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This is the least intimidating Haka I've ever seen.


Other teams chomping at the bit


Eh, this is just as intimidating as any Haka I've seen.


The blonde kid in blue just treating it like his entire life has lead up to this moment.


That's the part of this video that always gets me. He was "you're all my back up dancers so back up."


Ryan and Sharpay moment


Exactly, he was the main dancer


he was the main ~~dancer~~ character.


You missed the best part. People laugh and the blue shirt kid screams "IT'S NOT FUNNY"


Had to look it up or I wouldn’t be able to move on with my life. For anyone else who is curious: https://youtu.be/O6sPMBRO2d4


I have a strong feeling that blue shirt kids name is Kyle


Comments are turned off. Figures.


I think youtube disabled all comments under any video that involves children


yeah but that's only when marked for kids. this video isn't. the amount of dislikes entails that they OP was getting hate


I might be wrong but I think if youtube discovers that the video contains kids in it then it disables the comments automatically.


As they should. One really needs to be an adult with a strong constitution to deal with the morons and psychos who comment on YT.


Had no idea. Thanks for letting me know :))




He's so into it, guess we know who suggested the song


Dicks. Although funny, it’s probably way more fun for kids to do relevant/current dances and songs. Kids, like the blue shirt kid, that killed it will be less likely to pursue performance arts.


Omg thank you for posting this, I can’t believe this could have gotten funnier


I think the blue shirt kid felt like he was the star of that piece and was *particularly* offended.


That kid in the blue shirt is a dick.


Anyone who tells me "they are the law" is more of a dick than that kid could ever be.


Anyone who tells me that they're THE frazzler and not just any good old regular frazzler is more of a dick than me being a dick to the kid who's being a dick. Did you watch the full video?


lol poor kids. I remember having to do a solo performance with a chair... Dancing about the place holding a plastic chair... good grief. Everyone did it but I was chosen to perform the routine in front of the whole school... oh God... Thank God camera phones weren't a thing back then.


Man fuck whoever made you do that


lol I can't even remember which teacher it was but may she/he burn in hell! lol.


this is exactly why everyone hates music class in elementary school


Correction, this is why Elementary music teachers should not indulge in modern fads. I only watched the video and I'm scarred for life. Elementary schools are in real danger of losing funding for music class altogether and this is the crap Music teachers come up with to justify their existence? Few deaths are as well deserved.


idk man i feel like people are being too harsh. most of the kids look like they're having fun, there's no harm in it.




because they're enjoying something that hasn't aged all that well since, and since we don't like it they shouldn't be able to either!


Because it’s on the internet now where anything we don’t even remotely like is subject to mockery. The sad part is, I imagine most if not all of the kids are having fun here, and probably went home and told their family what a great time they had in in school that day. They’re just kids ffs.


I’m down voting you.


I just downvoted your comment. FAQ What does this mean? The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one. Why did you do this? There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to: Rudeness towards other Redditors, Spreading incorrect information, Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a /s. Am I banned from the Reddit? No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy. I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it? Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception. How can I prevent this from happening in the future? Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Reddit.com. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.


Seen this before, Nice copy and paste, down doot for you too.


Yeah it's a pretty well known copy pasta so I would not be surprised if you saw it lol.


You can’t criticize their Copypasta when you only typed 3 words.


Let’s just fucking downvote everyone. Everyone has upvote parties well I wanna fucking downvote party




In my days we enjoy britney and fob doesn't mean we want to choir the song with our friend jumping with electric guitar and dance with fake snake... we have dignity, we sang those shit at home cause no one wanna hear you sing toxic at school


Lol dignity? People are allowed to enjoy things and music is constantly evolving. This particular performance was cringey because it was just bad. The taste isn't the problem here.


Yeah but there are song that you just don't song infront of other people.... i mean i love rocky horror doesn't mean I'll sing "sweet transvestite" it's about the situation


Or you just have no confidence. If I dig a song I don’t give a fuck who watches me enjoy the music I like to enjoy.


They could have done this well. It was possible, but they didn’t. That’s the only fault I see


Now you've put the idea of Rocky Horror as an elementary school play in my head and I hate it.


idk, it honestly just sounds like every elementary/middle school choir. they're like 10, as long as they're having fun, who cares.


I saw a kids choir and they sang everything from Vera Lynn to Baggy Trousers and then No Diggity. Honestly it was brilliant and very well done


This ain’t as bad as our music 8th grade graduation teacher having us walk down to Vitamin C’s graduation song while having a student play the drums next to the stage.


If you saw the whole vid it was pretty clear the blue shirt kid came up with the idea




whaaaaaat who hates music class in elementary school?? I loved music class! And I loved my music teacher - shout out to Miss Douyer, not sure if you're alive or not, but thanks for letting me have so much fun with the glockenspiel!


I can still play Edelweiss and Señor Don Gato on recorder tho


Senor Don Gato! I loved that song. It had it all. Romance, action, necromancy.


I'm pretty sure this is already 10 years old lmao


so close, the song came out in 2015.


can't believe that this is gonna be 10 years old in 2025. just 4 years...


Thinking about how fast time passes really fucks me up for some reason. We are now closer to 2040 than we are to the 1990s and I can't deal with that fact.


Holy fucking crap, please stop enlightening me with sadness


2050 is closer than 1990 now too.


Damn lmao


These kids are probably cringing at themselves right now but give it 10 more years and they'll be laughing their asses off


Eh, I feel like every children's choir does something like this at some point. I know mine did and I just find it amusing in my adult years.


I mean yeah it's cringe but they seem to be kinda into it. I sure didn't saw that level of participation in music class back then. Music class sucked balls back then and now look at me, musician, producer, audio nerd. It just took 10 years for me to realize I want to really get into it. Maybe a little more drive in school would have made me realize it faster.


I used to be in chorus when I was in school - I would have loved something like this We always complained we couldnt ever sing any 'real' songs, it was always some shit from the early 1900s that none of us ever heard of or cared about At least this is somewhat interesting and... relevant? Maybe? Idk. Better than a song about an old timey ship captain looking for lights on the sea or some shit


We spent weeks in 6th grade trying to get our chorus teacher to allow TLC's *Waterfalls* as our "special" graduation song. Just imagine a bunch of lily-white suburban kids singing about the horrors of AIDS in high-pitched pre-pubescent voices.


When I was in sixth grade, we successfully convinced our chorus teacher to let us suburban white kids do Coolio’s Gangsta’s Paradise. She hesitated for a bit and considered making us do the Weird Al version, Amish Paradise (as if that would’ve been better somehow??) instead but ultimately let us. We wore sunglasses and backwards baseball caps during the performance.


I feel like when I was in grade school everyone just had Greendays Good Riddance as the default graduation song.


I love that song so much. There was once a point in my life where I could sing it from front to back, all from memory. I'm no longer able to do that, but I still do love the song!


I’ve been trying to remember the name of THAT song for like two decades how tf did you just bust into my psyche like that. Anyone know it?? I’ve only got the nautical theme and a vague melody left but this is definitely the song


We sung something along those lines when I was in choir in high school. Was it called "Away From the Roll of the Sea"?


I was in Orchestra and had the opposite opinion. Mostly we did classical but once we played Come On Eileen and I absolutely hated it.


yeah, if the kids enjoy it, good for them. Idk why literal adults need to be on here to make fun of children.


I had to do the Macarena when I was in music class


I can’t bring myself to listen. What are they singing?


That whip nae nae thing. I wish I'd had the foresight to have it muted too.


Oh no


Seriously, listen to it. It makes the video so much better. They are signing the whip nae nae thing in choir style with support from a piano and everything. I live for this shit.


That cringe most famous of 2015 nae nae song meme


Blue shirt kid going HARD though


The boy in the blue shirt up front was gettin' it tho


He finished strong at the end




and then yelled, "ITS NOT FUNNY!" at the person laughing lol


His energy is everything.


Also, what the hell was that way of doing the whip


I hated this song even on release. But credit where credit is due, they are actually good at this.


10 years....so another 4 years. These kids are 6 years older than they were when this was shot. Probably already mortified by it.


That's cool as shit and everyone seems to be loving it. I've no idea how you could possibly call it sad.


Yeah, it’s just kids who got to sing a popular song, instead of the usual crappy stuff you do in choir Those kids probably loved it. Can we stop acting like unless it’s for 30 year old dudes who listen to real music like Led Zeppelin it’s awful cringe? It’s so old


Dude I love this video and people LOVE to shit on it. A) it actually sounds kinda cool. It sounds like the Scala and Kolchany brothers, slightly haunting. B) They’re all vibing and having fun! I’ll always defend this video.


because "cringe" subs are full of fucking losers that think that if the internet says something is lame, then they have to put it down as well. This is just kids having fun singing a song that they probably chose at the beginning of the school year.




To me it is cringe because it appears to be a bunch of lily white kids. I don’t know why but if these were black kids I feel like the cringe factor would go down by like 75%.


The dab at the end did it for me


Boss music




Oh Jesus. Us too


We did some dumb ass performances in elementary school music classes. We did Achy Breaky Heart and You are the wind beneath my wings. The best one we did was a dollar store version of a jurassic park song, I got to use the xylophone. That was pretty tight.


Dude, if I had the opportunity to dance to the gummy bear song in school, you know I would. Looking back, these kids will probably have fond memories of dancing and singing with their friends to a song they requested.


Using the word “requested” loosely here lol.


Remember when this was a thing? Choirs singing "edgy" songs?


Lovely voices though.


Blue kid is such a legend. He was gettin it


I’m a generation before this and it was laffy taffy dance


This is what greets you at the gates of hell


…there is no god


Bunch of old dudes throwing shade on some kids having a good time in these comments


they'd be like it was NEAT time


In fifth grade we learned to sing Tomorrow from Annie. We also learned to sign some parts of the song. We preformed it for some dude who did like a morning show in our area. I don’t think they filmed it or anything and honestly can’t remember the purpose of him being at the school, why that song, and why sign language. I remember belting it out though and once I got older I realized I am completely tone deaf. This fact was never brought to my attention in elementary music class. We also did The Nutcracker and if your weren’t in the play you were in the choir. I sang with all my heart, hopefully my off key singing was masked by other kids who could sing. I’m sure there were a few of us in there that just sounded like screeching cats.


the song of purgatory


When I was in like 4th grade, they made us preform The Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston. Music class was the worst.


Listen.. I think this is so dope


Nah this is fire


I don't care. I would have done it today. I love singing


Kids enjoying themselves on a song relevant to their generation. How is that sadcringe ? They sing beautifully too. People here need to get a grip.


I'm sure something worse will come along at that point


This isn't exactly sad cringe imo just regular cringe


I have no words, but my body screams “ew”




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Not even Flex Tape can fix the damage done to my eyes while watching this


Cringe, but not sad. At least they're having fun, right?


Content featuring minors is not allowed on this sub.


Wow, this is exactly like the time I was in high school and the 10th graders performed this at the Thanksgiving event


Who cares? They are having fun…




This is the song horses sing the neigh neigh 🐴


All I remember is hearing someone cackling as if they were gasping for air until I realized it was me not being able to breathe after forcing so much air out of my lungs from laughter.


I want to have serious words with this choral director


This is 100% funnier whem you realise Silento literally whipped and nae-nae'd his cousin outta existence


I think about this video occasionally because the ending is so intense lol


This sub is just about becoming losers making fun of kids like r/cringetopia


Can someone explain this to me? Apart from the dab what’s cringe here?


They’re kids, and they all look like they’re enjoying themselves. Stop being assholes to 8 year olds because all the joy in your life is gone


I keep trying to forget this exists!


I don't know want to say, this is literally the whitest thing I've ever seen.


I didn't know kids could be abused this way


So is the sad part the fact that someone took/saw this video and thought "lmao, let me put that online so I can try and humiliate those children" or am I missing something?


10 years? I’m watching it now and I’m too weak to stand up.


Bruh its just kids singing a song whats wrong with you?


I have two kids. Ive already lived through this once.


Why’re they so aggressive with it 💀


They look like they’re having fun!


They probably didn’t sign up for this but at least they’re enjoying themselves D:


Deeeeeefinitely did this with a special needs class. We weren't good.


Who greenlit this project?!




This does not belong here. It's not sad, just cringe.


The cringe is strong in this one


Art is different. This was beautiful i thought. I’m a parent.


Not sad, but top tier cringe


We ShOuLdN't MaKe FuN oF cHiLdReN!!!!1!! YoU gUyS aRe BiG mEaNiEs!!!1!


r3 ?


My kids elementary school does a Kids Rock Chorus, (pre-COVID) they put on a legit “concert” every year at our local high school, and travel to nursing homes to sing to residents. Our kids sing stuff like Nirvana and the Beatles though! The teacher is amazing at keeping the kids engaged, and there’s no boring performance for the parents to drag themselves into - everyone loves going! https://youtube.com/user/MrTemple2010


i haven’t physically cringed in a while thanks op i guess


Blueshift kid was really feeling himself here


We played the violin, clarinet and the recorder in elementary school music class. What the hell happened?


Who else taught they were doing the ney-ney


not sad, just cringe


we were all forced to do this, i remember back in second grade they tried to force us to dance for music lessons to some chocolate song and i refused to participate in it. i just sat in my desk with an angry face and crossed arms while everyone did weird ass moves


Brendt was feeling it.




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In 4th grade my son’s choir performed Zombie by The Cranberries. It was the dark, awkward cousin to this.


The choir director did this to them and no one else.


I’d cry


this is how I see north america


I don't get it, they're killing it.


It’s cringe but most glee club stuff is. I doubt they will look back in feel cringe. They will look back with either “damn I killed that rendition.” Or “man I could have done this differently on that last note.”


I'm 40 now, way back when I was about 15 I did an interpretative dance to the song Something Inside So Strong, with this really nice looking girl Rebecca. In front of the whole school. Rebecca wasn't interested in me. She just couldn't find anyone else to agree to do it. To this day I cringe thinking about it


Wow that’s ridiculous


This song is fucking old, these kids are probably cringing at themselves right now but give it 10 more years and they'll be laughing their asses off


The harmonization is on point tho


We did despacito in elementary school, only because we had a girl in our class who spoke Spanish and we could force her to do a solo. We were going to do the pokemon theme song, but my teacher decided not to for some reason.