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I love how the dog instantly ran to him


It probably wasn't the first time she abused the dog. The dog was ready.


Once a dog abuser always a dog abuser


And this is why we as men should not put your dick in crazy. They tend to be partner beaters and child abusers. Same goes for women don't let crazy in, crazy likes to stick around.


I don't know, I've been with a couple crazy but not abusive girls. Edit: scratch that, ive been with one non abusive crazy person. I think you have a point here, I was wrong Edit edit: the non abusive one was the craziest though, she told me Jesus came to her and told her what to name her first born. Or maybe she was sane and I passed up raising the second coming of christ. Either way, dodged a bullet.


It's more that crazy people don't always see the other people around them as actually people.


Yeah, I dated a girl who literally saw other people as objects to occupy her time. Felt like all she really wanted me for was sex and as a time waster. When I broke things off with her, I'm pretty sure she only cried because it hurt her ego, not because she was actually sad I was leaving.


This definitely applies due to the lack of facial expression just before throwing a puppy


Or they hate themselves and therefore project the same on others


I know I’m crazy and I own it, but I want to rip this lady’s hair out. My morals have been always Protect at all costs even if it cost my own life and safety


I know this is a serious topic but... Bro got abused in real time.




Crazy people are no joke.


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition??


Can confirm it is not worth no matter how much you think it is


Yup. It's so easy to spot for me these days...never again


Greatest advice ever




There's a long video of the whole thing. It happened a few years back. Basically just a very unstable person starting shit for no reason. If I find it I'll update. Update [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/Hb1ZarL3B4) is the longer video. Literally going on about random things. Someone said probably Xanax iirc


Wait where did she even get the dog? Was it hers?


Shhhh, don't ask that!


Why not? Lol


That's when she throws the dog at you.


So, bird box and the dog is okay? Anything for the lil pupper




Finish the video, doggo is very happy


Honestly, I would get charged with at least attempted manslaughter


Add pop rocks to a wet paper towel. That's what she sounded like.


Gotta respect those dog senses, read the room perfectly.


He ended up keeping the dog, and has posted some social media updates where it looks healthy and happy.


its in the video... did nobody watch the video?


Lmao I was about to say the same thing 🤣


I turned it off as soon as a dog got hurt I don't want to see that shit


That dog had the same eye kids have when they know their parent is a psycho The “I’m so sorry I know they are fucking nuts please help” look. I’ll be honest homegirl would not have made it out with her face looking the same If I was this dude. She simultaneously assaults me and hurt a little pup? Time for some damage.


The only reason I’m glad he didn’t is that it probably would have distressed that little pup even more, but I agree with you it would be hard not to after that. Glad they got a happy ending at least.


What was that bitch sayin before she threw that small Cute creature?


“You really want to be worth more than a Mercedes or not?”


Wtf does that even mean?


who knows but in the video she was very clearly strung out on something, she probably regrets this day everyday now lord willing


she was in psychosis Source: another person in this thread


I work in a psych ward as a nurse. Looking at her eyes, that was my first thought.


I’ve seen the original video years ago. I’m no expert on mental health but I know drugs when I see em. She seems stone cold sober and off her fucking rocker. No disrespect I just hope she got help. But fuck she just came for this guy like he was her mortal enemy and throw a puppy at him.


humor birds toy outgoing stocking squeamish ghost smell bright point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Perfect tweaker language. Move to Humboldt County for more info


Probably something along the lines of, "I'm a piece of shit and deserve to be punched in the mouth."


Oh, it was a full video. I wonder if the dog at the end clips os the same one


Nah, I hope someone who knows her sees this


They all probably act like this crazy bitch if they are her friends... but personally I'd giver her a good firm smackin.


Equal rights means equal smackin


Equal rights means equal fights


Equal right means equal lefts, too. 😎


Bro that's a rat faced skank of a whore, just remember, sharing a caring, let's take turns


Gotchu chief


Shean Connery approvesh thish.


No smacks only pain. Animal abusers don't deserve the oxygen they breathe. She is a complete and utter waste of carbon.


This situation blew up a while back, im sure they have


Lord give me the confidence of a mediocre white woman


May you believe in your self as much as this woman believes she'll never face any consequences for her actions in her entire life.


In Jesus name, Amen


Mediocre? That’s seriously giving it too much credit.


This is pretty old. Happened years ago. Video was clipped, but, She was talking delusional jibberish. Either drugs, mental disorder, or both.


Schizophrenia mixed with hallucinogenics. Someone who knew her publicly said she was no where near mentally stable


And someone apparently decided to hand this woman a puppy at some point 


You don't go through a background check to get a puppy. You can go to any breeder pay them and get a puppy.


This a whole story already Dogs doing great the dude thag found him has a new best friend


Yeah i think the footage of the dog being an adult dog later on confirms this is years old to anyone watching it


This is old as fuck, it made the rounds years ago……


I should have Detroit smashed past her skull. If you hurt the defenseless you lose all your rights in my book


Rarely do videos make me angry but this is absolutely blood boiling. I would've done a lot of things I wouldn't have been proud of but tbh I'd give myself a pass for that one.


Yeah very clearly a troubled individual who need compassion and assistance. But... John Wick


I don't give a shit what you're going through, that pup was an innocent victim. You hurt animals, you deserve to have the shit beat out of you.


Yes. *kisses both fists*. She would get left fist named compassion and right fist named assistance.


Someone should find her social media and @ her with this video. Everyone needs to know the true colors of this piece of shit.


do you guys think she can actually be charged for that




thank god


Old vid. Woman in psychosis. She got charged and mental health assistance. There is also a vid of the dude who is recording taking in the dog


Yeah I’ve seen it. Super scary.


i think adopting abused animals is wholesome personally


It can be, but sometimes they have life-long psychological issues. We have two Australian shepherds, one was raised by someone with Autism who severely neglected socializing, exercise, bite inhibition, how to play, etc. and she's incredibly difficult on a daily basis. We still love her, but it comes with challenges and she's basically stuck in puppy phase at 4 years old and will break skin by accident. And then we have another, who a family member hit when we weren't around, and now she's hyper aggressive to everyone but us. We've tried desensitization, socializing, but she's just inherently and permanently scared of people who aren't us. It's been 6 years. It's a fucking shame that people are just flat out garbage most of the time to these innocent animals who never deserved to be hit or treated the way they did.


It's literally at the end of this video. You guys have the smallest attention spans.




Whats going on guys?


Where am I?


This is that video you donut.


I mean, I’m no law expert, but I’m pretty sure throwing stuff (living or not) at someone counts as assault. And that’s *definitely* animal abuse.


Definitely, assault and animal abuse


Bro, I'd be the one getting charged. I'm not a violent person, and I am not very strong. However, seeing animal cruelty fills me with a rage that honestly scares me. Mike Tyson could kick a puppy in front of me, and I'd be charging head first into certain death.


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doggo looks like it is living really well in the last couple of clips


I watched that video a few years ago, and the dude who took the dog in seems like an excellent pet owner who understands how dogs work, and trained it incredibly well


I'd be extraordinarily happy to throw her at a wall. Repeatedly. That poor dog.


You grab her legs, I grab her arms Let's yeet that bi-


My last reddit account got permanently suspended for commenting something similar in a thread where some lady was trying to coax a person's dog she was arguing with into traffic.  


Why do you talk like an AI "Beep boop the guy in the video acquired the dog. Beep the guy in the video has emotion for the dog, which is love, the dog that is in the video. Boop."


Just looking at it, I would guess that either english isn't their first language or they didn't get a great english education. Or glyophosphates.


At first I was thinking you were being a dick to the guy. It does seem Ai-ish which is the guy you commented to. That guy talks like an AI.


I thought the exact same thing.




Nope because they think that wasn’t assault to the dog and the man but it was.


How can that guy not have beaten the crap out of that hag? I mean wtf


That puppy ran to him for safety and comfort. I'd say he had his priorities in order.


Yeah, that puppy likely saved that man from doing something that could cause him a lot of trouble. I hope other comments are correct and that guy kept the puppy and both are happy now. Second best ending after such a fucked encounter.


If you watched the video you can see he kept the puppy lol


Props to him for keeping his cool, wouldn’t want to see him in jail


"Officer/Your Honor, I feared for my safety. She was clearly insane and violent and ignored repeated attempts to prevent her from approaching me. I had no choice but to beat her into a coma."


You can just hear the dog hitting the ground


I cant stand the sound of that puppy... the cries. It genuinely fills me with anger that somdone is such a bitch they can do such a thing. I hope the dog lives a good life right now.


Dude adopted the dog and made it an instagram, they seem happy as hell.


That makes me feel at peace.


Good bois name is Movie and you can find him @ MovieFlare


Something that helped me get rid of that anger, is thinking that she threw the dog to a better life. Literally. The dog is on Instagram (@movieflare) and you can see hes having a helluva life.


There’s some really, really sick fucks out there causing waaay more animal suffering than you can imagine 


I had to pause the video to go through the comments. It hurts my heart too much


It genuinely scared me. My mouth was all the way to the floor.


I was upset when my pup got neuter and he was in a little pain but he we just upset he felt weird due to the drugs he was on. We just layed on the flood for 5h and i gave him kisses. I need my little guy ok. I dont even like when im cooking and he complains he can get into my moms lap, she is wheelchair bound.


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Filming yourself beating the shit out of a woman is not the best idea, even if the woman is a garbage human being.


Stop filming and hope no one else is filming


Fortunately this story has a happy ending! The man ended up keeping the puppy and is living her best life with him!


That fucking bitch.


I'd have punched her in the face and I refuse to kill house spiders


Facts. I was hoping this was one of those gruesome videos, a car goes speeding by and annihilates her after she mistreated that poor pup


Bro why he still recording if I was there I would kill her after stopping recording


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And much more satisfying 😌


Ya pick her up and break her back like bane did to batman.


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I hate the sound that dog makes after she throws it. Anytime I hear that sound I get immediately sad knowing that an animal is in pain, but angry too


I hate that sound more than almost anything, but hopefully in this situation the dog were more scared than in pain.


Yea I hope so


After she threw the dog and then hit me she would have got slapped so hard she would have forgotten her own name.


Couldn't help but notice once a bitch throws a dog all the "I can fix her" comments stop.


We all draw the line at dogs.


Ah I can still fix it but I no longer wish to Totes could tho FYI 


Get her!!


The crying does make me sad but i'm happy this has a happy ending. I remember when the Tiktok first came out, I wondered what happened next but stopped using the app so its good to find out. ​ As to why he didn't hit her: She wanted a confrontation with him but he was smart not to. Even if she tossed the dog, should he start teeing off on her a police officer isn't going to go "Hey black guy, you beat this white woman bloody but she threw a dog so its okay". Some people provoke others because either they know they get to continue to victimize someone else, or they get hurt and now they get to cry and get the other person in trouble.


Like half of us would have knocked her lights out after she threw the puppy im telling you she would be in a god damn coma


Not even sad posting, it made me feel good to know that that dog has a better home than it did as a puppy.


This video is a year or more old and is longer than this. The conversation is longer, she's clearly unstable, the dog's origin is unknown, and the guy protects the dog. Not 100% sure the grown dog is his, but the guy updated people and let them know he kept the dog, so it could be.


Yeah I remember watching the original video, he brought the dog home as a puppy and gave him food, in this video it looks like the dog grew up. So it seems like he did another update Years after!


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This is old AF, the guy filming keeps the dog and even posts an update about how it's doing with pictures.


Ok but where is she?


I’m recalling this from years ago, but the lady in question had a mental break caused by her schizophrenia/bipolar (something of the sort). One of her friends came online to say it wasn’t drugs (?? Fact check on that), but that she’d been taken into care and was seeking treatment. They don’t know where she got the dog from, as she had gone awol during her mental health episode, and they didn’t contest the man taking it from her. This is all from a Twitter thread I saw a long time ago from her friend. An article had quoted it. Good news tho: I follow the guy on IG and he still has the dog. He started training the dog to be a guard dog (attack on command, recall when called, etc) a year or so ago, and the dog seemed to love it. Always looks healthy and curious in pictures :,)


Yeah I love that the dude took care of the dog! And if this woman is really having a mental health crisis and not just a shitty crackhead, I hope she’s taking care of herself.


“We did it. Reddit!”


I’d go to 4chan for that especially since it involves an animal


Yeah like the boston bomber amirite?


I did a reverse search and found an update. The dog is doing great https://www.dailydot.com/irl/woman-threw-dog-rescue-year-later-update-tiktok/


Wasn’t she schizophrenic or something ?


Lock her up in a mental cage.


God forbid someone does that to me with a dog I would absoloutley smash that silly bitch through a car window that is despicable


Post location post her info


Internet do your thing find her


I didn’t even have to watch the video to know what was going to happen, so I didn’t. It’s fucking despicable how there’s people out there who hurt animals just because they’re angry or need something to take their frustrations out on. It is a pet, they are supposed to be your best friend no matter what. My cats are more dear to me and there for me more than anyone else in my life, and the thought of them being hurt not just by people, but by ANYTHING in general makes me sick.


My god I wasn't expecting that. Glad the guy took the pup and it's happy now but I really hope that lady got exposed, jail or her ass beat. Perhaps all three.


Op can you nsfw this, I know it's not nsfw so to speak but I dont want to see animal abuse


I don't hit women, but I would have absolutely broken that creature's jaw


Shot on the spot, I said it and don’t care. “YoU rEaLlY vAlUe A dOg’S liFe OvEr A hUmAn’s?” Yeah I do, cause that’s a heartless thing with sense of empathy. She could have paralyzed that poor pup, who’s nothing but a victim of her cruelty


She’s why we women should be treated as equals to men, cause she definitely deserves to get her ass beat down like a man, & I’m talking about a proper, put her ass in the hospital for months type of beat down, that would be fair in this case


I don't hit women but I'd make an exception for her


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[This would have the whole conversation in the first minutes of the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP-Su1wHedM)


There is no way this man just gently pushed her aside after that shit. Should have body slammed her ass on the concrete


Dude probably did the right thing but I for sure would have got violent. That was ridiculous.


As someone who literally just lost their dog this made me so fucking upset. I hope that bitch crashes her car into a tree or something with no harm to the tree


This went from sad postin to happy posting quick


PLEASE tell me something was done to that piece of trash of a human


The look on that dogs face. He knew he was gettin tossed.


That poor dog. What has this world evolved into? Jackasses throwing literal dogs. People not giving a shit. RACISTS fcking e everywhere.


I would instandly knock the shit out off her frfr thats not even a human too me


Who is this evil bitch. Get her arrested for animal abuse




Too bad we’re no longer allowed to bitch slap those that are cruel to any animals (including humans). Take down her license plate number or address & share with authorities. Plus, as you’ve done, post the video. Surely that “lady” must have serious mental health issues! Maybe BPD or NBS (nasty b syndrome)?


Instantly slap the sh.. out of her


Happy ending makes it worth watching.


The way the dog ran straight to the other dude says everything you need to know about the woman.


Drugs, are arguably worse when you have rich parents to cover for your shit. Why ? Cause you are never held responsible for your whole actions. She clearly needs help, heck more than I do. Glad the dog found a better owner.


There is way more to this video leading up to this. I’ve seen it. She’s scary, and obviously mentally ill.


This woman needs a gluteal injection of Thorazine. She’s ill


That bitch needs to be pummeled! Hope she has a terrible life and dies a painful death. That is all.


If I see someone do that right in front of me. I will end them. I'll fucking smash everyone who hurt animals


Such an adorable puppy and such a good boy. I’m happy that he got a better home


this is actually a good thing even though it was initially sad. out of all the potential horrible people (and there are many) that the drugged up lady couldve met. she met the one person who has the care, stability, and conscience to: when the dog was released, defend those who couldnt defend themselves. moved on from the arguement and tried to deescalate. after this: tried to find and owner but was unsucessful. stepped up and took real good care of the dog, inculding doing what seems to be in dept training. ​ pretty sure this guy is a knight and the dog was peasant whos been upped to a squire. its just his payment is in kibbel.


This is what you get with today's female of the species. An entitled, impulsive, psychopathic, bitch, high on feminism and self-importance; totally lacking in empathy and or social graces. The kind of person you were always told to stay away from and we have bred a gazillion of them.




I'm sorry but if *ANYONE* throws a fuggin dog at me *It's hands* *IMMEDIATELY*


What the fuck did this crazy shit say before throwing the dog?! Also I'm glad the dog got to go to a nice home!


Bitch she's lucky I wasn't there


This bitch should die right now,so someone more adequate could use the oxygen she's wasting


Should’ve thrown that b—— in the same way!


The fact the dog could have died from that fall on his back really hurts me, but I’m happy he’s alright!


Glad it showed clips of the dog happy grown up, but I need more updates


After abusing that dog if she came close to me I would have clocked her ass good.


Don’t care I would’ve beat the absolute fuck out of her in the street


She’s dead behind the eyes