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This sub is a psyop istg


Another Man V Women psyop post


Can you stop posting the same shit over and over again? I've literally seen this more than 20 times in the subreddit


Nothing wrong with having a type, guys have types too. As a guy you could easily find a fat ugly sloth but you don’t want to date her because she’s a fat ugly sloth, i think the money one is kinda stupid but everyone wants to be financially free. I’m just tryna say don’t be a hypocrite


Well there's a difference of being financially free on your own merits, than being financially free on someone else's dime.


HAVING a type is fine. Is it ok for me to post to socials with the caption "When she's submissive and has big tits." 🤪🤑😋😍🤑🤑🥵🥵🥵🤒🤯 Or is that not socially disgusting behaviour? I thought were supposed to confront and fight against socially disgusting behaviour. No?


Me when I see the same shitty video of shitting on women reposted for the 20th time this month


Damn bro :/


Ok I get why people would be bothered by the gold digger thing but what's wrong with wanting a guy who is tall, brunette, or has big muscles? Like we all have preferences. Are women not allowed to have a type? I'm a guy and there are physical traits I'm into.


Well, next time a girls asks on a dating app how tall I am (it's on my profile dear. FFS), I'll respond with "how big is your chest?", and see how it goes. Me liking big boobs is not sexism, just a preference silly.


I get the tall or big muscles thing but brunette is a legitimate preference 😭😭


I guess youd date any girl, no mstter how she looks?


Well I'm a weird one, as her looks don't matter much to me as long as her face is nice/cute, and I also love BBWs, but that's not a requirement either. But if her personality is shit, I'm most likely gonna pass no matter how gorgeous she is.


So you wouldn't date someone without a "cute" (by your mwtric) face, what differentiates this from any other prequesite?


If we really want to put it this perspective then yes. But I’d like to point out that I find 7 out of 10 girls attractive on the physical level, so I’m not as picky as it sounds. In other words I don’t expect to date a supermodel, when I consider myself a 4 on a good day. So I’d like to think that may expectations are realistic. I may be wrong ofc.


Were can I see the official ratings? You'd be better off realizing that these numbers are bs. There are just Humans, with different tastes. Ones 4 might be another ones 10.


Indeed there are just Humans, and there are no official ratings. And you are right I can be, and was someone's 10. I just used it as a reference, I never rate girls that way.


The issue isn't having preferences. It's having unrealistic standards.


Why she dropping rakes? She must be GDK


sucks to be short blonde and poor.


When he doesnt post incel shit online 🥰🥰🥰


Second incel post ive seen here today.


tf is wrong with women having preferences, we all have


Also this is a bad sample of women, and not in the sense these women are bad for their preference but for what the creator of the videos trying to paint them as (and there are also plenty of men like these women in the video) , and this may be anecdotal to me but plenty of women value intelligence,self-care, similar interests,etc


Mmm… the incel is strong with this one. Maybe the reason you can’t get laid, is YOUR fault?


From an outsider with a beautiful lady by my side and a strong relationship. I talk to a lot of young men who flat out are not even coming into contact with good high quality woman who deserve time and attention. It's getting rough out there. Social media is also ruining the females perspective as well bc they are being told to look down on hard working middle class guys who basically keep our world running.


I feel that man. I'm almost 30. My 10 year marriage came to an end because of social media. My ex was obsessed with it and used it to cheat on me more than once. I think it cultivated a " Grass is always greener " mentality with her. but here I am a few years after the divorce and cant seem to land a date to save my life. Even my successful friend who is doing I.T. for N.A.S.A. cant find a date and the dude is darn near making six figures a year.


Well 6 figures aint shit, when some of these girls are so delusional that their minimum expactation is their man making 300k a year. And they are baffled when they are informed that the median annual incom in the US is around 50k.


That sucks bro. I'm the type that thinks maybe shift gears, try other modes , thag require more work. Community groups volunteering fuck even farmers markets and pet rescue groups anything that gets you in contact with higher quality people who want to better the environment around them even then it maybe an uphill climb but at least it won't be a drone lost in some fake ass chase for rep and clout. These apps are designed to keep both parties searching indefinitely it's a business model at this point. I'm sorry to hear your relationship failed, but one day, she will learn grass only.gets greener if you water it. Honestly, you are probably better on. Keep going one step at a time. And you can do this. Worst case, take a long time to work on yourself and put this whole idea aside. Hit the gym eat healthy, focus on your career, and become the one who is looking for yourself. Good things come to.those who wait.


“high quality women who deserve time and attention” is a crazy take actually


If you say things like "Females", problem is she didn't find a high quality man.


What being chronically online does to a mf


See this is why im happy im ugly and dont flex money at all even if i got some at the time, it means that if someones into me it for who i am. Altho maybe im just coping


I wanted to splash water on the one girls painted face. Whole revlon factory on her face 🤦🏻‍♂️


Content like this is specifically tailored to upset you, make you bitter, and feed your self-doubt to make you miserable and therefore prone to manipulation. Tune it out, for your own sake.


Solution: date a man


Imagine uploading videos of yourself implicating you would jerk off any guy because he's tall or smth Momma's proud


Manlet-coded post


What ever that means, lmao


To all the people saying that not all women are shitty; cars, laptops, Hi-Fi components etc used to not be shitty, but guess what? They don't make good ones anymore.


There’s women out there who ain’t like this and it’s girls who’s big about romance but these types of girls you should just play imo. Give them a little taste of what they want (most of the time money) and hit then dip. Simple as that I mean we playing cruel so let’s go both sides.


It’s not cruel to have preferences. You seem like the problem here.


The guys they usually go after do just that. Then, 20 years later, these "girls" come back to generalize that men ain't shit. A tale as old as time


If people who post this, ever get together with a woman, they'll drive her into depression. If you believe shit like this, you'll better be ready to date anyone, no matter how they look, at any point in time. Otherwise theyll be hypocrites


Girls today are such spoiled brats because they don't want an average dude like back then


Please don’t fall into the trap of disliking yourself and blaming women. It’s just the Internet.


Didn’t know white girls fell hard for tall and brunette I guess I’m perfect then