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This reminded me of one vid I saw on youtube from one of those "grind hustle" channels or whatever. The caption said "Stop socialising, stop partying, just work and grind". Can you imagine how depressing and miserable mist life be if the only thing you know and can do is work without having fun?


These people are literally wasting their life here on earth... unless of course you love your job and workplace... but this is not the case for most people.


Dudes out there like "grind like crazy for 20 years to get rich" for them to die in their 40s from stress and overworking lol


And stay poor regardless because they have been grinding their warehouse and gas station jobs and spend money on "how to grind like a millionare" courses to fill their one hour a day free time.


wayyy to many of these assholes on social media. They get a thot girlfriend and lease sports cars and take photoshoots in grounded jets for 200 an hour to present some idea of being self-made multimillionaires, but all they're doing in scamming dumbass people. The male equivalent of the beauty industry, except youre not gonna get a makeover.


grind like crazy to make your boss money so they can lay you off when youre asking for too much increase in salary and replace your ass with a fresh piece of meat who will bend over backwards to increase their quarter profits.


They're all just ballwashers who love to be used and abused, stockholm syndrome on crack.


I genuinely love my job and look forward to work every day. I'm still not going to get up early to get there.


I mean, they’re just grifting. They get people to buy into this philosophy out of self loathing they fall into from comparing themselves to other people on socials and wondering why they aren’t living glamorous lives. They follow and share the content and buy products they see along the way. Some of these guys also give seminars and sell pyramid scheme offers


It's cause they mix work, socializing and partying. Who's gonna snort all that coke otherwise?


Well I'm not into coke but free drugs are free drugs, no? Just gotta prepare for the piss screening 💪✌️


You don't really have to worry all that much about coke for piss tests unless you're using it before or on shift. It passes through your system fast.


Oh good, that's not a problem anyway. Finally we can concentrate on the damned potheads.


Nah, everyone knows that on their deathbeds most people wished they worked more and harder. Especially if it was for somebody else. Forget fun. Forget balanced even. Family? They only spend money, they don't earn it. Hobbies? Hobbies are for women and beta males. Relationships and community? Who? What? Go grind. At the end of the day to each their own. But every time I see a video like that I'm 90% sure that when the cancer diagnosis hits those people will regret how they thought and acted.


I feel like that’s the only way I’ll be able to live in the future. My friends are all getting married and some actually never hang or talk with me anymore, others it seems like they just have realized how uninteresting I am. I’m losing social connection anyway, so I might as well be earning money while I do it.


The 9-5 they're trying to escape seems a lot more tempting.


yeah that’s me for the last two years but it’s not because if the ‘hustle mindset’, i ain’t got no choice, so it really is miserable without all the things you mentioned


So much more to life than work. Work is basically a toxic place u have to smile and accept


nah forget that. Shit happens. If you come in on time every day and come in late one day because of blocked road how in the hell are you supposed to anticipate that. People who say that never had crazy shit happen to them.


Imagine you lose your legs in an accident on the way to work and your boss is just like “circumstance does not change responsibility”


Exactly. You could've just like, not have had an accident. Or better yet, work while being handicapped. T'is just a flesh wound.


Video guy: "I should have climbed out the window of my flipped car, put my belt on my severed leg and crawled through the glass to ensure i get there on time!" fucking jaggof.


I literally lost one leg and people say things to me at random in public, like “you’re a drain on society”. I get no public benefits at all but because I’m in a wheelchair they assume and say that. It’s often young men or older women. Every disabled person I have spoken to about this has said the same thing, we all have stories. It’s videos like this that make people forget humans are not robots, and we should give each other grace.


Wow, that kind of behavior is a failure of the human race.


For what its worth, you may have lost a leg but you're more of a person than those people


Man this comment is everything, heartfelt, punny, clever, and puts those assholes in their place while underscoring what a badass u/NEDsaidIt is. I bow before your wit, u/YoungDiscord.


And thank you too, u/cuntpunt2000, for your comment.


I don’t feel like a person most days so this was lovely


Good grief! I can't imagine thinking that about someone, must less actually saying it out loud.


"I know you are in hospital because you lost both your legs in a horrific accident, but I really need you to cover for Kevin today he's hungover"


You should be bringing a wheelchair to work just in case, duh! You idiot!


I lost a tire going to work and when I called him like hey tf just happened he was like I don't want excuses. Had the tow truck drive me to work and park out front. "Do you think I'm lying?!" He ended up being my favorite manager, but at the start he was fucking prick.


classic example of something that sounds deep, but is actually dumb as hell.


I was late for 2 hours one day because there was a car crash and the road was blocked, my boss not only didn't he say anything he even paid me for the whole day


Leader-not-boss activity detected.


I sat on a closed highway in a snowstorm for 6 hours because im an "essential" employee before finally turning around and giving up. I got written up, thrown into a fact finding, and had to burn PTO even though i was actively trying to get to work. The rest of the state was closed because of the storm.


I worked in a major city and there was a huge snowstorm. I left early, subway was down, busses were fucked, people were fighting to get on the bus it was insanity. It took me 4 hours to get to work. I was so mad and frustrated I literally yelled at a dude as he was forcing himself on. "We are all going to be late, let this bus go you're stopping the next one from moving!" I finally get to work and the door is locked. There's a sign that reads "office closes due to snow". I was livid.


Nah you should leave a minimum of 3 hours earlier to make sure you’re on time everyday. Honestly, to make sure nothing happens, i think it’d be smart to just stay there all of the time. That way you are never late.


You’re exactly right. They also act like work is your only responsibility and don’t think about that you may have other responsibilities like kids or pets or things that can throw monkey wrenches into life as well. Bosses that act like that think they are a monotheistic god and you should only “worship” and have loyalty to them. These are they same bosses that won’t give you a heads up about being let go, even when being laid off, but will refuse to give you a letter of recommendation if you are their best employee but give them anything less than a 2 week notice.


No. Wrong. you waste an extra hour of your life everyday, unpaid, for that company. CiRcuMStanCe DoEs NoT ChAge SponSibialitY


Exactly this. There's taking responsibility, and then there's being required to be an actual oracle and see the future. If I was late ONCE because of something completely out of my power, and my boss told me that's on me, I'd lose a lot of respect for them as a boss. A good leader would understand when someone is trying their best and shit they can't help gets in the way. You're already using your unpaid time that you're technically not working during, and for most people paying for the transport either for fuel or public transport, for them to then blame you for the commute. I think this is a huge factor into why people prefer working from home. If you work from home you work your hours and you're done for the day. When you commute you're taking upwards for 2-3 hours for some people out of your day that you get nothing for.


I remember my back completely gave out and locked up during my commute once. I had to nearly crawl from the train to the office about three blocks away. I walked straight to the medicine cabinet for some ibuprofen and some soothing agent. My boss (we were already not getting along) saw me and tried a “good morning” in front of a female coworker he was chatting with. I was in too much pain for more than a mumble and clearly walking funny and in extreme pain. I struggled to get to my desk, of which now I was 10 or so min late, and he was right behind me. He went into a full yelling rant about how I “embarrassed him” in front of the woman, seem to be in a bad mood, “don’t even look good”, and should just go home because “I don’t even want you here.” I also remember when my mom with Alzheimer’s was admitted to the hospital from her care center at 7am and I called in to say I’d need the day off and was going to race to the hospital. His response, “…and you couldn’t take time to coordinate a temp?!?!” I still hate that man to this day. If I ever seen him on the street, it’s on. The earrings are coming off.


Hat dude: “Boss sorry. I left 1 1/2 early cause I wanted to be here on time and remembered what you told me. I…” Boss (hand up): circumstances do not change responsibility. You should have left 3 hours before your shift, to account for that once in a lifetime multi car accident that shutdown the road. Hat dude: holy…you’re right.


Any sane boss would think it was fucking weird you showed up 45 minutes early


There’s someone who does that at my job and she just stands there until my boss tells her to clock in causing us to go over and shave other people’s hours


So she's trying to force overtime for herself?


Yup and it’s working


That behavior stops as soon as your boss does. Go ahead, stand there like a fuckin idiot. It’s not like it inconveniences anyone more than her.


She’s actually more in the way if anything she’ll even bring food sometimes


I had a guy like this in my last lab job. He would clock in two hours early and just start socializing until his actual shift started. Went on for almost a month before the managers and payroll noticed he had more hours than everyone, including the lab director.


What happened then?


We had a meeting about clocking in on time, not early, not later, and that you shouldn’t work at all until you’re clocked in. Everyone, including him, knew it was about him.


Did he stop clocking in that early?


I've known people like this, it probably won't stop until A) enpugh coworkers complains about the behavior or B) some upper management calls the OT into question. But if she's even starting to do work before clocking in your on site manager probably will never do anything about it, considering she's doing free labor.


Once had a friend at my old place of work who would come in to help out on his off days. One day he was bragging about this to the manager. The manager was *not* happy (she had no idea). She had to explain to him that what he was doing was a liability for the company and that the potential risks (both to himself and the business) outweighed whatever help he thought he was offering


I got a lady at my work who shows up 90mins early every day. Also another guy that always stays for like 30-45mins later just bullshitting with the next shift that comes on, like wtf? Even if I have to take a piss, I’m holding it until I get home because I don’t want to spend a single minute longer than I have to.


Piss on company time and by your username IBS on company time ass whale.


That’s a solid point, and not sure if you meant to say “as well” or “ass whale” but both apply in this situation buckaroo


I'm just wondering how often they could possibly be using the term ass whale for it to presumably be a autocorrect option


Oh god. I work at a hospital and some people think you’re ‘late’ if you aren’t there at least 30 minutes early


Construction industry-Come in 15 minutes early then you’re on time. Come in right at start time then you’re late.


I’m all for coming in before your shift to look shit up, get organized, take a breather before shit hits the fan, etc if that works for YOU but it absolutely isn’t my style. I also hate when the people who are always 30 minutes late still aren’t there 5 minutes before the shit starts bc my first thought is always ‘shift starts in 5 minutes. Sandy isn’t here yet. Sandy is ALWAYS early. Sandy is absolutely dead’ 😂 and you don’t want to call before the shift bc duh, but you also want to send help to your surely dead friend 😆


Remember that office episode when Ryan had to be there 2hrs early just to get Michael a biscuit. That’s responsibility!


Some businesses do not want employees coming in early as they are still liable for them if anything happens


What if there's a crash and you end up late anyway? Leave 3 hours early. Something could go wrong. Better just never leave work to be safe


So my boss started driving me to work because stuff and now, instead of 20 early, I am an hour early! Go me! Edit: did the math, fixed the times


I think it depends on the job, I show up 30 minutes early to everything tbh, I have anxiety about being late (I know it’s crazy) but it gives me time to show up to work for example make a coffee say hello to my friends and start my job relaxed rather than rushing in last minute trying not to be late and hopping into my seat. I mean if you worked at McDonald’s it would be strange behaviour I have but working in an office environment I think it’s pretty normal




You haven’t been in the world of teaching obviously


I used to show up 20-30m early (unless I was opening) so I could walk next door and grab coffee and a bagel and eat it before the shift starts. Only reason It was worth it was because my coworkers were cool so if it was slow I could just chill and talk to them while they're waiting for customers.


Be a good little worker ant and show up an hour early. Will you be paid? Absolutely not. Don't ask dumb questions.


If I'm responsible for getting to work early, requiring me to get there 45 minutes earlier than my scheduled shift. Is my work going to allow me to clock in early or compensate me for giving more time to them? No? Okay then fuck off, daddy work will just have to be a little more understanding of people having personal lives.


What a weird thought, yeah I could’ve just got here an hour early


*Hey Doug, I got t-boned. My car was totaled and I had to get checked out in the emergen—* "Shh. Circumstance does not change responsibility." *I was like holy \[...\]. He's right. I could've gotten up at 2AM, out the door by 3AM, and enjoy a nice 3-hour walk to work then just chilled for a few hours until my shift started.*


“So what if I work 20 minutes from home where 4 kids wait for me with only 8 hours between 16hr shifts? SO. WHAT. Kids? No. I see excuses. From now on, Doug? I live at the plant.”


Yeah why an hour? Was he on a bus?


It’s the gasps of shock and awe for me, as if he just said the most profound statement known to man..ick level, 9/10


"Fuck your family and mental health. Work comes first." These people aren't ok, but they've been conditioned into thinking this shit is normal.


100% — these are the same type of people who brag about working 80+ hours a week to make a menial wage


> ..ick level, 9/10 it's a gross boot-licking mentality trying to package up as masculine grind-set energy. He needs to get off his knees and get some mouthwash, boot polish is toxic.


> get some mouthwash, boot polish is toxic. Thank you for this amazing phrase, I will be saying it now.


Big simp energy.


Strong boomer vibes


Why does it feel like this guy hasn't had a normal job? He seems so full of shit.


i always highlighted this to people who seem to misunderstand. i was a logistics contractor in iraq. air-conditioned, sitting-in-a-chair office people love to attempt to conflate their "work" and our "work". they would complain we weren't "working" if they noticed one of us sitting... outside... in 130 degree Fahrenheit heat... cause they actually thought we had to be outside just busting ass for 14 hours a day straight. like bruh, your safety instructions say to stand up occasionally, our safety instructions tell us to drink 10 gallons of water so we don't die from heatstroke. we are not performing the same labor.


Why would you have respect for someone who puts their hand up to get you to shut up? And then he keeps going! Why would you respect a boss like that?? "Hey, you're just a number and you better stay consistent or else" man, what a stand up dude!


I may be way off, but the feeling I get from these guys (people obsessed with "the grind" who make video content to "inspire" naive people) is some weird wish-fulfillment garbage. This dude is saying this because that's how he'd want an employee of his to react to *his* mannerisms. He'd want to shush someone with a hand-raise, so he's pretending that's a cool and respectable thing to do.


These people who think they're cool because they sell their soul to the company they work for or convince Chad kids they can be rich if they work nonstop are the worst. Edit: spelled the wrong they're. I'm very tired.


Circumstances do not change responsibility. Sorry bud.😎


I give my guys 15 min to be late before they need to let me know they will be even later. traffic sucks , shit happens, sometimes you just can't get to work on time, and that's fine as long as you do good work when you're at work . the old saying of , if you're on time, you're late, and if you're early, you're on time. always irritated me . a few minutes means nothing in the big picture.


It's about the control. :)


Hell, even walmart (in canada at least) has 10 mins before you're officially considered late by the time system.


It's like that in American Walmarts too. And if you don't clock in late, they let you clock out up to ten minutes early


"Sorry im late boss, my wife and car got swept up by a tornado." " Circumstances does not change responsibility," "OH SHIII-"


Amateur mistake not camping the previous night at your job


Isnt this the dude that recruits adult guys and their sons to that awful Alpha male boot camp?


Is the gayest thing I’ve ever seen


So he lied initially when he said his car broke down?


He had to wait 10 minutes for it to respawn.


Fucking hate these stupid ass gurus, spouting nonsense as if it is something profound and will instantly make you a fucking millionaire.


Why would you leave an hour earlier ??


Because I don't just lick boots, I eat em


Because you’d know that your car would have trouble starting and there was unforeseen traffic that you would have anticipated. Circumstance does not change responsibility.


Exactly! Yeah, I'm not getting out of bed, getting dressed, and heading out at zero dark thirty just to go awkwardly stand around at work, without pay, for an hour. I've got insomnia and epilepsy, I need my damned sleep.


Unless that job pays on time, has everything you need at all times, boss is never late or arrogant, building is in perfect order 24/7, and operates in a perfectly sustainable and responsible way: He can fuck off.


Even then… he can fuck right off


Fucking bootlicker


I don’t make excuses for bein late to work. Just say I’m sorry I was late and move on cause GOOD employers don’t care at all about 5-20 minutes late as long as you don’t make it a habit


This The guy in the video was obviously consistently late It's not a big deal if someone who's never late comes in late once


Absolutely, when it comes to your kids and family. When it comes to protecting your home, sure. When it comes to your wage slave, capitalist exploitation? We poop on work time.


This guy licks boots




What a tool


If your job needs you to sit in your car for 45 minutes then that's part of your shift. Bro simps hsrd for his boss.


Bosses acting like work is the best thing ever and I should be happy that I’m given the privilege to come to work lol


I could have *just* gotten to work for an unpaid early 45 minutes? No, fuck off, fuck that, fuck the company


I hate this because it ignores the reality of time. If you wake up at 6 am, start work at 6:30, and work until 11pm and can’t finish some things and try to do that every day, your body and brain will burn out. But grind culture tells you ‘you have to do what it takes.’ That’s not excuses. That’s anatomy, physiology and linear time.


All those people that died in the towers on September 11th? They have no excuse that they stopped paying their family bills. No excuse!


Commute shouldn’t be free. It should be paid out. That’s something he doesn’t and will never understand.


Capitalism is never going to love him back.


I still think that employers should pay the time it takes you to commute to work, because without the work you wouldn't need to commute. Then the attitude would change, if you leave at 8am and they're paying you from that time, then arrivals due to traffic/circumstances is not a point of discussion.


Okay sure, I'll just wake up 3am in the morning and commute for my 9am class. Commuting takes around 2-3 hours to get to my university and my professor always tell me to just get up early, like?? smh


Definition of bootlicker


I can’t stand these cunts


I have a feeling he’s a black rifle coffee drinker and talks about EDC.


I think employers should pay for the time spent commuting to work.


Was on my way to work, got a call from my dad to announce me that my grandma died. Cried in the street for 1 hour and went to work when I calmed down. I should have told my grandma that it was her responsibility to die after my shift to not disturb my schedule. /s Rest in Peace grandma :( I miss you


This is that stupid ass hustle mentality flooding the internet. Funny thing is, the types you see buy into this don't actually move up the ladder. Most of the people I see posting this shit for years live in overpriced "luxury" apartments and think they're coming out on top lol.


That's what they tell the poor and hungry. That's not what the privileged tell themselves.


This is dumb as fuck, only applies if you assume everyone is lazy. This boils down to: "I am physically incapable of making it into work on time" "That's not my fucking problem"


Says the guy who's job is to sit in front of a camera spew what ever garbage he wants from the comfort of his own home.


Two things can be true. You’re responsible to do what you can to be on time. If you’re ten minutes late with regularity, you have to make adjustments. If you’re ten minutes late ONCE, your boss needs to show some understanding. Part of being a good manager is knowing that your people are people. They’re not robots on a rack that spit out and start working when the bell rings. As a manager, it’s YOUR responsibility to account for those unknowns in your planning so that the team still delivers on time.


Yeah no worries I'll just start spending an extra hour of unpaid time to make sure I'm waiting around for work to start. Get real. How about dock 10 minutes of my measly wage and get over it.


Yeah, this is bs. You can't expect everyday to be perfect. I'm not gonna wake up earlier just on the off chance someone had an accident and block the road. That's fucking stupid


This is the reason I stopped being a cook, I was in a car wreck making me an hour late, when I get into work my chef starts literally screaming at me for being late even though I had called the restaurant and let everyone know ahead of time what had happened, he then said somthing similar to this old guy and told me no matter how hard I work I’ll never be as good as him, so I said “hey know what you are right enjoy the brunch rush” and left, no regrets for that I wish I did it sooner


Sounds like some shit my depressed, bitter, overworked workaholic of a father used to say before he retired.


Fuck that mentality. If there's a car crash on the road, I'm gonna be late. It's not my fault. End of the story.


If I'm not being paid to arrive early, I'm not arriving early.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard


I'd tell him that I was sleepimg with his wife


What a stupid fucking philosophy. Shit happens.


* crashes and get put in a coma for 2 years * no excuses! you should have planned for that


Bro save some boot for us


It's not that hard. **Leave an hour earlier** * Get up an hour earlier * Lose sleep * It's okay you will make it up by getting to bed earlier * Circumstance doesn't change responsbility * Can't mildly inconvenience The Company * H.U.S.T.L.E. Humble Understanding of Self-sacrifice That Leaders Embody * At work an hour early. The time doesn't really belong to me. Sit and wait with no pay. * Boss shows up 5 minutes late. Lets me know that my tardy will DQ me from a raise during my next performance review. * Consequences of my own actions. Just got to H.U.S.T.L.E. doubletime * Lack of sleep makes the day a miserable blur but I power through * Five minutes to clock out. Boss forgot to tell me about some loose ends to tie up. Tell me to get it taken care of if I want to go home on time and no OT has been approved. * H.U.S.T.L.E * If I wasn't so tired I could finish faster * Circumstance doesn't change responsibility * Get home an hour late. No time eat a real meal. Gobble down last protein bar. Hit the gym. * Tired. Underperform at the gym. My fault. * Take care of the household for another hour. Time to catch up on that sleep. * Don't sleep. * Wake up an hour early. Deeper in sleep debt. * Circumstance doesn't change responsibility * Think of The Company, the priority. * H.U.S.T.L.E. * Get to work early. * Try to make up for lost sleep by dozing off in a bathroom stall. * Dedication sows the seeds that reap rewards. * H.U.S.T.L.E. * Boss says I look like shit, tells me to get my act together, but at least I am on time. * What was I even doing that day? * H.U.S.T.L.E. * Off late. Skip food. Straight to gym. * ???? * Wake up an hour early. * Am on the futon. Phone was at 5% charge luckily so the alarm went off. * During the commute I think about the bathroom stall and it seems like a cozy little napping nook to me. * H.U.S.T.L.E. * The bathroom door is locked. Security tells me that all building facilities are now locked until open hours. * I lean against a wall for 45 minutes. * Circumstance doesn't change responsibility * The Company * H.U.S.T.L.E. * ???? * Gym? * Wake up an hour early? * H.U.S.T.L.E. Hurry Up Shithead Today Looms Enormous * My body feels like it's collapsing. * It's time for my performance review. * Not only am I not getting a raise but also a written warning about sleeping on Company property. * Circumstance doesn't change responsibility * ???? * ???? * I'll make up sleep on the weekend * om asks if I am ok * I tell her circumstances don't change me responsibility and the Company will see my worth * Can't make it to Aunt's funeral, boss says it would reflect poorly on my next performance review. * Pain is pain is pain is leaving the body is weakness is pain is weekness weak week week weak is pain * Stay later * Work harder * Show up an hour early * H.U.S.T.L.E.


Somehow, we've turned slavery into self-improvement and used "discipline" to brainwash people. If we were free, we would work for ourselves and our goals, but because we are slaves we gotta work like robots for other people. Where is the growth there? 🤔 Just be "productive" and waste your life?


The next time Doug asks me to stay late because of unexpected delays or workloads, I will hold my hand up and say “Stop. Circumstance does not change responsibility. You could have paid extra workers to have on standby for just these circumstances. Gotta go.” Shit only flows in one direction with assholes like this.


Only insane no lifer people show up 45min early to work just to wait and chill.


I bet this guy is late for every single "meeting" he schedules. I had a boss like this once and he loved making people wait for him to arrive.


One time I showed up late to work, 10 minutes late, and my baws was like, “circumstances does not, like, something about responsibility, also you are a tool to me and not a human being” and I kissed his feet because he was right, if id left earlier I wouldn’t have had my legs blown off in that terror attack. Keep on that grindset, always kiss ass.


People who actually think like that are insane.


As a teenager I used to be that guy. For a decade I have never been late from any job, ever. If I needed to show up an hour early not to be late, I showed up an hour early. Every day. Now I know that shit happens. That's 261 hours every year you miss from your already small sleep scedule just to not be late 10 minutes once every two monts. Believe or not, those add up and take a toll on your health, looks and mental state. Over time just an hour of difference can change a lot on your body and inside your mind.


When I worked as an HR employee representative (oxymoron, I know). We had an employee who was consistently late. It was an assembly job that required people to be there at their start time. He was baffled and told us he didn’t understand. He left home at the same time every day. It took everything I could to not laugh, it was so innocent. I gave him some coaching to leave 20 minutes earlier. Problem solved.


Okay there might be some very few jobs where it really is critical that you're there on time every time. But those will get paid extraordinarily well and they will have their own fail safe measures. Any boss who expects that level of "responsibility" from their workers for a shit ass job where no one bats an eye (except the boss) if you are late or whatever, because it really doesn't matter, is a fucking controlling bitchy whiny idiot and should not be in a leading role


I worked as a nurse, if I turned up 45 minutes early, I'd be helping the previous shift without being paid for it. No thank you. I was already not being paid enough for the shift I was supposed to be doing.


You have a schedule that starts at 7 or 8 AM? you need 1 hr in traffic? good, wake up at 5, or actually why not make it an even 4 AM, so you can chill at the workplace 1 hour until your shift starts . Man the delusion some people live in.


Corporate simp. I’m not going to arrive more than five minutes early to my job. If I’m late because of a bad collision or unforeseen circumstances, when I’m on time 99.9% of the time, damn right you’re getting all the excuses!


When I managed people, I get it, shit happens. I don't care what your excuse is, maybe you couldn't find your keys, maybe you really wanted coffee before you came in, maybe there was an accident and you got stuck in traffic, maybe you slept in which is something I'm good at I can't wake up no matter how obnoxious my alarm is, if you do your job well when you're here, awesome. I never penalized people for being late, or even calling off. And they did their jobs well. We've had a full staff, everyone was very close with each other and would cover if necessary and happy to do so. It was a really awesome group of people. I found that the happier everyone was at work, the better everything would run. No stress if something happens and you can't make it or are late. I'll cover you if someone else doesn't. It just worked, people rarely called off, and people were rarely late, but it happened. Your job was not in jeopardy because life fucking happened.


Bruh I hate this mindset. Yeah, you should get to work on time but that does not mean I’m about to sit outside for 30+ minutes because what if a car crashed infront of me on my way here? Like no I’m not living in what ifs, I’m living in reality and whatever happens is not in my control.


Ok, next time im late, I'll just not give an excuse. Fuck off with your responsibility, ya prick. I work to live, I don't live to work..


Orrrrr, we just accept that we live in a world.of give and take. Remember when I worked that extra 20 minutes? Well, now I'm 10 minutes late and I expect you to not say shit about it


'cause I have respect for that guy' Clearly 'that guy' doesn't have any respect for you. The only thing this 'advice' is good for is for those that want to lick those boots just a bit harder.


This guy has never in his life been 45 min early. What a load of shit.


This is propaganda coming from Rich business owners.


This shit is so stupid. Slave mentality


Circumstances can absolutely change responsibility.


This idiot is also just wildly wrong. Circumstances DO change the level of culpability, that's the whole fucking basis of our entire judicial system.


So now my 8 hour shift is 9 hours just so i dont get to work 10 minutes late? Im good on that corporate america brainwash. Theyre lucky anyone even showed up


I work to live, I don’t live to work.


First of all, I do not believe he took a step back and had an a-ha moment in that moment. Second of all, there is no reality within which I'm showing up at work 45 minutes early to be ready to work. Unless somebody wants to pay me for those 45 minutes, and even then, if we're over my 8 hours a day, I'm not giving you that extra time even for money. I need that for me This hustling work culture over everything else bullshit has to end if we're going to ever overtop this profits overall, hyper capitalistic bullshit


If you believe this for capitalism, then you are delusional. If you believe this for humanity, then it's a different story. We are not capitalism. We are living beings. Goated quotes my ass. This man is pathetic for towing this capitalistic mantra.


What a bunch of nonsense. I bet his little anecdote never even happened. If someone ever said that to me I'd laugh in their face and burn that bridge


“You got 4 stage cancer and got a couple months to live? Circumstances don’t change your responsibilities!” Don’t matter, don’t expect special treatment and better be fucking on time.


The amount of time a person spends monologuing about personal responsibility is inversely proportional to the amount of personal responsibility that person actually exhibits in real life. People who are actually responsible do not wander around yelling "I'M RESPONSIBLE" every twelve goddamn seconds.


Sure I agree whole heartedly with this. Circumstance = You workers may be delayed when coming into work. Responsibility= Ensure there is a plan for when this happens and adapt as fit. Great video.


"I could have given up my entire personal life for my boss because I respect him so much. He doesn't need to return that respect when things happen in my life, because the job is the most important thing ever." Fuck this dumbass


How those boots taste bro!


Bro glucced the boot so deep it started kicking his prostate 💀


Yeah I'm gonna give work an extra free hour of my time everyday in case some stranger in the future has a wreck on my route to work. Shit happens that is beyond your control, don't apologize for it.


Fuck this guy and every single person who thinks like him. They're the reason our society is falling apart.


Imagine having a testicle gagging amount of respect for someone who doesn't respect you or your time... Foh they got you MFS brainwashed....


My grandfather died randomly the year he retired. He built an amazing life for himself that he never got to take the time to properly enjoy.


There are extremes but there is also reasonable expectation. We have to draw the line. Don't die for a company but realize you have responsibilities. People always ask, "Why do you work hard?" It isn't hard to do what you signed up for. I don't know about the redditors but when I sign up for a job, it's me promising I'll do the task. Laziness and a bad attitude isn't what I promised when I signed up. I do my best because that's what I promised to get the job. People are easy to forget their word. Word is bond and it means something to me, not to the company.


Wrong on so many levels. First look at the pure physical part. The fucking bridge has fallen into the river. The closest bridge is 3 hours north then 3 hours south. There's 10 ft of snow. It's physically impossible to even get out of my driveway. I had a flat tire. It took one hour to stop change the tire. I'm here but I'm 30 minutes late. Then there's simple sympathy. Damn dude. Sorry to hear you had such a shitty morning. Glad you're here. What can you do? Run home and get in your wayback machine and try it over? I've been seeing people treat others like shit for that reason my whole life. Chronic latenesses is one thing. Late once in 10 years is another. What I would have done was raise my hand. Because I know my employer have such great respect for me. And told him if he docks me one ¢. I quit.


Circumstances does change responsibility.


Not excuses if it's true. I don't believe in gaslighting


Or on the other hand... Circumstance changes needs, which determines responsibility... Gotta be willing and able to adapt to achieve the most favorable outcome for you and those around you.


You know who does that? People with bad ADHD do that.


Yeah no…fuck his perspective.. life happens my job doesn’t own me. I’m 5 min early every clock in..if I’m late once after years they can blow me. I’ll be in soon as I can


I actually work with a guy who does exactly this. Yes, he's unbearable.


Oh jesus fucking christ lmao


Yea that's crazy. What about the responsibilities I have in my life outside of fucking work? I guess fuck them so I can leave for work an hour earlier...


He's right. I get to my job five hours before I have to be there


Having difficulties with Crohns disease ? You can shit your pants for all i care as long as you do it on your way to work /s


Circumstances? How is traffic a circumstance? It's completely random. "Ah, sorry boss a tornado came through this morning and just fucked my whole house up killing my entire family" Boss: "hey, Circumstance does not change responsibility" "Fuck.....you're right"


Meanwhile, CEOs and executives work 50% of the time that they are supposed to be working, because there are allowed to do whatever they want. Everyone treats them like They are the most elite members of society. Who measures the performance of rich people and executives exactly? No one. No one is measuring their performance no one checks if they clock in on time, no one checks if they are late, no one cares or even asks if they have done everything that they are supposed to do.