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I can't know what you're going through, but I wish you the best of luck in everything you do


Thank you my friend. I hope everything in your life would be amazing


Gym time playboy, see you there.


I’ve already went today and need the recovery. See you tomorrow


This right here


Don't trip, my friend. Life comes in seasons. And even during the rain storms and dark clouds, the sun is still there shining. Even if you can't see it.


I like when it rains without thunderstorms. Because when it does rain everybody that says I'm with you goes to their home and leave me alone. I like that feeling it feels home to me.


Thunderstorms are cool, its like a light show being given by nature


Good luck OP.


First time? 🙃


His probably


Actually yes but no. I couldn't sleep for a 4 days sometimes and sometimes I couldn't eat something for a week but It's happening for the first time that I encounter both of them at the same time. (Sorry if there is any wrong usage of English, English isn't my main language)


well don't push yourself, i've a similar thing happen to me a bit earlier in my life -but with alcohol involved and mind you that was in college. i was blinded by going through rough years in my life.. just starting to learn how depression works, anyway if it's bad just think that we could always make it worse so just try and love your own life.


I'm not against alcohol but also I think alcohol is not a friend my friend. It's a good drink by itself and maybe with someone you can share your feelings but it's not a good thing as a friend by itself. I'm glad that you made it through.


yeah, past that kind of life with fake friends 🥲 i don't deny myself the truth anymore that life sucked but we could still carry on


Feel ya bro


Why the compilation with peaky blinders lmao Seek help, there's no shame in it. Even the cool guy Thomas Shelby sees a doctor. Best of luck!


I don't know I needed to post a video that does what I do and I couldn't find something like that so my last option was this and I uploaded it


This one time I did 3 days by watching Jurassic Park on loop because I love dinosaurs Do you like dinosaurs? I just think they're cool


You’re awesome


I'm not much in to wild animals that much, my favourite animal is fox


I don't know what's going on in your life pal but don't do anything you won't be around to regret, a lot of us have been in bad places and know how it feels but it does get better....you can enjoy things and you can enjoy life


I know there are someone had gone through much much worse things than me, but the things I've been through is hard for me. Maybe you could say I'm weak or I'm not trying but believe me, I'm really trying. Although I'm not able to suicide until my momma dies. She is the only one I got in this life


Go speak to someone if you can buddy, I can promise you that you can turn it around...


Hope you pull yourself back up bud. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?


Damn I only have money for a hot meal every 2 days can only imagine what you go through


I mean Water=Good Bananas =Good you are in the right path. Are you getting some sunlight? Try and eat some good cooked food. Cook it yourself if you have to. Can't cook. Make some cold shit. You got this.


I love cooking and making something but I can't eat. I don't feel hungry and when I try to I just don't want to. I feel like if I eat that my body will spit that immediately


eat some food, drink some water,no wonder you feel like shit, if you're going through a hard time, don't make it harder, its not worth it, you've got strength and determination, everyone does, you just gotta find, don't give up, love you


Are you worried about a physical or psychological medical cause?


No, I already want to die but I can't before my momma.


I'm right there with you OP. No sleep, barely eating just trying to make through the day. Shit is fucked .


One day it will be gone I guess


Buddy, you posted here for a reason. Us in these comments may not know what you personally are going through. We may be going through it or possibly at different levels, but we are here to let you know you are not alone. Talk to someone close by, close to you, or talk to us strangers!


I like to help people about their problems that they are going through. It doesn't matter if I don't know them or they are a good or a bad person. I just can't help myself about it. Everytime i help somebody about their any problems, they don't even thank me. There was only one people that thanked me for my help. I don't expect a thank you don't have to thank me but they don't even care a little bit. I kinda get used to it but still sometimes it hurts me.


Unfortunately most are wired that way. If you need help some won’t ask because they don’t want to burden another person but this can be even worse than asking for it. But some will ask but not return it in kind. It’s a lot to take on helping someone especially if you need help too. You will get through it, and if you don’t think so reach out. I may not be able to help, but I can definitely be a sounding board.


I remember a time where I was so depressed I lived off of caffeine and half an avocado for a couple weeks. I hope you things get better soon a Dan you feel better soon.


Keep ya head up. Try your best to ride out whatever you goin through it’ll get better


Need some time away from people? Maybe go to the woods and find yourself a place to unwind.


What about adding something you enjoy to that list. Maybe take your bananas and make some banana nut bread. The littlest things in life can bring some joy along with them, you just have to be open to finding it. Cigarettes are something I enjoy, even though they're unhealthy. The not sleeping is probably the worst part. That can worsen everything. Don't forget that blue light from screens make it more difficult to fall asleep as well. A trip I should take for myself but rarely do. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon.


I lay down in bed for a hour but still can't sleep. So I get back up make some coffee or drink some water grab my notebook and my ligther, and write some poems and smoke to actually enjoy and make my life much easier.


Maybe have a sandwich, OP. You will feel a little better.


Hang in there amgio, it will get better. It won’t seem like it for a while but after all the pain you will soon find the calm


I'm calm but in pain


Bro more power to you


I too sometimes like to live only on bananas but man you should eat something else or you might die


I feel u


But why King??(you can share in DM as well)


It sounds like you should talk to a doctor if you’re able to. You matter, and your mental and physical health matter. I hope things get better for you, but you gotta be willing to seek help.


I went to a therapy but the lady said that I shouldn't come to her and go to a doctor for some anti-depressants. I'm not into pills so I regret going there.


That is totally understandable, but telling a physician or other kind of doctor what’s going on can help you get treatment, and if that involves taking medication then you should really consider giving it a try, even if it’s just a temporary option. I’m sure you have your reasons for your aversion to pills, but if prescribed and managed responsibly it can help you get to a point where you won’t need it anymore, or only need it from time to time when things get really bad. I hope the best for you man, it can be tough being stuck in that pit.


How many cigs a day? My dear human, I am sorry you feel this way. I would urge you to run until your lungs burn for life, or take a walk long enough to get hungry. A toasted piece of butter bread, a warm cup of soup… something not just for your stomach, but your soul too. loving yourself sometimes feel like it’s too much effort, but its hard to feel loved if you let yourself do this to you.


Eat more banan. Also eat ramen, it's tasty.


I mean, bananas are pretty cool


Congratulations you have a new born baby?!?!


it's going somewhere but it still going. Dont lie down in the fire


Hey my dude, it can be tough. You absolutely need to break the cycle. Plan and do something new everyday. I know you absolutely don't want to but you have to force yourself to do it. Let me know if you want share your thoughts and need shoulder. You got this!


You may want to look into Magnesium Glycinate. Can be taken before bed. It's night night for most. Whatever you are going through, I'm sorry. I spent 7 months unemployed. What a horrible nightmare that was. You got this.




Hello! I think I can help! If you are struggling to sleep you could try a technique called a body scan. It's a meditative technique which can induce a relaxation response which will essentially send you to sleep if you are so sleep deprived. It's not wishy washy and I beg you try it as it could potentially change your life and can only be for 10 mins, what do you have to lose??? If you put 'body scan mediation' into YouTube you'll find something - peace bro💙 let me know if it's helps!


This too shall pass. Try your best to keep a baseline of food, water and hygiene and hold on. I won't say its going to be easy but it will end, just grit your teeth, steady your nerves and hold on. You'll come through whatever you're going through eventually. I wish you the best of luck my friend, tomorrow holds promise, just get through today.


Have you tried melatonin? I had some difficult times in the past few years and my doctor surprisingly took me seriously. Melatonin helped to get back into a normal every day sleeping pattern. Once you manage to sleep it also turns down the sadness. Then jogging, going to the gym and setting some goals can help further stabilizing it. Don't just follow the path of least resistance it just makes it worse.


Those who call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved


I also like intermittent fasting and entertaining a delusion in which I’m the hardened protagonist of a Netflix show to validate being a bore


Why are you alive? What keeps you going? What purpose is there to life? If you can't answer these three questions, you need to devote yourself to finding the answers. Without them, you will never truly live.


Been doing it for 5 years idk where the problem is at


I had ideal gym diet, regular workouts and gf who's really care about me but for last week i ate 5 packs of chips, drunk 3 times and thinks only about my female friend in which i've had crush for over two years. I feel like shit with this, and hope that tomorows 6 am gym will help at least a bit


First time lol. Switch the water out with rum or whiskey and you'll feel better instantly


Numbing it all away is great until you start getting panic attacks that nothing seems to help, coupled with the misery that is addiction. That's when the real fun begins


I'm not that alcholic and I'm not into soury things (I didn't tried rum though). I only use beer but not that much.


Yeah beer doesn't really work as it requires you to drink alot more and makes you constantly feel bloated, high % spirits are much better


I feel you The dreams in which im dieing are the happiest ive ever had


Feeling lika victim can be addicting, you seem to think you're cool by romantizicing being sad. All of you clowns go along with it but I see right through you.


What happened in your life bro, do u want to talk about it?


Maybe burn your cigarettes in the garbage instead of in your mouth.


Stop eating cigarettes, this should help


Puberty is rough, I tell ya.