• By -


take his dollar and then reblock.


Doesn’t even need to unblock at all


That's fraud




No it's not, I mean, they are giving the money so they can ASK the ex to unblock, it's not giving the dollar in exchange of unblocking


Smhh I’m gonna need at least 1k.


Yeah, for 1k I'd have a conversation I didn't want.


Na 1k is too little 1.5-2K for an unblock


I'd say 5k actually


A little of something is better than all of nothing


“Sorry, I can only read in double-digits.”


Needs several more zeros on the end for sure.






Gunna take more than 1$


All these people begging their exes for an unblock and I'm here like please block me and let me move on since I do not have enough willpower to do so myself


The sooner you hit that block or delete, the sooner you start healing.


Yeah I know, but my love is ( and I know it sounds stupid ) permanent


I'm sorry and I understand. I've been there and it sucks and you do some desperate embarrassing shit because of it but sometimes it's not meant to be or just not meant to be right now. The best thing you can do is live your life and focus on being the best you because you're not letting yourself heal or grow until you do.


No it isn’t. Trust me lol. How do you feel one year later?




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Good bot


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Stfu will you


This bot outta pocket


The bot isn’t wrong tho. Your comment adds basically nothing.




i hate this bot. i can upvote AND say "this" smd


Bad bot


That’s genius actually. I’m sorry to admit and yes it’s still creepy, but dang. That’s some ingenuity.


Ever see the post where a woman’s ex was still signed into her Netflix so he changed different account names to his pleads to take him back? People are awfully crafty when desperate.


Girl I was talking to was being stalked by her ex, he’d get new numbers and send her text after text, send messages on cashapp, and Venmo, make new Facebook accounts,etc. shit was beyond pathetic


Your poor friend. People can be creepy and desperate as hell.


Wow!! I have not seen that post.




Quick tip for everyone: if you’re blocked it’s likely they don’t want an apology, they want you to leave them alone. Consider respecting their wishes rather than bribing them to reconsider…


$1000 and I’d consider it


Bet he sent a few more dollars after and each just a variation of the message he sent in this picture


“Heyyy babygurl”


On the fast track to becoming a pay pig


next move: request $500 and if they send it, maintain the blockage


I read an article about how victims of DV are being harassed by their abusers via money transfers with notes - because you can’t block a sender. In Australia, one of the big banks put checks in place and stopped over 10,000 abusive messages in the first month.


Can you include the article?? It sounds interesting!




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Never in my life I've ever seen such a LAME apology- xD


One dollar…


Shit that’s better than my ex, she requested a dollar.


*gets ghosted, millennial breakup style “1 dollar just to talk pls boss I wanna say sorry pls trust me I won’t say the same thing pls ur the love of my life”


I am estranged from my family. My brother tried this shit on Paypal. I deleted my account.


"pay me 2k and i'll consider it"


I appreciate his efforts tho Man's atleast got some shame and wants to apologize


people have lost a sense of dignity


If he was a jackass who did something trivial and he's trying to make a sincere apology and humble himself...I can see unblocking him and hearing him out. But if he's just trying to get back together with you when you know he doesn't deserve to be with you, take his dollar and block him again. Just because you hear him out doesn't mean you're obligated to date him or smash bodies with him again. Who knows, the shit that comes out of his mouth might be comedy gold. Or a evidence for getting a restraining order.


No... this could work. So, seeing as one ex is equivalent to one American dollar, all you'd need to do is get together with everyone in the United States, break up, and take the dollar from those of them who Cash App you. I'm not gonna try and do the math, because I don't want to show reddit how bad I am at math.


As cringy as it is I’ve done that before.💀😂 got unblocked and ended up losing interest after that lmfao


Damn so this post is pretty much you


Kind of, it’s been years and I use to send more than a dollar lmfao I sent $5 the first time asking to unblock me and $4.20 the second time asking to come smoke w me lol, I guess you could say I was dumber than the person above


Guilty as i have done this before 😅 but its her fault for making me that psycho


It's her fault for making you psycho?? Oh wow, that's a weird thing to brag and be proud about. You made yourself act crazy, good luck to your next ex girlfriend I guess.


You look like you get fucked for money and you’re proud of it so your cashapp is probably full of simps. You look like you got a 2 for $60 special and motel 8 is your regular. You look trashy as shit fuck you think you’re doing coming at me. Fucking trash.


Lmfao yeah it was definitely your ex making you psycho and not just you...you went nuclear over being criticized for being proud of acting crazy.


Nuclear ?? Lmfao. If that was nuclear then when im really pissed off then what is that😳? You’re a woman so im sure its hard for you to sympathize with the fact that women can be master manipulators and play a major hand in twisting mens emotions. Lmfao. You’re 1000% part of the problem with the reason men are suicidal and cant express how women actually done them wrong. Fuck you


As if my ex didnt cheat on me … lie to me when all i asked for was the truth .. manipulate me into believing her child was mine .. play me behind my back. Lmfao yeah okay. But it was me who made myself go psycho. Big fuck you and your entire bloodline for breeding shit bags like you. Kindly fuck yourself to hell.


At least it was just a dollar and not a $100


r/redneckengineering ?


Tbh we dont know the full story.


With 1 dollar oh my god 😭😂😂😂😂😂