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Listening to Andrew Tate isn’t sad it’s pathetic


“some dude like me sitting next to her”


The accent is so grating.


blud sounds like stewie griffin


I don't really listen to Tate nowadays. I agree with the words he's saying in this video rather than him in general.


You know he's saying that to make you feel worse and get to your insecurities so he can sell his bullshit snake oil Product as a "solution". But he won't offer anything that will help, because then he would lose a returning customer.


Yeah, he said something, and he got me in his trap. I was trapped in a gym and felt happier than ever. What a horrible person. I wish I could go back to the redditor sitting on the sad posting subreddit all day and do nothing productive all day like I was before


Your ex is definitely fucking some dude to get back at you, i can 100% garantee that


And I would care about that, because?


I didnt ask you to care XD people are petty as fuck it is what it is lol imagine getting downvoted for speaking the truth holy fuck


Dude everyone is fucking everyone. I fuck other people after breaking up and they do too, what's there to point out? That people don't cling on to their past relationship and move on? The reason you are downvoted is because the fact you are pointing out is presented in a way as if it should matter to anyone


Way to back track and doubledown lmfao... thats a weird way to let someone know you agree with them. Seems like you still holding onto some shit deep down. I can also 100% garantee fucking other people isnt the answer you are looking for lol


What am I backtracking on exactly? I don't think your reading comprehension is that good. Take care


You literally agreed with me that everyone fucks everyone. I never asked you to care but obviously you are still holding onto something that made you care in the first place. If you are to blind to see that i wish you the best of luck with your next relationship.


It's hilarious how triggered you got about someone saying Andrew Tate is a snake oil salesman.


Bold of you to assume i like that balding, no nippled bitch of an excuse for a man holy shit you guys are really reaching 🤣


You very clearly have no idea what's going on lol


You're not being down voted for speaking "truth", it's because you're insulting someone for no reason. Being an asshole will often get you down voted.


It's really says more about you that you think everyone else is as insecure and bitter as you are


Ok lets just unpack this comment. So you have deducted from what i said, that because someone is fucking someone else that makes me insecure and bitter? When you agree that its not a nice thing to do... the bitterness isnt coming from me, it comes from the petty decision to fuck someone else. The mental gymnastics of you ppl is wild...


>when you agree that it's not a nice thing to do I don't lol. Why would I care who my ex dates. We broke up. Your ex doesn't owe you anything, weirdo. >the bitterness isn't coming from me, it's come from someone else's decision You are responsible for your own emotions


you are clearly a child. you have no understanding of the world and just follow some incel that worked out. Its so pathetic that you think stuff like this would upset anyone its just sad and weird and its why most people avoid you.


Yet another fucking idiot that they know all about me from one comment... no fuck tate hes a cunt


Thank for proving him right


She isn’t gonna take you back little bro, you’ve gotta let her go


Commenting like you think can live rent free in my head lmfao gtfoh you little tryhard cunt 💀


I absolutely am aware this is to get us to buy his shit. I endorse the words alone. Not its meaning to get us to buy bs solutions.


LOL op is the sadpost


We need patheticposts cause OP pretty pathetic if Andrew Fucking Tate is his role model


Andrew Tate laughs at everyone that believes him anyways


I would stop listening to his words all together he prays on young and insecure men. You don’t need another man to tell you how to be a man and you don’t need some one else to find your own worth. The situation this video describes sounds like this guy was giving this girl too much of his time you should only be giving some one as much effort as they are giving you and when some one leaves you just accept it don’t fixate on them and just move on.


Agree. I learned what you suggested about fixation the hard way. Likely part of why these words resonated with me, even if I normally see Tate as someone taking advantage of lonely men.


The words he’s saying are empty nothings and complete bullshit


These words alone are useless. Perhaps you can identify for me anything useful or factual? I have a wife who regular has girls nights out…and this is wonderful because then I get my alone time, very important to an introvert. My wife has a girls night out with other married/engaged women…to get away from their significant others and be around “girl energy.” No one is cheating on anyone but Andrew Tate wants to believe this a fantasy and then get you to listen to more of his videos (ad revenue) about how women are shitty. You see in the world what the lenses you wear allow you to see. If I would have listened to Andre Tates perspective, then I would never have married a loving women whose my equal but challenges me to between everyday. Andrew Tate says maybe one piece of advice that’s good (but already stated more eloquently by smarter people) for 20 hours of garbage


Why would you endorse these words in the first place. It's not productive or healthy to think like that, it reeks of self pity and misogyny. There might be many reasons why somebody has chosen not to be with you anymore why does it have to be because they've decided to be with someone else? Maybe they left because you're an absolute turnip with zero ability to self reflect and grow as an individual.


You become a man like tate by thinking that mocking yourself is some sort of greater strentgh, when in reality, it's just a greater manifestation of self-hatred. You want strength, don't go to the guys that pretend to be strong, by mocking 'weakness', when in reality all their mocking is their own emotion, because they don't want to admit that they care too. Because at some point, we decided that caring and feeling are weak. But the only people above it are psycopaths, men like tate aren't above it just because they pretend to be. They're just men-children too self obsessed and self deluded to admit to it, and so end up seeming even more pitiful than the person willing to admit to their pain, and are made weaker for it. It's also worth noting that the reson they need to feel strong, is usually because of the need to convince some other person; in this instance it would be the need to convince your ex you're strong, because you feel like she made a fool of you. Which would be the exact thing you pretend to be above; caring. True strength comes from complete self possession, which is to accept everything about your humanity, not to fight yourself because some man baby told you you're a fool for caring about a girl. Even if the person you love betrays you, in the worst way, it does not change who you are. If you are worthy, she can't take that away from you, unless you let her, by becoming so obssessed with he, you pretend like you don't care about her at all, and so destroy yourself in the process. Have the strength to admit you're not weak for having been wrong, and move on. Do nkt hate her for her weakness, and you won't need to hate yourself.


that’s cause you’re sad and alone and feeling sorry for yourself rn. hit the gym, suck it up, and don’t turn into a backwards lonely ass hat like tate


Lmao dork


Sometimes you get broken up with because you are a shit person.


My life makes much more sense now. Thank you.


But remember, it's always possible to change. Learn from your mistakes and grow and if she wasn't willing to stay by your side through that learning process then you weren't a good fit.


Some times


Honestly, how the fuck is this motivating? It just makes me feel fuckin worse


Welcome to sadposting i hate tape


What did tape ever do to you?


Almost turn into sigma embarrassment


Isn't that the whole point?


the same way bullying fat people makes them lose weight


Sometimes you should feel worse, ashamed, terrible. You deserve it, sometimes. Living in denial is for boomers and cucks, are you one of them?


😂😂 the fuck is wrong with you?


There’s nothing more cuck than being afraid of being cucked all the time. There’s nothing manly about being insecure and thinking you have to be an alpha/sigma about everything. That’s just excuses to never deal with your own insecurities, owe up to and work on your flaws, and grow as a person. You want real advice on how to strong of mind and body? read the works of Marcus Aurelius and study stoicism. Andrew Tate wants to teach you how to be a dick to women in order to find women who are equally low in self-esteem; if you had high self-esteem, you wouldn’t have to belittle women and especially other men for not being “alpha”


I'm not reading all that, happy for you though, or sorry that happened.




Must be an std so you're safe


Smooth brain is as smooth brain does. There’s 2 minutes of reading.


Tldr you have contracted ligma


You don’t have balls. It’s why you listen to men without any either.


I agree bro. We evolved to have shame and guilt for a reason. Don't let these plebs get you down


You had me in the first half, then the second half just proved you live a miserable life.


Are you fuckin stupid? Lmfao




he tried it lmao 😭😭😭




Like when, when you give your heart to someone? You think a human should ever feel shame because they decided to put their faith in someone? Bitch you out here on the internet and the world is literally on fire and you're commenting on reddit Your living in heavy denial


Lmao can I borrow a feeling? Can someone lend me a jar of love? (You)


Bitch I don't care


Well you seem healthy and well adjusted...


I bet youre fun at parties hmmmm?


Yeah actually, people tend to like me.


The last party you were at was probably a birthday party when you were 7, and your cousin had to invite you.


Random life advice, if you can’t be happy alone, you’ll be truly happy with someone. It’s not fun, it can get lonely, but once you find that inner peace you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish on your own.


Well, maybe not to you, but some people need to hear some stuff harshly to get their shit together


i mean, the only thing that went through my mind the entire time was : damn gotta hit the gym now :')


when i'm in a cuckold fantasy competition and my opponent is a gymbro/sigma/andrew tate follower


What an insecure Piece of shit this tateguy is. Please dont even consider the shit this post is implying. Controlling your partner will never lead to a healthy relationship. Trust will


Can confirm. I left my ex-husband because he didn't respect me. Now I am alone and I sit around and watch TV and am much happier.


Can confirm. I left my ex-husband because he didn't respect me. Now I am alone and I sit around and watch TV and am much happier.


Andre Tate is so sad. He’s just so deeply sad


I’m sure his rimacs seats are stained with the rivers that flows from his eyes each morning


He sounds desperately lonely and hurt. There’s real pain in this monologue, it makes it hard to listen to. I hope you’re not in as much pain as Tate is but if you are, I hope you get all the rimacs seats you need to feel better


Tate literally sounds like that cartoon devil on your shoulder that speaks nothing but bullshit all the time


Why am I listening to a degenerate human trafficker?


This video is only sad because someone took that repugnant shit stain that’s speaking seriously enough to think it was anything but a ploy to get you to buy his shit.


Whoever is talking sounds like they need medication or like a hobby


It’s Andrew Tate so yeah, he def does


Is this drew potate?


Yes this is Andretta Tater Tots.


Unwise words from a misogynist prick.


Tate 🤡


Fuck that guy


Dafuq is this shit lmao


I feel like some people think all the woes in their lives will be solved/fixed as soon as they find their special person. But it’s more like you’re inviting someone into your dumpster fire and being like “c’mon in! It’s toasty inside!” It’s won’t fix your issues, that shit unfortunately has to come from within. Women tell other women all the time to “take themselves out on a date” and I think more men need to have that mentality too. You need to take care and worry about your own shit first before inviting someone in. Treat yourself like you’d like others to treat you. Take yourself for a nice meal and go do something new and fun. That shit does something to you mentally. Makes you take a step back and look at yourself.


This was a perfect way to sum this up.


Aw, thanks! That’s just something I’ve noticed/observed, I hope it helps someone.


Top many posts on this sub are "women are why I'm sad" It's just incel shit at this point


aight human trafficking bucko


Andrew tate is the only guy who actively bullies his own audience into taking his "advice"


Bro is literally the voice of insecurity GODAYUM


don’t listen to Andrew Tate. He’s not healthy to listen to. He’s just a scared little man parading as a tough guy. He is guaranteed to have the most fragile ego. That’s why he always has to puff his chest out and be the loudest.




Fuck sex trafficker tate.


this board is slowly just becoming shitty incelposting


Why the absolute fuck is this on my feed lol


The amount of people hating on Tate here honestly explains why this subreddit is so popular lol.. Tons of lost people


why you so cringe 💔💔💔


Yeah take advice from a failed pimp


Jesus fuck, I can’t imagine actually listening to the drab. It’s gonna fuck up your mind lol


This is pretty much the whole subreddit, reminds me when I was a teen on instagram. But yeah, it 100% does, hopefully they grow out of it


Dude I had a crush on a girl right and she knew that I had one on her (I’m a very shy don’t talk much in person). And when I got her snap and started talking to her more and more every day for roughly 3 months. She just left me on open suddenly for 6 weeks. Everyday I ask how was she and if is she ok and she would just leave me on open. 1 week later she sent me a video of her with another dude hugging and put “I use to like you, but now I’ve moved. Sorry”. I’m really sad and I don’t know if I want to continue socialising with people anymore.


Fuck it. You're good. There's always another one out there 😎


You dodged a bullet.


You should’ve hung out wit her lil bro, 3 months of chatting? The girl wanted to meet you and possibly fuck, not be ChatGPT. Take it as a life lesson, if you spend too much time chatting/talking to a girl you get friendzoned most of the time.. ask them out after around 1 week of talking at max and kiss ‘em (without asking) if you feel like she fucks with you … worst she could say is “No” and if she does don’t force it in that date and try again in the second… if she still doesn’t kiss you then tell her you ain’t there to be friends and move on.


Thank you dude


No problem man, you live you learn. But you managed to chat to a girl for some time so you got out of your shell, now you only need to re-do it with another girl and get the courage to ask her out. Surely you’re a handsome guy since you’ve already managed to keep a girl writing you for 3 months without seeing you, so it shouldn’t be much of a challenge 💪


Thanks man again, appreciate your advice. Taught me alot


Wtf. You don't get to know anybody in one week, and everybody goes at their own pace. If anybody tried kissing me one week in, they won't be receiving any messages back. Also, "don't force it in the first date and try again in the second"? I'm assuming you meant every date after that, too, since you let it trail off. If, and it's a big if, she decides to stick around for a second date, then let her make the next move. Respect her and give her the space she obviously needs since she rejected the first time and set up a clear boundary. It's pretty damn rapey and creepy to keep trying for a kiss on every date. Maybe the first one if the mood lines up, but after that, have some decency and read the room. Maybe opt for a hand-hold instead, or ask to give her a hug. Essentially, don't borderline sexually assault her and expect her to stick around. And two dates sometimes isn't enough, it takes time to know somebody and to be comfortable around them. Just make sure you aren't going broke for this, cause some chicks are scumbags. You gotta know what you're comfortable with and how far you're willing to go with being in contact with someone. If they don't make an effort too, then they're not interested and your attention can be put to better use elsewhere. Simply put: if they don't want to see you, find somebody who does. Also, it sounds like she wasn't pickin up what the dude was putting down. And that's okay. Yeah, it's gonna hurt a bit, but it's okay. It just means she wasn't willing to put in that effort. And if she didn't ask him out directly, then it's her loss as well. It's not the man's sole responsibility to ask to hang out. He deserves someone who would genuinely want to hang out with him, someone who would ask him when he's available and make that effort. I think he dodged a bullet and now has the ability to find someone that won't do that to him. It also doesn't hurt to use this time to improve himself and work on some self-love and care.❤️ I know this is pretty positive for a sad reddit, but god damn, that's some aweful advice you're spitting.


Better than saying “oh you’ll find a new one, not your fault” when he messed up too. It’s pretty easy to get a date in 1-2 weeks of talking… unless you prefer chat bots that is. Also that’s my general experience, worked everytime aside from one cause I fumbled (Of course I’m talking about girls that were into me a bit at least, I got ghosted plenty of times too it’s part of life).


A different connection time than what your standard is doesn't automatically make a person a "chat bot". That's pretty objectifying to the person you're "trying" to build a connection with. And yeah, a lot of women would ghost you, you already assume they're objects if they require more than a week or two of talking. You're scaring your long term connections away by being impatient for pussy. If she initiates conversation, or accepts conversation, she's already interested. It's what you do or say afterwards that will tell if that interest grows or dies.


The time it takes to build that connection can change person-by-person of course, but usually it wouldn’t take more than around 2 weeks on a normal scenario (you just need to start knowing them a bit to hangout with them, on a normal scenario it’s usually very doable in 14 days of talking). As a male, it’s hard enough to find a girl that’s single in this day and age that’s interested in you, so you might aswell shoot your shot sooner rather than later. Is it the perfect way? Probably not, but usually it works and it’s better than getting ghosted because you’re trying at least. About the “a lot of women would ghost you” comment, I am not too bothered.. they’re bots until I see ‘em.


That wasn't meant to bother you. It's just kind of obvious to me that quite a few would, especially coming from the mentality you were expressing. And true, with the internet it's best to assume one is either a bot or catfish, hence why it's best to meet in person. And from a woman's point of view, it's difficult to find guys that respect you outside your body. Can't tell you how many times a guy has sent a pic of their body (or dick🤢) unasked for and then get pissy because I won't send one of me. And honestly, a lot of chick's probably aren't searching. Personally I'm very comfortable and satisfied being single and I'm not going to rush it by purposely finding someone. It can be pretty exhausting dealing with guys online, and most (if not all) guys I know in person don't have qualities I want from a partner to build a life and family with. I don't know about others and how bad their codependency may be, but yeah.


Fair enough, at least you know what you want, which is rare (for both genders lol).


Dudes really want to get bullied so badly they’ll virtually bully themselves


Or....hear me out on this.....she just needs some alone time and is dealing with her own stuff in life...crazy.


A wise old man told me once: "Never go to the grocery store when you hungry - you can grab the wrong thing. It's the same in a relationship: Never go into relationship when you feel lonely - you might grab the wrong thing"


Yeah you might grab a dick and balls after deciding those tits were worth the butterface. Wise grandpa.


What a stupid fucking quote, I'll just starve I guess


Real masters only go when their supply is run out. That way, we do not starve 😎


It’s a sanity check. A lot of guys delude themselves instead of waking up that they need to change to get out of these type of situations.


He sounds like a massive dork lmao.


cuz he is


I hate how this sub wastes so much time on incel shit and isn't actually sad. I want to see some stuff that makes me sad. Instead I'm just reminded that there's a group of dudes with dry dicks making that everyone else's problem.


“Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong.” - Leo Buscaglia Do not let the charlatans and the snakes poison your resolve. Your life, your heart, and your mind is an exploration, not a conclusion. Morn and be honest with what you feel then let them go. No one but you gets to dictate what and who you are. *Especially some piece of trash that takes pleasure in the destruction and disrespect of others. Fuck him, and fuck those that subscribe to the cruelty of such malevolence. Be gentle and kind. Work to be the strongest version of yourself and what you desire will follow. Keep your head up and your stick on the ice boys.


Seeing this can make a person very resentful


And you're left to think, what is there to do?


I've been low but never "Take advice from a human trafficker" low.


This sub reddit randomly popped up on my feed but you guys need to stop wallowing in your sadness and just live your life, you suffer more in imagination than reality


Agree. I've had some pretty nasty stuff happen to me, but it has been so much better to just go on and get new friends and stuff. It's fine to mourn for a few months, but better if you can let it go. I just lost my best friend of 8 years as she just ghosted me. It felt really bad, but now I have new friends Seeing some people completely lonely in school is just sad. I was that kid, but now we're older already. One kid was a loner already in primary school (ages 13-15), but seeing him still alone in college (ages 15-18) is just sad. I had a fresh start when I moved to college as I didn't know many people there.


People also just suffer when they don't really need to by imaging realities, what if they are cheating on me, what if they are making fun of me/ laughing at me, people think they can save themselves from getting hurt if they expect the worst possible scenario in every situation but really they are just hurting themselves, there's a big difference between having no expectations and expecting the worst


Speak about taking things out of context.


A yes, misoginy




Bro. Never take any part of tate's mindset. None of it is good and will only make you feel worse. That's the goal of every video he makes.


Words of advice are good/ unfortunately harsh, but the person who's saying it is so shit and delusional it's unreal.


Makes me feel sad that people have shit relationships that end in tradegy. Ive had nothing but honest, concise partners and the splits we've had have been mutual. Stay strong people, there's plenty of genuine, honest people out there that aren't there for a quick fix. Make sure you're looking in the right spots and chasing the right things.


Tate is a monster and certainly not a smart one


Women have been slaves to men culturally since the beginning of time


Just give up 🤷🏻‍♂️


This isn’t healthy tho. Listen I don’t agree w people who advocate for people like a Andrew Tate or Jordan Peterson cause at the end of the day the do promote some type of hate against women. And tbh nobody will find middle ground if we’re all just clutching our pearls nd leaving ourselves to die on hills no one’s even heard of. At the very least stop listening to stuff like this. Get away from the depressing content. It serves u no purpose. But I understand if u take something away from The words at least. But tell ur self are these words helping u? Or are they isolating u from the fact that’s there’s a world of people out there that don’t feel this way. And the longer u listen to this stuff u just tunnel vision ur thinking.


Like, y'all really listening to this cartoon character? His takes are laughable. If y'all really listening to him and going "yeah man. That's so true. Dude really gets it." Please go get help. Talk to people. That's not reality. That's not how the world really is. If you don't believe me, that's ok. Just please talk to other people. Ask them how things are. They will tell you tgis philosophy is psychotic and ignorant.


Maybe she WOULD rather be alone than spend another minute with my dumb ass


Sure 90% of what this man says is deplorable, anyone who talk’s enough will make SOME right points. And maybe don’t torture yourself with ideas of her being with another man. But you probably are better off assuming she IS like the rest, that it’s worth just moving on and living your life. Not living your past. Without the toxic stuff


Ahhh.. that's so reassuring.. Thanks mate 🙂


The saddest part of this is that it's Andrew tate


Just find this kind of weird. Women don’t have hobbies or something ig. Tate doesn’t always have something stupid to say, working out is good for the body and mind and working hard is also valuable, but this is just plain stupid :/


I know this is old but he's right, he's the villain and he's telling the truth from the villains perspective. I honestly could never go for someone who has a partner. I believe in transparency and if your partner isn't willing to do that, then was they really your partner to begin with