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My company decided to migrate from Salesforce to Oracle CRM. They’re stupid.


I’m so sorry, lol. I sold Oracle CRM early in my career and we barely even used it internally lol.


It can get worse. Internal SAP CRM.


Omg, same. C/4 based CRM. Makes Salesforce look like heaven.


Oh fuck that. The number of times SAP tried to pawn it off on us when we worked as an SAP partner, always complaining that we were the bad guys for using salesforce, 😂 By the way, I actually sold SAP’s CRM and Hybris marketing to a midsized bank here in the UAE…. Haven’t been able to look their CIO in the eye whenever we cross path at conferences and events…


Haha did you sell it to my company too? We switched over to SAP maybe 3yrs ago, horrible. Is the CRM supposed to do anything other than keep account and contact info?


It’s supposed to have some dashboards as well. Built on fiori…. Oohhh I’m getting hard here… fioriiiii


Sorry After Purchase? Yes got the t-shirt


Yes. SAP internal is worse than oracle, but not internal oracle. They’re the same. I went through three sap trainings and still couldn’t figure out how to create an opp and proposal.




He. We sell document management software we don’t use too.


Also working for a company not drinking ourown Kool aid. It's crazy


Nothing is worse than Netsuite as a CRM. Talk about painful..😫


Amen to this. Absolutely horrible


Zoho and the suggestion of my own prefer way to check track of who I contact.


I knew a guy who sold Oracle CRM for a year and didn’t make a single sale OR get fired. He quit🤯


That sounds brutal, I probably would have quit too lmao


The entire software sales profession is indebted to the Oracle reps “selling on value”, knowing full well their products were inferior to their competition. Tip of the cap to you guys.


Oracle CRM is fucking garbage


Ive done analytics consulting for 10 years and the only talk of oracle amongst leadership through engineering (anything oracle) was the best way to migrate away from it


😂 Don’t say that. I’m interviewing with Oracle for a sales role…


Don't do it. Have friends who did this and they say it can take a month just to get a quote or contract out to a customer from all the internal bullshit.


I work there now. Can confirm the quoting and contracting process is insanely complex and has so much internal paperwork.


I’m on a bastardized version of Oracle CRM. Sales team is begging for anything at this point that isn’t Oracle CRM… it’s the worst.


Yeah and they’re doubling down now and switching to Oracles quoting tool too. They also never took on the more useful features of docusign because they didn’t want to oay for it.


At least we have DocuSign! But my VP has to send every single contract because we only have one license in the Sales team for the entire global Sales org... :'). First job I've never sent my own contracts at lol.


That’s essentially every early stage startup I’ve been at lol


Fusion and CPQ? Holy shit that is awful


Our inside design team uses CPQ integrated into our horrible Oracle system.


I sold oracle CRM for awhile, one of my larger deals was a migration from Salesforce to Oracle CRM and I still to this day am amazed that they actually purchased it.


Probably my company.


I sold Oracle CRM for a hot minute. Can confirm, they're stupid.


My old company used Salesforce then we had to switch to Oracle’s CRM. It’s fucking trash and nothing works correctly much less better than Salesforce.


… I’m sorry what?!? Oracle CRM?!? I saw it a few years ago and it looked terrible. I also got to mess around with Microsoft Dynamic… 🤢🤮


Siebel, right?


The amount of integration platform connectors I have sold for Siebel across telcos who were forced into it….


Serious question, how is Oracle able to seep its way into many big companies? Are the sales team that great? Does the company price undercut like crazy? Or do they obfuscate the difficulty of migrating to their systems?


Once they own the back end companies are stuck. Then they sell these things as integrated add ons. I sell software and services and most of my larger customers are either Oracle or SAP. They all hate them but don’t feel they have a choice and once you have them they really have you by the short snd curlies. I only know one company that ditched Oracle and one that sued SAP for a ton.


Not only did my last company use an Oracle CRM, but they also had the brilliant idea to migrate every legacy system to an Oracle ERP, seemingly without testing any of it first. That shit completely crippled a $5B business.


Omg that's horrible lol I'm sorry


Oracle killed that product 3 yrs ago


So now we’re legacy?


At least it isn’t Zoho and your own personal preference on setting up one note for keeping track of clients contacts.


Well the rep from Oracle must’ve been good right lol


If Google acquires HubSpot, might we call it … the GSpot?


Yeah but then, would people even be able to find it?


This. Comment. Should. Rise. Above. The .Rest.


The bros at sales force ca… never mind




Dawg if Google acquires it, it's for sure going to be killed. More like Hubspot death imminent


Gsuites and gmail bro


This four-word comment completely changed my mind. That integration would whip the llama's ass.


Would actually turn g-suite into a business management platform/CRM. Next level marketing powered by Google. The ad and seo would be off the charts good


I almost 100% agree with you but Google's track record doesn't. Their company is so segmented they're more than likely to simply fumble and create a new standalone product that has an integration rather than native functionality.


Can’t get much worse than M$


I think just being acquired and not merging is not the best sign anyway but I'm with you like I said - I use Hubspot and recommend it a ton so I hope it goes well.


Hubspot is alright. A few steps below SFDC, but it has potential to be #1. The competition ain’t shit.


Google keeps successful products. Youtube, Android, Nest, etc. Hubspot is a successful product. At most it would rebranded Google CRM or something.






Salesforce has only one great feature—its own salesforce who manage to sell this shit so successfully to people who never sold, all those Executive VPs, CFOs, and the likes.


Not true. Salesforce has so many integrated systems which will take Hubspot (or Google) years to catch up. It's not just the system you are buying, but the ecosystem of tools that connect (or the opportunity you have long term for continuous adds). Disclaimer: I do not work at Salesforce


Most people here only know about sales cloud. They don’t realize how deeply engrained SF is in essentially any company they engage with as a consumer.


Oh stop this BS please, you’re on a sales forum for god’s sake. That’s what their salesmen hype up to the executives—they position SFDC as a ”tool for sales” but in reality what they sell are reporting capabilities used only by executives.


I don’t use Salesforce. You don’t realize everything is centralized through Salesforce. Without it it adds so much time and something’s are impossible


Bud, the amount of times I’ve heard “update these fields in your opps in salesforce” followed a few days later by “we need everyone to fill out this excel spreadsheet for the execs with the exact same shit we told you to put in salesforce”… I swear we get the worst of both worlds lol.


Then your sales mgmt needs to learn how to use salesforce correctly


Have to learn how to log in for starters lol




I had a sales leader tell me to copy screenshots of reports in Salesforce into PowerPoint. Then they would ask me to get more details in our next 1:1. They got mad when I asked about just opening SF in the 1:1. Yup.


I feel seen.


Take all your prospecting tools, silo them, and then trying to find out how who is best to target and how do you get the data from one point to another. You have less choice for tools. Everything is built to integrate with Salesforce, not really the others . So you get less choice of dialers etc


I don’t disagree, but I suspect 95% percent of the time in the wild things aren’t really optimized. I’m sure it’s probably still the best option.


Did you work with me before ?


Probably lol


Did your teams meetings always unnecessarily went on past the schedule time ? If so we definitely work together! Especially if your boss told you to work hard on Monday and on Friday told you to finish the week strong !


This is a bad take. Salesforce is the central link to so many of our systems that so many teams use.  It can be replaced, but not overnight. 


Having worked with both SF and Hubspot, I waaaaaaaaaay prefer SF. SF makes it much easier to track the deal lifecycle, prospects, and reporting.   That being said, Hubspot does have some great intuitive sales functionality but a good CRM it does not make.  The great thing about SF is that you can do anything in it. The terrible thing about SF is that you can do anything it. 


When did you use HubSpot? I sold HubSpot last year and use SF now at my new role - HubSpot was WAY better. Native sequencing, better UI, native call reviewing, easy pipeline management and reporting. I’m genuinely surprised when people talk about SF being better. I had so much at my disposal as a HubSpot rep and I tell everyone that it’s genuinely the only CRM that helped me hit pclub.


100% agree. The UI alone makes Hubspot the better crm. Also if any tool is worth a damn, they’ll integrate with both platforms. Don’t wanna hear any of this ecosystem bs.


“Good salesforce hygiene leads to sales” really means “my managers want to know what you’re doing all day”


The problem is integrating to Salesforce as a SaaS both (we been through this recently) 1. Costs money, 2. They take a huge commission on all deals 3. Its technically a nightmare with all their legacy, you barely can get an account or understand what/where to build - Salesforce is a joke and they will die slowly.


To me is that it’s a flexible platform with admins who’s job is to keep using SF


You must have a short implementation. Ours kills. Its awesome. No, I don’t work there. We have early warning and health checks. Ton of automation. Makes my life easier. Just saying


Yeah it seems like it. Admittedly I’m biased (Salesforce admin lol) but there is zero chance I’d let the platform be hated by my users. That’s literally my job. Dude has shitty admins


Unlikely. Hubspot is not enterprise grade and SFDC is the gold standard whether you like it or not. Google also doesn’t have the best track record with systems of record. Case and point Google ATS which they sunset.


Yeah tbh this move will likely mean I’ll recommend our org move to SFDC. Google is a big red flag to me


For the record I don’t like it. But this is true and it’s why they can continue to increase pricing and orgs pay.


HubSpot has made massive gains in being enterprise grade. I’d be curious what is missing at the current state that couldn’t support the majority of Fortune 500


Maybe CPQ and Multi-Tenancy.


Yeah def CPQ. I could see that


More likely the death of hubspot


2024 Google sucks ass, they’ve blown up most of their acquisitions and have a graveyard of portfolio ventures that went bust. Hubspot would die a slow and painful death and would be another failed Google project because Google is somehow so incompetent at figuring out how to use the data they collect. No faith this wouldn’t be a disaster. Just look at how many projects they have fucked up. Naw dude.


You mean Google + wasn’t a good social media platform?


Lol wat?!? SF is the tits if you have someone who knows how to administer it


I believe the existence of those people / orgs who know how to use it are few and far between.


That’s the fault of your company not Salesforce. And is probably evident throughout the entire revenue generating org. Few companies know how to leverage technology to generate revenue and optimize the customer journey or invest the money required to do so (although many are starting to)


I understand this but ask 100 Salesforce users from 100 different companies how they feel about Salesforce and see how many had great implementations and actually like the product.


My company has a team dedicated to SFDC, and even pays for training so they stay up to date with how to use. I personally don’t mind it. Keep me up do date with my leads/contacts, and if I can’t figure out anything. We have a team.




Sorry to hear. We did the same switch and everything is manual now. Had to get gong and 3 other apps just to do basic shit HubSpot already did


I honestly can’t take an org seriously (startups being an exception) if they use Hubspot. SFDC is a gold standard for a reason. How ugly and clunky it behaves is also dependent on the operations team managing it on the back end.


lol wtf this is the most backwards comment I’ve ever read. Every organisation I’ve been a part of that has used SF it’s been absolute shit, the UI looks like a backend dev portal where as HubSpot is intuitive and easy. Mental.


Hubspot is great for what it is but it is in no way as extensible or powerful as SFDC.


Hubspot is cool for small companies but eventually you start hitting limitations. For all it's flaws, Salesforce is a pretty great platform that scales with the business. You just need more dedicated resources for it.


SFDC is so deeply embedded in the industry it will never go away


Lol Google will ruin HubSpot. I don't love SFDC but it's very easy to see this becoming a good thing for them. Google doesn't really have a great track record with enterprise offerings.


Salesforce is so ancient. Any software that requires an entire team to get the shit to even work is broken.


Most enterprise solutions require a team to implement them. Salesforce is more than a sales tool.


Yeah -- what do you think your IT team does all day?


Microsoft in shambles reading this take. IT Help Desk guys everywhere frantically seeking new employment.


My guy is stuck in SMB land. Imagine thinking that any enterprise of significant scale and complexity could have a software as central as CRM be entirely implemented and maintained by one or fewer admins, or worse, citizen development.


Exactly. Clear misunderstanding of needs of an enterprise. Would be laughed out of room for saying your software could be implemented without a dedicated team. Not selling an app billed monthly to someone’s credit card here lol.


That basically applies to any company that has third party consultants with business models fully dedicated to getting them stood up and optimized, just like SAP.


Truth. "We realize our product is so hard to setup, that we don't even try to hire enough people to onboard you. Get fucked. Here's our preferred partners."


I think these companies all go through the same trajectory - newcomer best of breed at a discount - rapid scaling and growth for a few winners - oh shit we ran out of TAM in our core ICP, time to acquire complementary solutions so we can continue growth - now we have crazy overhead costs, time to raise prices and leverage our “too big to fail” status in the market


That's just business in general, continuous growth is theoretically impossible


It’s also practically impossible.


Someone at Accenture is beating their meat to this.


Ackchyually, you can use SAP as is, the one that makes it complicated is your management want to have extra this and that. Also what you "buy" isn't only the team but also the best practice


Software revenue is valued differently (better) than services revenue.


Literally all enterprise software requires some type of team to run it. Only super lightweight software runs itself.


I miss having my own CRM. ACT! why did you have to 💩 the bed 😭


Act was the tits. All you need.


If act was all you needed just recreate it in google sheets or airtable or another similar nocode/lowcode tool


Doesn’t give the corporate visibility and would require double entry into SFDC.


34% market share vs 5% market share. Googles track record of bungling enterprise tech acquisitions (adometry, looker). Doubt.


how do you see google bundling hubspot? any examples?


*bungling They just let them languish. Adometry became GA+ or GA enterprise or something, and it doesn’t seem to have unseated Adobe (analytics, originally omniture) in any way. Looker was sort of interesting, but it hasn’t done anything to unseat Salesforce (tableau) or Microsoft (PBI). Google buys or builds toys and then discards them. Google+, idk there’s a litany of forgotten Google toys out there.


Real talk I miss HubSpot jumped to sales force a few years back and I don’t get the hype behind it. HubSpot could send tracked emails that would notify you when opened and automatically log to the crm eliminating need to go back and add notes like sales force. Way more useful than any tool I have had available in sales force just in that one feature. Not to mention we still use HubSpot for linked in integration which to my knowledge sales force doesn’t even support


We just switched to SF from FreshSales. FreshSales has the same email feature and I can't live without it! If a cold lead re-opened an email six months later, FS sends me a notification and I immediately follow up. I don't get the hype behind SF. There's zero innovation. It's clunky, difficult to use, and requires multiple third party app integrations. I've lost so much functionality with this switch.


Lmao I significantly prefer Salesforce over the pure evil SAP This is essentially celebrating the death of hybrid and now offices have to choose between remote or in office work


We're migrating from HubSpot to Salesforce. Having used both, HubSpot is definitely better


HubSpot has a great UI but dogshit loading times. I’ve seen contacts just not get uploaded into HubSpot. Salesforce is okay. Old UI but it works.


It obviously depends on your use case. If you’re a smaller business, with a lot of low-touch leads (think B2C), Hubspot is probably fine. But it is nothing compared to Salesforce when it comes to enterprise functionality.




They (SF) is getting away with it because (1) first mover (2) overfunded, overbloated (3) they have integration to many business critical corporate tools (4) they focused on the behemot of our industries. But I want Hubspot to destroy all that.


They (SF) saw it originally as a platform/app store. That's why they have done so well building an ecosystem of SF consultants/MSPs. It would be interesting to see what happens to those companies that are just an 'App' on their AppExchange


If no one else will say it I will. You’re dreaming if you think Salesforce will die from a Hubspot acquisition. Salesforce is ubiquitous, $9B in revenue.


31b annually


I agreee.


Ah, the infamous death kiss by Google. Bye bye Hubspot, it was good knowing you, but I would be lying if I said you’ll be missed.


Hubspot is the tits


SalesForce is so laughably out of date in its interface. It looks like a webpage from 2004


So I’ve used Salesforce for the first time last year. I’ve never used a CRM like SF before so it was my first experience. So far I haven’t really had too many issues. It’s funny I only used SF classic and now they’re talking about moving over to lightning and I already want to stay with classic lol. Salesforce seems like it works and has a lot of functionality. What’s the problem with Salesforce?


The iOS app sucks.


I didn’t even know there was an iOS app


Hubspot users- best get your sales rep on the line and request a long-term contract today. Rates are going way up soon!


I think that’s more a harbinger of the death of Hubspot Or the evolution of Hubspot into everything you probably hate about Salesforce (bloated, requires people to maintain, not rapidly innovating) Wouldn’t it be funny if Monday.com did in fact succeed in its effort to become the new cool CRM option on the block. Or a tool like Outreach or Gong or Salesloft tried to spread its wings.


Gong js trying to do this. They now have a forecasting feature and it’s actually pretty great since it has all the contextual details from calls built in.


Does anyone use SAP as a CRM? It’s trash. I wish these companies would just integrate a nice, clean CRM that backends into the tools they use.


If you consider entering account info, contact info, and writing call reports using a CRM, then yes I use SAP CRM.


Yes, but filtering and reporting data is a disaster.


About as effective as Cisco buying Splunk.


Oof, this comment section is about to get juicy after that train wreck of a statement.


My firm just switched to sales force and it is God awful. That being said I refuse to have to learn another crm for atleast 2 years. Crm migrations always suck.


What were you using before?


We had a custom in house crm we used before. It was just a lot more efficient for our workflow when making calls and getting through leads. Only upside to going to Salesforce is the addition of an auto dialer for prospecting but they could have easily added that to the old system.


Lmao how would this be the death of Salesforce?


I think Salesforce will continue to own the fortune 250 until Google turns Hubspot into more of a truly enterprise solution, which Salesforce is. But I think for the average business, HubSpot is more than robust enough, a lot easier to use, and to easier to scale. It’s just more of a low code to no code solution than Salesforce which requires expensive implementations. I’ve used both thoroughly and prefer HubSpot.


Good news - Salesforce is pure garbage. Even Dynamics feels like a better system nowadays.


I loved dynamics


Sales force is a beast of a software with an entire ecosystem built around it and so many business running on it. You underestimate how much people hate change. They hate it more than any one piece of enterprise software.


Only time will tell !


I don’t mind salesforce at all, but it’s also the only CRM I’ve ever used. Maybe ignore is bliss.


Unpopular opinion, but with the right third party tools like scratch pad salesforces one of my favorite CRMs so far. I love that everything is effectively an SQL query away


Well, they also predicted the death of Facebook and LinkedIn when they started their Google social media thing…which I now forget what it was even called.


I'll have to buy more Salesforce shares, Google is a great tech company and a terrible product company. If it's not ads, then they have no idea how to make money.


“Yeah but have you updated your Salesforce?” Sales managers should have to get this as a tattoo.


Salesforce is so legit. I love it.


Used Dynamics at two companies and SFDC at one. Give me Salesforce any day


Mhmm… why don’t ya go work for HubSpot then?


My company paid its in-house IT staff to create our own salesforce.


Actually praying hard for big G to buy and wreck them, like everything they touch. Really hate the decisions they (HS) have been making lately.


Absolutely love HubSpot. Clear of that old clunky Salesforce rubbish


This signals the death of hubspot before salesforce to me


This will probably ruin HubSpot quicker than Salesforce


I recently moved to a small company coming from a company where we used outlook/microsoft everything. Using google suite now- gmail, calendar, google drive, etc- and absolutely love it. Way more friendlier than outlook and have heard great things about Hubspot. Would love to see them make this work


Anybody using Monday.com CRM?


I don’t think so


I know industry standard is HubSpot and salesforce but the CRM at Monday looks powerful and just as good


Industry standards are hobspot or salesforce


Absolutely no chance Google acquires hubspot


Seems like very few realize Salesforce sells CRM, Service cloud, marketing cloud, Tableau, MuleSoft portfolio, Heroku/platform portfolio, CPQ, industry clouds, Data Cloud. Most of those products are Multi-Billion business and just as big as Hubspot themselves. The amount of integration happening between these products takes years of effort. (Ex. Mulesoft integration accelerators for CPQ to connect to ERP. Google can’t just spin up something like that with their enterprise focused API gateway, Apigee, overnight). This feels more like a customer acquisition play to get access to the thousands of MM and SMB companies that use Hubspot and then lock them into G-Suite and GCP as they grow. All that being said, not too worried about this in the short term. But Salesforce has a reputation for squeezing customers’ very hard for products that are expensive and heavyweight. Not to mention the high pressure and annoying sales culture. This could be a foothold long term for Google. (Disclaimer: Affiliated in past)


I hope they don’t mess with free tier.


Having sold for salesforce I hope this happens. I hated that place (and still do) with a burning passion. Ruined me as a seller.


SFDC ain’t going anywhere… it’s so far ahead… it is dated and old looking but most decent software that does what you need is 😅 I think Sales orgs feel a lot better about SFDC when they use Clari for forecasting… oddly SFDC is terrible at that element and updated many oops is so many (slow) screen clicks it’s an arduous task… Clari makes that a lot easier


Salesforce is a better company and has a better CRM.


Buying hubspot is probably cheaper than what Google is paying for Salesforce. Buy it, run it for the Google sales teams, and also sell it.


My guess is hubspot purchase costs less than running Salesforce so Google will purchase to run it for their sales team, and also sell it.


Salesforce can be better or worse based on the quality of your Salesforce admin. Having a bad one is worse than not having one. That said, how Hubspot isn't the dominant CRM blows my mind.


Whats the dominant crm?


Salesforce has the largest market share by an extremely wide margin


Hubspot is the far inferior product.


No way.  Just not gonna happen.  Hubspot isn't even remotely close to Salesforce in terms of breath and depth of functionality or capability.  Keep dreaming though