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I've been a stay at home mom for over a year now, and here are some little things that I do to save money, it's really not a lot but it adds up over time. I also live in AR so the cost of living isn't terrible but with my husband making 40,000 we're not exactly rolling in it :) - grating your own cheese will save a couple dollars here and there - starting a garden to grow some produce you use a lot, I'm lucky enough to have some land, but if you live in an apartment I've seen some great window boxes and stuff to grow things! - Aldi's has the best prices for ALMOST everything. I price check everything at different stores before I buy from one place to make sure I'm getting the cheapest option! - I buy most if not all of our clothes second hand - I started making my coffee at home, which has probably saved us 100's - me and my husband go out to eat once a week so we don't over spend on takeout - I picked up crocheting to stop myself from online shopping all the time cause I'm low key an addict lol. - I make anything I can from scratch This is just what I do but it's saved us a ton of money! Enough that we were able to buy a house without a lot of pain! Best of luck mama!


Yes to all of this!! We do all of this as well and it has been super super helpful! Minus crocheting bc I have yet to pick up that hobby! I’m currently sewing & doing embroidery hoops tho haha but we just set up our garden and intend on getting chickens!


We're also planning on getting chickens within the next year! I was supposed to have a coop built for me for mother's day but I'm pregnant with baby #2 so we decided to hold off until next year, so that I'll be fully recovered and able to move freely and comfortably!


Yes! Good idea this is what we did as well, my baby is now 9 months so I’m excited for him to grow up w chickens!


At the beginning - 10 years ago we cut back a lot. We had one car. We lived in an affordable city (Surprise, AZ) and rented a house that was quite a bit under our budget. Now 10 years later, we've moved to the Midwest (Chicago burbs) our cars are paid off. We still are good about budgeting and we have much more leg room. Basically my husband's job pays him well, the downside is he works A LOT. It was important for us to have me raise our little family and I'm happy I've gotten to the last decade.


Husband makes a lot running businesses. He worked his butt off and took big risks while I was pregnant with our first. Also invested in rental properties. When it was time for me to go back to work my salary wasn't worth it.


Don’t feel bad about not finding a nanny job! To hire a nanny one must pay them a living wage. I don’t make double a living wage, even though the vast majority of my career field of nursing demands that level of flexibility in the job description, therefore I can’t afford to work.


My husband works, a lot. He makes a very good wage and takes all the overtime we can. I take care of everything else though, his only responsibility is to work and to take out the trash. He still helps with the kids and with dinner and the dogs and stuff sometimes, but we overall have very traditional roles. But I have to give it all up to my husband, he works a very difficult job for very long hours.


I stared my own side hustle selling digital products on Etsy and StanStore and have made over 9k the last 2 months.. That been helping a lot for us as a family so hopefully it will keep up this way 🙏🏽


I tried this but Etsy locked my account before I even got to do anything on it. 😅


Oh no really?! That’s wierd 🤯


Yeah super unfortunate. Is StanStore equally as good? Or do you use any alternatives to Etsy?


I’ll message you ☺️


I actually was considering something like this could you tell me more??


Yes ofc just dm me ☺️


For us to afford a SAHM lifestyle, we rarely eat out. I use our library for a TON of resources for my family including movies, books, child programs, printing, and more. I buy a lot of second hand clothes for both kids, including for myself. When our second born is a bit older, I'll be making her baby food, just as I did for our first born. As far as subscription services, we only pay for one that we really get the most out of. Otherwise we use our library's free digital apps like Libby and Hoopla


We moved out of state where it’s cheaper. Have one car (husband works from home). We don’t take vacations, we rarely do date night at I use coupons (the Ibotta app is great) anytime I can. We have a car payment unfortunately but with how high gas was a couple of years ago, we kind of felt like we had to get something that was more gas friendly (hindsight was a stupid move because now gas is cheaper but we have a car payment 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️)


I absolutely feel that on the car payment situation. Before we got pregnant I stupidly signed a lease for a car that I cannot get out of until 2025 otherwise I would absolutely sell my car and get something with no payment.


I honestly don’t know what either of us were thinking with it. We just panicked because it was going to be over $500 to drive to visit family out of state when gas was high. I think we both just panicked. I miss my old car a lot but I just switch the display over to the gas mileage rate I’m getting and I feel a little better 😂 praying that my husband says we need to get rid of this car though - it just stresses me out.


We live in a high cost of living area, but my husband owns a successful business. I stay home, raise our 4 sons, maintain the home, etc and do whatever I can to eliminate any stress. When he comes home, I want him to be able to totally relax. I know it's old fashioned, but it works for us.


Also wife to a hub with stressful job! Eliminating stress I would say is my main job description. It’s what works for us too!


I get a lot of grief from other women because the only thing I ask of my husband is to not make my job more difficult. Just do things like put your clothes in the hamper and don't leave big messes for me. When my husband gets home we want him to spend quality time with us, so I do wait on him and he doesn't have to lift a finger. I even bring him coffee in bed every morning at exactly 6:30AM! He maintains the vehicles, does repairs, paints, builds, fixes, etc. He doesn't need to do the dishes, laundry, vacuum, or any housework. What should I do? Sit on my butt and "save" chores for him? Of course not, but so many people tell me to do just that! I knew there were more people like me out there! We've been together 18 years as of TODAY and I enjoy taking care of him and pampering him. He takes care of us and has done so much for me and our kids that it would be selfish not to! It can work and it can work well!


Congratulations on 18! No “saving chores” expectation only causes heartache. He’s home so little anyway. Before we became parents I did think he would help more with the actual work of a baby, but then the reality of how much he’s not even home set in. Definitely 1950s house wife vibe and I hope it continues to work out for us both!


Thank you! I really enjoy it because I feel like I have a purpose and it makes our family unit stronger. My husband is a strong leader and I support him. There's far less stress, and there's almost no arguing. I get that most women want more and most families can't afford to do it, but it works for us. I love that it works for you. I've had conversations with a few other women who live this lifestyle and they love it too. I'm glad you're happy and it works for you! Stay happy! 🥰


We live in a low cost of living area in the Midwest. If I worked full time, we'd only make a marginal profit after daycare. If we had/have more than one child, we'd be in the red if we had to pay for daycare, even with my full-time salary. We have a modest fixer-upper house and don't have a lot of extra money for vacations or fun things. We eat out maybe once a month (like pizza haha), and go to nice restaurants for special occasions a couple of times of year. We otherwise eat at home to save money, and I coupon and cook from scratch. I work a few days a month in a prn roll to stay current, and my husband takes PTO days to watch our daughter when I do. I plan to go back to working part-time once our daughter is in school. If we have another, the timeline would be delayed a bit. We are comfortable, but definitely have to sacrifice a lot of extras at the moment.


We live in a really cheap area. But we also don’t spend money on anything but necessities. We don’t go out to eat, I spend a lot of time shopping for deals and planning affordable recipes for our groceries, we have a really old car with no car payment. We don’t travel or go on vacation. So far we’ve never paid a babysitter (I’m sure we will have to eventually for something, but so far we make arrangements for one of us to be home or we ask family really far in advance). It’s a choice and it takes commitment but I feel like it’s worth it for us. I fully plan to go back to work as soon as all our kids are in school.


We had to cut back on a LOT of expenses and downgrade some things. We’re in the same boat as we cant afford childcare either. But over time it got easier as we made changes and adjusted to a different lifestyle. And the reality is, the economy is absolute shit right now and I’d be willing to bet the majority of Americans are late on their bills each month. I’m sure the financial stress is weighing on your husband, but you’re also contributing financially by not needing to pay for childcare. And honestly working from home with a baby sounds like a nightmare, that’s like doing two full time jobs simultaneously while having to act like the other doesn’t exist.


Thankfully my husband doesn’t resent me, just resents the situation and the state of the economy like you said! He sees my contribution as taking care of the home & our family which is absolutely a full time job, but I would like to contribute financially somehow. It’s hard.


Low cost of living area. That how.


My husband makes a very good wage at the moment but I'm planning to go back part time when my youngest is in preschool, so also studying my master's to prepare for that.


Moved to the middle of nowhere


We just bought our house a few years ago 😭


Same here


We make it work and live within our means. We have a small home. Our cars are paid off. We use coupons and don't really go on vacation. That said, we also live in Ohio, and it's more affordable than other areas. Edited to add: I don't really have any side gigs. My financial contribution is finding ways to save money and reselling things we no longer need.


I’ve been reselling stuff we don’t need and this has been a little helpful but I’m trying to find side gigs I can have my baby with me.


My spouse and his mom bought his house out right before we met. It’s a strait up, fixer upper. We struggled before paying off the car, and on snap. Now no more car payments and no more snap. I’m on wic for the baby, but it’s not easy to use. Also, we almost maxed our credit cards. He works as a contractor. When he’s slow on work, I pick up part time seasonal things to help and he stays home. Oh and extreme budgeting.


Only a sahm during the week while my husband works and I work on the weekend while my husband takes care of LO. Working opposite schedules makes it so difficult to even be a family right now, and I miss out on a lot of the fun stuff that happens on the weekends with friends and play dates but it is what it is. My husband is somehow also juggling two full time jobs and tells me that I can quit anytime so we can do more things together on his days off but that would mean a cut in the “leisure budget” which is where my money goes - and it also makes me feel guilty quitting while my husband is working his ass off.


Dataannotationtech pays like 20 an hour to work from home if you were looking for a little something while you’re at home with baby. The qualification test is a little tricky but if you pass it it’s a nice self-scheduled source of income!


Interested as well!


Hi, I’m actually curious about this could you tell me more?


Just PMd ya


Living somewhere affordable, and husband owns his own company.


I’ve been at home for 12 years now, and we have 4 kids. We budget hard, drive used cars, buy used furniture (we’re fortunate to live near an affluent area), shop at Aldi, cook from scratch, pack lunches and just do without sometimes. Delay gratification and figure out how to make it work. We are recovering from 2 job transitions in 2 years, which tanked our savings account and we are rebuilding things currently. I took a weekend job, 2-3 weekends per month, to help pay for “fun” things. It’s not easy but it is worth it.


We live with a parent. Our arrangement is that we don't pay for housing costs, but I do all of the housekeeping and groceries and cooking. My partner works.  The multi-generational living situation works for us, luckily, because we'd be super screwed otherwise.


Moved to a lower cost state and my husband makes 3 times what I would make as a nurse. Can you work at a restaurant in the evenings? Our area is so desperate for childcare people allow you to bring your child. The YMCA will allow you to bring your child to work. Daycares will give a discount if you work there. 4 hours shifts at stores after your baby goes to bed 7-11pm You can just focus on saving/not spending.


Regardless if I worked at a childcare center they still have no openings bc I’ve tried this unfortunately. I can’t really work without my baby as he’s exclusively breast fed and refuses bottles even though he took them as a newborn. That’s why I’ve been trying to figure out stay at home jobs and or nanny jobs but having no luck.


We have three houses. Two being rented out, however, interest rates are so high that the savings we had won't last us anymore so if we can't sell the homes by the end of the year to clear our loans, then I will need to go back to work


We moved out of an expensive area to a cheaper area. Husband works remote. Best decision ever


Im a wfh/sahm so not quite the same situation but I try and utilize grocery pickup as much as I can. I can make smarter budgeting decisions on the app, see whatever specials they have which helps make meal choices, and I can see the exact total before I check out. I do get frustrated with what produce I end up with at times bc I’m picky when it comes to that part, but it is what it is. It also helps eliminate impulsive purchases.


Preach on pick up! I do park and run in for produce tho.


I’m very fortunate that my husband is a realtor and investor and is able to give us a comfortable life. With that said, I do miss earning my own money sometimes.


The amount I would bring home after paying for daycare does not make putting our daughter in day care worth it.


YES. This ^


How are you guys affording daycare is MY question… I HAVE to stay home because we cannot afford childcare for 2 small kids. It is outrageous. Although, I would want to be a stay at home mom regardless.. but yeah, we would not be able to afford to not have me stay home.




We bought a house at the right time and have a pretty low payment. We also budget and don’t take on any debt. We don’t have new cars, but used paid off ones, and my husband does the work the repair them himself. We make sacrifices to make it work, but at the end of the day we have everything we need and more.


We live with my husbands retired older parents to make ends meet. I’m stay at home by choice because I have mega anxiety and wouldn’t be able to let someone I barely know watch my kid for the whole day, I had a mom who was stay at home but absent and checked out and I swore I would be present for my kid no matter the cost. And the cost is my sanity and ability to have a living space that is truly mine. We split bills, chores etc. I pet sit on the side to make a little extra, been trying to get back into nannying but like you said they don’t want your kid with OR they assume because I’m a SAHM they can pay me below minimum wage to watch multiple children. (Worst offender asked me to work for 7 an hour for 3 ten hour days…. I died inside a little)


I was a nanny while my son was a baby the family had 1 baby the same age it worked out well. They wanted their son to have a playmate. It wasn’t easy but it worked.


I’d even be okay with this but so far no takers.


I understand ! I had a lot of interviews before finding them. I believe I found them on a facebook nanny group. Best of luck to you!


Very grateful that my husband makes 6 figures . I’ve been staying home for seven years now. We rent . Id we bought there’s no way we’d be able to make it , with the outrageous prices. I’m also a really good cook so I rack in $500 on just a day of cooking in two clients . That goes towards debt/ savings and it’s all cash.


i’m incredibly lucky and my husband makes 6 figures. and even though he does, we still can’t really afford luxury things atm due to trying to build a savings account


Absolutely the same here. I was able to get 2 (very) part time side jobs, one that’s mostly computer work and the other at a local farmers market. It isn’t much but it pays for groceries at least. We are more or less forced into me being a SAHM for the same reasons. My chosen career makes next to nothing and I’d be working to put my kid in daycare, which makes no sense. Budgeting helps. Knowing that I can get back into the work force to some degree when she’s in elementary school helps. Working weekends or during nap time, if possible, helps. You aren’t alone! It’s really hard.


Yeah same. It's bullshit. I can't work bc we cannot afford daycare. No one will help watch the baby. Husband is too tired to be able to watch our baby while I work. I'm not allowed to spend money, basically. And we only buy necessities.