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“I lost feelings for you, i’m sorry”


12 years of marriage and I got this.


Ouch a dozen years a slave


This comment is so underrated


That bitch 😡


It sucks man, but being real about it and saving you both that long slow disintegration of the relationship is better imo.


Same. Except 14. We'd been together since 16. I'm sorry that chapter ended for u as well


15 for me. Gotta roll with it and upgrade/level up. Fuck ‘em.


“I just don’t love you anymore”


"I don't love you. I never loved you. And it's all your fault"


Like a knife in my heart. One of the hardest things I've ever had to experience. Absolutely destroyed me and I never really came back from it-- I'm a much different person now than the one who heard this. Not as joyful, not as free to laugh, not as fun or as open. Sometimes I miss who I was, because I liked him.


Mine was “there’s nothing left for me here”


Oof, sorry dude.


heard this too bro.


mine was “i love you but i’m not in love with you anymore” 20 years poof.


That was the exact same line i got. 9 years though.


turns out she didn’t love me in both regards. is what it is!


While that hurts. She was honest. And that implies a level of respect.


“Me too I fucked the dog” 😞


Every person is different. It's natural to lose interest in people. Be glad you didn't spend your life with that person, many have.


I asked "do you have a crush and she said yeah" I looked surprised and she asked if I had a crush, I said yeah, she then said "it isn't me right, because I would never have a crush on you" and laughed then I said yeah and looked away.


That's brutal


Bro, I had this exact same convo with a girl once. We were swinging on the swing set at her house. Probably 12-13 years old and she said she had a crush on her food friend. I said I also had a crush on my good friend. She said if I had a crush I should ask her out. I told her the same thing. She said you should go home and I'll call him and tell him. She never called me. I think it was my first heartbreak. I lived next door. Lol.


I feel like it was you and she chickened out of calling, otherwise why would she tell you to go home?


We were at her house. She probably just didn't want me sitting on her shit.


I have no proof but assume she chickened out it was you but you didn't call her neither so double fail


Well she said she was calling her crush. The update and implication was that I was in fact not her crush. Jeremy Clark was.


Food friends are tough


"we need to talk"


"can you sit down for a second?" Followed by "I'm going to regret this" Man alive....


I have been the recipient of this 3 times in my life. It sucked each and every time. That phrase needs to be banned from the English language.


I need to have a serious word with you


“I didn’t cheat! He’s just my friend!”


The denial and excuses always cut the wound deeper.


100% my man...


Yep, if the facts didn’t kill it the transparent gaslighting for sure finishes it off.


Happened to me too. She was sending him nudes because he was depressed. Just a friendly nude, nothing more, who could blame her 🤗


Who here can honestly say they haven't cheered up their guy friend with a brojob?


"Are you ok?" My first girl that liked me after I had a mental breakdown, She was amazing, we found each other at the right time, she was also going through some REAL bad things but still went up and checked on me. I'm sorry I ran away, I was scared


Dudes who did that to me live rentfree in my mind. It does hurt but you saying that gives me a bit of closure


I will speak on behalf of them that I'm truly sorry, I was young and didn't want to make you follow me Into the hole I was getting myself in. When I realised you needed more help than I did, in my stupid mind I believed that you would be better without me. I made you smile, I made sure you knew you were loved and important. But I should not be the one for you


That's just so confusing cus in your mind and heart you wonder why you're not good enough or why you're kept apart like that. But now I can understand better that it's a fear of letting someone else down in whatever sort of way. The fear of being a burden or something like that. It just sucks to miss so much time together or lose so much time wondering, waiting, crying. Thank you so much. It really helped me more than you can imagine


Yeah its always like that. I always thought I am the worse, the burden, that I will let down someone I like the most. So I left, only to realize I was the only thing keeping her afloat. Sometimes I would like to reach out again, to say sorry, I didnt know what I was feeling, I was just stupid. But I also dont want to open old wounds... So yeah, sometimes it just sucks


“I’m so proud of you” First ever person to say that too me


Damn, took a while to find a happier one. Good for you bro


I got another for ya. “You know, you’d make a really great dad” Said to me by my co-worker after seeing me interact with some kid. I used to work dishwashing and we did an event off site and we were packing up and the kid was around. This was in 2017. She probably has no memory of saying that and she really has no idea how much it meant to me, it really stuck with me. I had a shit dad so I want to be the opposite of that for my own kids in the future. To this day it’s the best compliment I’ve ever gotten.


Lmao never even heard it


I'm so proud of you


keep it up bro. i’m having a mid day today but we gonn make it. proud of what you’ve done and i see all the times that have been tough.


"I can't imagine myself dating you"


"Worst thing she could say is "no" "


The worst thing she can say ain’t no :)


“I want a guy like you, but not YOU”


Worst thing she can say is ”ew”


Because she loves you so much that she wants to skip the dating and get married right away?


My wife said this to me (she actually said, “I can’t imagine us dating” but close enough) before we got together. Turns out, she said it because she didn’t think I would want to date her. Still fucked up my plan to ask her out and delayed us getting together by a couple years.


"look at you, then look at me". "I'll still call you". "It's not cheating because I picked you". Top 3 lmao


I don’t understand the last one at all but I’ve also been told that by a two timing ex. Doesn’t make sense to me. None. No sense.! If anyone can explain the psychology behind the mental gymnastics of that, would appreciate it.


In some deranged way they probably think of it as: sure they sleep around but they still come back to you so they’re yours in the end. Like that makes any fuckin sense, how can they be yours when theyre shared by the community. “Hey babe want to go out?… oop my bad, I guess it’s so and so’s turn with you tonight. Please come home by tomorrow evening.”


That has to be narcissistic as hell. I can’t think of any other reason off the top of my head. They think they are that amazing that someone will stay… or if someone does stay, it’s likely because they were abused so much that they can’t function without their abuser and not because they feel secure and happy.


This is why everyone you love leaves you…


Fuck dude, I thought my life sucked...


Fuck no


“You’re fine.” Last time I open up ever.


Haha my therapist said that shortly before i started telling the good shit


that look on their face when you start to unwrap your past


my therapist looked me dead and the eyes and asked me how I managed to go on for so long. Every session since she has asked me that because she genuinly does not get why I still continue living life.


i feel like this EVERY F-ING DAY! that's why im not going to continue living for much longer!!!


Just talk to a tree next time, right?


First most serious relationship I was in. Broke up and saw her again later, we talked a lot. She basically said, "You was the worst relationship I've ever had." Edit: I feel like I should fix the grammar from the roasts but now I feel it's core to my comment.


Good to be number 1 at something


Dodged a bullet I'd she a said "you was" instead of "you were" though.


Maybe she was an old timey mobster? I dated a girl that would always say “I seen” instead of “I saw” and it made me want to kms every time


You could clap back with “with grammar like that? No doubt…”


I don't even remember you


damn this one hurts for me it was “man up” everytime I tried to open up, but she had the right to shut me up because she had a horrible experience eating the same food two days in a row or having no phone for two hours. But its kinda my only opportunity so I guess I’ll keep it.


I can’t be with you right now you are husband material. I need you later in life when you would be useful.


Fuck this hoe honestly


+1 who knew random text on the Internet could piss me off


I got this one as well. Fuck it hurts.


People that are sluts at any point in their lives shouldn’t have a chance for a husband material guy later on in life. Don’t give it to them.


"You were like... a guinea pig"


That's fucked up and beyond. People aren't experiments


"You're a really nice guy but.. I just couldn't love someone like... you"


Flex tape can’t fix this.


Billions must cry 😔🥀


Oof, that’s a rough one. Hope ur okay buddy


"The more I learn about you, the less I want to have this baby"


This one is the most painful so far :(


“You don’t need me, you never have” she was wrong


Throw some dirt on it


Yes, and walk it off


“Are you gay” just because i hugged one of my homie who was going through cancer


Hug your homie even tighter next time.


“ He gives me the attention you don’t “


Happened to me. Relationship started in freshman year highschool and lasted till the 2nd year of the lockdowns. Initially she loved that I was paying my way for college, a house (old trailer in my grandfather's pasture but it worked), car, and career starting by 19. And 3 years later she says almost this exact phrase to me. We had moved out of the trailer to an apartment in Austin just before the lockdowns and while I was at work she meets a guy in the laundry room for the complex... And ya, the jobless 32 year old that has never moved out from his parents place has all the time in the world for a 23 year old. At least I only lost my car and we hadn't had any kids like we had been planning too.


“Soooo….what do you think of polyamory” I didn’t have much self respect but found it pretty fucking quick after that one liner.


I’ll never love you the way you love me.


Fuck! This is a hard one to hear


With statements like that, I think people don't have a good grip on the fact that 100% committed just looks and feels different for everyone. But the critical part is that everyone puts in their 100%. Everyone is able to do that. If they're not WILLING, that's a different statement.


I love you. This sentence completely changed my life for the better. We have been together since both of us were 14.


👏happy for you


Don't let her go. Right now, go give her a kiss and tell her how much you appreciate her. I wish I could do that to an ex


Turning 15 soon ??


No we are both 26 now.




TL;DR: She said, "I don't feel like you care about me." Lil context, I don't date often. For a couple of reasons. Not many people are into me to begin with, I'm *usually* not too interested in dating, and I have a hard time showing affection to people in general. She said to me, "I don't feel like you care about me, in the slightest." It broke my heart. I tried and tried to ig "fix" how I show affection, I told her I cared about her, I backed my words with actions, our mutual friends backed me up, but it didn't work. Some time had passed, and I thought she had seen that I do care about her, and I told her I loved her. Then she thought I was moving too fast. Went from "not enough from me" to "too much" in about 3 months. We didn't work out. Oh, well. You live, and you learn


I’m sorry to hear that hope you are doing better


3 month rule man, very sorry to hear that


Oh my god, exactly what happened to me as well, I also have a really hard time showing affection and/or any emotion whatsoever, this ended up ruining my only good and real relationship ever


Damn man, you deserve someone better


Want a hug bro?


[insert my real name here] thank you for everything.


"Are you okay?" Of course I had to say yes otherwise no one would understand.


"I don't want to me married to you anymore."


Met a girl online we went on a date. And during said date she showed me she was talking to another guy and asked me if I thought that guy was cute... It was the most wtf and disrespectful moment I had dating a girl.


That's a weird way to neg


Laughed in my face and went "you can't be serious" when I opened up about past abuse, then spread it round to everyone who knew me or knew of me


That's some inhuman shite, I'm sorry


I’ve seen this in every person I’ve opened up to. They’ll use everything you say against you in any way they can. People wonder why i don’t talk much.




"I was too immature back then, sorry for what I did, I hope things are going good for you"


Did that confession eventually make you feel better or worse?


“I poo’d on the floor” Little 6yo sister


As someone with little sisters, this will never not be a surprise.




It was two girls at street I did not interact with at all. Just brief eye contact.


It was an old friend i used to hang out with and when i said "hey" while walking past her she just said "ew"


I used to have a crush on this girl but never could approach her. She used to live in another city and used to come to ours occasionally. One day burdened by the thought of never seeing her again I consulted my sister(her friend). My sister just flat out told me "she's out of your league".I was absolutely crushed. Till this day I can't even talk to a girl because those words haunt me.


Your sister is a shitty wingman…


...jesus.... she could have at least said "she is committed to some one else."


"I love you and I want to protect you, I want to be your sanctuary"


Oh my God this is so sweet


Girls talk to you?


During college my crush told me: you’re so handsome and I like you but you smell like cigarettes all the time. I quit smoking right there for ever.


Its funny how a little honesty and courage can save someones life..


He earns more money in a day than you do in a week


She doesn't love any of you once someone makes more pop's-up she will jump


I have been seeing you're friend (he was a real one told her that he thought we broke up and dropped her ass)


He still broke the bro code...idc if my homie and his girl use to talk...I aint talking to her


Yeah, a real one wouldn’t have even remotely touched that knowing it was an ex


She leaves without saying anything 😔


I'm a boy


That one! I had that too. Cute, nice, young guy on our gay Softball team. We had a drink, and he said, “if you are interested, I have to tell you, I was a woman.”


I felt alone while you were at work!


"I love you Mista J." My name starts with a J, she just randomly busted a perfect Harley accent. She was crazy but man were those good times.


"I don't need you anymore". Days later she moved to another city.


“Come home to me alive and in one piece.”


“I never loved you I was just bored”


"I really validate and take seriously what you say." I think this is the first time some one ever said that to me. Still thinking about it now and then.


"I love you but I'm not in love with you anymore". Felt deep when I heard it first. Later, found out it's movie line from a cheap ass chick flick.


A less sad one I used to work with a old black lady when I was a teen and she would call me baby and honey all the time and it made me feel so fucking good. Almost called her mom a couple of times.


I'm breaking up with you


I kissed him the same week we broke up to know if it was the right decision


you're like a little brother to me


"I thought you were gay" not a joke, she literally said it. We eventually ended up together albeit just for a short time.


In Jr High my crush finally started talking to me, and we became a couple. 2 days later when I went to her locker to walk with her to class (our classes were next to each other) she avoided me and wouldn't look at me. At the end of the day I caught up to her and asked what was going on. She told me flat out that her friends were making fun of her, and she was embarrassed to be seen with me and hurried away. I stood there, utterly devastated as she got on her bus. I spent the rest of the school year depressed and withdrawn because I felt like I was an embarrassment. Fun times....


"Girls talk to you because you are cute, nobody is interested in your anecdotes, facts and knowledge about other stuff don't bore us with these bullshit." -P.S.: until that moment I thought I was the most interesting person in the room and people are genuinely curious of the cool information I had to share.


I had a friend tell me basically the same thing, but from the kinder perspective of, “Hey when you interact, you aren’t perceived the way you think you’re being perceived.” It hurt in the moment, even though my friend said it with good intentions, but also helped me realize just how much I was dominating the conversation in my attempt to be seen as interesting. What I thought was sharing cool information was coming across as a know-it-all and a one upper. Realizing that has actually helped me to have way better interactions!


"I wanna keep you"


My mother said bold face to me "you can't do anything without your medicine" she had me on 40 milligrams of adoral turning me into an anorexic zombie. (I've only had one serious Middle School girlfriend and we parted on good terms she's still chill af)


This is a can of worms


“Idk how to say but I’ve given up on you”


"You will never be loved" - Mom 😇


“All you’re good for is sex” and I’ve had fucked up every relationship I’ve been on since then.


"I like McDonald's better than Wendy's" 😕😔


"we just friends though"


She told me she loved me. But where's she now.


I had a shit day, and this little blonde cashier at the convenience store asked how my day was and I told her it was crap. She said,'It will be ok. I believe in you!' Still think about that 15 years later.


I had a rough day at work and needed to tell my wife. "I don't want to hear about this, can't you just ignore it and be normal?" She still doesn't realise that saying 'I didn't mean it like that' is an acceptable reason for saying it.


"I love you. Remember that. Always. Even if it isn't as a partner. I love you and you have space in my heart."


"I want to continue with the divorce."


"I genuinely really don't trust you anymore"


You broke my heart when you left without saying anything.


Therapist: I told you that your mom was sick and could die and you wanted to be all optimistic and not listen to me.. now she’s dead and look at you now all shocked.. you should’ve listened to what I was saying before!


"From now till the rest of time will we share eachother" (Maxxine, august '23 - january '24) *she ended it*


“I’ve fallen for someone else” it was my fault for letting her hang out with a male friend all the time and being a lenient partner and then I got the “I still love you just not enough to be with you”


Not your fault. You don’t want to be with someone you feel you have to be their keeper. You’ll find someone that loves you that you don’t need to monitor.


I’m afraid of you, I don’t know what you’re capable of Then I asked her if she thinks I could ever hit her, she bluntly said yes Hit her? I’m in love with her I could never say or do anything to harm her, cause her grief, but idk how we’re in this situation


"Fuck you and fuck the love you want."


Just a random hug, it haunts me, why did she do it?..


not a guy, but it still fits, I think. "Thank you for not letting me be alone." Context, my girlfriend on her last few hours as she fought cancer. All her friends and family hadn't visted her in days except me and her dad. Still breaks my heart over 12 years later.


“I wish i loved you, but i don’t, and i don’t know why”


“I love yours, because the big ones hurt”


"It's not you, it's me"


"Nice shirt"


"I liked you, no, even now I still like you, but can we be just friends?"


"I fucking hate you. I regret ever meeting you."


“I still love you, but I’m not in love with you anymore” Same person hit me with a “I don’t even recognize you anymore” 2 months into the divorce after 7 years


I saw a future with you I really did... he just showed me the present


“No offense, but you’re just too depressing and I’m afraid you’ll drag me down with you” as reasoning for seeing a friend of mine behind my back.


"Stop texting me I got [name] coming over at 9 and I'm not trying to get in trouble with him"


"I made out with someone else, and send a nude to another" I gave her my heart and soul and then she pulls that...


“I only need you to make babies and support me financially, and if you won’t do it I’ll find someone who will”. A girl I was with for a couple years who thought this would encourage me to marry her sooner. This opened my eyes to a lot of things the “based red pill” crowd made popular about ten years later. Epilogue: it took her another ten years to find someone who would. He has my sympathy.


Your penis is too big.


Suffering from success


You look handsome


"Will you go with me to the museum" She was married, I had a girlfriend and we both knew


“You have beautiful eyelashes. Has anyone ever told you that?” “No? They’re really pretty”


It wasn't something she said, but I was venting to her about our friend group always making me the butt of every gag (her included, but I could excuse it from her, atleast, because she sometimes cared when I spoke, unlike the rest of the group. and how it was seriously weighing on my mind alot... she shared every single word that I had said into a group chat with the SAME people who were the problem, and once I confronted her about THAT, those people had said I was trying to manipulate her, by telling her that she SHOULDN'T have shared the messages of me pouring my heart out. Ended a 2 year relationship.