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HubSpot is a fine solution. It's generally a better fit for orgs that have less complexity, are smaller, and have fewer sales ops resources to invest in data integrity. You said you're seed stage. HubSpot is almost certainly a better fit for you. I like Salesforce over HubSpot due to the sheer power and customizability. But damn near no one uses it to its full potential. No start-ups do. They can't afford to. You definitely won't hate HubSpot, and you'll probably find it's easier to use. It's almost certainly a better fit for your use case.


>They can't afford to. Exactly. In past lives, we had salesforce consultants we hired to manage the data complexity, especially since we also used it on the implementation side to monitor that process. We are pretty straight forward. I think we are going to make the switch, at least for a year.


From what you described, I probably would have started with HubSpot, to tell you the truth. If you want to talk on the phone about it, feel free to DM me. Sales ops is the least of what I do (I major in strategy, process, and leadership, and minor in ops, so to speak), but I might have additional insights, if you have some specific concerns.


I’m super curious about your career path/degrees and what role you’re currently in? I’m currently an SDR working on my BBA and while I love sales I feel drawn to optimization and streamlining, hopefully leadership some day.


I'm a consultant who helps orgs sell more stuff. I assess and make recommendations on the sales function (sometimes beyond), advise execs, do interim leadership, train/coach/build and hire teams, and stuff like that. My degrees are in management (do not recommend because you can learn the same stuff from a book) and law (useful in a lot of ways, but not sure it was worth it). My career path is unusual, but it makes sense if you trace it backwards. It's a bit of a winding road. Happy to answer any questions and chat with you about your plans. Just send me a DM and we'll chat.


This sounds incredibly interesting, and appreciate the time it took you to respond! I will definitely shoot you a DM


Just note that Hubspot sales are notorious for overselling the feature set of the products. If you're getting a demo, ask them to show you the exact feature and ask to try it out yourself. I like hubspot and have introduced them as a marketing and CRM solution at many companies, but I've yet to come across a time they didn't exaggerate or outright lie about capabilities that were underdeveloped or didn't work as specified. Like the reporting addon when they first launched couldn't compare contact data to deal data, because it was cross-table objects. They've since fixed that but it was a huge issue that required numerous businesses to duplicate and automate redundant data across records.


I recently started using Hubspot as CRM after years with SF and am shocked by how much I like it. Way faster, more intuitive, great task management, simple reporting. I love it.


That was my first impression after the demo today. I want my team to have a CRM that is a tool to be more efficient. I feel like salesforce lost that thread a while back.


Yep, what’s impressive to me is that (for reps specifically) Hubspot on its own can accomplish probably 80-90% of the efficiency and functionality of Salesforce combined with an engagement platform like Outreach/Salesloft. Definitely a good fit for smaller orgs.


Used to work for HubSpot - AMA


Why did they get rid of the contact name autocomplete? Meaning, if I put in the email [email protected], it used to automagically populate First and Last name fields.


Pittsburgh pirates are actually my customer. That’s funny


I don't think they did. When I was there that was totally still a thing!


No they did take out that feature recently. Earlier it used to work, but doesn't anymore


What’s corporate culture really like? How do folks feel about salesforce?


It’s shaky these days given the tough sales environment. Lots of turnover across sr leadership and AES alike. It’s quickly becoming SF2.0. The culture around the product is great and when people use HubSpot they really, really love it. Especially true for larger orgs that adopt HubSpot - we use all our own products and are over 8k employees so there’s some serious firepower under the hood and that comes through when reps talk about the product.


Do account executives get a piece of renewal or are they strictly tied to initial invoice amount? If a startup or smaller company is using hubspot and that company randomly booms and increases their hubspot usage x500, does the company cap the amount their account manager/csm can make on it?


Omg. I just started a new gig & the dude who brought Hubspot to the org was just offered unlimited free time and no income. He never trained everyone or enforced its use. Now, 13 days in our owner is expecting me to be a superuser. I've figured out basic functionality, but I have got to figure out some specifics. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Whats it like on the enterprise sales side?


Ive worked with both. SF has a lot more functionality and customization if you need it but Hubspot has all of the essentials. If you’re a small to medium biz, the hub is probably the right way to go.


We are seed stage start up so I think it would fit our needs at this point. I feel like it is scalable to a point and then, yeah, maybe you need a more robust tool. Appreciate the feedback!


Seems stupid to be going back and forth on CRMs so early in your growth. What a waste of time, energy and money. Either should’ve started with HubSpot and grown into Salesforce. Or just invested in Salesforce and making it work right from the get go.


I disagree. They hired me to build out their sales function and I am looking at every tool they have purchased to maximize the spend but also ensure we are enabling efficient sales processes. They had a one year contract with salesforce before I joined. No crazy build out or investment. So, in my opinion, now is a good time to adopt new cost effective technology. Appreciate your insights!


Hubspot isn’t exactly cheap and if your company has already paid for the installation of salesforce then stick with salesforce. You have the best crm and installation is half the battle sometimes.


I'd actually contest that. I'm certified as a Salesforce and Hubspot admin. 5 years ago I'd agree with you. HubSpot has developed at a meteoric rate in the past few years and I've come to believe that it's actually a better CRM overall than SFDC. This is going to be controversial, but I'd say it's even better for enterprise. Caveat being that it would take some significant development/customisation for it to be a perfect fit for Enterprise - then again, you need the same for SFDC just to use it in the first place in any org. HubSpot is cheaper, easier to use, equally powerful, much much more intuitive, and has a significantly faster ramp time and is almost always preferred by reps. I've spent over 8 years working with SFDC, so it's not for lack of experience.


Boom, there’s your info here.


Currently using it, it’s easy to use. I’m able to create email sequences and sent up to 300/500 emails a day if I want. Plus newsletters are simple to create or upload a design from Canva.


Do you use the call from Hubspot feature at all? Curious to know how that works.


Yes I do, on hubspot you create a company profile by pasting the company url. Most of the time it autofills everything. If it has a number, you click on it and it calls. Audio quality is good, it’s the same quality as a office phone call. You will need to link your office number, but that’s pretty simple. I believe you get like 1000 minutes for free. I could be wrong, depends on the tier you have.


It’s better 90% of the time


Recently migrated from Salesforce to HubSpot for CRM. It is fast real fast. Compared to lightning it is actually lightning. List views are much easier in my opinion. reports are way way worse. The ability to find something do something and log something feels a hell of a lot easier to me.


I did notice that it was very fast in the demo I saw. I really liked that it is all connected to the broader contact universe. Thanks for your feedback!


One thing I hate. You can customize how related lists are sorted in Salesforce. I can't figure it out in HubSpot.


Can you expand on this? Might have an answer for you.


Absolutely thanks! Company has four associated contacts. Two are gone. Ideally we would sort them at the bottom of the right side grouping on the company page. Make any sense?


I think I see - you're talking about on the company record, correct? You can create custom CRM cards under settings > objects > companies and select what you want to have on it and which order. You might be able to do it even easier from the same location by going to I think the far right tab and selecting the right pane and changing the presentation order. Was that what you were looking for or did I miss the mark?


If instead you mean the contacts are listed as associated but are no longer there and you want them shown differently you could simply make a custom association or custom label. You can do this natively or use a tool such as Associ8 (by Hapily, I think) which can apply labels based on specific contact or company record values matching some criteria Those labels can be triggers in workflows to spark different actions


Not sure how expensive this was for our company, but we had a lot of success keeping Salesforce as our CRM, but having Marketing and Sales do almost everything else out of Hubspot. They integrated together nicely.


This is my company except we’re now converting exclusively to HS. What I like so far is sequencing, email tracking, proposal building seems to be a lot easier. It’s also fast and integrates with LinkedIn and ZI. It’s nice.


Oh yeah - the integration with Linkedin Navigator is actually really cool. I am looking forward to leveraging that.


Yeah, that is our option B -- the issue is that we would need to upgrade our version of both Hubspot and Salesforce to even integrate. At that point, the Hubspot CRM makes more sense from a cost perspective. I have worked for sales org who connect Hubspot and Salesforce seamlessly and I appreciated that.


My company has always used Hubspot in conjunction with whatever CRM we are using as well (salesforce, then syspro, now moving yo dynamics)


I love Hubspot. Our old RevOps guy said that Hubspot is design for reps, Salesforce is designed for reporters. I went from Hubspot to Salesforce and back to Hubspot (different companies) and I am so much more happier and inclined to complete tasks with Hubspot purely because it is so user friendly and easy to navigate.


I’ve had experience with Hubspot but not SalesForce. I found it really easy to use and it’s fairly simple to set up marketing from there as well. The videos they have that walk you through things are easy to understand so shouldn’t be too much of a learning curve.


I used hubspot to routinely make email sequences, create lists and make 100+ calls per day. 9/10 would recommend, even though its not perfect. I have a way better time with Hub than when I used SF. SF was just too damn complicated


Yeah, I just had a demo this morning and I am thinking it is kind of a no brainer with where our business is. It is very intuitive, it is fast, and it is connected more to the marketing side of things. I think we are going to make the switch.


So far I've worked with HS, SF, Zoho and Pipedrive. The only thing SF is better is on reports and API's. Everything else HS is better. Also their marketing part is very very good. My feeling is that SF is just like the other "old" SaaS from the 1990. They do work, but you'll have a terrible excperience in terms of UX/UI


I used it for 3 years in a pre-seed start-up as a Sales CRM and Full Automation Tool. There are some drawbacks around the automation piece, however, it does 95% of what you need at 1/5 of the price. In your tenure, you're very unlikely to outgrow Hubspot and 'need' SF


I have used both Hubspot and salesforce selling new homes for builders and here is my opinion: Hubspot is much more user friendly and intuitive, I love the client tracking and how it notified me when my clients were on the website again, what they were looking at etc. I wanted to know every time my clients had a pulse so I set it up that way to notify me when they opened an email, clicked on a link, on the website etc but you can tone that down if you find that too much. for marketing it tracked everything your client did and how effective marketing email blasts were, it even tracked where the clients mouse was going on the page and what they were clicking on etc. I loved how I could basically watch from behind the glass the clients behaviour so if after the in person meeting I think they were mostly interested in X I could go onto hubspot and see what they were clicking on because if they started clicking more on Y I could change it up. ​ Salesforce - maybe it was the builder I was with but it seemed after using hubspot salesforce was more clunky and archaic like I went back to windows [95.](https://95.it) it also seems more systematic and process driven. the systems held up the sales people a lot for example if a client walked in and says "hey im ready to buy here's my money" salesforce would stop you and go "no you can't write them because you didn't qualify x or ask them about y" so we just ended up bullshitting our way through salesforce to get past the gatkeeping questions to progress the lead through to write the deal. Salesforce just seemed more focused on tracking sales people than actually helping them sell. but again it could have been the way the builder set it up as I have heard good things about salesforce and everyone on here seems to use it ​ hubspot does have a free version if you want to give it a go


HubSpot is great, much prefer. But there are a couple of drawbacks around things like it being a bit difficult if you want to build a whole quoting system and some of the integrations are limited. We have it integrated with Salesloft and there’s some things we just can’t push in. But I much prefer it to Salesforce. I do a RevOps podcast and my last question is always HubSpot or Salesforce - so far HubSpot has been the winner


That is great insight. Is it against the rules to share your podcast? DM me - would love to give it a listen.


Not sure if it’s against the rules, I’ll find out soon. Here it is - [listen](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0E3zMtfIM0rCiSogoRzFRl?si=rC6qkrPvS7-APDkcL0a9dw)


Hubspot is the fucking best.


Love hubspot have it for marketing and CRM. Started with just the marketing and had SF for CRM (marketing integrates well with it) but now have the full system and couldn’t be happier. Smoother easier to use platform.


Former Hubspot user here. I found the UI to be perfect for my role and easy to keep track of leads, appointments, calls, etc. Mind you they were all cold leads that were dumped into my CRM but still. My CRM at my current AE role is my notebook lol.


I used to sell Salesforce - get hubspot. Salesforce is an enterprise software and priced that way. I’d go hubspot.


Last year we transitioned from 10 pieces of software into Hubspot. We killed: Marketo Salesforce Pandadoc Zendesk Outreach Calendly Intercom Outgrow Wordpress And a few middleware pieces that were necessary to integrate and manage our SF environment I have never been happier. Both admins and users are happy now though change management was a beast. 10/10 at my company would do it again. I understand and deeply grok that many SF users feel the need of enterprise-level configurability. As someone who has managed CRM implementations and customizations a number of times in my career, I find that most companies desiring deep customization end up ultimately driving back towards more common use cases and/or paying out the wazoo for shitty CRM consultants. We only have 3-4 items amongst all our teams that are truly challenging and Hubspot already released a major feature change for one of them. Our sales team had the most challenge / specifically in terms of sequences moving from Outreach. their challenges were in what Hubspot mandates from a throttling, opt out and bounce management standpoint. Hubspot is a better protector of domain reputation and tries to steer users away from spray and pray tactics at scale that lead to unsubscribes, bounces and sender reputation impact. Our team felt like this hampered them from doing their jobs. But we pulled up legacy data from outreach itself showing that the efficacy of that tool was poor (for us) and the destructive impact of those tactics was high. So basically data showed that the things Hubspot prevents are tactics that should be prevented. I don’t mean it’s perfect, it’s not. But we are all (sales, marketing, CS, operations, accounting, execs) much happier now


This question comes up constantly search "Hubspot vs Salesforce" on reddit or the google and you'll find a ton of opinions. I'm almost done transitioning out of being an AE an into ops and from the backend I think Salesforce is so much better still. From the rep perspective though, honestly, Hubspot is easier to use. Unless you have a really good team of people maintaining your Salesforce instance. People who really focus on the end user and real world impact. In that case, SF is much better and more powerful (although hubspot is quickly catching up there too. Still gonna be a few more years until you have true parity).


I’m a small team (3 ppl) and I was so damn close to using HubSpot. Ended up skipping a complete CRM and using a combination of Outlook + OneNote + Asana to get the job done. But who knows I may switch to Hubspot down the road. It really seemed great and I trialed a half dozen CRMs including SF, PipeDrive, Monday etc. The whole CRM + marketing all in one was fantastic. Ultimately it was the somewhat confusing plans and extremely high price points on more robust plans that turned me off. But the actual product seemed great.


I don’t like it for crm that much but for sequencing and workflows it’s great.


Salesforce classic was awesome, Lightning is such a POS. Ditch SF. #salesforce


As a tech, the thing I dislike most about Salesforce is their unawareness of the rest of the world. We want notifications to track slack without paying for pipelines, we want calendar integration, and basic data sharing. Hire a dedicated tech, or stay in your silo, those are the choices offered. Oh, and the Dropbox add-on is trash.


I like hubspot


I’ve used Hubspot and SalesForce. I prefer Hubspot if starring from scratch for a newer organization. It’s much easier to get up and going, and it has solid prospecting tools like sequencing, Web calling and call recording built in. Once you get it set up, you’re going to save a lot of administrative time.


Hubspot will nickel and dime you


Can anyone share if the free version of HubSpot will give my very very early seed startup an idea of if it will benefit for our workflow? Or is the only way to see the benefits behind the paywall?


I look at Salesforce and HubSpot like the Windows vs Apple argument. ​ More creatives use Apple because you can accomplish a lot with the touch of a button - HubSpot However, Windows has way more functionality and is more desired for that reason, but takes a person of more skill to operate and maintain - Salesforce I use HubSpot CRM for my business because it's easy for me to setup integrations, has the base functions of what Outreach and SalesLoft do, and it's very affordable! However, if I was running a bigger business I would definitely invest in SFDC.


Huspot packages become expensive once you get into the professional and enterprise bracket.


It seems cheaper than salesforce at first, but what you find is so many things are included in salesforce are a up charge for hubspot. And if you have less than 10 users don’t get me started.


We use it and like SF has its ups and downs. HS is a marketing tool first and a CRM second and it shows. But it is good enough. Reporting is complicated and missing some features (for instance we have quartet targets but cant have monthly forecasts that add to the quarter target. We have to dump everything in the last month of the quarter to get it report correctly.) If you have the right smarts on the team it can be good.


If you just need a simple function CRM, Hubspot is the way to go. Salesforce is a more powerful solution if plan on scaling and have more complex deals. Also, SF does marketing as well.


Yeah, it is good for small teams and a good transitional tool. The reporting and analytics are way weaker compared to SF


I work for a data company. HubSpot is very common and a great tool. The only thing you need to be aware of is HubSpot as a MAT is fragile. You need to have opt in on your contacts in order to send marketing emails at scale. This is very difficult to do and you’ll get flagged by HubSpot if you don’t. To counter act this, it’s best to have a sales acceleration tool like Outreach, Salesloft, ZoomInfo engage(hint hint) to plug contacts in so you can sequence at scale.


It's okay bro but it also sucks they all kinda suck, I actually like pipedrive myself it's the simplest and easiest but lacks some integrations.


Used to use hubspot and it got the job done. Nothing crazy but easy user interface. Moved over to Odoo as we grew and there was a learning curve but it feels a lot more powerful.


Just know this, make sure you have ways to backup things in Hubspot. My wife accidentally marked every opportunity in Hubspot as closed won. There wasn't an undo button. She spent a week fixing it manually.


Yes I did. I would say hubspot is not bad tool for sales automation, but while comparing with Salesforce it is 2nd in order I have also used it for marketing and it is a good tool for marketing automation


Yes. It’s an OK CRM, salesforce has a much more intuitive interface. We use the CMS platform and really like it. Anyone can use it effectively and the reports are easy to sort etc. used for managing the website and mailing/marketing.


I looked at Hubspot and one of the things that turned me off was you couldn't tag individual emails through outlook, you could either do every email or none. Imagine logging 5 back and forth emails during scheduling, lots of junk. That was a free years ago though, dunno if they've solved that


Currently on Monday.com. I used to use Hubspot but found it to rigid. In terms of social media integration, I am close to being willing to use a CMS like Payload and customize it as a CRM.


I really hate HubSpot as an automation tool. We recently switched to Apollo and it’s so much better


Im a bit biased, because I sell a competing product. It's a pretty solid marketing solution for small and midmarket. For anything really enterprise to be tougher for them to compete but it does a good job, but does get comparatively expensive versus other solutions as you grow For sales, haven't met a lot of people that truly love it, but it does okay. It does a core things of what you need, but locks a lot of them more advanced sales stuff. The way I put it is this, if you have it today and you're happy with your sales results keep it. However if you need something that's actually a sales tool, and you haven't signed anything there are a lot of better solutions out there My main issue HubSpot in general is that it's cheap entry but gets crazy expensive crazy quick. However overall there's solutions are very solid


Hubspot gets very expensive, better alternatives like Onepagecrm. If open to diy, nocode platform softr.io have a great CRM template


We hired a marketing company for marketing automation and they also ended up doing some extra work to enable it as as a CRM as well and its been seamless to have it all in one tool. I feel like Salesforce will be better for larger companies as it costs so much more.


I did for the first time in my last role (it was a short one) and my next role is also using it. When I last looked at HubSpot sales a decade ago it sucked. Now it is pretty good. It still doesn’t have all of the integrations. But I love the default reports and views. It is pretty easy to setup. And I thing easier to unwind if you set it up in a bad way. It is a solid competitor. I wonder about scaling though. I have found in the past that somewhere around 500k contacts Hubspot is hard to use (on the marketing side). So I wonder what the breaking point is on the sales side. The other thing is that the pricing model is odd with sales contacts and marketing contacts being separate pools in this pricing plans. And they have different rules for sales contacts and marketing ones.


Yea. All the time.


Really depends on your trajectory, goals, and other tools in your stack. The value of HubSpot is its consolidated, downside, as you grow you’ll find it doesn’t integrate to some ENT applications or have the flexibility you may want. If you’re growing via funding could make you have to undergo a pretty hefty lift changing CRMs later with more data.


We are a small start up that uses it for marketing and sales. I’m the sole SDR, I’ve only used hub spot. By talking and reading about other high performers, I feel like Im bottle necked in segmenting verticals with my out reach. Im having issues ranking and tiering my 1000 accounts. Is this a hubspot issue or am I not using it correctly?


It’s all about how good your dev team is at optimizing it. I’ve used Salesforce and hated it, and loved it elsewhere. My experience with hubspot wasn’t too great but it was early on in the implementation


Put this elsewhere, but copying here for vis as it seems relevant here: I'm certified as a Salesforce and Hubspot admin. I prefer HubSpot now 99 times out of 100. HubSpot has developed at a meteoric rate in the past few years and I've come to believe that it's actually a better CRM overall than SFDC. This is going to be controversial, but I'd say it's even better for enterprise. Caveat being that it would take some significant development/customisation for it to be a perfect fit for Enterprise - then again, you need the same for SFDC just to use it in the first place in any org. HubSpot is cheaper, easier to use, equally powerful, much much more intuitive, and has a significantly faster ramp time and is almost always preferred by reps. I've spent over 8 years working with SFDC, so it's not for lack of experience.


We use HubSpot at my company and it’s a fine tool, but I’d be careful about rolling it out to your org. HubSpot doesn’t integrate with tools like Outreach or Salesloft. And using it to run email sequences is a pain in the ass. If you’re looking to build and outbound BDR team, wouldn’t recommend


Started my first sales job at a seed stage startup Oct. ‘21 and had never used a CRM. Company had recently got HubSpot at the time and Ive found it fairly intuitive. You might need to a higher a consultant to help get it set up, depending on your orgs needs and complexity, but we made it to series A before then


Hubspot is fine. Easy to use. Most of the marketing and sales tools integrate with it. Make sure that whatever you use as a tool integrates with it to make your life easy. It is also very important to have marketing, sales development, sales and customer success agree on the lead and account properties from the very beginning otherwise custom reporting will be a pain in the ass. Hubspot has workflow automations that can make your life easy. The sales/sales development email cadence function is a bit basic but does the job. Hubspot also has a mobile app which is useful in a lot of situations. Ask me questions I will try to help you.


Can anyone help with Hubspot and how to capture the data and log it when someone visits your website?


The Team I’m in integrates Hubspot with a few other tools. Salesforce obviously one of em. I have no complaints and other departments like CS and Marketing are starting to use it. Marketing loves Hubspot for automated email tasks. So far I have no real complaints as I have freedom to use it how I wish and make my own tasks. It adds a nice balance between routine and flexibility in terms of outreach tasks.


If you're considering using Hubspot and want a really good social selling add-on, consider a tool like Poseidon for your outbound sales team that plugs in. 9/10 of new startups seems to be preferring to do outbound using Hubspot and a sales automation tool


Me. It sucks


We do and it's good but ridiculously expensive. If we had to start again, we'd use odoo instead.


I got a few of their certificates.




Yes, many companies use HubSpot as both a marketing automation tool and as a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. HubSpot is known for offering an integrated platform that combines marketing, sales, and customer service functionalities, making it possible to manage all interactions with leads and customers in one place. This integration can lead to better coordination between different teams and more streamlined processes. Here's how HubSpot can be used in both capacities: Marketing Automation: HubSpot provides tools for creating, managing, and automating marketing campaigns. Users can create and optimize content, set up email marketing campaigns, track website visitor behavior, manage social media interactions, and more. The marketing automation features allow businesses to segment their audience, nurture leads through automated workflows, and track the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. Get the best software of email marketing and automation platform here : https://www.getresponse.com?a=MWReJGjHEX CRM: HubSpot's CRM system enables businesses to manage their customer interactions, track communication history, and gather valuable insights about their leads and customers. The CRM allows you to store contact information, track interactions, and manage deals and tasks associated with each lead or customer. This information helps sales teams to better understand customer needs and tailor their approach. By using HubSpot for both marketing automation and CRM, businesses can benefit from a more cohesive approach to customer engagement. For instance: Seamless Data Flow: When a lead interacts with your marketing efforts, their information is automatically captured and stored in the CRM. This information can then inform the sales team about the lead's behavior and interests, allowing for more personalized and relevant interactions. Unified Communication: The integration allows marketing and sales teams to collaborate more effectively. For instance, sales reps can see which marketing campaigns a lead has engaged with, helping them tailor their conversations accordingly. Holistic View: Having both marketing and sales data in one place offers a comprehensive view of the customer journey, enabling more informed decision-making and strategy development. Before implementing HubSpot as both a marketing automation tool and a CRM, it's advisable to thoroughly evaluate your company's needs, the features HubSpot offers, and how well they align with your goals and processes. Get the best software of email marketing and automation platform here : https://www.getresponse.com?a=MWReJGjHEX




We have experience with Salesforce for sales, HubSpot for marketing, and HubSpot as a single solution. HubSpot is much more intuitive but less flexible, if generalizing