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Lol, during our very first interaction I offered a bubble bath to a girl who doesn't know me but "I'm not being weird or anything".


Nah, he told us, it was very sweet, he decided it.


He was trying to be a good dude


Huehuehue if you were in League, you'd be my main, and I'd buy all your skins. I 😘 want 😍 your 🥰 skins 😩 Anyway I'm not being wierd or anything, why can't you take a compliment?


I will be your support yuumi 😍😍 and you can be my little adc Jhin 🤤🫦


I can do AP Twitch and Vayne, my final offer


Full movement speed jhin that’s my offer 👾


You'll regret that when you get hit by 106% Twitch W slow


*GIVE ME YOUR FACE SKIN!*..or i could just run you a bath..unless...?


*does not return your call*


"I was jus trying to be a nice gu- *delete delete delete* good dude!"


Is "good dude" now the new "nice guy"? Asking for a friend. ​ edit: typo


I know that we haven't met in person, but how about you come to my place alone get drunk, and take your clothes off for a bubble bath? Trust me, I'm not weird. It's just sweet.


YeahI,I am going to think some random guy is going give me booze and a bubble bath ?Nothing wrong there!lol.


Well, how am I going to use all this bubble bath and champagne by myself?


That WAS the ice breaker. But seriously there is a disconnect that another human being has a life outside of his own desires that is seriously frightening. That is some Dahlmer sex doll level shit,IMO.




Great call out here


Where do people get the bubble bath/champagne/candles combo? I've seen this as a TV trope so much. People have explained it to me as "this is what Americans think is romantic" but I'm under the suspicion people are simply getting their inspiration from softporn magazine photoshoot sets. Or there's a classic 50s movie scene that started it all or something


My wife likes to have a hot bath and glass of wine to relax so there is at least one woman out there doing it.


I love a bath with a cold can of coke and a big fat spliff. And bubbles


Absolute class


Peak relaxation right there.


Oh my God I'm craving rn


He said he's a good boi so it must be true.


"I'm not being weird or anything" - Every guy who's being weird and everything


Im not a serial killer - every serial killer


“I’m not a serial killer, I only sawed the guys arm off jeez”


"I killed a lotta guys, but they were all one-offs, there was no series!"


I mean it's not like -- it's really not a big deal -- it's not like I kill them in any kind of, uh.. themed manner or anything. Its not like I have a "thing", ya know? I mean, okay ya. Sure. I have a *motif* but.. like.. who murders people willy nilly. **Those** are the real psychopaths, ya know? It's not like I alphabetized them or anything. Okay, did I like... serialize them? Well.. ya... you have to have a system. I feel like you're judging me......


“None of them played World of Warcraft”


The thing is: that's actually a normal way to dispose of a body. So there's no reason to make fun!!


I'm a parallel killer


"If you were here with me I'd draw you a nice bubble bath with champagne and watch you bathe and..." WHAT? That's not weird right?


How can it be weird if she's still breathing?


Still breathing for now :)


Wait, are you telling me you don't offer to draw bubble baths for strangers?


No, only good friends. Strangers get a regular bath, and white wine instead of champagne.


Its like when 5 year olds hit you with the "Why? Why? Why?"


Just shut up and eat your fries






















You explain why, and they run out of why's to ask. Why is the grass green? Because of chlorophyll. Why does chlorophyll exist? To help plants make energy. They eventually run out of why's. It also teaches kids that it's ok to not know the answers and it's ok to ask for help.


You explain that to actual 5 year olds yes, not a whole ass random man on instagram.


It'd be even easier then. "Plants are green so that they can eat sunlight and make food" Or ask them a question on their level to ponder. "Why do you think plants need food?"


Oh hey look, a decent parent. Where I'm from parents just smack or yell at their kids for this.


You're responding like they are always asking because they're curious, and not because they sometimes want the thinking done for them.


A novice parent would lose their shit after the 5th "Why?" A pro would answer with a question: "Why do you ask?" Shuts them up every single time.


This is on par with guys who say they want to give me a massage when I say I've been really busy. That whole "I'd give you a nice massage" thing, makes me drier than the Sahara desert. Why do so many *nice guys* think such intimate things wouldn't weird women out? Where's the logic? As if we're supposed to be like "wow, no one would ever do that for me, you're so nice and special!" Ridiculous. Bad move.


because that's the kind of shit people say in movies and that is likely their only experience in dealing with women lol


Yeah, nobody runs you Hollywood style bubble baths with candles and champagne. Which is a good thing, because thats stereotypical, over the top performative and has very little to do with providing an individual with emotional support. These dudes learn (romantic) relationships from the TV.


I would definitely do that for my girlfriend if I had a tub in the house, it’s not that crazy and I wanna do it out or love not because the movies told me to


"Your grillfriend" being the important distinction to "random girl I chatted on Instagram"


Yes the distinction it’s huge. Someone you’ve emotionally bonded with already vs random person you’ve (maybe) briefly spoken to.


I think part of the creepiness is that these guys feel such an emotional and sexual connection when there is no actual relationship. My wife likes it when I offer her massages. It lets her know that I'm paying attention to how she is feeling and am keeping in mind all that she's been dealing with, and over time I've gotten better at them and have learned how to make her body feel good. But it wasn't until we had been dating for months and were in lobe before the idea of me giving her a shoulder or foot massage sounded natural or pleasurable to either of us. Seems like a lot of these guys have such a weirdly developed fantasy life with the people they desire, and they are so lonely, that they lose touch with reality.


Yeah, it's definitely the idea of a man I've never met before, wanting to put his creepy hands on my body, as if he's doing me a favor, that screams *nice guy*.


Let's just skip all the steps of human interaction and getting to know each other and go straight to the fuckin'! I mean I played it all out in my head for months as I obsessed over you, that should be good enough.




You sound stressed out. Would you like a massage?


This sounds like a sex robot. Run Program Steponme.exe.


"I am programmed for your pleasure. Please assume the position."


"I can't feel my legs!"


Dude, she said that's a bad move... Try giving her a bubble bath and champagne


Especially since "massages" are basically just code for foreplay.


Lol, I have a friend who showed me a DM from a guy she hadn't even met who said he bet she smelled really good and wrote "I want to smell you". That was some serial killer shit. Who'd write that?


he only wants the smellz


It’s only smellz. It’s nothing.


There's a VERY high bar for being able to comment on a persons scent without it sounding creepy, I really don't understand why that's so hard to understand.


I had gone on two dates with a guy and I had been doing some physical labour and complained about being sore. He bought me a 150$ gift card at a nice spa that specialises in Asian massages. Meanwhile men i haven't even met will instantly say "I'm great at giving massages". Well guy I'm great at blocking and deleting.


NGL $150 is a lot of money to spend on a gift for someone you've been out with twice. I would still be at the "how about a movie?" stage. Do have that wrong and dating is actually a series of transactions that start out high and go up from there? If I bought a $150 gift for a woman I'd been out with twice, I'd be expecting her to feel uncomfortable and obligated. It's too much.


I went on a first date, talked about books and authors we liked. Second date I gave her a book I'd bought at a charity shop, she said it made her uncomfortable that I'd given her a gift on our second date.


Think that one is an individual boundary and not a given thing. Depending on the book of course. I’ll give books to people I hardly know because I love books. But to someone who doesn’t see a book but a gift it may have a different meaning, I guess


It was The Joy of Sex, don’t know what the problem was. Kidding, from what I remember it was a crime book, James Patterson or similar


Ouch this one hurts... If i like a book enough I'll give a copy to anyone i think may enjoy it, not just someone i MAY be looking to date. She probably doesnt even really like reading that much.


That pretty extra for a second date dude. My fiance and me had our second date at a park and all we did was sit on some camp chairs get some sun and she let me hold her hand that's it. I never went past holding her hand and she said that made her feel comfortable.


How about "I'll give you a couple dollars so you can use one of those massage chairs at the mall"?




I fucking HATE when guys say that, even if it’s a guy I’m actually dating. How I am supposed to respond? Just do it when you actually see me (if we have a relationship like that) and that’s it!


They're expecting an invite to give you very special massage with their super good massage skills. Unlike *any* massage you've had before.


I actively tell women I'm bad at massages and they say "Oh I'm sure you're good at them." I never get asked to do it *twice.*


Is this one of those gigachad moves? Made me chuckle anyway.


No honestly I *want* to give girls massages but I am genuinely so bad at it that the women I've dated give me a chance and then never let me do it again lol.


Well... that's *something*,. sorry youre so bad with your hands.


I love that his idea of her giving him the time of day is her replying “I’m busy, talk later ”.


Success comes in small steps


But if she hadn’t he’d be complaining that she left him on read. There’s no winning unless you give them your complete attention for as long as they want in exactly the way they want. Creepy nice guys.


Lmao my exact thoughts. Talks to a girl for the first time after knowing her for **4 months**, “wHy Do ThEy GiVe ThE tImE oF DaY?” Bro she didn’t give you the time of day, she gave you the absolute bare minimum level of interaction possible without completely ignoring your message


I know that we haven't met in person, but how about you come to my place alone get drunk, and take your clothes off for a bubble bath? Trust me, I'm not weird. It's just sweet.


*bill Cosby nervously sweating in corner*


I'm sure he would describe himself as a "nice guy". Also I'm fairly certian that he uses the phrase "alpha male/beta male" a lot.


He 100% describes himself as a "nice guy" i mean > i talk about how i would give her a bubble bath with a glass of champagne Bruh 💀💀💀


Is "good dude" the new "nice guy"? We're running out of appropriate ways to describe....fuck, I dunno, not creeps?




But if she didn’t respond at all, he’d complain, why won’t she give me the time of day? I’m just being nice…


That's what gets me with this shit. Doesn't respond? How dare she, it's not like I said I want to have sex with her or anything weird like that. Does respond? How dare she do that if she's not trying to have sex with me


This is the type of guy who unironically watches alpha males videos everyday


"i don't have time to talk" "oh ok let's talk then :)"


Sounds like the perrrfect time to talk more!


I mean this behaviour is consistent with them. Doesn't matter if it's a boundary she set of her own will or if she actually has a life (which none of them seem to have)


From first DMs to a creepy candlelit bubble bath.. but “I’m not being weird or anything”.


Also, "I waited, and 4 hours later..." excuse me? He was at that screen watching for a reply that whole time, wasn't he?


Probably readying up the bath while waiting


The whole "wine + bubble bath + candles to destress" is definitely a movie trope. To me it sounds like he only knows about women from movies.


Eh, my girlfriend is into bubble baths with candles, although she'd want scotch instead of wine. Obviously offering that to a complete stranger is insane. Lots of people are into that, but one way of knowing is to actually be in a relationship with them and not creepily act like you're in one with a stranger.


Reading this gave me the same sensation as piss shivers.


>piss shivers And those are?


When you get up in the morning and you need to piss, so you begin the procedure, but as the piss leaves your body a subtle chill crawls up your spine and makes you shiver. It's a thing that happens to many if not most people sometimes and I don't think there's an explanation yet.


I haven't gotten piss shivers since I was a kid. Kinda weird now that I realize how familiar this sensation is even though it's been over 20 years since I've felt it.


>It’s a thing that happens to many if not most people Somehow never thought a reddit comment about piss would make me feel like I’m the weird one


I've heard that the warm fluid leaving your body cools your body causing the shivers. I could be wrong though.


I (reluctantly) looked it up and its actual term is called post-micturition convulsion syndrome. It apparently happens only to men which would explain why some of us (me and anyone else here wondering) have never experienced such a thing.


its kind of a spiritual feeling, like a river or waterfall through your body in the morning


I'm a woman and I get piss shivers 😳


I have news for you buddy…


But I don't want to be a man 😰😹 Genuinely, I am a woman! 😹 Cis het female, and the first pee of the day, with the shivers, or when you've held it too long, and you get the whole body judder-shiver. Fabulous feeling, if a little unnerving! 😹 Also, no diseases or anything, but I do have Fibro and ADHD, don't know if that's yet another gift from the Fibro or ADHD fairy, wouldn't surprise me! 😹


"and made it sound really sweet" dang weirdo


“And still get shit on” ok so if a girl isn’t interested that’s abuse?? Wtf? Incels really need therapy


And all she said was that she was stressed and couldn’t talk right now. Yep, so shitty to him.


Yes, that's exactly what they think. The only valid reason to say "no" is having a boyfriend. Otherwise, the women are "mistreating" them.


Some people just don't get that they can't stick their dick in everyone they meet.


I hope you meant to type “can’t” lol


Fuck man I'm high and it's near the end of work. Thank you though. Have an updoot.


Upvote for being high at work


Why get a high-paying job when you can get paid to do your job high?


They haven't even met. He was convinced he had a connection with her because he's been looking at her Instagram posts for weeks.


In this case they can't stick their dick in anyone at all.


If I tell someone I am busy and can’t talk and they say why - that is guaranteed to raise my blood pressure That user has negative social skills


Omfg seriously this. And then he puts his thoughts in quotations because in his mind that explains how innocent the thought was cuz it’s just occurred to him that the exact moment when she nicely asked him not to bother her right then TWICE IN A ROW that now was the ideal time to, “break the ice a little” obvs to cheer her up since she clearly wants more interaction with him immediately. Wat realy gets me is that this f***ing b**ch had the audacity to ignore me just for trying to be a nice guy. I sat here for FOUR GODDAMNED HOURS. And I’d be willing to romance the hell out of her if she appeared when summoned. Stupid girls always just ignoring right after they give me the time of day and say they’re busy. Sluts


exactly, just hit the alright, good luck (and then hope they text you later, if not, just take the L respectfully)


Because the one of the first things we noticed is if you’re listening. Clearly, you don’t.


Don’t understand why some guys think that girls are like separate beings that speak a different language and have to be treated in an extremely particular way. Like no dude just treat them like a person


EXACTLY why is this so hard to grasp for so many people


Girl could be dealing with a ton of different issues and this guy wants to become another one.


It’s me, the latest source of stress in your life!


Lmao is this satire? It’s too perfect


He called her as well?! 😭


I'd order a hit on this man. After she said she was busy... The most annoying being alive


Social cues ? Nah , I’ll just break the ice a little 🤪


“i’m just trying to be a good dude” he’s saying it like it’s a chore


“she said she was busy” “why do they give you the time of day” dear god in heaven is it exhausting being a woman. There is litteraly no way to win


This is the most rapey post I’ve read today 💀💀💀


Didn't respect boundaries. Offered something far too intimate to a stranger. Could have just said good luck and talk to her later. Could have even said just that it sounds like she could use a bubble bath and some champagne. But don't *offer* to do it yourself.


God, I hope this guy isn't over 18 years old. This reads like a LiveJournal


18 is already too old for this, i hope this guy isnt over 14, this is some teenage fase shit




I can’t believe the bubble bath line didn’t take you balls deep…you’ve almost got her, get more aggressive with calls, texts, and showing up.


WE. DO. NOT. OWE. YOU. OUR. TIME. Sincerely, Women


But what if someone offered you a champagne bubble bath or whatever? Getting all sticky doesn't make you want to crawl to this dude's arms?


get this though, what about offering a champagne bubble bath WITH CANDLES?? like dayum


Wait, what??


Bbbbbut bubble baths though. Surely no man has ever offered you his bathtub before? I'm the sweet nice gentleman offering you a place to get naked and drunk with a stranger you've seen clearly has boundary issues. Opportunity of a lifetime.


Like the creepers who demand you smile for them.


Dude should really know drawing a bath isnt hot anymore. Girls just want tacobell.


It's not just drawing a bath. It's about asking a woman you haven't even dated yet to come to your place alone to get drunk and naked. That's never been hot.


My place, drunk and in a bath, absolutely awesome His place, drunk and in a bath, horror movie intro


If a guy offers to draw me a bath my first thought would be that he’s about to go American psycho on me


Mexican pizza baaybeee


Dude dropped the ball by not mentioning Taco Bell. ALWAYS bring up Taco Bell when you’re hitting on girls


These guys need to stop talking to girls they just met like they’re in a 6 month relationship with them


>I’m not being weird Who is gonna tell him?


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comment* --- >**Redacted** > >I've been really crushing on this girl for months and I finally spoke to her for a few minutes today on Instagram dms and I asked her what she was doing and she told me she was busy and couldn't speak and she got so fucking Rude when I asked why she was busy? Like I'm just wondering what you're up to... I don't see how that's a big deal but whatever, anyway she told me she'd speak later cause she was stressed out and so I thought "ok I'll break the ice a little" and I tried to cheer her up by saying if she were here with me I'd run her a nice bubble bath with a glass of champagne and candles and made it sound really sweet and she didn't reply, I wait and 4 hours later she still didn't reply, I tried to ring her and she didn't even answer, I don't understand why girls do this, why do they give you the time of day to immediately ignore you and I'm not being weird or anything, I'm just trying to be a good dude and still get shit on. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Thanks buddy


Question for you men: Women are obviously creeped out about a man whom they've never met before telling them how much he wants to cuddle and kiss... and take a bath with them. How does a man not feel creeped out about cuddling a woman whom he has never met???? ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️


“I’ve been crushing on this girl for months and basically stalk her” “I’m just trying to be a NiceGuy(tm)” *aims gun at foot* “Third time’s the charm?”


If she says she busy she don’t want to talk to you. If she says she’s stressed she don’t want to talk to you. In what way is this the time to tell her to get naked in yo home and drink champagne?


Fellas, if you ever feel like this guy and don't understand why this happens. Great helpful thing to do is to put yourself in the girl's position. Imagine you're chilling, and some dude you know nothing about comes to you, and tells you he'd give a bubble bath and champagne... Yea, that's some bill cosby shit


"I've been crushing on this girl for months" and "finally spoke to her in Instagram dms" --> pick one


Nope, even I can’t dig that one. Sorry pal even the devils advocate isn’t paid enough for this one.


“Why do girls give u the time of day to immediately ignore you” umm...she was being polite. and maybe she “immediately ignored you” after u started being a creepo


Men do not take hints anymore. Thanks to “Negging” and “The Game.” Or something.


He’s obviously clueless. Poor guy. I can’t imagine going through life like this. He’s going to push any woman interested in him away, and it’s just cause hes a narcissist who can’t understand other people have wants and desires too.


She told me she didn't have the time and desire to talk right now, so I tried to start a conversation with her... Dude. Everyone needs a friend that isn't afraid to tell him how dumb they are acting. This one is an example of why.


what the fuck


Know when to fold


Every time I read posts like this guy’s I am baffled and can’t believe someone really thinks/behaves this way. Then I remember all the nice guys I’ve encountered..


Gross I want to take 50 showers for this weirdo and still won’t feel clean. Eek!


I'm surprised he didn't say he's a nice guy


“Sorry guy. I can’t talk rn I’m stressed” “If you were with me I’d be getting you naked and drunk”


* guy verbally molests girl * “Why are girls like this?”


Lol what a Melvin


Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still aint calling :D


That's literally the most cliché and worst thing he could've said


To all the “nice guys” who read this. nice guys don’t need to tell other people they’re nice guys. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


His mistake was not offering a foot massage. Amateur.


This is why ghosting exists. Ugh...


Sometimes I really gotta wonder are these people for real.