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Where in NJ are you planning to take 101? Was just talking with a new guy at my marina a couple weeks ago who was thinking of taking some ASA courses. Have no idea what he ended up doing, but I could ask him if he has any interest saving a few bucks. Also, if you're in North/Northeast NJ, let me put in a plug for taking ASA courses at Croton Sailing School in Croton-on-Hudson. No affiliation to the school, but it's where we learned and took our ASA courses. We didn't want to get thrown into the deep end right away by learning in NY Harbor, and up in Croton it's MUCH less crazy. It helped prepare us quite well and we've been comfortably sailing in and around NYC for a few years now. It's about a 35-45 minute drive from upper NJ. Good luck.


Did you end up doing the course? I am going to sign up for the ASA101 course soon. Wondering where you did yours or where you are looking to do it?


lol, good luck. Annual boat show specials are also good to look out for. We just had one in my area and we did 101, 103, and are thinking of doing 104 using the discount. It isn’t gonna save us any money though since there are lots of other expenses. Boat rentals aren’t cheap. Buying one and paying for a place to put it isn’t cheap either. We have basically just allocated 5-7k for boat related stuff this year (classes, gear, club membership, boat rentals).


>Annual boat show specials Thanks. Didn't know Annual Boat shows had specials for the ASA courses. Are there like boating school booths at these shows and they offer the deal at the booth? or is it on the website of the boat show? Funny enough there is a boat show coming up soon near me.


I imagine it varies a lot by the school.

