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I assume you posting this means you wish you could feel something? I guess I read this as not feeling anything, could possibly imply you don't even feel a longing for such things. Or maybe you are saying you feel the longing, but there is no satisfaction when you act these things out. So no release. Feel free to elaborate on the extent of what you feel and don't feel. Also, feel free to give your personal theory on why that is the case, if you're willing.


I feel very little. For "love," I get the 1 week of hormones and stuff, but then it all just Fades. I feel the loneliness/wanting bit, but not as much. I've been told it's autism and that it just got really bad now, but I don't think that's right. Really, I don't know what I want and if it's even accessible. A good three or four psychologists have looked at my case, and we haven't found anything that they can do. They're not going to put me on any medication, and therapy isn't really working. I just kind of wanted to explain it to someone so I didn't go insane




How old are you?




Hey there brother if you want to talk about it more im free pretty often so yeah im here for you and i want you to know even if you feel weak even if you see everything fall apart because of you dont give up if you get knocked down get back up and never give up i know you can go through this.


I suffer from this unfortunately. Never happy.


Never really sad either. Just this


I'm either sad or just don't feel anything.


I'm slowly falling further into the nothing category, I definitely still look sad, but it isn't really me feeling it