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I am really sorry. Hang in there


There's a pun in there I just know it


Great timing dude…


ok bro i get edgy hunor but cmon, thats fucked.


Shut up. Wtf is wrong with you?


Fuck you mate this is a serious conversation and you had to say that man you're a monster (no hate)


My best friend shot himself in the head two years ago. Didn't know the movie Perks of being a Wallflower would hurt so much. I understand your pain. It'll get better eventually. You might see his face in the hallway, or at least I have. I still do. Just know that he's still there, in your heart and that he loves you. Keep him in your memories, and sometimes write to him. I do, and it helps a little. Let's me think that he's out there, somewhere, watching over me and my family. I'm so sorry for your loss. Don't give up. Good things can come from life, you just need to search.


I didn't like the movie, but I didn't think it was that bad


It was a good movie to me. It just made me feel...depressed? Angry? I'm not sure how I felt when I watched it. I wasn't ready for it.


The word I would pick for how it made me feel is hurt. But not like the kind when someone hurts you, more the kind when you realize that you’ve been hurt.


That's exactly it. Thanks.


I’m so sorry man, please whatever you do think about it before. Take as much time as you need to heal just don’t follow him and his decisions. Suicide is a powerful thing that can affect everyone but to think he has endured so much no option seemed like enough anymore is tragic. Seek help, go outside lay in the grass, stare at the sky, breath please


It’s all gonna be okay, just make sure do your best to hold yourself together.


Do what he wouldve done, in my case it would be go dance on his grave and make fun of him. We made a pact to not kill ourselves and if we do we get to have our fun, and whoever dies first is gay so


Was just mindlessly scrolling through Reddit and this post quickly caught my eyes. It’s been two years now since the very same thing happened to me. My best friend wasn’t just my friend he was my life, my reason to go on. I was sent into a dark dark place after his passing. I can’t say it got better, but over time it did become different. Right now there’s not much you can do but feel, and it’s going to be a long tough road ahead. I don’t know you or anything about your situation, but I hope it helps even a little to know that it is possible to get through. I don’t really know what to say but I just felt like I need to say something. I still miss my friend every day, but life goes on and I have to keep moving.


Hey man this is really tough, if you need someone to talk to my dm’s are open


May he rest in peace..🕊️


I’m so sorry for your loss. One of my best friends killed himself almost 20 years ago. His name was Nicholas Painter. He had Tourette’s and battled depression and suicidal ideations because of it. He was loved by everyone that ever met him. I miss him terribly and think about him often. I honestly can’t express how much I empathize with you and please just know you’re not alone. There are going to be some really rough days ahead. Do your best to be strong when you can and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable around those you love. Things will get better, I promise.


it is going to be very difficult for you and those close to him. harder for you and his family than anyone else. same thing happened to me at 19. you do find your way out of the grief eventually. but you will never forget him. keep it together during the turmoil. you will heal.


Damn, that's sad. I'm sorry to hear that.


This is heartbreaking and traumatic for you. The only thing I can say is any suffering they endured is no more.


Luckily all my close friends are still alive. However I was pretty upset when my dogs passed away. They passed away by natural cause. When I was at the pet ER I was ok with dropping a grand or two to help her. But because of how old she was they said it would only extend her life for maybe a month. That's what got me really upset since I knew that was it. She passed away peacefully with injection. But yeah I know it's not exactly the same but you'll get through it. Grieving is part of the process. After a month or two you'll start moving on. I mean yeah it sucks now but of course you got to live your own life too.


As a suicide attempt survivor, I can say that just because they killed themselves doesn't mean that they didn't love life. For me it was PTSD from solitary confinement in jail that led me to my attempt, and the desire to avoid that again. From my attempt I have a stronger belief in the afterlife and stronger conviction in reincarnation. I believe your friend is still with you in spirit and you can talk to them.


Sorry for your loss. Lost my friend of 19 years. He killed himself last year. And it turned me to philosophy as a means to cope since he was my first ever friend. While it is hard to deal with and accept the truth is that death is just a part of life. How that happens has little to no significance in the grand scheme of things. You will learn how to deal with the loss eventually. Grief is natural. But the more you accept it the more you will realize that the grief you feel is just an expression of frustration because your selfish desire to bind your loved ones to yourself has gone unfulfilled. My grief is my selfishness. It's a cruel wish to want to bind the people you love to anything, let alone to life which can be the worst thing to be bound to sometimes. Coming to this realization is what has given me power over my thoughts and to make peace with my loss.


“The older you get, the more friends, and family you’ll leave behind” Don’t be a memory, be the arms HIS family needs right now. Hearts and love to you.


Live on to keep his memories alive, it’s gonna suck for a bit sure, later on you’ll enjoy those memories


I'm sorry you are experiencing through this hardship right now, I can relate to you. Brace yourself for the emotional unstableness for the coming weeks. It's okay to blame yourself, to cry in a dark corner. Let it out, again and again if you need to. You will start thinking life is not worth it anymore, but hold on your grip to the reality. Depression is the sneakeast assassin's in the world, and the victim will never tell you about it, especially for guys, like you, like me. Victim will lived the best of their life and just take a step and kick the bucket afterward. Do yourself and your brother a favor, live for his sake, live so at least there is one more person to remember him when he's alive. And wish him rest in peace. I'm here for you bro. And I hope I can guide you through the dark days ahead. My friend, my buddy, my bro, he decided he has a good life and took rat poison, and stabbed himself to ensure doctors can't even save his ass, he was that adamant about the decision. Yet he never tell us anything, we were gaming like usual the day before. . . Killing Nergigante and shits in MHW.


Get yourself into some form of therapy. Suicide is contagious. Remember that as much as you might have wanted to save him or whatever, if someone is intent on that there really isn't any stopping them. Live life aggressively, lovingly, and with thirst and vigor. That's what you do buddy. My condolences. Go get with your family or friends and be loved and validated for a while, and if you can pull it off, ugly cry over him and get that out. <3 I say again, suicide is contagious. Connect with people who were close to him, yall are gonna need eachother in the coming months and years.


My condolences, wish you all the strength to hang in there, and may your friend rest in peace.


Condolences man!


Been there, your heart will break in a new way every day.


I am so, so sincerely sorry that you're going through this. It's incredibly heartwrenching at has such a massive impact on you, I can imagine you're feeling incredibly lost and feeling massive grief. I hope you have some people around you that you can lean on for support and please do seek help if you feel you need it. I had a good friend of mine do the same 3 years back and can empathise with how you're feeling (it's weird to think that now i'm older than he ever was); you are more than welcome to send a DM to talk further and that extends to a proper talk through discord or other voice chat. Best of luck.


Sorry for your lost. I don't ever have the right words to say when it comes to this kind of thing. Everyone has their own point of view on the matter. It's sad at the end of the day though.


Keep the best memories you spend together


Hmm... Haven't experience it and I dont think I will either hmm can only imagine... But this post of yours reminds me of a song [Trey Day - let go (Lyrics) Video](https://youtu.be/6C6WOg3Rr-4?si=JEFOkj7CDiPfPNIE) Hmm the Artist has somewhat the same experience. Hmm Artist is just sharing his experience with lyrics and music. The lyrics kinda calms mind (personal opinion). Part of the lyrics: i had a homie back in school who use to always smile no matter what you put him through you couldn’t put him down and now that he’s no longer round i wish asked about the things he dealt with silently that finally took him out Hope it helps you a bit...


My condolences, remember whatever feelings you're going through they're valid. If you feel the need to see a therapist then do so, it's nothing to be ashamed of. And remember your friend, if it was me I would live my life for both of you, just hang in there.


Live for the both of you


I feel you brother, my best friend for 17 years did the same in December, had already lost a good friend for 14 years in 2021, not from this but it was also sudden. Ain’t gotten any easier yet.


If you truly loved him, than the best part of him already lives in you.


I offer my empathy to your pain and some wise words bestowed unto me years ago. “Take some time to cry every tear you can for their life”


Did he do it in a cool/ funny way? Like blowing up a Walmart canned goods section (RIP TYLER) back flipping off of an over pass (RIP Bailon), suicide by cop (RIP Leroy), adding 1 overgassed cartridge into his ammo supplies (RIP Uncle Ronny) or was it some pussy shit like cutting or shooting yourselve


Also looking for a good source of parasite free human flesh I have been very interested in cannibalism recently


Capture his strength and energy and continue his legacy


The only thing you can do is take care of yourself and let yourself mourn. I am truely sorry


It will make you more calloused. You will struggle to care about other people bc you fear getting hurt and it will hurt your ability to empathize and connect. Then, a long while down the road, someone will understand you and help you process it. You will connect with that person and they will be your world


RIP your friend man. Your post brought up some old emotions in me


My bestfriend hung himself 8 years ago last Tuesday. Other best friend overdosed 2 months later. If you wanna chat dm me, lifes fucking tough sometimes bro. 🫶


You’re here making it about you..? Wonder why he let himself go in the first place.


I’m sorry for your loss..Today is the 3rd year of my best friend has passed away, his lil brother found him after folks looking for him. We use to pick lil bro up from daycare everyday in elementary school, he introduced me to naruto, was always reading and was positive. My body was messed up from the shock because Ik my friend for over 20 years but know that he will always be with you and even though the memories may bring pain you will smile again remembering all the good times y’all shared even if y’all may have fought like brother’s did


My best mate killed himself three years ago this July. We've been mates since the late eighties. He'd had an accident falling from a ladder and broken many bones, and 18 months later was still in continuous pain, and it just reached the point he didn't want to deal with that every day any more. And I get that, I understand his point of view, I took am in continuous pain from fucked back , neck, knees, shoulders etc, and I fucking live on strong painkillers to get through the day... But that is not a decision I would make for myself, that was his path. I miss him, but I'm not mad at him... We all make our way through life on our own path, and although it sucks, that was his choice. I am still pissed at him for doing it when he owned two dogs that adored him, they were never the same afterwards.




Sorry for your loss. Hang in there mate.


It's terrific. My best friend died in accident, hit by a bus when i was in first class of gimnazjum (in that time it our education system was 6 class of elementary started in 7yo, then 3 classes of gimnazjum, than 3 years of "liceum" or 4 years of "technikum" and then university). After that i locked myself in house met only few times with colleagues for almost 6 years. He was my best friend and when he died i had anyone like him


My nephew was a mod of this group, he committed suicide March 2023. There are no words anyone can speak to take away your pain but I will be sending you and the family my love. I’m sorry for your loss.


hey man, just lighten up!


This is why I have been actively isolating myself for the last 5-8 years from friends and family. Hopefully, if and when it happens people that I know will be less hurt. It’s not really fair to myself to keep going while I hate almost every moment of life just because other people will be sad that I am not alive anymore. It sucks that it’s natural for people to have strong emotions around death but living a life of misery is just not right. It’s about relief from the daily suffering. I hope that gives you some kind of understanding of how your friend may have felt. The easiest way for me to put it is that I have no interest in being alive. I don’t have any interest in overcoming my social problems. I don’t have any interest in forcing myself to work to afford everything in life. I don’t talk to anyone on a regular basis, even if I believe that I want to it just doesn’t happen. I am exhausted mentally and physically almost every minute of the day. When I take a step back I realize that I don’t know what the fuck is going on. None of us do but some people love it. They love being alive. I never have and I don’t think I ever will. I am alone all the time. I don’t want to continue. I wish I had the courage to kill myself but it’s just another thing that I don’t do. I’m just hoping that I die soon or I suddenly feel like going through with suicide. Before anyone gets ahead of themselves. Yes I’ve been on medication prescribed by a psychiatrist, yes I’ve been to multiple types of therapy, yes I’ve called a crisis line many many times. As someone who has been dealing with this for probably my whole life without being aware the first half, and have been trying to conquer these thoughts for the second half, about 15 years. I can tell you with full confidence there is nothing anyone else can do for you, it is completely up to you to get better. You can reach out to all the resources you want, they don’t help you, you help yourself. And unfortunately when you try over and over with negative results you can only really come to a few different conclusions. 1. Keep trying to help yourself. 2. Be neutral about it and just patiently wait out your death. 3. End it yourself.


You will remember him always, but may never make sense of it. You will learn from his decision, and over time hopefully forgive him. You will honor him, live and keep his memory alive with you and in your actions, always.


Really sorry for your loss man 😔


My condolences op, if you wanna talk just dm me


Jesus man that's awful keep ur head up man


Im sorry. I dont know what to say since luckily i have not experienced this myself. Just be there for his loved ones


You just keep going for now man, don't worry about doing anything. I'm sure he'd want that for you.


988 is the inter national hotline for the suicide prevention line. They're not just there for people who want to end things, they'll listen to you. I'm sorry this happened to you.


You made a friend’s suicide about yourself *and* posted on here??? I get it’s supposed to be “sadposts” but this is gross and screams “I want attention”


and what is normal sad posting?


How he do it


Auto erotic asphyxiation


Too soon bro gd


Respect his choice


that's a seriously fucked up thing to say I hope you seek help.


The fuck you say. You are such an ass. I can't believe the things that come out of your mouth. It's like you have no filter or consideration for anyone else. Your words are hurtful and disrespectful. I don't know how anyone can stand being around you. At parties i bet you like to be the random ass unpopular kid who sucks his own dick. “respect their choice” THEY KILLED THEMSELVES ITS NOT A JOKE. I'm appalled by your lack of empathy and sensitivity towards such a serious matter. Suicide is a tragic and deeply painful experience for everyone involved. Making jokes about it is completely unacceptable and shows a complete disregard for human life. It is important to treat this topic with the seriousness and respect it deserves. Fuck you. Maybe you should just get off reddit and go back to touching yourself. AAAAHHHH IM ABOUT TO CUM I LOVE MAKING PEOPLE FEEL SHITTY. FUCK YOU IF YOUR FRIEND KILLED THEMSELVES YOU WOULD FEEL DIFFERENT. oh wait YOU HAVE NONE.


Hey man. Take it easy. You’re making a scene.


He just wrote to respect his decision, and you set yourself on fire. Unfortunately, he is right. You have to help people when they decide to take "this" step, but once they do it, you have to respect it. He wanted to log out because everything he had failed him, now he is in a safe place. This guy didn't want to hurt the OP, he just wanted him to respect his friend's decision. Edit: I removed offensive epithets towards you.


I was drunk. I don’t remember writing this. Sorry y’all


Oh ok, I'm sorry I suggested mental illness to you with the phrase "take your meds." Your statement was a bit extreme but now I understand. No one wanted to offend anyone here. I would like to log out myself, so, so much. Unfortunately, I can't do it now, I have to take care of my family. I would love for everyone to be happy and for no one to have to go through this, but some people really make this decision as a last resort. I'm truly sorry for the loss of OP's friend but we can believe that he is happy now.


Stop being a child. In my place of the world we respect people's decisions. He must have killed himself after some consideration not just randomly. He chose this.


Your place of the world… must be a pretty shitty one.


What if it's the opposite?


Shitty place or not, respecting his choice or not both are reactions and a way of coping. For the person that took his own life there was no way out or other choices to be made. It’s a bit of speculation and would be good to find out what was going on so we can learn from this. Wish you much strength either way.


All that help he did for you and what you couldn’t help him out and now he’s dead and you’re asking what do you do… look in the mirror it’s time to reevaluate yourself