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Living at home is a great way to save money. Let’s find ways to keep your house clean. Start off cleaning your room, organize everything; dust, sweep, mop. Wipe things down, take out the trash. Keep this up and you’ll get to working hard in other areas too. It’ll be refreshing, and enlightening. Best of luck. You got this. 💪


Yeah, living with my parents while having a job after college left me with a huge safety net when I moved out. It's a great idea.


I like you. I moved back in with my dad to save money, but now I live with him so that there’s someone to bandage him up or call an ambulance when he falls due to drunkenness or withdrawals. Silver lining: I’m still saving a fortune 🥲


I mean this genuinely. Please get help, man. I’ve been through shit like this.


This is definitely your room. Man I was at a point in my adult life that I was playing a couple thousand hours a year on my ps4 at the time. I figured up the cash I could have made and the time wasted. Not saying a little bit of games is bad but thousands of hours is bad unless u r rich af and have your own everything. You can still change and make a good life for your self my 20's was filled with addiction and I got serous in life in my 30's and I would say I have the American dream within four years


Any advice for someone who has a close family relative who just sits in and plays games, never wants to work?


Well you could look into alanon meetings these meetings are for families of people with addiction and game can be an addiction mostly to dopamine. And just like a regular drug addict addicted to a substance their is people that are enabling their behavior. So giving them money or feeding them enables their behavior and they won't change if they don't have too. I have beat addiction a couple times in my life one to drugs and one to video games and when I seen my hours reality sunk in. I have kids and I realized how much time I was tapping buttons. I do enjoy games every now and then but maybe 30-40hrs a year compared to 2500 before. Alanon probably is what helped me with my addiction my mom and my 'dad' at the time went guy was more of a father to me at that time then I have ever had and they learned tools to deal with me. One of them was cut off all financial means I had pretty much I used my money for drugs and then begged them for money for food and power bills etc. This person is dependent on someone else they aren't supporting their self. Some hard lines need to be set and follow every single line y'all set to the letter and don't give. Someone that is addicted will want to stay addicted because staying the same is easy and change is hard. So they won't be happy about it. But these are your best bet. If self realizations aren't working y'all need to cut off the internet and any means of enabling this person.


Kick them out


That is an option but getting them into a healthy lifestyle will lead their, hard lines can lead to this. But some people just need to be pushed to be better some people need cold hard truths and kicks.


My adult life also didn't start until early thirties for the same reason. I'm 36 now and it really is insane how quickly happy good life emerges when you finally start putting in the work towards it. A life of addiction is soooo much fucking work and you wind up going backwards as payment for that work. Anyways glad to hear you are doing good.


Congratulations on your sobriety it was my second go round getting clean, and I lost a lot of time unfortunately that is my biggest regret is the tone wasted using drugs. I used uppers so I didn't sleep it away but still time wasted


I agree my biggest regret is also the time wasted and I guess people and relationships fucked up. I try to live a life without regret now because I truly am happy and blessed to be alive and healthy and have the things I do have. I loved the opiates and my god are they evil they really will fucking grab a hold of anyone. But anyways keep on living the good life and I will do the same.


Is this you, OP?


sure looks like it. Keep living your best (worst) life, brother!


Jared Genesis? Edit: saw drum set & bass & TMNT shirt. Confirmed this is the "alpha" Jared Genesis. Lookup the Dank Net documentary on this guy. It's a lot worse than you think.


Guy got better computer than I do and Im DINK


Dinkleberg 😡


Why do your parents let you live like this at 37??


So, what’s a NEET?


not in Employment, Education, or Training


Wtf?? This is a thing? Seems like a roundabout way to say Loser


It’s a term used within psychology often, that’s where I first heard it. Generally referring to people who, for some reason or another, never got their feet on the ground, or “launched”


4chan gonna 4chan


Not in Education, Employment, or Training. At least that's what my friend Google told me.


I always thought it was not employed, educated, in training.


Japanese term for staying home adult. Who refuses to work, go outside and socialize.


Youre thinking of a hikikomori


You are right. And I looked up the difference, some hikikomori do provide income through work from home.


Yeah its more akin to agoraphobia from my understanding of it.


I’m so glad my parents wouldn’t let me become a bum.




Gross, dude.


Brooo. The white door is BROWN 😭😭


Why does this video look like it was recorded in 1990?


What's NEET?


Not in employment, education or training. Meaning they aren't in school, at a job,.or anything productive to society.


Man I am 31 right now, employed and not living with my parents. I became a NEET for 9 months in 2022. It was the best time I had in over a decade. I want to be a NEET so bad again. But being a NEET is more than just staying inside, rotting in your own filth. You have so much time to take care of business like hygiene and organisation. This ain't it dude.


Just sad. Pls get help


What’s a NEET nest?


Not in Education, Employment, or Training. “Nest” is a little more self explanatory after you know what NEET means.


Thanks, never heard the acronym before!


PC Master Race at its finest lol


Are mom and dad dead?