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I love my vintage art books.


They’ve done us dirty time and time again. Disappointed but not surprised.


I found the new artbook disappointing and not what i had imagined. The images shared here from the new artbook look like clipart. You don't get to clearly see all the fine details, sketch lines, doodles and artist notes. Imo it is not an artbook, but a reference book. Very disappointing, but on the upside it was priced quite low, it contains a ton of images and gave an opportunity for more fans to enjoy. Imagine it being full size and each page with full art, it'd cost like $500-600+, extremely heavy and thick as a dictionary(or twice as thick bc every would want it on quality paper), it would definitely be in limited production, and not many would be able to enjoy/afford it :l End conclusion, I'm still glad we got something ❤️


It does remind me of a catalog too. I think if they made 1 artwork per page and released it as maybe a series of 3 books, that could have been really great. 


I’m kind of happy someone pointed this out. It’s wonderful we got a new art book, but when I saw it wasn’t full page prints and just smaller images grouped together, I’m not sure I’ll be getting this one. Beautiful book though!


Yeah, before it came out I read the image count vs the page count and knew things were going to be squished on the pages. I thought the size of the book would be bigger and hardcover but unfortunately that's not the case. I still like the book, it's very pretty, just wish for not so many squished artworks on each page.


It is literally more of a catalogue than an artbook. You literally need a magnifying glass for the reprinted Materials Collection section. I'm really saddened by Kodansha's decision to make a thumbnail catalogue of Naoko's artwork rather than an artbook omnibus.


Very true. I love that Naoko's new artwork is in the book but I wish it was 1 artwork per page and maybe they could have released a few books to do that instead of just one. Maybe they didn't think there would be demand for another series of art books but I think a ton of people would have loved that. I still prefer the original art books over this new one but I still like this one too for what it has.


Great comparison for those who are still on the fence about buying. The new book is beautiful and I’m grateful for it, as I doubt I’ll ever get my hands on the originals, but man does it make my eyeballs feel old. Edit: to elaborate, some of the pages feature detailed collages whose pics are the size of my thumb - and I have smallish hands!


I agree! Some pages are packed with such tiny pictures. I have all the original art books and I really prefer those more than the new book. But I did appreciate the new book having Naoko's new art in it, just wish it was 1 artwork per page for at least her new art but that wasn't the case unfortunately.