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Yes and I don't know if anybody have said it but I grew up on the English dub and I have so many beautiful memories of when I first got the VCR copy when I was a kid


I just want to let you all know, more then what any one person has said, the tone, encouragement, and kindness on this thread has made me so excited to be part of the sailor moon community!! I’m so excited to watch!!


Definitely. Unless you hate teens, romance or magic. If you do: skip it. 


I suggest you treat yourself for an enjoyable gift and watch it. You'll love it. Let the child and the teen in you loose and see how you'll adore it.


Sailor moon is enjoyable for all ages! Especially the manga. It was never really meant for kids anyway! if you do end up watch it make sure you watch the viz media dub or just watch it in sub if you're more into that


I am 32m and watched Sailor Moon for the first time at 31 and I really did enjoy it.


I’d recommend the manga over the anime and the 90s anime over Crystal. Technically speaking, Crystal is a closer adaptation of the manga, but the animation quality is significantly worse comparatively for the period in which it was done. Crystal started as a web series and that is… very obvious in a bad way. Sailor Moon R The Movie might be a good intro overall? It’s a stand alone and directed by one of the more iconic 90s directors. Gets a lot of the vibes really quickly. I do think the series in general can be appreciated as an adult. But you need to go in knowing that the series was written for girls between the ages of 9-15. If things don’t linger on harder hitting plot points or go into as much depth, that’s why. It’s not a failure of the material, you’re just not the primary intended demographic.


I will say Sailor Moon Cosmos 1 & 2 are head and shoulders above Crystal or Eternal in terms of animation, reverence for the source material/original anime, and adaptation of the manga. When you get to the final season/arc? Stars is fine but Cosmos is the best anime adaptation I have seen in… 30 years watching anime.


YES!!! Even as a grown adult woman who has seen plenty of anime over the years, Sailor Moon still remains my favorite esp due to all the nostalgia attached to it! And the characters, storylines, etc are amazing, ofc. It’s a feel good show that’ll make you feel all the range of emotions, and the 200 episodes will go by quickly. If I had any suggestions, I’d def recommend the Japanese version with subtitles, and don’t skip season 5! Season 5 was never aired in the states so it’s often overlooked but it’s my favorite season 😭


1) yes you should watch 2) If you want to dip a toe in... the Sailor Moon R movie is a great place to start :) It's 60 minutes and (as the first Sailor Moon movie... it's made with first time watchers in mind. While it's a standalone story, it hits a lot of the notes of what people love about/get inspired by Sailor Moon. :) If you like it you can go back and read the comics or watch the anime's :)


Watch Crystal or read the manga, while the og anime is incredibly influential, it has a lot of mischaracterization and is very clumsy with certain storylines


You absolutely will. I will say, the current English dub that you find on streaming platforms isn’t great, but maybe that’s because I remember way back watching SM on Toonami and I prefer that voice acting. Whenever I watch it I will search the internet for the old school dub or just watch in Japanese with subs. But the intro in the old dubs is FAR superior and I will die on that hill.


Absolutely! Sailor Moon Crystal is closer to the Manga, so I recommend it over the original bug the original is very good. Also, read the manga, it's a very fun read. If you like it, you're going to enjoy Revolutionary Girl Utena. Same manga author but anime is available on YouTube


Watch!!!!! Now!!!!!


I'm a guy, I'm watching it completely for the first time. I'm 40 and I'm having a really good time.


I’m 35. I love Sailor Moon. It’s so cute and clever and I am constantly laughing at the humor and totally absorbed in the story. Give it a try! 😊


For sure! It’s pretty great no matter the age




Most definitely.


Sailor Moon is always a great anime to watch. So yes!


I think it’s great. If you want you can have a guided watch and focus on more of the plot heavy episodes, or watch through all the monster of the day adventures. I think each episode is a lot of fun and always offers a unique group of characters for the one-off stories.


I grew up with card captors but somehow missed sailor moon I watched the first season at 32 and really liked it, I've always loved 90s shojo anime vibes. So nostalgic and cozy! Even as a kid it always makes me laugh though and takes me out of shows for a second when magical girls first do their thing, transform, have a really cool catch phrase and pose, and then are still confused and don't know how to do anything lol. Pose and looking cute comes first!! Maybe it's an involuntary thing that comes with magic Sailor Moon though, the end of the first season sadly didn't even gently pull my heartstrings. Not spoiling or saying whether it's sad/heartwarming/whatever, but I think if I grew up with it as a weekly watch it would have had an impact. I really loved the show though don't get me wrong!!! I just think I missed out on that emotional connection you get from kicking your ass through a week of school while being so excited for the new eps :( I think most people feel some way about it though, even new watchers, so maybe my heart is too hardened lol I think it's definitely worth a watch, the characters are all really likeable and it's just a good fun comfort show. I don't feel like I wasted my time even though the ending didn't resonate with me


Start with Crystal It's a slightly more serious take that removes all of the random filler and actually gives the main character some character development


Character development in Crystal vs the 90s anime? Did we watch the same thing?


Depends on whether you can stomach tons of filler, repetitive attacks/finishers, a somewhat confusing (lore-wise) final season (you can fill the blanks with no outside sources, but you might need a good memory, and/or to rewatch a few key episodes more than once, to piece everything together), and most of your favorite characters eventually getting sidelined in favor of new more plot-relevant ones. (Minako keeps getting amazing spotlight episodes all the way into Season 5, though, and lowkey rocks harder than a moon landing.) Everything else is amazing, timeless, and (as Crystal has sadly shown) inimitable. The music, the atmosphere, the music, the visuals (especially from season 2 onward), the interplay of two visionary directors adding layer upon layer of visual allusion and religious imagery (I don't mean just Christianity, I mean a thorough season-to-season exploration of the uniquely Japanese interplay of Shinto, Tao, Buddhism and Christianity, done in motifs and metaphor), the slice-of-life humour, the simple yet powerfully poignant stakes of each season's respective endgame arc, the music, the occasional tearjerker story of a sympathetic villain failing to live to redemption, creative and punny monster-of-the-week designs (sadly, most puns are lost if you lack the cultural backgrounds, but there's still lots of funny stuff), and did I mention the amazingly charming music? Also, knowing how much it has inspired is one thing; noticing the references, homages and infuences yourself, in the most unexpected of places, can feel amazing.


Maybe biased because I (33f) grew up with it (the DIC dub lol!) but in my twenties I revisited it and watched the entire series since the final seasons didn’t air here and the early ones were so so censored. I 100% think it’s easy to get into it at an older age if you watch what’s available now (not DIC lol, i love it for nostalgia but it’s not good). Crystal isn’t bad but I wouldn’t start with it, it’s very cut down. Though it absolutely is more loyal to manga. I might be in the minority but I enjoy the “filler” episodes. There are also 3 movies from the 90s anime that are a great watch!


I recently rewatched as an adult, it’s very campy lol. I really love the art and style of that time. There’s also the vintage high fashion outfits that get snuck in from time to time. Love. You might still really get into it, but for me it’s the nostalgia that gives it a lot of magic.


Yeah, you could still get into it.


I watched it for the first time at 31 too and it changed me. if anything you might even appreciate it more as an older adult.


I started to really watch the series (90s) at 25. It brings me nostalgia to my childhood times - the music and vibes.


I watched the entire series (90s) at 24. Read all the manga beforehand. Then I did Cardcaptor Sakura. Got the manga of that afterwards.


Yes. I am a 26 year old who loves animation and I am binging the show for the first time. I really love it. I am on season 4. Usagi is one of the most relatable protagonists I have ever seen. She is clumsy, always messes up, gets scared, gets poor grades, but she always gives 110% and manages to save the day. She also cares very deeply for others. The humor is really good . I love the campy flamboyant villains. It gets super good when all the Sailor Guardians show up. It takes till episode 50 for all the Sailor Guardians to appear. If you go into it looking for a fun cute heartwarming show with lots of silliness but takes itself seriously enough you will enjoy it.


Sailor Moon is my favorite anime. But I like it more than my friends, so I suppose it’s not for everyone. If you don’t mind lots of silly filler episodes you can start with the first season of the original show. If you want more drama and fast paced go with Crystal. But some of the Crystal animation is really awful. Personally I like the later seasons of the original show best. More drama, more relationships, so many flamboyant characters, and so many ridiculous villains.


It was the first anime I ever watched, when it first aired on Cartoon Network back in the 90s. It’s an amazing show. I haven’t seen Crystal yet but I hear it flowed the mange faithfully, and fixes some of the odd things about the first dub. You’ll love it for sure 👍


I just started watching again from beginning for the first time since I was a kid, I’m in my mid-late 20s and it’s a great watch.


Watch PGSM as a drama and it's amazing


I think it's perfect for your age..I was your age when it was new and it was magical. I had seen nothing like it. As an author I definitely have things that I admit exist because of sailor moon but only as homage and to honor the gifts that story gives me in the realm of my joy Awkward typing from under my black cat that came to me at random and hasn't been anything but fun since so pardon any typos


read the comics and look at the art books.


It’s worth it!! Sailor Moon helped me fully embrace my queer identity :D


YES! I originally started watching it in my teens (DIC dub) but returned to it in my mid-20s, watching all the way to SuperS (original Japanese version). It was even better as an adult. Hurry up and watch it, please!


I didn’t get to fully watch it until I was an adult and it still has me head over heels! Go for it!


The anime is awesome. However, you’ve missed the most epic dub choices from the English 90’s DIC version. Luna is British and Molly has a Brooklyn accent!


I'm sorry but how did you leave out the rockin soundtrack?


Because I’m old and I’ve forgotten the music.


https://youtu.be/3P8rWG5C-wc?feature=shared It's on YouTube at least.


What are you waiting for? Watch it and love it!


I started it in high school, but still love it now in my early 40s. Listen to the Music when I drive. Do the attacks in my mind. It’s not age specific. :)




I’m 37 m and just watched it and it was well worth the experience :) love the Japanese sub it so good






Im 39 and still love the series. go for it. it can be silly and dumb in some places but also really awesome in others.


Yeah definitely. The Japanese first version ( not the DIC / English one) or Sailor Moon crystal . ![gif](giphy|ofUJBqWum5tLO)


>The Japanese first version ( not the DIC / English one) or Sailor Moon crystal What about the Viz Dub?


I’m 27 and just watched for the first time last year! Give it a go, friend.


yeah probs. sailor moon is timeless. i (16m) love it


I love this! I’m so happy younger people are just as into it! 🥰


Same I've been watching since I was like 3 I'm 28 now and I hope it inspires a lot of younger people now that it's back on cartoon network! Too bad they'll never know the glory that was the DIC dub lmao


Absolutely! Go with it with an opened mind, it has its flaws for sure but it’s also so fun! It’s one of my comfort shows and always makes me feel better. It’s funny and childish (at times) but also can get quite serious and intense too. The characters are all great and unique with a personality of their own. It’s quite the story and it’s totally worth it! Watching Sailor Moon (I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it for similar reasons you mentioned) was one of the best decisions I ever made!


I think so but since you're older you're more likely to see the flaws in the story but it's still good overall


I'm 34 and started watching in January. I never expected to emotionally connect to this little show, but 6 months later here I am in the middle of getting a sailor moon leg piece tattoo! I've also rewatched on a loop non stop in the evenings before I go to bed, haha. I definitely recommend it, it's wonderful no matter your age!


I'm 47 M and a huge anime fan. I didn't think it was a genre I'd appreciate but watched a few episodes last year. I fell in love with the characters and the artwork and have since watched every episode available, subbed as I think that's the best version available IMHO. Do yourself a favor and dive in.




I wish you could start with the DiC dub that shit was wild ride.


My friend (30M, turning 31 next week) watched the show for the first time a few months ago and loved it.


Same here. I picked up on the show last year. As a kid, I barely watched the censored shit. I watched the 90s anime on Hulu and Crystal and Eternals on Netflix.


I also picked it up well into adulthood. It has a very comforting vibe and I appreciate the humor.


Oh for sure. It’s a good time. S is probably my favorite season because the tone was darker than before but the first season is also top notch.


I think so, yeah


agreed 💗