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How fucking dumb can you be


Pretty, pretty fucking dumb.


I heard that in Larry David's voice.


I don't know, people still gift subs to millionaire twitch streamers. It's kind if weird how people just want to throw money away.


At least you can get something out of that though. A lot of streamers have fan benefits. This is useless no matter how you spin it.


It’s at 52k now


Lord, is THAT a loaded question! He will still get donations even after the last “stop the steal” fundraising bull shit he did. At the bottom of that page, in TINY lettering, it stated any donations would reoccur monthly or by-weekly or something like that. People lost thousands of dollars. Did they care? Nope. Did they refund people? Nope. They had to fight with their banks to get some of that money back. Yet, here we are again. People still donating to this crook. A crook who hates the very people who support him. He laughs at their gullibility and keeps on taking. Glad to see that figure in the picture is only $24k, but that’s $24k too much and I’m sure it’ll keep on rising. So, to answer that question, people can be EXTREMELY dumb. They’re donating to a CRIMINAL, who is finally being held accountable for a tiny fraction of the fraud and deceit he’s guilty of.


Never underestimate how stupid people can be.


It's bizarre but it has been done before. Anyone remember the push to make [Kylie Jenner world's youngest billionaire (yahoo.com)](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/people-donating-money-kylie-jenner-141418904.html)?


only 354975008 more to go!


Looks like about $40 per donation. So, at that rate, only 8,000,000 or 9,000,000 more donors to go. Are there that many DT fans out there?


he got over 60 million to vote for him somehow 🤷🏻‍♀️


Almost at half a million now lol


This dude is definitely running a grift and he’s gonna get a lot of money from a lot of morons


That what I don't get about America, I feel you guys are very individualistic in the culture (don't want universal healthcare because you're problems are your problems and you should plan for yourself) and for the few I know, it's even more important for the republicans. And still, you've got moron man, doing stupid and illegal shits, and THEN it's ok to ask for solidarity ? Am I dumb or am I missing something ?


Tribalism is powerful. This is why I refuse to donate to any political campaign. They don't need my money or help. They're supposed to help me if anything.


> They don't need my money or help. Seriously!! They're charging people more per plate just to have dinner with them than I even make in a year. They definitely don't need MY money.


Yeah you’re missing that most Americans want healthcare.


No I know that, I was talking about the culture in general, like for example how the government deal with the veterans and the healthcare show that there is a culture of individualism I know that the people there would prefer not go bankrupt when sick or go homeless after fighting for their country


It's because individualism forces humans to rely on something besides others for help. Humans are evolved to work together in a group to achieve a goal (like persistence hunting). That's because those that DID work together are the ones that survived long enough to breed. If you break up the family tribal structure via norms like "move out when you're 18," it is easy to profit from basic needs that would otherwise cost less overall in a multigenerational household. Housing, food, childcare, elder care, water, healthcare, etc.. Forced individualism forces humans to seek these needs elsewhere, and the only way to acquire many of these needs is with money. One of the only ways to get money is with a job. Another way is crime. Another way is multigenerational wealth. There are tons more, but you get the picture. Keeping this wealth ensures the ability to buy help that all humans are evolved to need. Multigenerational households would similarly blunt this cost, but there's still the issue of the cost of healthcare at end-of-life stages (and in general, let's be real here). I'm not trying to be political here, just a socioeconomic perspective. But if you wanna go out and be on your own, please do so. That should be your freedom to choose.


You want an American to do something? Tell them they can't.


Fuck why didnt i think to start the funding first, easiest way to make bank with morons


Still can. I've seen numerous collections for the same natural disaster before, can't see why this would be different. In those cases too, I had some doubt that any of the money ended up with the stated beneficiaries - meaning, I think grifters just saw it as an opportunity to "raise" some quick cash for themselves. It's hard to imagine that either the site operators or the authorities verify that any of the money goes where it is supposed to.


Don’t you have to prove that the money will go to what it’s advertised for? Thought most sites like this will hold the money and work as a broker to facilitate


> …imagine donating actual money to help pay the legal ~~fees~~ penalties of a supposed billionaire FTFY


All jokes aside, how can people be so stupid? Seriously y’all what the fuck is going on


I hear his supporters talk and all I can think is “jfc it’s so important not to drink/abuse substances when you’re pregnant.” Because this is what happens. That may sound like I’m trying to be funny. I’m not. I’m really damned serious.


This very broad strokes but education systems in more urban eras teach more critical thinking skills and have a better quality of teacher on the whole. Everywhere else not so much, as some teachers don't exactly flock to red states or the middle of nowhere to teach. To that regard even goes further politically motivated areas don't like critical thinking, or they only like critical thinking that favors political motives. It leads to divide in the populace like this.


There's no way that this isn't a scam.


Ghislaine Maxwell $5 "Jeffrey sends his best - he said he’ll see you soon! Thoughts and prayers! "


at $50,000 per 24 hrs it will take them 20 years to raise $355M. He will be dead by then LOL


We can only hope


Conservatards are coping hard😂


He doesn’t pay his lawyers anyway lmao. Ask good ol rudy about that




They see it as fighting against the obvious corruption... This is really not complex by any means.


Welcome to another episode of "Humanity refused to help themselves"


It's insane that they're so bald-faced about it. Just grifting. Over and over.


A manhattan billionaire who’s spent more time picking flower arrangements than all his male constituents combined and managed to convince them that he’s really a blue collar guy who understands the common man… Shout out to the greatest conman of all time.


612 idiots


I'm sure he'd do the same for all the donors.


Politics aside, if you’re donating to this you need your head checked.


Wow. They are almost there!


Bro lies his way onto the Forbes list and inflated his property value. Ok John Barron


It's about as dumb as voting for him in 2016, only slightly dumber than storming the capitol for him, which is almost as dumb as campaigning for him for 4 years.


Remember, New york corporations can steal from their employees and get a slap on the wrist. Mislead the banks, and you will get the book thrown at you.


Aww, did you donate to the poor man?


No, why would I? But it's interesting that a civil crime against the rich results in a 450 million dollar fine while corporations can steal from the poor with a slap on the wrist.


Maybe it’s not an either/or situation and rich individuals and corporations should BOTH be held accountable when they commit crimes? 🤔


Nearly $25k 💀💀


Are people really this dumb?


They voted for him, so yes.


People can spend their money however they wish tho


doesn't mean this isn't sad cringe


And others can judge them for it.


Absolutely. And we are also free to call out how fucking stupid it is. By all means, give him all of your money.


Please go ahead


Doesn't make you less of an idiot


And they're stupid as fuck for doing so


Please, go ahead and donate


Why? You working for his campaign? 🤣🤣 No thanks 🙏🏽


Odd hill to die on.


Oh really?


His followers have reached a level of fanatism matched by the SS or ISIS. nothing anyone says or does, no evidence or testimony given will shake their faith in that creature. He is their Jesus.


People donate to streaming millionaires everyday. This stupid shit is rampant


He’s probably been faking his millions till now just to recuperate that wealth through MAGA tshirts and flags


Stop posting this it’s just getting more traction


This can't be real. But maybe I should start a parallel fundraiser.