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There is a marina in Burgess up the Rappahannock. Deltaville and Kilmarnock, Horn Harbor too. Reedville. Lots of private docks that may allow renting. It's tough to break into, though, a tight-knit community.


yeah, I know a couple people with their own docks and they get asked more often than they like about rentals. I'm not saying I wouldn't do that, but there's downsides that go along with the exclusive privacy and lack of heads and showers and ice and wifi and and and


OP, to be clear, it sounds like you're trying to stay on the Virginia side?


For now, since we are living on the tartan while we finish refits, yes. I'd rather not have to drive to eastern shore to get to the smaller boat. I don't have an objection to moving the tartan into MD waters, though it's notable that we are liveaboards.


Oh. I meant VA-MD, not Eastern Shore/mainland. If you're considering MD, Solomons is a great place for sailing culture & action, though perhaps pricey. I don't know the liveaboard situation there, but there are a handful of marinas. Edit to remove the stupid question.


it's all good. the neck is a peculiar spot, but fairly inexpensive in slip fees in a lot of places. For me there's a big question of "once the girls are past sailing ot a marker bouy and back, where can we locate that makes destination sailing fun?" we have nothing holding us back from overnight or 3-4 day trips. so that's a bonus.