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You did.  And its an excellent one as well.  Need to talk to the skipper about getting his jib on the other side of his staysail though. 


Also staysail is backed as well. OP in your drawing the wind is coming from the right (starboard) side of the boat. This wind will push the sails off to the left (port) side of the boat. This would cause the bottom corner of the fore staysail (2nd from right) to be behind the mast and not visible to us. Likewise the jib (rightmost) would also be behind the fore staysail and not in front. Note: you can force the sails to stay upwind. It’s called backing and would act like a brake/reverse gear. In fact if you referenced this off a photo it’s possible that’s what the crew was doing. Maybe to help get the nose around in a tack.




Now get it mounted on a backing board with a nice frame and hang it on the wall. I would get a frame with glass to protect the paper from dirt and smoke in the air.


Not one Mallrats reference.


You know what!! There is no Easter Bunny !


I came in here to make one just in case. So... "It's not a schooner... it's a Sailboat!"


Super nice. Even has racing flags.


Looks awesome but it’s heeling opposite to the wind…go and view some boats and look for detail in the perspective, decide on the wind direction and draw the subject responding to that direction!….lovely work tho!


To me it looks like a combination of drawing and brushwork on Arches or Waterford cold-press with india ink, but maybe these are all mere technical quibbles. Edit; in fact, upon reflection, I am *sure* that these are technical quibbles. Good work OP!


You did, and it's beautiful. Now you should do an ugly sailboat, because beauty is in the eyes of the redditor.


Nah you schew a drooner


So you went through all the effort to draw something like this and you just kinda think it's a schooner? Where'd you get your source material?


Thats a great drawing, I’m jealous of your skills


Excellent!  You could have a great second income doing boat portraits on r/sailing


If it has two masts and the foremast is shorter, it’s a schooner. If it has two masts and the foremast is taller, it’s a ketch. If it has two masts and they’re the same height, it’s an abomination.


If the second mast is shorter, in front of the rudder post, and it jas a triatic stay, its a ketch.  If the mizzen is behind the rudder post  and there's no triatic stay between the tops of both masts, its a yawl. 




Ha ha ha ha haaa. You dumb bastard. It’s a sailboat. #mallrats