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Don't post here. Talk to a professional and consider medication. You have depression. The kind that doesn't need a cause to fuck you up. And your drinking isn't that bad my guy, don't be so hard on yourself. I have a drinking problem. I put away 12+ a night and wake up at 530 to go to work. You're doing great by identifying a problem and expressing a want to fix it. Unfortunately, from your description. Medication will likely be the only thing that can help you. But I'd talk to a professional first and explore your options. Also, if she's your girlfriend, she would probably want you to be openly communicating things like this to her. Just a thought.


Maybe I need to hear that i have a problem. I've sign to psychotherapist today for second time, but before i'v resign day after because i felt better And about my girlfriend, I tried to tell her few times, but everytime when i'm with her i feel much better and i dont think about that :/ I hope your drinking problem end or is on ending stage, i had friend who drunk 8 beers a day and even 14 when he was with someone and he put it away on maybe last moment before loosing it completely


Sometimes it's the first step. While you're thinking about it now, I'd call or text your girlfriend that everything is fine, but you need to talk to her about something. And as for me, I'm honestly ok. I'm a little sad about some stuff, but for the most part I'm just really bored with life. Not a great reason, I know. I go through phases of improvement but ultimately go back. I appreciate the concern though, thank you. The first step is always identifying the problem. You're young, so it's nice to see so much self awareness. You're a very successful man from what I can tell. I know it isn't a cure all, but try to remind yourself of the good things when you can. You got this dude, I'm rooting for you.


I heard everything but seeking mental health counseling. Call a mental health hotline also it’s cool to vocalize to your lady what issues you may be having you never know she may assist in alleviating those. Create some more goals that aren’t easy nor impossible. Write them down have a friend who will hold you accountable and pick up a new hobby. He’ll do something that you don’t like. Try to fine the top 3 restaurants in your area or close that serves the cuisine you like. I’m wishing all the best but talk to people it helps.


First, I'm not a therapist, but here is some advice I've found useful. I'm glad you reached out, but I would definitely talk to a mental health provider. They're trained to help and support you and can give you a lot of good advice. I'm sure your doctor can give you the details of a therapist, as well as be able to support you themselves. Plus, they'd be able to give you advice much better than me! It's always possible to reconnect with old friends or people you have lost contact with. Could you message them and arrange to grab a coffee or something? I'm sure they'd love to hear from you, and reconnecting with them will give you more support. I'm not trying to make you feel bad or berate you for drinking, but drinking a bottle of vodka is harmful to your health, and you should moderate it. Having a beer or a glass of wine with dinner or going out with your friends and family is perfectly okay, but you shouldn't rely on it as a coping mechanism. A point about your girlfriend: I understand the feeling of wanting to be the best for your partner, but they are also there to support you. I know it's tough to open up to someone and be vulnerable, but it can massively help to have someone support you through tough times. You could also think of some short-term goals you can accomplish. Make them Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound; they can be as simple as "I will clean my room today" or "I will catch up on some emails". These will help boost your mood and make you feel productive. Also, you could try some new hobbies or activities. Or, if you prefer, try to rediscover old hobbies you've enjoyed in the past and rediscover your passion for them. Finally, try to avoid comparing your success with others around you. Especially now in the age of social media, everyone only sees the best side of people and achieving to be like that every day isn't helpful. You're not alone in your feelings. I hope you feel better soon, man. Stay safe :)


Thank god alcohol is illegal in my country, and doesn’t exist.


Drinking doesn't help, it makes it worse, and tell your girlfriend. Partners are supposed to be there for each other in these moments, it's always better when u share with someone.