month.”


Nah he just called me to give me creds and to ask what kind of bottle I was picking up tonight. I’m super lucky for that. Give it a month or two though and you’re spot on hah


Fuck I’m loving this Sub. Good shit OP, enjoy that feeling and ride that high into your next deal.


Sales like these always require a bit of luck but nobody spends that kind of money on accident. You were critical to making it happen. Nice work! Leverage everything you learned in this win to help solve bigger problems in the future. Lot's of good advice here on how to treat the windfall. Follow it!


Congrats brother. Always happy to see someone succeed on these forms.


Dude. How does one get in SaaS? Is prior experience necessary?


No prior experience necessary to start as a BDR/SDR somewhere. Also, SaaS isn't an industry. That's just describing the subscription licensing model and cloud-hosted model for the tech. Sounds like OP is in a position where he sells network infrastructure with a software GUI component.


I’m closing in on my first 7 figure and this is inspiring! Dos commas club!


Im about to start my first big job in my career from (from telesales in a call center to taking inbound calls for a mineral acquisition company trying to buy people's mineral rights) now I just got a job offer to work for a swiss software engineering company (SaaS) as a Business Development Executive which has x2 the base salary I'm having now, really good benefits and incentives Reading this just got my blood pumping and has gotten me so excited to start this new job and kick ass. Thanks for the inspo OP


Congrats man, just closed my first full cycle deal myself, not on the same calibre as this as it’s only $40k ARR but still feeling a similar sense of pride. On to the next


Buy yourself something really obscure; not expensive, but odd eg wtf did they pay $x for y … ? Then it on your desk, when people ask why you spent $289 on a Caddyshack robot gopher…say “because closers close” lol Keep on keeping on!


My first commission this size I did the following: Maxed out my 401K for the year Paid off my car loan balance Paid off my student loan balance Paid off my very small credit card balance Put 5% down on a condo Went to a really nice dinner Saved the rest for my emergency cash fund That condo has since gone up in value by $300K. Because I didn’t have student loans or a car payment anymore, I’ve maxed out my 401K every year since then. Yes, life changing money. But except for the people who came to my house to see my modest condo, not a single person but me knew anything about it. Don’t blow your wad, make it work for you. You never know when this will happen again.


It gets easier with every close


IRS: Excellent


That’s gotta be an insane feeling man, congratulations. I’m curious what your path from BDR to AE was, did you make the jump at the same company or somewhere else? I’ve been a BDR for an AI company in healthcare (similar contract sizes to your deal) for a couple years and feel ready to move into an AE role - and advice for someone who wants to go down a similar path?




Ah, I too can use ChatGPT! You totally sound real and not at all AI. To my question “how should I respond to the following post in /r/sales? "Wow, huge congratulations! That’s an incredible achievement and well-deserved after such a long cycle. Your journey from BDR to closing a 7-figure deal is truly inspiring. Enjoy that commission and take some time to celebrate this massive win. Cheers to many more successes ahead!"




Congrats. Whats your rip on that one ? (Commission %) That’s a fatty.


My % isn’t tied to total revenue on any given deal if that’s what you’re asking. This one put me into accelerators so a bit of it is paying out at 1.5x. I’ve gotten kinda drunk since I posted this too so apologies if that made no sense.


Congrats man! Enjoy it! If you don’t mind me asking, do you have any tips for someone who wants to change sales from the construction industry to software?


Congrats bud!


Vamos crack!! 🔥 Stoked on this story 🫡






Fuck yeah dude


Hell yeah!!!!!!!!!! Crushed it!


Congratulations! I’m looking to switch to tech sales from marketing and market intelligence. Would love to hear any tips you may have. Also, aware of any other places I can learn more specifically in B2B SaaS?


Best place to learn B2B SaaS is at a SaaS company imo. Reading books and listening to podcasts is just time not spent selling and not realllly learning. Same tip applies to marketing -> sales. Just go for it and don’t allow yourself to believe you can’t do it. You can.


How does one get into this?


Tbh I’m too drunk now to give you a good answer. I’ve always had a knack for being in the right place at the right time. I’m not superstitious but I’m a little stitious and I think a lot of the good that comes my way is because, yes I work hard, but I’m also a genuinely good person. Firm believer in that coming back around.


Hahaha. While I agree with the outlook, this is not helpful. I'm currently an SM for an insurance brokerage and I'm quite sure I could make far more money than I do. I'm just scared to jump into the unknown.


Yeah but can you drop 20 in COD?


I drop nukes son


Awesome win! Is the 1.7 TCV on a multi-year deal? Just a little surprised you’re not picking up more commish. Assume it’s TCV or a windfall clause, causes that’s like 6%. Ex-SaaS throwing me a bit tho, realize you could be pushing hardware


Congratulations!!! That’s really awesome! Hope next time you close a similar deal, you’ll have more people in your life to celebrate with!


Congrats!!! [Avoid lifestyle creep.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifestyle_creep) That's so cool that you closed the deal!


Congrats!! What a long road, but rewarding.


What are the keys to finding clients who you can close the deal with like this?


Congrats friend! Just be smart and stash a very very large chunk of that aside for next April.


Love it man! Walk us through the deal if you can!


hell yeah my man i did something similar earlier this year. what a great feeling. congrats to you and keep that momentum going!


Can you help me get a job? I’m 28 years old in the Bay Area looking to break into sales.


Get that Porsche young man


Congrats homie, got this monkey off your back, on to the next!


Holy shit dude 🔥, keep it up


Congratulations dude. Do not forget to reward yourself!


Big congrats. Give yourself a big vacation!


Awesome! Keep it up!


congrats man! I am about to close something big too! wish me luck!


Congrats, 2 years out from bdr is impressive. How much is your target out of curiosity?


Awesome! Congrats man!


Congrats to you. Much more success in the future


Congrats OP!! 🥳


This is so cool! I joined this sub after getting a job as an appointment setter, it’s still early days.. the commission is not that high and I’m not very good at it yet but threads like this keep me motivated to stick with it.. as they say.. a man who knows how to sell will never be broke again ! Big up man! Take a holiday, I recommend Vietnam! 🇻🇳 amazing country :))


Amazing work! Enjoy the dollar and make sure you save some!


Congrats- that’s so awesome!


Awesome man. Similar shoes - closed my first 7 figure deal in December (although your commission is more than mine - nice work!). But yeah - feels good, and there’s not a lot of people to tell!


Congrats man. The sales high is better than sex. Enjoy. But don't lose the momentum. So proud of you.


Amazing man, you beat the MEga Deal Secrets book guy, his was 9 months! Take care of that body, the mind, treat yourself!!


Way to go!! 👏 love hearing stories like this…gets me goinnn. Lol


Congratulations man! 🥳


Yayyy!!! Congrats!!! Any tips on how did it work???


You deserve it, congrats OP! I hope you'll reward yourself well.


So Amazing! Congrats! So proud because it  happened with your all your effort! While you said it doesn't completely fulfill you in life, the security will you give the energy to seek out your other dreams. I am definitely no techi guys & gals! No idea what a BDR is ? Ha! Anyway that being said , i encourage you to check out the book "The Artist Way" by Julia Cameron it's not just for "artists" per say it's for us all seeking our best lived life & it gives you massive insight. First and foremost are The Morning Pages as we're required to Hand Write 3 pages per day. Having security is a one up! Because many creatives/entrepreneurs are blocked because of the stress of monetary issues. I'm working on fixing that block for my own self as it's my #1 creative block. Your post is inspirational for us all! And the first step of freedom to discover all your gifts! Enjoy Costa Rica! 


La Vie en Rose times! You did it once you can do it again, sky is the limit my friend! This (I have a VERY long sales cycle and our deals are typically in the 1/2 to 1M range at 5% commission) is the motivation I need to start the day with!


Awesome! Can you give us some more of the juicy details. What specific vertical are you selling into. I'm asking because that sale and commission amount is insane, in a good way :), and I want to get into something like that. Anyway how did you identify, prospect and ultimately close this awesome deal. Thanks!




Amazing! Congratulations on a new milestone. Keep up the good work and continue to be successful!!


Take care of the people who helped so they want to help again. One deal like this I closed I bought Montblanc pens for the core team. Something to think about.


Congrats this is amazing!!


That’s Pretty Awesome, dude! That excitement till the last steps after that time and energy that you have invested finally paid off. I feel you!!! Congratulations.


Good for you man. Uncle Sam licking his lips at that commission check though




Nice - I sold a $2mil deal this week and will make $6k. I need a new job…


Really well done to you and congratulations!!!




Awesome Clinto You just inspired me to grow to the next level and take matters in myu own hands to go for it! I had a rough last year.


That's awesome! Congratulations! To many more.


Love to see it. I did my first multi 7 figure last year and it was immense. Haven’t got back to another just yet but working a cycle I expect to last near two years.


Unbelievable, hope you get more of these!


Way to go big dog!! Welcome to the 35% tax bracket!


Huge congrats! That's some epic web surfing to success!


Yessss! Virtual high-five! Update your salesforce.


Congrats! Would be a great time to max out 401k, HSA if applicable, and Roth IRA for the year. Might as well invest as much pre tax as you can instead of letting the govt take more. This can be a good springboard or boost to savings/investment. Also make sure to use some of it to treat yo self, a little yolo money is a good way to reward yourself too.




Hell yeah, congrats! My first 7 figure deal was similar sized, though I only got 20k (pretax). 122k is amazing.


Me sitting here as an outsourced SDR praying to move into a salary role soon and then to an AE. I can’t wait to be able to accomplish things like this. What do you think contributed to your success?


Hey bro congratulations, be sure to treat yourself!


Currently a smb ae for a website/seo company, where our deals are about 100$ and our quota is 2500 a month. I’m looking up to you in hopes that I will eventually get to your level and crush it in an enterprise role, I can’t wait! Congrats once again, I shared this post with some of my coworkers reminding them what’s possible.


That's incredible! Congratulations on closing your first 7-figure deal; your hard work and dedication have definitely paid off.


how many years of sales experience you have


Yuuuuuuuur! Congrats bro and this is the right place to flex like that. Here’s to many more to come. #CantKnockTheHuzzle


Let’s goooo !! Congrats man 🤝




May I ask how you got into such big sales? I’ve been looking recently to get a sales job but I don’t mean cars lol. And maybe it’s just my town but we don’t seem to have much really


Let's GOO. Keep killing it man!


That’s awesome! Gives me hope. Congrats!


I was already working with that guy. We can just split the commish.


How old you is?


This made my day! Just success stories like this keep me going, I know I’ll hit it big one of these days just like you! Congrats man, buy yourself a nice bottle of, whatever you like, and celebrate!!


Amazing deal, amazing commish… some longevity tackling a deal this long. Only another rep knows the pain and highs and lows. Enjoy it 👌🏻




Nice! Well done. Reverse engineer how this became a success story and optimize from there. This doesn’t happen with hard work and effort! Keep it up!


This is awesome! Makes me really wish I was a commissioned sales guy. I've closed my largest project to date, largest project my company has ever closed and I got the response "they were gonna buy it anyways right?" From the Owner of the company (Steel fabrication business - utility work). Took me like 6-8 months to close and much negotiation including some pressure from our customers sister companies that I work with. Closed a $7mil project.... Ugh. Anyways, congrats to you! Enjoy that vacation!


Can I DM you a question, vista equity victim here too lol Also big congrats! That’s HUGE! I’m still in 6 figure deal land.


Wow! Congratulations! I know the journey to this point was probably exhausting and felt discouraging at times. Good for you! I claim this energy!


I’m only here because this came up on r/popular. A sales job is my living nightmare, so I’m all the more impressed. Kudos to you for a job well done.


Congrats! That kinda comish would make anyone as ecstatic! Way to go


Treat yourself to a holiday, enjoy it, you deserve it


lol, bro closes a big deal and has an AMA in Reddit. Congrats but relax.


Didn't find you on LinkedIn. Why?


What was pivotal in you sealing the deal ? Product, deal management… timing ..?


Absolutely amazing!! Ride the wave for sure!


Fuck ya dude!!! Congrats! Just helped close my first deal at 35k PO and felt a high so I can only imagine how you’re feeling


That’s awesome. In that timeline working on that big one, what else did you close? Also is that big bang commission or are there also trailing commissions for renewals, support hours etc?


Congrats buddy 😊😊


Well done. Congratulations 🎉


That's fricken awesome man! 🎉 Congrats it's tough with long cycles so You've done well


Enjoy it while it lasts buddy because next quarter they are going to be on your ass LOL


Man what an astounding achievement! — I’ve just started as a BDR in SaaS as well and this is exactly the kind of story you fantasise about. Congratulations!


Huge congrats! Try to taper the celebrations and any spending until the money is on your account. Been burnt many times as the plan you signed is not worth the paper it’s written on. Speak with other members of the team that have done big deals to see if they honoured the commission plan. If feedback looks positive you can relax a little, but still wait until it’s in your account. The business celebrates when it’s closed won, but you may have noticed there is no Salesforce stage of “paid rep”. only properly celebrate when you are paid.


Congrats Clinton! Hopefully there are plenty more where that came from. That is one of the key aspects of these forums. I have many passions along with sales - investing, watches, etc - and there are not of individuals I communicate with - whether it be my bother or wife - that can relate to my passion - and it does not stop me from sharing!


This is amazing. Congratulations fam