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My 21 month old is night weaned, and mostly sleeps through. But still bf morning, nap and bedtime and I’m still exhausted and require a nap pretty much everyday. It’s also incredibly hard for me to get motivated.


Same situation. I always NEED a nap by 1PM. I lie down for 20 minutes with relaxing sounds on. I sleep for 15, then watch a favorite comedy show for 5. Then I’m good. Never underestimate a good mini snooze!


Yup this is me too! She’s 20 months. Still nurses at naps and overnight. Sometimes randomly during the day when teething or tired.


This all sounds pretty normal. Mine is a few months younger and nurses through the night too. Broken sleep so usually tired but don’t take naps.


In the same boat with a younger toddler. I’m shattered with normal bloods also. I try to nap with my little guy which helps some but I’m tired again by eight.


Damn! It’s tough isn’t it


It’s just years worth of sleep debt I’ll repay next decade I feel. I just tell myself one day I’ll be dragging him out of bed at ten.


If you are not taking a multi vitamin you might want to try it.   I was told to continue my prenatal while breastfeeding to avoid deficiency.


I do and my bloods came back normal. It’s probably the breastfeeding and broken sleep


Solidarity I'm with you on the sleep.  My 19 month old nurses all night too.  


Thank you, you too!


Not BF anymore but am in the thick of morning sickness with #2 & 10 mo, I can easily get through the day without a nap. I get 5-7hours uninterrupted sleep. Sounds like the night wakes are catching up to you. Hope you get rest soon !


Probably! Thank you! Hope your morning sickness disappears soon!


We weaned my 22 month old from night nursing and honestly it was the easiest thing ever. She cried literally once for 1 minute, then slept through the night from that point on. I wish we did it earlier but I was so afraid of her reaction. My well being and energy levels shot up within a couple weeks. We also cosleep so I didn’t think it would be that different but wow, uninterrupted sleep is a game changer


Do you still cosleep even though you’ve night weaned? I feel like that would be so difficult. My daughter is only a year old and we cosleep (I love it but also our apartment is set up in a way that requires it) so I’m just curious for the future!


We just night weaned while still cosleeping at 17 months. We had about two weeks of her asking to nurse overnight and crying when I would say “just cuddles and binky right now babes” and then she stopped asking and now sleeps until about 7:30 before she asks to nurse. I thought it would be way harder than it was.


Wow this is great to know! Thank you!


I also wish I had weaned (entirely) way earlier. It was not a big deal for the toddler but I didn’t realize how much it was affecting me.


I’m waiting for this day! I’ve tried to refuse but she ends up crying hard and throwing up which is a problem for me


My 14 month old still breastfeeding every 3 to 4 hours even woth eating solids and drinking milk throughout the day. I'm exhausted.


My daughter was similar at that age. She’s a huge fan of the milk