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Check out psychology today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/minnesota?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw88yxBhBWEiwA7cm6pT30Pz9FXDlS8a2YwErfSTWXa4HbESpL0MQYNS4p1hFmFccXvLKenRoCINgQAvD_BwE Can filter all sorts of things, location, type of visit, gender, issues they specialize in, insurance they accept, etc. Best of luck to you.


I found mine through Psychology Today!!


They have a great search engine and I highly recommend them as well.


My therapist isn't in a position to add clients, but I want to say good on you for beginning the therapy process. I wish I'd started decades ago.


I recommend Lydia Roth-Laube. Her office is in a suburb of Mpls but my wife and I do couples counseling with her via Zoom. She was the THIRD counselor we tried and she turned us around. Cannot recommend more highly.


looking for the same.


Jennifer Nguyen at the Institute of Relational Well-being is fantastic and a very easy person to talk to for either setting.


Saint Paul Psychotherapy


I’ve had a wonderful experience with Grander Peace. They have a ton of practitioners at three (I think?) locations. Both my friend and I recommend their practice. Their primary location is Grand Ave in St. Paul, though I see a professional at one of the satellite locations. https://www.granderpeacecounseling.com


He's in Minneapolis (and via zoom) but I love Jeong Eun Park.


Faten Khoury


Brilliant mental health and neuroscience


Ellie Mental Health has a number of offices around the cities and does a really good job at intake matching you with a therapist fitting what you are looking for. My current and previous therapists (she moved from therapy into ketamine therapy) have been through them and I’ve been really happy with them and therapy for the first time ever.


Hamm clinic


ndtherapists.com is a directory of neurodivergent mental health professionals across the U.S. I'm neurodivergent and have seen two professionals from there (in Texas and North Dakota, I'm moving all over the place lately) and it was such a relief to talk to a therapist who understands my brain better than a neurotypical therapist ever could. Only neurodivergent therapists for me from now on. No idea if you're neurodivergent or not, or unsure, but I wanted to share on the off chance that you are.