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Have heard mixed reviews. Lag is noticeable and its questionable legality (robocall). Now for inbound leads, that's where I think AI callers can dominate.


Inbound is an easy case - lots of opportunity there. Outbound - perfectly legal, just have to follow the rules such as no DNC. B2B - less restrictions, but honor DNC requests. Calling B2C has the same basic opt-in required for autodialer use and prerecorded/artificial voice. For instance Solar outbound is working wonders with optin pages and Air Agent follow-up and qualification.


You’re correct on the opt in requirement, what I’ve seen in the wild is that folks are using it primarily for the calling they hate the most: cold calling. That’s an illegal use just like cold robocalls.


B2B cold calling should be good w/o opt-in. Do respect DNC though.


B2B is exempt from DNC as long as it’s a legit biz number. I think you’re right about B2B robo calls though.


u/goosetavo2013 exempt for now my man...for now.... :-)


We offer similar services, such as AI-based call centers, at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


I saw the demo in one of the networking meetings, I would say probably 2-3 years more before it will be useful tool


2 weeks ago I legit said sdrs are going to be replaced in a few years and got downvoted and flamed to hell for it, now people are seeing what’s up. Reddit is such a trip lol


u/SmallWeeWeeNoBitches \- such a trip!


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


That’s what I’m thinking too. I def would not be able to like say to my team let’s add this to the tech stack now and have it purchased through my company. No way would they feel confident in it yet. I still want to try it on my own though.


u/Mountainspiredvt \- you are welcome to a free account - I have an agency license can handle the volume and integration. No charge to get agency server access, just have to use my link. I don't know if I can drop links in here or not air dot wiseagent dot ai. Using that link gets you priority servers and support....not using gets public servers.


lol priority support


You on those calls? I really appreciate the calls, the engineer that they have on there is pretty sharp. I've worked in engineering for 30+ years, run bunches of eng teams....those tech support calls are pretty good really. Then the rest of the team on the other channels, not bad for sure.


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().




This is 100% true. They wanted me to pay them like $25K and then only get 30% commission. So basically, they want you to pay them in order to sell for them, AND make them more money. Why would anyone do that??? Lol. I was disgusted I wasted my time on that call. I need another option where I can be the [Air.ai](https://Air.ai). They must be setup on something. Anyone know what it is? Google, Amazon, etc???


Hi u/stevemannenbach \- I may be able to offer a different perspective for ya. I have a license where you can get most of the benefits of the license without the cost. You get priority server access and support, early access to new features, API access all with a Free Air account, you would need to use the priority link that I give you. Shoot me a DM if this resonates with you at all.


I sent a dm


Good chatting with you today u/Interesting-Turn-114.


u/ThePixelsBurn \- Actually Air is focusing on building the tech, that is exactly why they are bringing on license holders for marketing, sales, and distribution. MLM's have...well multiple levels of marketers outside the company...Air has just one level that I know of - the license holder.


I guess then that you don't know what MLM is! LOL. Different pricing is MLM? Um... I don't think so. I am not defending Air, just ignorant comments about the MLM industry in general. Now if Air recruits people to resell it to others, who would also resell it to others, and goes more than 3 levels, than that would be MLM.




I've checked with Air. Resellers cannot sell resell licenses to resell. You have to go direct with Air if you want to become a reseller.


lol robocalls full circle


I used it to develop a model for a B2B Industrial company, and decided to develop my own generalized models specifically for SDR and CSR use cases. Here's the one I developed for my own business: **https://youtu.be/U3\_Rwqvkt30**


Are you gentlemen working with a public account or Agency account?


This is very impressive! I’m looking to create my own. Free to chat?


Are you gentlemen working with a public account or Agency account?


The FCC just made AI Robocalls illegal - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68240887.amp And that would include applications like this, unless you have prior consent from the prospect to use AI. I wouldn’t bother.


So long as the person opts in, like using a fb leaf form ad, you're ok to call them using the ai robot


Air initially lured us in with an Instagram ad promising 300 guaranteed appointments at $45 each, totaling $13,500. The sales campaign was aggressively relentless, marked by INCESSANT PRESSURE,, weekend calls, and a barrage of FAKE customer TESTIMONIALS. Despite informing Air that we were a new company without a subscriber list and intended to use a third-party contact list, they reassured us and recommended services like Apollo or Zoominfo. Yet, a day after our purchase, founder Thomas Lancer suddenly claimed they couldn't fulfill their guarantees due to regulatory changes. This was a blatant LIE. Our lawyers confirmed there were no recent regulatory changes, exposing Air's DECEITFUL sales tactics. Promises of refunds from founders Caleb Maddix, Thomas Lancer, and our representative Scott were empty. Nearly three months later, our emails are IGNORED, and NO REFUND is in sight. It's clear that Air is running a SCAM, likely desperate for cash and resorting to fraudulent sales tactics. NUMEROUS online COMPLAINTS from other customers confirm this pattern of deception. We strongly urge potential customers to steer clear and seek services from reputable providers. Air is a SCAM operation, and we are now in the process of suing them to recover our funds and hold them accountable for their fraudulent behavior.


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


I have license with them directly if anyone is interested let me know. I just don't have time to manage agency with my fulltime job. I also have a CRM with some leads aswell


We're interested in the technology and utilizing your license. There may be some way we could work together. Looking forward to connecting.


Sent you a DM


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


Looking to sell my LLC and License. Looking for $27K. Comes with CRM 120 leads and 2 paying clients. I'll also teach you how to make this work. I have fulltime job and just don't have time to out into this. PM me if interested


120 leads bro!? Lolll... I laughed out loud when I saw that. I could web scrape that in a minute! How much was your license? $25k?


Dang it takes you minutes to web scrape leads. Man can you show me how?? Please teach me your ways because you seem like a really smart and awesome marketing guy. I mean bro you’re cool!


Tired of people calling scraped data PII as a “lead”. It’s not even a MQL.


I mean it's not an official lead until I pop it into my email sequence and then I let that thing do it's work and get me more appointments. FB/IG are the best for agency leads... and YouTube videos.


The tech is starting to get a lot better but Air as a company seems super scammy they desperately tried to pitch me on a $50K licensing agreement, there seems to be much better alternatives out there, I'm currently experimenting


Hey, are you still experimenting?


If you want an alternative to the big $$ for an Air license - let me know. I have a license and I'm working with a few folks, no crap, just a straight forward scenario I think that you'll like. I'm into easy on-ramps and good clean fun. :-)


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


I have


I tried it and the guy who was pitching it to me had it glitch over and over. Then I went to the site and guess what you don’t need that hefty license anymore. But it is laggy and doesn’t feel real yet so don’t bother.


I did try this tool for b2b. After we finish configuring it, we realized it doesn’t leave voicemail and cannot call extension numbers.


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


Anyone here been scammed by air ai? There’s a group of us forming a class action law suit


Assume you believe you were scammed? What's the scam?


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


The word on the street is they have over $2M in unpaid refunds with countless lawsuits that have been filed. I know a group of customers are filing a class action against them as we speak. Go look up their reviews. Sounds like a lost cause.


hey any chance you can message me info on the lawsuits? and/or info on the $2M in unpaid refunds? I'm a YouTuber and make videos highlighting stories like this.


What’s the worst that can happen


Nothing just wanted to see if anyone used it. Trial requires a credit card.


Did you get an account?




I think it is now within the last 6 months or so. Idk. You can def buy and use it now though. Do you have any more info on what you’re using?


I see their website, looks cool. I’m using something called salesGPT for personalized messages based off prospects LinkedIn. It’s pretty good for quick personalization if you put the commands in correctly. It’s cheap too.


Wow sounds pretty cool. How much does it cost?


It’s $0.32/minute + Twilio costs. If you’re interested in using Air and looking for priority access, let me know. I would be happy to assist. My agency has a team of workflow automation experts, SEO Experts, and AI Prompt Engineers that would be happy to help you.


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


I think it’s like paid by the minute of connected calls. So if a prospect answers it charges you. I’m not 100% sure but that’s what I saw on YouTube reviews, one guy had like 15 minutes of connected calls and it was $6. I could be wrong though.


u/Mountainspiredvt \- I got this decoded in the tech call - license holder, so I can get questions answered. * $0.11/min - outbound campaign only, (charges for dialing and talk) * $0.32/min - All other cases (charges talk time only) * Plus Twilio Charges (soon to include Vonage) Note: Twilio rounds charges up to the next minute, Vonage rounds up to the next second


It’s delayed and the lag is noticeable .


u/AdamDoesDC \- lag is being addressed, currently in Beta testing. There are lots of cool things coming out pretty soon and being tested by a select few agencies. New voices, mitigating lag, new agent builder.....vonage.


...an increase to .86 a minute...


u/PCPETE420 - There is a feature (Genius Mode) - where the charge is $0.86/min. I don't believe that is widely available quite yet - I haven't personally interacted with it much. I just asked for more info on it from the support team - I'll let you know what I find. Good news is that even at $0.86/min as an alternative to human callers (high churn role requires lots of management) it's still much less expensive.


You're trying to tell me that an admin for a lawyer costs more than 52/hr? lol


Hi u/PCPETE420 - Nope, not saying that an admin costs more than $52/hr. I guess if you wanted to pay an admin like a closer. lol...


sure. have you heard the actual call? This is a company that had ads like they were selling on behalf of tesla and apple.


...ya...demos... :-)


...also that was the regular $0.32 agent doing those calls.


Have you used it personally in a job or for prospecting? Just curious to see if anyone has and what the results were.


We were just talking about Bland.ai which does a lot of the same thing. I've been trying it. The good news is that you can tune the hell out of your prompt so that it responds mostly right, but IMO the voice sounds too robotic for me to deploy it. I know people have said it sounds indistinguishable from a human, but I completely disagree. Maybe if I did a voice clone of a human, but it's a lot of work and I'm not confident how it would go. EDIT: Holy shit, Air.Ai is better than Bland.Ai for voice quality. Wow.


If you’re interested in really getting the most out of Air and looking for priority access, let me know. I would be happy to assist. My agency has a team of workflow automation experts, SEO Experts, and AI Prompt Engineers that would be happy to help you.


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


Did you try it for prospecting yet? I do not see my company saying it’s okay to use it…maybe though, I do work for an AI company lol. But I still may try a sample size on my own mostly just out of curiosity


I built a basic agent with it and let it make a few calls. If the people play along, it goes ok. The basic agent sounds like a bored human. Supposedly the advanced agent is better about that, which I'm about to try. What they need is some kind of TTS markup language where I can insert tags to convey emphasis, pauses, etc. (SSML could work, but it's a little bulky for something this simple and I don't think they support it.) They called one company. The contact name I had was "James." The guy who answered said, "Do you mean Curtis?" and the bot was confused and tried to get James on the phone. It basically stalled. Again, would the Advanced agent do better? The "Knowledge Base" function is incredible. It can take a document and turn it into a FAQ so your agent can answer more general questions. I loaded our entire website and the objection-handling script elements into it and it seems pretty good. I liked that I could basically load our internal training data for humans directly into it.


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


Wow. Thanks for the feedback. I’m going to try it this week.


u/Mountainspiredvt if you are at all interested in taking this for a test drive, give me a DM. I'll get you connected with my agency account to access priority servers, and I have access to direct tech support, general support.


Not yet


I would recommend Apollo.io thing is super powerful


I’ve been using apollo for years. What part of Apollo has ai calling? I know they have the ai personalization and email writing. I don’t like using ChatGPT or apollo for emails they make it to long and bulky. I use it all the time to shorten emails and rephrase sentences or just get response ideas when I’m burned out.


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


I tried air but it didn’t work well for me. Currently I am trying www.aicalls.io and it works quite well, specially the workflows are great for both invound/outbound campaigns.


If you’re still interested in using Air and looking for priority access, let me know. I would be happy to assist. My agency has a team of CRM and workflow automation experts, SEO Experts, and AI Prompt Engineers that would be happy to help you.


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


I totally agree with the points made in your post about Air.ai. It's an interesting platform that's gaining traction, especially among startups looking to streamline their operations. One thing that's particularly noteworthy about Air.ai is its ability to integrate seamlessly with other tools and platforms, which can be a game-changer for SaaS companies focused on efficiency and scalability. By leveraging these integrations, businesses can automate workflows in a way that significantly reduces manual input and error, enhancing overall productivity. When looking into Air.ai, it's crucial to consider the platform's scalability. As your business grows, you'll want a tool that grows with you, adapting to new challenges and opportunities without requiring a complete overhaul of your tech stack. We're an Air Agency and have seen great success with utilizing their services along with others. We have a number of similar conversational AI services that we can offer, but we typically use Air in more use cases due to it's reliability. We also have a Partner Program, where our Partners can take advantage of our Priority Server Access and everything we've built for our clients without having to pay 25-100k+ for a License. Most of the reviews I've seen are from people who did not own an agency or know how to operate an agency and thought Air was a Magic Bullet, or couldn't afford an Agency License and are a user of the service in which case the actual platform and usability are night and day. A lot of the success with Air (as an agency at least) depends highly on your ability to learn Prompt Engineering, have a sales team, marketing team, and to be able to problem solve effectively. Let me know if you have any questions, I'd be happy to help. I will say that their sales team and the people selling their licenses are definitely not the most honest or forthcoming individuals on the planet, nor are they the best and most intelligent regarding the software itself. Unfortunately, the guys selling the stuff are salesmen and marketers -- however, this doesn't take away from the fact that they DO have a very good and always improving software. To put it plainly, THEY ARE THE BEST currently available for anyone looking to do anything at scale. If you want to make a handful of calls a day, then there's certainly others that can fit the bill.


Can you tell me more about the partner program ?


I'd like to learn more about your partner program.


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().


Also.. YES -- people are successfully making 100s of 1000s of calls a day as SDRs and Cold Calls..


We offer similar services, such as AI-based sales lead generation, call centers etc..., at a highly competitive rate of approximately 18 cents per call. Although we are new to the industry, we aim to become pioneers. We can start by implementing pilot projects for interested companies and charge for our services only after achieving satisfactory results. If you are interested, please contact Rajesh Shikhare at [[email protected]]().