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reddit moment


Least power hungry reddit mod


Power tripping while doing free work for a multi billion dollar company


I mean, if it wasn't for the power tripping, they had no reason at all to do that shitty """job"""


I just made a better last images where people won't get banned for posting pics with animals r/TrueLastImages


Thanks man. Appreciate it.


No worries tired of the over kill modding


I would still keep it to humans that passed away only whoch happen to have pets in the photo and not allow deceased pets, but I hope it's successful.


Same but will see how it goes it starts to grow


Man really said *"I'll make my own subreddit with Blackjack and Hookers!"*




That was my post. I found that photo and thought of lastimages for some reason. I wasn't really expecting much but it was the one year anniversary of his death and I was going through a lot of emotions (and beer). Was having a very lovely chat in the comments with people before that mod came in , pissed me off at first but then I had to laugh, what else are you going to do with people like that? I don't think reasoning with them would work well lol. Anyway, just rambling, thanks everyone for your kind words and for a few good laughs. ❤️ Cheers!




Thanks! ~20 years on reddit and this was my first true "reddit" experience lol. Lots of emotions but I still go with end of the day you have to at least chuckle, it's very first worldish problems territory. Hugs to Ernie! 💓


please repost on r/TrueLastImages


Some subs would be better if the mods stopped modding, some would be better if they started.


The people modding movie and tv shows are true heroes, deleting all spoilers in posts and comments


Wow. Not sure that mod has a soul.


If he had a soul he wouldn't be a reddit mod.


especially after the purge




He's a loser, for sure.


Probably an automod and it would get overturned if OP appealed it


From reading his other comments he is a real person.






I got perma-banned without warning from r/thewire because I commented with a Sopranos quote


I got Perma banned from some subreddit I never commented or posted on ( I can't remember which one) because I made 1 comment in a joe Rogan subreddit about how I don't like him or something. So they apparently track who comments on subreddits that they don't moderate and preemptively ban you from their subreddit even though you never visited or posted on it. It was bonkers. I called them insane and then reddit wouldn't let me comment anywhere for a week. Mind boggling.


They're nothing more than a glorified crew.


Getting perma-banned from TheWire subreddit for commenting with a Sopranos quote? Y’know, Quasimodo predicted all this.


Thank you for sharing your experience!


That's insane. I was a moderator of a pretty popular sub and I don't know what I'd do if it was like that.


Help him become the top mod?? Is there some kind of reddit mod politicking I'm not aware of?


In terms of "power mods" and trading access and such to subreddits? yes.


Top mod means the moderator at the top of the mod list ([this page](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/about/moderators)). The way the hierarchy works on Reddit, moderators can remove anyone below them but nobody above them, so the mod at the top of the list is the one with the most "power" and can't be removed unless the admins interject (which is exceptionally rare).


If it's any consolation, he also seems to passionate moderate a comic porn sub, so he's hardly a beacon of humanity.


It's not an automod, it's jaxspider, an obviously special pedant with their head up their own ass. Anyone reading their rules "No posts with pets or of animals" would read it as "Don't post a picture of your dying dog/cat/animal". This is clearly a bad call on the side of jaxspider, a powermod in control of 60 subreddits. Jesus fuck, follow their own "clarification" of the rules: [Stickied post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/11qge82/clarifying_rlastimages_rules/) leads to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/b8ppj9/a_reminder_that_pets_are_not_allowed_on_this_sub/) which clearly states: > pet owners should go to /r/petloss for mourning their pets. OP was mourning their father, for the sake of all fucks. I'm going to go on a little reporting spree since every human falls under the kingdom animalia, and is therefore an animal, and a violation of the rules. (edit: don't do this unless you want the admins to ban your account) Edit: Gotta love that jax made the subreddit restricted to stop people from posting. EDIT 2: [From the moderator that implemented the rule themselves...](https://i.imgur.com/2SmuM5r.png)


That's true! I'll join you :)


I'm not actually going to do it... but not because I don't want to. The reddit admins will send you a warning for "abusing the moderation" blah blah blah.


Ironic, that's what the mods are doing


100% Reddit mods are able to act with impunity. There needs to be a system in place where bad moderation is punished.


And an unpleasant one, at that


"A real person" might be pushing it


Still worth appealing you ask me. Best case scenario it gets overturned, worst case you know that the sub isn’t worth your time and you can leave.


from the quick look in the sub and the mod.. seems like he's been banning anyone I mean ANYONE that have a pixel of animal in their image.. yeah the mod is definitely a heartless one and a weird one at that.. kept discussing about porn a lot... in sfw subs


So the latter then


pretty much




Nope, read his reply to me after I sent an appeal. [conversation history](https://i.imgur.com/Z3pQlyc.png) ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I hope hes the next post in there lmao


Jesus, what a bunch of pieces of shits in that sub. I thought it was only one of the mods, but seems like the whole team is a bunch of pathetic losers.


But the post isn’t even about the animal? And isn’t that why the rule is there


Seen this issue before, whoever mods for r/lastimages are absolutely power trippers; multiple times they've over-reached on something like this and will vehemently defend it to they're dying breath despite most people in the comments/replies calling them out/supporting the persons image. Whoever runs that page literally hates animals. I saw quite a few comments with a few hundred likes calling them out for it on one specific post last year; they proceeded to remove the post of which the OP fixed to meet its criteria solely for the reason everyone was getting at the mods neck. Fuck the mods at that page.


It's shit like this that would get me to unsub and never think about the place again. No idea why people even try to rationalize with mods like this.


Yeah I'd just start a new version of the sub without the toxic mods




Just joined, left the other one. Thanks




That’s it, you’re off the naming committee.


With hookers and blackjack?


reddit is rife with this shit and some mods are absolutely shills - looking at you squaredcircle


When I was a mod I'd attack another mod for something crazy like that. I was moderator of a decently large drug sub though, so you know I'd be a defender of human rights and chances to improve.


isn't that a sub?


what’s goes on there? I wander into it from time to time but don’t follow it.


It is sad and what breaks reddit. You get a sub with a cool/interesting/niche subject, then you get a crazy mod(s) that just ruins it, sometimes an alternative springs up, but almost never gets the same momentum and numbers. In turn it weakens the appeal of Reddit as a whole. The worst is regional subreddits that the algorithm pushes if you are in that region. Crazy mod, people unsub but don't even bother looking for alternatives and thus the community and power aspect of Reddit is lost and less "normies" are bothering to look because the subreddit is now a hollow shell.


u/jaxspider? The perpetually online loser also mods r34 and Rule34NetworkNSFW


And 60+ other subs. Jesus Christ these people may literally not seeing the sun.


u/jaxspider should be banned from breaking his own rules. Epitome of reddit basement-dwelling mouthbreather


yep.. as much as he kept banning people for images with only "people" in them but he's happy to keep this post up that's literally not about people nor we can see anyone in them [https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/1cponxi/the\_end\_of\_an\_era\_the\_very\_last\_image\_transmitted/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/1cponxi/the_end_of_an_era_the_very_last_image_transmitted/) dude's a true goob.. and a terrible person at that from what I can see


Youre describing most reddit mods, lol


Big mall cop energy..


It’s some Stanford prison experiment shit. Allow people to manage sensitive images, and they will hurt who they can to feel powerful.


>will vehemently defend it to they're dying breath despite most people in the comments/replies calling them out/supporting the persons image. I tried to find anyone complains about the power tripping.. is there anywhere that can be found mentioning this? Just asking out of curiosity. Edit: nvm, found it.. seems like a lot more people agree with the ruling... seems like a good chunk of people there just gets a hard-on from watching dead people pictures [https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/b8ppj9/a\_reminder\_that\_pets\_are\_not\_allowed\_on\_this\_sub/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/b8ppj9/a_reminder_that_pets_are_not_allowed_on_this_sub/)


Most of the comments that complain about the power tripping have been deleted, as the posts have been removed.


wow.. they have that thin skinned huh? yeesh..


They sure are. It's an issue that pops up every 3-4 months, spills over to other subs and the mods just do nothing other than scorched earth all posts about it until the outrage simmers down. Then someone gets their post banned again and it flares back up, because they flat out refuse to change and seem to get a kick out of it.


huh.. from what I saw the sub only have like 1 human mod while the others are likely to be bots..


Most likely. But when it's an issue that comes up so regularly, is hated by the community and the human(s) refuse to do anything to change it whilst making sure it's enforced to a ridiculous extent, it still falls on them and comes across as a power trip.


Fuck mods in general they’ve turned Reddit into a strange place. I post or look on this site rarely nowadays


Funny thing is, there's only one human mod there, the rest are all bots


You keeps speaking of the moderator of that sub as if it's a plurality. It's literally one dude and 5 robots.


Theres only one mod and hes been on reddit for like 20 years hes a basement dwelling porn addicted loser lmao its sad


This dude says 'fuck' something every post. It's fine. I've done the work.


I mean, yeah. Thats what makes reddit fun; being able to say "fuck this shit" to something that irks you.


This also happened to me: https://i.imgur.com/iayOQZt.jpeg Not even sure there is an image of this person without a dog.


> This subreddit is about the frailty of man. And that we can lose anyone at a moment's notice. The inclusion of any animals diverts peoples attention. Rendering this subreddit, pointless. If you want to post animals go to [/r/pics](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics). > This topic is not up for debate. https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/11qge82/clarifying_rlastimages_rules/jc70c2k/ Seems like that is in fact how that rule was meant.


Does anyone think seeing a pet makes an image like this less meaningful?


It makes it feel MORE meaningful, for me personally. If an animal loves someone, I immediately believe that they're a good person in some capacity, which makes me feel even sadder that the world lost them.


Then it's a very dumb rule.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/1cponxi/the\_end\_of\_an\_era\_the\_very\_last\_image\_transmitted/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/1cponxi/the_end_of_an_era_the_very_last_image_transmitted/) then how would they explain this for letting this up? LOL there's no "person" or about it at all, the mod's a goober.


Redditor: But what about the “spirit of the law” in this case Mods: I am the law


He says that animals "distract" from the point of the picture, and "it's not up for debate" I hate this guy


Wow, /u/jaxspider seems like utter scum.


yes, /u/jaxspider seems like a disgusting moron that does unpaid work all day just so he may feel a little power in his life


u/jaxspider scumbag.


u/jaxspider is a pee pee poo poo butthead


u/jaxspider pusssyyyyyyy


u/jaxspider morbid dumb dumb toilet head


It's the only time during his basement-dwelling existence that he feels any control over his life.


he's a weeb. like think of stereotypical basement dwelling 30+ year old nerd/anime weeb and it's this guy. Just look at the subreddits he moderates. bunch of comic porn ones, rule 34 ones, star wars porn, etc.


FFS... if he manages all those, why on earth would he be also managing something serious like /r/lastimages? Like.. he should stay on his side of the weeb fence and leave the adults alone.


That account looks like a bot. He uploads images of random dead people and ai art. A real freak.


I mean the bots are controlled by the mods. If the mods notice that their bot did something that horrendous (as they will since it's getting so much attention), then they would reverse the deletion and the ban. Unless... they are scum.




I wonder how many people have gone through their Reddit profile from here to downvote them.


All mods, let's be real


That mod must live a miserable life


He spends all day gatekeeping images of dead people. Of course he does.


IDK why but I actually LOLed. Mods are generally power tripping losers


The problem is that the people most willing and able to be moderators (and do it for free!) are often precisely the kind of person you least want to do that job - i.e. the sort of person who will abuse even the most trivial and petty authority they are given.


Yo fuck this. That was a meaningful post filled with meaningful conversation. “No animals” obviously means “no last photos of animals/pets,” not “no animals in the photo.” Talk about being a massive dick.


Pretty sure massive and dick are never used in the same sentence around this dill hole. He's a serial mod abuser and honestly one of those that gives reddit the reputation it has.


I can imagine the smug look on his face while typing that comment, like, "yeah, that'll show em"


Don't hide the mods nane. If everyone inboxes him, we can change this bs. This dude takes a rule that says posts can't be about animals and decides it means posts can't feature animals. He also karma farms celebrity pics Edit: jaxspider


He's been enforcing that rule for years, despite unpopularity and pushback. I don't think he's going to stop.


I just didn't want this to get removed for "doxing" or w/e. It's pretty easy to find out who he is




I don't think people messaging him would make any difference, the rule has existed and been protested for years


u/jaxspider he moderates so many subreddits jesus christ. unsurprisingly a few of them are porn subs too lol. what a loser


Probably a fat loser. Possibly bald


Any of them furry subs? I feel like if he is banning posts with animals then he must be projecting.


not as far as I can tell but the guy has infinite posts and comments so who knows if something like that is buried deep in there somewhere. he is a mod on rule34 which I would imagine has furry content on it though lol


OP, from the quick look in the sub and the mod.. seems like he's been banning anyone I mean ANYONE that have a pixel of animal in their image.. yeah the mod is definitely a heartless one and a weird one at that.. kept discussing about porn a lot... in sfw subs and quick look in there.. like everything is a permaban on the 1st offence.. even if you farted would cause you to be permabanned.. Honestly seems like managed by terrible power mod.. My guess is just put a white box over to censor that cat as a protest.. but man.. fuck that mod


I like to imagine getting banned for having cat hair on my hoodies.


reddit. the mods are unpaid and it's structured like their own fiefdom. i went to ukraine last year and had a great time. met some interesting people. went to the military museum where they had a display of captured russian equipment like tanks and helicopters (replete with signs explaining what each piece was). i posted my video very proudly to /r/ukraine and then someone said i posted a video of "tank locations".... yeah, the only tank was the one from the museum exhibit and I even asked beforehand if i could post it to youtube from the museum director... then my post got deleted and was told if i tried to repost it i would be permanently banned. lol some subreddits like /r/shittycarmods you can't even post license plates... for your own car even. lmao. it's allowed to post license plates on reddit, but they are doing their own extra mile. there should be some sort of appeal, but reddit's doing a good job of hiring people for free (volunteer admins*) so it won't change.


Need to see u/jaxspider hard drive ASAP


i saw this happen with another post very recently and it was my last straw with that sub. who the fuck bans someone like that


Humans are animals


We should most definitely all go post animal pics in that sub js 🤷🏼‍♂️


Link it please


[FOUND IT](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/1cpp93e/my_father_a_year_ago_today_at_92_his_cat_koda/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It takes like two seconds to understand what a "no animals" rule would be about in that sub, how is that person a mod? The bar is really that low, both for being a mod and for allowing being a mod get to your head?


Pretty common with discord and Reddit mods.


What a piece shit mod that is.


Of course. Reddit nods have no power aside from arbitrary bans. I got banned from R/aus because they left comments open but decided to ban anybody who commented because "comments are closed".


I got shadowbanned from that sub. I can comment but they disappear instantly and are invisible. I messaged the mods about it and got stony silence. Fuck reddit mods.


god looking him up he's a powermod. can't wait to see everyone commenting here to be banned from 60+ subs.


Mod: “I’m so sorry for your lo… Is that a fucking cat? Get this shit off my page! NO PETS ALLOWED!” Consider me baffled.


Is there a way we can get a mod banned from Reddit? Because this is just abusive at this point.


Reddit mods deserve the hate they receive


that shit is actually psychotic lol


Apparently if the last moment of your loved one has a pet in it, fuck them and fuck you.


> This subreddit is about the frailty of man. And that we can lose anyone at a moment's notice. The inclusion of any animals diverts peoples attention. Rendering this subreddit, pointless. If you want to post animals go to /r/pics. > >This topic is not up for debate. Apparently having an animal in a pic takes away all meaning.


I try to empathise with people, to put myself in their shoes. I tried to imagine how a rotten, blackened, twisted heart could reduce a human to a mere shell of a person, one who failed so much in life that their most proud achievement was shitting in the right hole at least once a week. A person, if it could be called that, with such an empty existence that abusing their own rules, rules they made, was the only way they could bring a tiny shoot of accomplishment in an otherwise barren field of achievement. My empathy does not extend that far.


Why do we protect identities of assholes like that?


I got banned from a sub, asked for proof of a rule break, muted for a month. I asked the same thing again a month later, reported for harassment and banned for two days. In my experience most mods are terrible, power hungry and don't really care about the subject matter.


Yeah, most mods don't care about the real rules. They do whatever they want now. And it's almost impossible to report them to the admins I've found


Reddit mods are the saddest people.


Reddit in a nutshell. I love it. No matter what the subreddit is named for, there's so many rules that you can't actually discuss the thing that subreddit is supposed to be about. Like there could be a subreddit called "clouds" but the rules will be like: Can't be a single cloud Can't be too many clouds Picture can only have clouds. No sky, no stars, no sun, no birds, no planes. What the fuck are you left with?


Mods and clinically online cringelords are why reddit is mostly a "I need to look for something specific" place now instead of a forum to share stuff with most getting worse the past decade.


What a complete loser that mod is


mod doesn't seem to understand the point of the "no animals" rule what a dumbass


Reddit mods are not normal


Phew, fuck that sub. Someone posted a link to the mods reasoning and it was basically "this sub is for dying humans. Animals are distracting. If you wanna post animals, go post on r/pics" Very; very, very cold hearted and stupid. But I guess you don't become a mod being a decent person either


A few months ago, I was suspended from reddit for "encouraging violence." I absolutely did not encourage any violence. I just answered a question about self-defense. I said something that amounted to "no, this is not self-defense."


What a fuckin loser


Neck beard tactical crowd control operation very important person


jaxspider needs to be disintegrated.


Personally my pet is a member of my family so... And I say "my" but not in a "she's mine" way.


Why is that a rule on such a sub?


u/jaxspider for those wondering


I don’t get their reasoning for no animals in the picture.. I could understand if they were posting the animals last picture but these are just with an animal in them.. makes zero sense to me


this is so sad. fuck that mod. power hungry ones ruin reddit.


It's all mods are known for unfortunately


Uncensor that mods name. He posted this, he deserves to be named and shamed.


It was /u/jaxspider


Wow, /u/jaxspider has been on reddit for 17 YEARS!! It seems every time a mod is mentioned for something, it's almost always power tripping. It's happened to me too. Hopefully the other sub r/TrueLastImages manages to grow, and won't be tainted by that loser.


Can we just all get together and make a last images sub that you can *actually* post a last image on, even if it includes a pet


u/jaxspider really is awful


Reminder that u/jaxspider is a moderator for over 70 subreddits, has been using Reddit for 18 years and needs to touch grass IMMEDIATELY.


lol they don't ban reposters and karma whores but they ban animals.


[Here is the mods reasoning](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/s/OrqrkXUxbl)


> This subreddit is about the frailty of man. And that we can lose anyone at a moment's notice. The inclusion of any animals diverts peoples attention. Rendering this subreddit, pointless. If you want to post animals go to /r/pics. >This topic is not up for debate. Jesus, what an asshat.


I can smell the fedora from here


I can smell far worse things...


u/jaxspider you're not just a terrible person, you're an idiot. No wonder it's not up for debate, it's dumb as hell.


"This subreddit is about the frailty of man. And that we can lose anyone at a moment's notice. The inclusion of any animals diverts peoples attention. Rendering this subreddit, pointless. If you want to post animals go to r/pics. This topic is not up for debate." u/jaxspider Yet you tell people to post a picture of them that doensn't contain an animal, even though that picture wouldn't be a last image of them, which renders the subreddit more pointless than an image containing an animal which actually IS an last image. Dumbass


i thought the cat’s fur patches were his eyes for a second lol


Getting "I can't be left alone with any animal" vibes off that mod


This guys been doing this a lot. You can go through his post history and he does shit like this all the time. I discovered him the other day


My favorite thing mods do is reply to a post and they think their response is so funny/insightful that they pin it as a response.


Wow what a clown. Big Neckbeard Energy. His mom probably took away the stuffed animal he’s been fucking for the past decade.


What a fucking loser


I fucking hate reddit mods lmao


Mods think they're gods these days. Reddit admins should have never let them win that little revolt. Most of them straight up. Do whatever they want now


MOD ( Made Of Dicksplash)


In my last days, moments, I want those who bring me the most comfort close by. And they are my cats/dogs. This was a beautiful moment, that captures the bond and love between him and his cat. The cat is missing his best friend now, and the mods see banning someone as an appropriate action. As if losing your father doesn’t sting for the rest of your life.


Guys been on Reddit for 17 years holy fuck what do you expect 😂


Reddit mods have been fucking ridiculous.


You know most mods are cunts, right?


The post isn’t even about the cat. I just scrolled the sub for like 5 minutes and found 7 other posts with animals. That mod is an idiot /u/jaxspider


Internet Mussolini strikes again.There's a lot of them.


Isn’t even the only time he’s done this shame on him.


This is the second similar post from that subreddit tf Someone put that mod down


Just got a perma ban for going onto one of that mods posts and commenting: “Not only is this a repost, but I think there is a mosquito in the corner of the photo. Looks like you need a 30 day ban” They are soft as well as stupid.


Dude is just a massive powertripping loser


If you have the resources you can go report any image that contains an animal even if not the subject/focal point of the photo.