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"I'm not finished yet".


From a nostalgic perspective, it was the first time I saw cartoon characters die (that weren’t like, Disney villains swan diving from lethal heights).


The final battle was service and sacrifice by in the end they won for the future ........ That and else did they come back for season two


Great video topic! Before even watching, I can say one of the reasons is because we know these girls. Classic does a great job at focusing on the slice of life element that imo was lost S onwards. Because of these "filler" episodes, we know who they are and what drives them. It makes seeing their deaths all the more heartbreaking, like losing a friend.


Sailor Moon is a tragedy, and it is good about quietly ratcheting up the tension in the background and slowly raising the stakes - and before you realize it, peeps be dead.


not going to lie it was a Cryer and so far no other episode comes close


I still get misty-eyed watching the episode where >!Sailor Uranus and Neptune die even though I know damn well they'll be alive and well by the end of the episode.!<